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Page 8

by Sable Grey

  “We found it by the bridge!” he announced proudly as Elizabeth appeared in the doorway behind him. “We’re going to start a collection!”

  I smiled as I watched Beatrice lean down and pretend to look more closely at the rock to make certain he’d not brought in anything alive that might find its way into her bedcovers. It delighted him that she might think it a real tadpole. While she inspected again 'just to make certain', I lifted my gaze to Elizabeth. Her full lips were parted with a bright smile, her cheeks flushed, those blue eyes twinkling as she watched them. Kiss her, that voice tempted. I dropped my attention to Ritchie when he looked at me, his brow pulling up tightly. After a moment, he looked at Beatrice as she handed the rock back then dropped a kiss on her cheek. I blinked and lifted my attention to Elizabeth as Beatrice straightened, and Ritchie darted around her. Her cheeks were much brighter and her lashes lowered as she looked away from me. God in Heaven, I’d spoken aloud again.

  “Well, I think we all have things we need to go do right now.” Beatrice fixed a stare at me. “I, for one, am famished and think I’ll take Miss Mason to the kitchen for a nibble of that ham Mister Flynn has been cooking all day. We’ll have to be quiet so Mildred won’t suspect and eat the whole thing before dinner, though.” Beatrice moved through the doorway, and Elizabeth fell into step next to her. Kiss her. I kept my mouth shut this time as I followed, but reached out and caught Elizabeth’s arm before she’d stepped away.

  I pulled, swung her around to look at me, and smiled. Her lips parted and that small pink tongue darted out like it did before she was about to say something. I didn’t wait to hear what question she might have for me as I lowered my mouth to hers. Soft sweetness on a slight inhale of surprise met my lips, and I pulled her closer, slipping my tongue into the moist heat behind her teeth.

  I could have stayed there, kissing her until I was so frenzied that neither of us would be safe, but I didn’t. Instead, I released her abruptly and looked at Beatrice.

  “I’m not as weak as you would make me out to be,” I told her, and then winked at Elizabeth before heading for the stairs.

  Chapter Twelve

  I lifted my face to the night air as I drifted on the current of the wind. Leander let me have the nights most of the time, and it suited me. I was stronger in the dark. The daylight often weakened me. Besides, the night has so much more to offer—like that little redhead I’d met in London earlier. A quick romp in an alley and, when I’d bitten into her she’d squeaked with surprise. Once the sensations took over her, though, she’d begged me not to leave her.

  Below me, Blakewood appeared. I wondered if Leander’s little governess was still awake. I’d discovered soon enough after her arrival that she kept the same odd hours I did. And, after witnessing her in the bedroom, I couldn’t wait to see how far she’d let me go with her. In the back of my mind, Leander, of course, disapproved and tried to argue, but his voice wasn’t as strong as mine. I easily blocked it out.

  I broke away from the wind’s current and made a beeline for Elizabeth’s window, smiling when I saw the light from her candle still burning. Hovering outside, I peered through the panes into her room and found her sitting in a chair reading. She had her feet tucked beneath her and her gown was over her knees revealing her shapely calves. She twirled a finger around one long dark, wavy lock, and she’d caught her bottom lip between her small, even teeth as she read.

  “Look at her,” I whispered, lessening the mental wall that divided me from Leander. I felt him move forward and shared the moment with him. We shouldn’t disturb… I pulled that wall back in place and tapped the window pane, smiling when she started and turned toward me.

  She hopped up and pushed open the window. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Looking for trouble,” I drawled. “Want to help me find some?” I wiggled my eyebrows and, though she fought not to, her lips curled in a little grin.

  “I most certainly do not.” She pointed a finger at me. “Leander was not happy when he found out that I went flying around Blakewood with you.”

  “Only because he didn’t think to do it first.” I laughed.

  “It’s too chilly anyway.” She softened under my teasing.

  “Then ask me to come in. Or do you mean to keep me floating around out here while you undress? I’m not as patient as Leander, you know.” Her eyes flashed, but before I could determine with what, anger welled from inside and pushed through our wall. I found myself plunging downward toward the ground pulled by the force of Leander’s temper. I hit the earth and pain thundered through me.


  I couldn’t get up. He had pinned me there flat on my back and looking up at the moon. This was where he had the strength—when he was angry. I lifted slightly and hit the ground again with a grunt. The maniac would succeed in breaking every rib if he continued!

  “Marcus!” Elizabeth’s voice found me as Leander gave me one last lift and push before allowing me control again. I turned my head as she rounded the corner of the manor, her bare feet padding through the grass as fast as they could carry her.

  I groaned, and she dropped to her knees at my side. Her hands were everywhere, feeling of my body for injury, and I just watched her.

  I winced when she applied pressure to my side. “Your rib may be cracked,” she said. She was partially correct. It had been broken, but was already mending itself. Unfortunately, it would drain a lot of energy in the process. “I don’t suppose I’ll be able to take advantage of you as I planned with a cracked rib.” I grinned when she stared at me for several moments before she began laughing. “Maybe just a kiss so that my plans weren’t in vain?”

