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Sold to the Sultan (the Breslyn Auction Club Book 2)

Page 5

by Penny Winestone

  As the song ended, Lucky pulled away, his eyes burning with desire. I felt my heart skipping a beat and I leaned in, ready to kiss him. He kissed my neck instead, taking my earlobe between his teeth before he whispered, “I must have you…” I shuddered at his words, my mind spinning at the implications. What did he mean? Was he going to bid for me at the auction? “You’re the most sensual creature I’ve ever seen. I cannot stand the thought of letting you go home with some other man.” His fingers tightened on my hips. “One way or another, I’ll have you as my own, sweet Stella.”


  Before I could respond, I heard heavy footsteps approaching us. I pried away from Lucky’s gaze to see a security guard heading our way. I groaned inwardly, wondering why the guards seemed adept at ruining my time with handsome men. First Justin… and now Lucky. When would I catch a break?

  The guard was a fair-skinned individual who towered above us, wearing dark-rimmed glasses and a deep cut line for lips. He looked terrifying. I pressed myself closer to Lucky and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder in an almost possessive manner. “I’m sorry, but it’s time for the auction and Miss Chambers would like Stella to join the line-up.”

  A few other girls around the room were also getting escorted out by guards. Others watched on in longing, wishing they were the ones to be paraded on the stage where rich, handsome men could bid on a night with them. I nodded, my heart beating faster than ever.

  Lucky was still hesitant to let me go. His eyes narrowed at the guard whose expression seemed to be made of stone. “Now.” He said, his voice hollow and emotionless.

  “I won’t let anyone take you home.” Lucky whispered, his warm breath caressing against my ear. “You will be mine.” He whispered, squeezing me tight before finally letting go. I felt incomplete without his arms wrapped around me.

  I took one more glance at him before I followed the guard. He led me backstage where Victoria was already waiting, a grin on her lips. “Did you enjoy your time with Mr. Malik?” She asked, running her fingers along my cheeks. “By the flush on your face, I would say you more than enjoyed yourself.” She chuckled, moving around me as if inspecting me.

  “Emmanuel.” She called out and a flamboyant-looking man emerged from the curtains, carrying a makeup case in his hand. “Would you mind giving her a little touch up before the auction. I want her to be the grand finale.”

  Victoria disappeared and I was left with this strange man who seemed to think he could wear purple corduroy pants with a pink, ruffled shirt. “Oh, my… who applied this makeup, girl? It’s all patchy… this will never do.” He clicked his tongue in disappointment and opened the case, pulling out more makeup than I had ever seen in my life.

  He sat me down on the couch and started to take over my face. He seemed to know what he was doing because twenty minutes later, he handed me a mirror and I swear the woman looking back at me wasn’t me. “Wow…”

  “I think I deserve more than a wow.” He said, his hand on his hip, pouting at me. “You’re my masterpiece!” I blushed deeply, still looking at my reflection. He had contoured parts of my face, making my cheeks look sharp and dazzling. His choice of color really brought out my eyes. I looked like an entirely different person.

  “It’s great…” I said, still unable to express my gratitude properly.

  He shook his head, closing his case with a flourish before walking away. Now alone, I could hear girls giggling somewhere nearby. Beyond that were several voices, calling out numbers. It was the auction. $10,000… $11,000…. The bid halted at $11,000 with the auctioneer’s gavel echoing. One lucky – and very wealthy – man was going to go home with a beautiful woman for the night. I fidgeted in my seat, hoping to get at least half as much. It would really help with the bills…

  “Are you ready?” Victoria’s voice emerged behind me, but before I could turn around, I felt something soft and silky against my eyes as I was plunged into darkness.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Relax. Just enjoy the experience.” She whispered, tying off the blindfold and helping me to my feet. With her help, I was led on stage. It was a strange experience with all the hot lights beaming down on me. I stood there, feeling awkward. Occasionally, someone would cough, but otherwise, there was dead silence in the room. I wondered if Lucky was watching me. The thought alone sparked a sense of excitement between my legs.

  “And lastly, we have Estella Ryder. She’s a first timer at Breslyn’s, but my friends, she’s not going to disappoint you. She has tremendous potential. We’ll start the bidding at $500,000.” I nearly gasped at Victoria’s words. Did she just say $500,000? Half a million dollars?

  All around the room, I could hear men calling out numbers, going higher and higher. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Were these men actually willing to spend that much money on me?

  Suddenly, someone called out one million dollars. It felt like you could hear a pin drop in the room. My heart stopped. This had to be a dream. A million dollars? It wasn’t possible…

  “A million dollars going once…” Victoria’s voice was higher in pitch as if she too couldn’t believe it. “Going twice…” The room was still quiet. No one dared to break the silence. She slammed the gavel down and I felt a shiver run through my spine. The bidding had ended… at one million dollars.

