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Conall: The 93rd Highlanders, Book Two

Page 9

by Samantha Kane

  “None taken,” Graeme said calmly, though he didn’t feel calm. Conall was right. They’d opened Avril up to the kind of mischief that happened here tonight. What if Hamish hadn’t been about? “But I do have a plan.”

  Avril stepped out of their arms, and he was left standing there awkwardly, with his arm still around Conall. He tried to move away, but Conall wouldn’t let him, keeping a tight hold of his waist. Avril tipped her head to the side as she stared at them, and Graeme could see her desire, her approval of their intimacy. She hadn’t been lying to him—she really did want him and Conall together. He’d never understand women.

  “What is it?” she asked, wiping her cheeks with her gloved hands. “What kind of plan?”

  “First, you’re moving,” Graeme said. He held up a hand to silence her protest. “I’ve been looking for a better place for you. I know an officer who’s willing to trade his stone hut. You’ll be moving in there. And Conall and I will move our tents next to it to keep an eye on you. We’ll still be on the edge of the Ninety-third camp.”

  “Won’t they all know?” Avril said in a whisper, twisting her hands in her coat. “About us?” She motioned to the three of them. Graeme’s heart jumped. It was the three of them now, wasn’t it? He still wasn’t sure how that had happened. In his wildest dreams he’d never imagined it would ever come to pass.

  “Avril,” Conall said, and Graeme could tell he was going to make demands, he was going to force the issue of marriage with her again, and his timing couldn’t have been worse.

  “Don’t worry about that,” he interrupted Conall. “We’ll take care of it. Everything will be fine. Most people already know that you’ve been seeing the two of us.”

  “And they think me a whore,” she said bitterly. “I heard them.”

  “That’s not true,” Conall argued vehemently. “My brothers don’t. Our friends don’t. Some ignorant soldiers intent on making trouble spouted some nonsense. They don’t deserve your time of day.” He took Avril’s hands in his and kissed the back of each one tenderly. “No one who knows you would ever think that of you.”

  “It’s true,” she whispered miserably. “Because I want you both. No good woman wants two men, does she?” She looked over at Graeme. “And I don’t care. I won’t give you up.”

  Graeme knew that eventually she’d have to give him up. There was no doubt in his mind that she’d be marrying Conall in the end. But he was willing to stay as long as they wanted him.

  “No one’s going to make you,” he assured her. “Now go to bed. We’ll stay outside until morning, and then we’ll help you move your things.”

  It was past noon by the time they got Avril moved. The little hut was dug out of the ground, lined with stones with a wooden floor and a brushwood roof. It was much warmer than her last lodging. The officer willing to trade his lodgings was none other than Conall’s brother, Major Douglas Fletcher. He’d been sharing the hut with Captain Iain Roberts, who moved with him. Major Fletcher had been most eager to trade, and yet Avril was flushed and nervous around him when they met during the trading process. What must he think of her? she wondered. He was very polite and solicitous, but she suspected he thought badly of her. He had very little to move, and to her dismay neither did she. How had she married and lived for the past few years without accumulating possessions? She lived like a gypsy. And had started acting like one, it would seem, fornicating with two men. Well, one at a time, but she had a feeling that was going to change, and it was a change she welcomed.

  She’d missed Conall so much, not that she had any desire to give up Graeme. Both men were wonderful lovers and meant so much to her. Each day that passed saw her closer to saving enough money for passage home. She knew when the time came she’d go. But she’d go with enough memories to last her a lifetime. Now that Conall had gotten over all that marriage nonsense they were free to be as licentious as they chose, and Avril was choosing to be very licentious indeed. She giggled to herself as she folded her blanket and put it on the end of her cot. The little stone hut was so warm from the stove that she’d been able to take her coat off. She wanted to dance around in glee.

  “Now what has you so happy, darling?” Conall asked as he came through the door. “Me or your new lodgings?”

  “Both,” she said, laughing out loud as she gave in to temptation and spun into his arms. He laughed with her.

  “Good,” he said. He hugged her and set her down on her feet. “I’m duty officer tonight,” he said as he walked over and covered her windows with a heavy oilcloth nailed to the wall for just that purpose. It cast the room in gloom. “And I’m not waiting that long to fuck you. So come here.”