  She leaned forward and rested a hand on my cheek. “You are as ridiculous as you are inappropriate, Marcus Highcrest.”

  She laughed again, but leaned forward and, for a brief moment, touched her lips to mine. I didn’t wait for her to lean away, but slipped my arm around her and pulled her atop me completely, grunting against the pain, but not releasing her lips.

  “And impossible!” She exclaimed against my mouth. “Stop it before you make it worse!”

  She would have scrambled from atop me, but I pushed off from the ground to hover about six feet from the earth. Her legs dangled over either side of my body, and her hands tightened on my shoulders as she righted herself to keep from crushing my ribs.

  “Down,” she insisted. Her eyes widened when she felt my body reacting to hers.

  “Not likely now.” I chuckled as I guided us both back to the ground. Instantly, she hopped off of me and backed away. I stood, wincing at the pain in my side. Damn it hurt. “Don’t be naïve, love. I certainly couldn’t help my reaction.” I offered a half grin. “Besides, what could I do? As you say, I’m injured—helpless and weak.”

  “As a lion,” she mumbled, folding her arms across her chest. With some painful effort, I removed my coat and wrapped it around her.

  “Kiss me again,” I whispered without leaning away. “Your lips are like honey. I want more.”

  “I can’t. Your stinger is in the way,” she snapped.

  I laughed outright at that. She was quick. Quick and clever and sassy. It’s what I liked about her. Well, that, and she kissed like she was starved for passion. And right now, with her hair hanging loose around her, she looked like some kind of spirit of the night—the kind of spirit I wanted to possess.

  “Can you make it inside?”

  “If you let me lean on you a bit until I can get to one of the women upstairs.” I smiled when she tucked her shoulder under my arm. I needed no assistance, but I did like the feel of her body against me.

  “You smell like lilacs.” I turned my face into her hair and breathed in deeply. Lilacs and female, and that scent was stronger now that she’d a taste of what being a woman fully meant.

  “It’s my new soap. Mister Flynn got it for me.”

  “Now, I’ve got to fight you away from Leander and Charles Flynn?” I feigned a groan, and she giggled as we
stepped through the doorway of the manor. Like a cold splash of water, we were met by the disapproving scowl of the Blakewood dragon.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Beatrice demanded.

  “He fell.” Elizabeth came to my defense instantly. “He was outside flying around like some crazed bird and…lost his balance or something. I think he’s injured.”

  Those dragon eyes narrowed. She grasped Elisabeth’s arm and jerked her away from me. “Vampires heal quickly.” Her words were terse as she snatched my coat from around Elizabeth’s shoulders and threw it against my chest. “He’s feigning injury with indecent intentions, I’m sure.”

  I let the coat fall to the floor, straightening a bit as I rubbed at my side. She was right. It was almost healed. “It’s not my intention to lack decency right now.” I grinned at the disapproving glare she sent me.

  “You’ve no business flapping around outside her window.” Beatrice’s voice rose slightly. There was no mistaking that she was indeed angry.

  “I wasn’t given a chance to do any flapping before…I fell.” Here it came. I didn’t expect her to slap me..

  Her eyes flashed with fiery indignation “You will not use that sort of talk around me! I am not one of the whores you lie with, and I will not tolerate your preying upon this woman as if she is one either. Upstairs with you!” She pointed. I thought of remaining, but knew I’d already pushed her too far. Leaning down, I scooped up my coat and then stepped past Elizabeth, rolling my eyes.

  “Don’t worry. No one will mistake you for a whore, Beatrice.” I ducked, but not fast enough. She caught the back of my head with another smart slap. “I’m going for God’s sake! Enough of your abuse, woman.”

  I heard Elizabeth laugh and turned to find her with her hand over her mouth, as if to stifle the sound. “Next time, just invite me in, and we can avoid all of this.” I could see she was trying not to reveal her amusement. “And I can find a softer place to fall.”

  Beatrice pushed me, and I went, but not before I saw Elizabeth’s lips part with that beautiful smile.


  My side was sore. I shouldn’t have allowed Marcus to anger me. Although the rib was healed, I would have to suffer the ache. I did receive some satisfaction in having Beatrice give him a sermon before and after he fed.

  I pushed open the drapes and let the morning sun push out the shadows of my room just before the knock sounded on my door. I pulled on my robe and secured it at the waist then moved to open the door. I was surprised to find Elizabeth standing there, and she didn’t wait for me to invite her in. Pushing past me, she whirled around and faced me, planting her fists on her hips.

  “You promised not to tell about what happened. You promised me!” She was more than angry, she was furious. The entirety of her thin frame shook, and her eyes looked like blue fire.

  “Calm down and tell me what’s wrong.” I held up my hands, but she wouldn’t be soothed.