  “Conall,” she said, shocked. He’d never been one for daytime philandering.

  He walked over and grabbed her arms and pulled her close. “I need to fuck, Avril. It’s been weeks. Graeme’s mouth and hands aren’t enough.”

  Her knees went weak at his words. “Didn’t the two of you…” She couldn’t finish it.

  He shook his head and let her go. “No. I want to, and so does he, but somehow it didn’t seem right with things with you the way they were.”

  “But Graeme and I did,” she blurted out. “I’m so sorry! If I had known.”

  “Didn’t Graeme tell you what we did?” he asked, curious, as he pulled off his sash and his sword and then began to unbutton his jacket.

  “Yes, but I just thought he was leaving that part out,” she admitted.

  Conall laughed, not even trying to keep quiet. He pulled off his jacket and her mouth went dry at the sight of him wearing nothing but a thin cotton shirt. She could see his muscular arms and hairy chest right through it. He walked over and pulled her close again, wrapping his arms around her. “Wouldn’t you like to be there for that?” he whispered in her ear. “Don’t you want to watch me and Graeme fuck as much as I want to watch you and him fuck?”

  She groaned out loud at his words. “Yes,” she whispered, mortified at the desire and having to admit it. But Conall seemed pleased.

  “Good,” he said. “Then it won’t be long. Do you think I could have you both at the same time?” he mused. “I’ll have to ask Graeme. He knows more about this than I do.”

  As he was speaking the door opened suddenly and a burst of cold air came rushing in. “Ask me what?” Graeme demanded as he closed the door. “Sorry. Saw the door closed and the windows covered and worried Avril hadn’t gotten moved in.”

  “Can I fuck the two of you at the same time?” Conall asked, ignoring his apology. “I’d like that.”

  Graeme flushed at his question, much to Avril’s surprise. “Yes,” he said. “You’d have to let me take you and you’d take Avril.”

  In her arms Conall shivered. “I’d like that,” he whispered.

  Avril was light-headed at the thought. This was what it would mean, to be lovers with both of them. There’d be no one at a time anymore. It would be all three of them, her two men loving each other at the same time as her. She was a wanton whore because she could hardly stand to wait for it. She wanted it right now.

  “I think she’d like it too,” Conall said, watching her intently. She couldn’t speak. “How about a little bit of that now?” he asked in a teasing voice. “Graeme, I’ve got my hands full. Can you check and see if our girl is nice and wet and ready to fuck?”

  Avril wrapped her leg around Conall’s and Graeme got that hard look he wore when he was lustful and ready. She had trouble breathing as he moved up behind her.

  “Aye,” he said, his burr thick as it always was when he was aroused. He lifted her skirt slowly and the cool air hit her bare thighs and made her shiver. Graeme held his hand out so she could see it. “Take off my glove, Avril.”

  She slid her hands down Conall’s shoulders and she pulled them from his neck. Then she took Graeme’s hand in hers and pulled his glove off one finger at a time. Conall was breathing hard and heavy when she was done.

  “I love his hands,” Conall whispered in
her ear. “So rough and big. His damn fingers are thick as a pike. When he fucks you with them you know it for sure.” Avril whimpered.

  Graeme wasted no time. He reached between her legs and pushed his finger into her. “She’s wet,” he said. He kissed the side of her neck. “Very wet.” He began to fuck his finger in and out and with a gasp she moved with him, riding it.

  “Damn, so hot for it,” Conall breathed out in awe. “What do you want, Avril girl? What do you want us to do?”

  “Whatever you like,” she said breathlessly, and she meant it.

  “Graeme,” Conall said, and his hands tightened on her waist. Then he grabbed her skirt and pulled it high, bunching it up around her waist as he peered over her shoulder to watch Graeme’s hand moving between her legs. “I’ve got to fuck her.”

  “Sit down on the cot,” Graeme ordered him. “Now.”

  Conall obeyed immediately and there was something about it that let her know he’d done that before, that Graeme was in charge when they were together, just as he was with Avril. She liked that, liked knowing that Graeme affected Conall the same way he affected her.