  “What’s wrong is that something so intimate should have been kept for just us and the next thing I know, you discuss it as soon as you are away from my room! You told about me taking my clothes off and God knows how much else!” She blew out a breath, and I could see she was close to tears.

  “I’ve told no one, Elizabeth.”

  “Then how did Marcus know about it?” She tapped her foot, crossing her arms.

  Tell her. “I can’t,” I argued.

  “You can’t what, exactly? Explain how you could do something so insensitive? So unkind?” She threw up her arms. “Did you tell him everything?”

  Tell her. “I can’t.” I could, but she wouldn’t understand. She’d think I’d gone mad. Tell her, or I will. I ran a hand over my face in frustration.

  “Can’t what?” she demanded again.

  “Marcus and I are…” This wasn’t going to be easy, I realized as I tried to find the words.

  “You are what? Brothers? Cousins? Best friends? That still doesn’t give you permission to tell every intimate moment we share.”

  I held up my hands again, this time to silence her barrage of accusations. “We are one in the same. He knows what I know. I know what he knows.” She just stood there blinking. “We live inside of one another.”

  “What in hell are you talking about?”

  “When I was boy, older than Ritchie, but only by a few years, I refused to feed. I skirted at the edge of death. Vampires normally will feed when they’re left with no choice but feed or die. I’d chosen to die even though a part of me wanted to feed. That part was Marcus. He pushed his way out and saved my life.” I could tell she was starting to think me insane; her eyes hid nothing. “It’s as if the part of me that is vampire would not be suppressed and it came forward and caused a separation of sorts. We then grew up as different men inside one another.”

  When she spoke, all anger was gone from her voice. “Has Mrs. Loman heard you speak like this before?”

  “She thinks we’re mad.” I growled. Close the drapes. Let me. I strode across the room and jerked the drapes so they blocked out the sun. When I turned, I found she’d eased toward the door. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and waited for the pain. It tore through my muscles like a caged animal breaking free of its bondage. I grunted against the pain of transformation of my body into that of Marcus’ build and structure. I welcomed the fogginess that filled my head as I felt Marcus step forward. I slipped into the dreaded darkness of our shared life.

  “Hello, love.” I opened my eyes. The poor chit had plastered herself against the wall next to the door. She was terrified; I thought for certain she would scream her head off. But she didn’t.

  I strolled forward and pushed the door closed beside her, then leaned my shoulder against it. “It’s not the worst thing you can find out about man is it? I mean, he could be some kind of blood sucking monster that wants to bite into you every time he looks at you.” I chuckled and cocked my head to the side when she still said nothing. Her mouth worked to open and close, but no words came out.

  “What? You don’t love us anymore?”

  “You…you…just changed.” She squeaked out a few words.

  “He’s still here, in the back, poking at my sore rib.” I hoped my humor would calm her, but it wasn’t working. I scratched my head.

  “I want…” her voice sounded stronger, but still shook a bit.

  I leaned toward her. “Whatever you want, love.”

  “I want to leave now.”

  I heaved a breath and pushed off from the door, opened it, and stepped aside. She quickly slipped past me and then bolted down the hall.

  “Well, that went well,” I growled as I closed the door again. Leander’s physical pain was already pushing through, and I slipped back into the darkness.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I stood beyond the wall in the shadows, puffing on the pipe Beatrice had given me last Christmas. Normally, I allowed Marcus the nights, but he’d gotten himself into a bit of trouble earlier in the week in London, and it was best if he kept low for a few days. While no one ever mistook him for me, they knew he was connected to the family somehow. I’d already been visited by police officials and the woman’s husband. At first, I’d suspected the worst. But apparently, he’d only been having an affair with the woman and had been caught by her husband. Then when he’d leapt through the upstairs window and disappeared into the night, the man had reported him as an intruder.

  Unlike Beatrice, I couldn’t remain angry with him for very long. And now, in the dark away from her, I let the wall weaken slightly so he could join me in the foreground.

  “I don’t like that damned pipe,” Marcus said. He needn’t speak out loud. He only needed to direct his thoughts to me, and I would hear him inside my head.

  I said nothing as he breathed in the night air. Part of me felt sorry for Marcus. I knew he was dangerous and reckless, but what could anyone expect from someone who remained trapped most of the time inside another?

  “If you start weeping, I’ll sock y
ou in the face,” Marcus threatened. “I don’t want your damned pity.” I smiled then exhaled heavily. You should be more careful, Marcus.

  “I sit with your thoughts all day. If you want to talk to me, then do so aloud.” Marcus gritted.

  “If you wouldn’t get into so much trouble, we could split the time more evenly,” I told him. “But you throw caution to the wind.”

  “We’re vampires. What could the humans possibly do to me?” He laughed. “The world is a playground, Ander. You should go out into it more often.”

  I sighed, but said nothing more as I spotted a shadow slipping quickly through the dark. I recognized that tall, lanky build. George Delaney. He stepped into the stables and, in the next moment, light from a candle glowed from beneath the doors.


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