  “Sit in his lap and fuck him, Avril,” Graeme told her, his voice quiet but firm. “Do it.” He pulled his finger from her and gently pushed her toward Conall, who had made quick work of his kilt and now sat there bare assed, his cock thick and hard and standing straight up between his legs. She glanced back at Graeme and saw him staring at Conall’s cock too, with a hungry look in his eye. She shivered and felt a slick glide of wetness coat her sex. There was no denying their desire for each other aroused her. She didn’t understand it and didn’t try. Instead she straddled Conall’s lap and went to sit on his cock.

  “Stop,” Graeme said, and she did, standing there over Conall’s lap, her legs spread. “I want to see. Take off your dress.” She started to move away from Conall, but again Graeme stopped her. “Without moving.”

  Conall took pity on her and undid the buttons down the front of her dress while she held on to his shoulders. As soon as it was loose, Graeme grabbed it from behind and lifted it over her head and off. Then without asking he untied her petticoat and pulled that off too. She wore nothing but a thick cotton slip, and Graeme rolled the skirt up so that she was fully exposed. She could feel herself blushing, but she liked it, liked both of them staring at her and wanting a piece of her.

  “Now,” Graeme said, pushing gently on her shoulder. She began to lower herself and saw Graeme reach between her legs and grab on to Conall’s cock. She and Conall both gasped. Graeme angled Conall’s cock so that she slid right down onto it, feeling Graeme’s hand until he had to pull it away so she could seat herself on Conall properly. She moaned at the feel of him, holding his shoulders as she arched her back and took him deep.

  “Perfect,” Graeme said with satisfaction. He moved to stand close beside them and simply pulled his kilt aside to show them his hard prick. It was red and leaking just from what they’d done. “Suck me, both of you.”

  Conall groaned and thrust up into her as he took Graeme’s cock into his mouth.

  “Oh my God,” Avril whispered, already feeling her climax coming. Graeme grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged her over, pressing her mouth to the side of his prick while Conall sucked the end. She obeyed his unspoken command, licking and sucking whatever she could reach. At one point she and Conall were kissing around Graeme’s cock, their tongues licking, which made Graeme moan and jerk. She was a madwoman, riding Conall’s prick and sucking on Graeme’s, more alive than she’d ever been. She wrapped one arm around Conall’s neck and the other around Graeme’s thick muscular thigh and let herself drown in the decadence of what they were doing, drown in the naughtiness of it, the wantonness. As she came, riding Conall slow so she could suck Graeme, she had to tear her mouth away and cry out at how good it felt.

  “Fuck her harder,” Graeme ordered Conall, and Conall grabbed her hips and drove up into her and she had to bite off a screech of pleasure. Graeme laughed low. He had a hold of Conall’s hair now and was fucking into his upturned mouth. Conall’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes closed, his throat working as he swallowed around Graeme’s cock. He was so beautiful like that and Avril leaned down and kissed his throat and then sucked on him, marking him, making him theirs.

  Conall made a little whimpering sound in the back of his throat that turned into a growl as he thrust hard, holding her hips so tight she knew she’d bruise, and then she felt his cock pulse inside her as he came.

  “That’s right,” Graeme told him, petting his hair. “Come in her, fill her up. I’ll taste you on her later.”

  Avril moaned, never having wanted something so badly, even as she had another man pumping his seed into her. She ground her hips into Conall and her breath hiccupped as another climax took her.

  She watched through a haze as Graeme pulled on Conall’s hair, forcing his head back farther as he continued to fuck into his mouth. Conall shivered and she felt his cock jerk inside her again, and then Graeme was coming, his head thrown back, his prick down Conall’s throat as Conall swallowed him whole, and Avril had never known such complete bliss.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Conall sat on a chair just outside and to the left of Avril’s door. Graeme sat on the other side of the door, leaning his chair back against the wall. Avril leaned against the door frame between them. It must have become a common tableau to the camp after the past week. They rarely left her side except when on duty, and if neither of them could be here, then Ham showed up, and once or twice even Dougie. Brodie stopped by frequently, but he was caught up in his own affairs these days. Conall supposed he ought to find out what was keeping him so busy, but he was enjoying his two new lovers too much to bother with his twin.

  Today they were joined by Brodie’s shadow, the 93rd’s piper, Alec Bruce. He’d been mum on where Brodie was, which was odd. The two practically lived in each other’s pockets. Alec had all but moved into Brodie’s tent when Conall had unofficially moved out to stay at Avril’s. Alec sat in front of Conall and played a pretty tune for Avril on a small French pipe. Conall preferred the bagpipes, of course, but at close quarters the small pipe was pleasant. It was a cold day, but the sun was shining and they were blocked from the wind by the stones at their back. Avril’s toe was tapping and Conall jumped up and bowed before her.

  “Dance with me,” he asked, taking her hand.

  Avril blushed and looked around as though worried people would see. “I can’t dance,” she admitted.

  “Of course you can,” Graeme said firmly. “Everyone can dance. It doesn’t even take practice.”

  Alec played a little trill on his pipe in agreement. Avril gave in and let Conall drag her out of the doorway. Before long she was laughing like a schoolgirl as he spun her around and around. As they were dancing a small group of riders slowly appeared over the rise to their left and Avril went quiet and pulled away from Conall.

  “I’ve got to go inside,” she said, and ran to her hut.

  Conall was so surprised by her abrupt withdrawal he didn’t stop her. He turned to watch the riders approach. Brodie was one of them. Conall frowned as he recognized the colonel’s daughter, Victoria McMillan, and two other ladies, the wife and daughter of another officer. Brodie was obviously one of their escorts today, along with a young captain from the 42nd. Conall saw Alec watching the group with narrow eyes and a blank face. It was Miss McMillan who steered toward them. The ladies looked alarmed and called out to her. A heated, low-voiced discussion followed, with much pointing and pinched, angry looks directed at them. Finally Miss McMillan tossed her head defiantly and trotted over to Conall.

  “Good afternoon, Lieutenant Fletcher,” she said. “Captain Munro.” She stared at Alec for a moment, but he refused to acknowledge her. “Major Bruce.”

  Graeme grunted a reply while Alec gave a barely perceptible nod, just short of rude. Miss McMillan flushed and her eyes snapped with anger. She turned back to Conall. “And where is Mrs. Scott?�
�� she asked politely. “I wished to pay my respects and make sure she was settled properly in her new lodgings.”

  “She’s inside,” Conall said, as polite as Miss McMillan. “I’ll give her your best.”

  Miss McMillan frowned. “It is rather important that I speak to her.”

  “She doesn’t want to speak to the likes of you,” Alec said bitterly. “Leave her be.”

  Even Graeme was too shocked to hide his reaction.

  “You be quiet, Alec Bruce,” she hissed. “This is none of your concern.”

  “Isn’t it?” he asked, standing and angrily confronting her.

  “Enough,” Brodie said, riding up. He threw a leg over his saddle and slid to the ground. He had on a pair of undress trews and it seemed so odd to see him out of his kilt Conall had to look twice. Brodie glared at Alec. “Don’t holler at her when you’re most likely upset at your own stupidity.” Alec didn’t bother to answer, just turned and stalked off.

  There was silence for almost a minute as Miss McMillan looked at Brodie as though waiting for some direction. By unspoken agreement, Conall and Graeme didn’t ask any questions of the two about Alec’s strange behavior. Brodie finally sighed and walked over to Conall. “Would you be so kind as to fetch Mrs. Scott?” he asked politely. “Miss McMillan would like to pay her respects.” He emphasized the last word, looking over his shoulder at the disapproving ladies huddled on their mounts as though afraid to get too close.

  “Please,” Miss McMillan begged.

  She was an uncommonly pretty girl, with auburn hair and light brown eyes, tall and lithe and bonnie. And spoiled, unfortunately. She’d lost her mother not long before she and her father had arrived in the Crimea. The whole camp had watched her trying to learn how to take care of a man at war. It was no secret she wasn’t very good at it. But she obviously loved her father and had never had an ill word for anyone as far as Conall knew, except Brodie and now Alec. It had taken only one look at her to smite Brodie. The colonel wasn’t opposed to Brodie’s courtship, but he wasn’t encouraging it either. It was clear the colonel expected his daughter to do better than a Fletcher, but she must have batted her eyes and cried a few tears and the old man had allowed Brodie to follow her around like a pup on a leash. Their interaction today made Conall rethink who held the leash between them.


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