  Someone grabbed me by the elbow and led me off the stage. I had no idea how I managed to walk when my legs felt like they had turned into jelly. In the back, someone took off my blindfold. I blinked in the bright light, seeing Victoria standing there. I could see her lips and they were curved into a radiating smile. “Congratulations, dear.” She said, getting closer. “You’re now a rather wealthy woman.” There was a hint of mystery to her voice that I couldn’t quite figure out as if she was hiding something from me.

  “A security guard will take you to your room for the night. There, you will meet your patron. Are you ready, Estella?” She asked, resting a hand on my shoulder.

  I found myself nodding even as butterflies formed in my stomach. “Yes.”

  I wanted to say more – to ask all the questions I had on the tip of my tongue, but I was still too numb. The questions buzzed around in my head like a swarm of flies. How could someone pay so much money to be with me? Was it Lucky or some other man? What was going to happen to me now?

  A guard appeared, whisking me away before I could ask any of them.


  We walked to the top floor, following a long, winding staircase. The guard led me down the hall, to the very last door. He nodded at me before leaving.

  My fingers shook as I reached for the doorknob. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I held my breath and turned the handle, pushing the door open.

  The room was breathtaking. The floor was a deep, cherry wood that looked cleaned and polished. There were large, open windows framed with velvet curtains. Moonlight filtered in, illuminating the bedroom, making everything look like it was shimmering. The bed was huge. Its duvet was a rich purple, with matching pillows. All the furniture was made of dark wood and white marble. It felt like I was entering the bedroom of a princess.

  I started to feel nervous as if I didn’t belong here. Never in my life had I experienced this type of luxury before. I stepped toward the bed, my fingertips grazing the expensive fabric. Up close, I noticed the intricate gold detailing of the decorations.

  I could hardly believe it. What had I done? Had I really sold my body for money? Had I stooped that low in my desperation? I bit the corner of my lip, trying not to ruin the lipstick Emmanuel had applied. He promised all my makeup would last through whatever my patron put me through, but now, I wasn’t so sure.

  Who was my patron anyway? Who was this mystery admirer who spent one million dollars just to be with me?

  I moved toward the window, cracking it slightly to let some fresh air in. My cheeks were starting to burn up. Doubt flooded my mind and I thought about turning back – about calling this whole thing of

  On the nightstand, I noticed a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice. I grabbed it, noticing the expensive name. Carefully, I poured myself a drink, watching the liquid fizz and bubble in the glass. I picked it up with shaking fingers, my nerves getting the best of me. It felt like my stomach had turned into a knot – twisting and turning inside of me. I prayed to God I wouldn’t get sick.

  I took a sip of the champagne before downing the whole glass, hoping it would calm me down. It didn’t. I started pacing around the room, trying to imagine who would walk through that door. If only they hadn’t blindfolded me…

  I tried to replay the moment in my mind. All the bids had jumbled together and I couldn’t distinguish anyone’s voice. The bid for a million dollars had been such a surprise that I couldn’t recognize who had made it. What if someone creepy had won the night with me? I could just walk away from them… but to pass up a million dollars wouldn’t be an easy thing.

  I looked out the window, noticing the lawn. The water of the koi pond seemed to almost sparkle in the moonlight. I smiled, remembering my time with Lucky. Maybe he was my patron. After all, he did promise we would be together, didn’t he? My memory felt scrambled. All I could remember were his lips on my neck, grazing my skin until I thought I would lose my mind. I shuddered, thinking about it even now.

  But what were the odds that he would spend a million dollars on me? His brother was a sultan, so they were obviously from a royal family… but I just couldn’t picture him spending that amount of money on someone like me. He was just too perfect and I wasn’t that lucky.

  I sighed, feeling the light, evening breeze caress my skin. It reminded me of him. The way our bodies had locked on the dancefloor, like we had always been together, had been amazing. No one had ever made me feel that way before. It just felt like we connected.

  I could almost see his bright green eyes staring into mine. They were breathtaking and I would give anything to have him walk through that door, to see him again.

  His smiling face haunted me. That adorable dimple…

  I sat down in a nearby chair, trying not to wrinkle my dress. I closed my eyes and we were back on the lawn together.

  He leaned down and gazed into my eyes like I was the only girl in the world. His hands were on my hips, bringing me closer until our chests were touching. My heart was beating faster than ever as I waited for that telltale kiss. I knew his lips would be the sweetest thing I had ever tasted, but the kiss never came.

  I looked up into his smiling face, our noses practically touching. His green eyes shimmered and I could feel, deep down, that there was a connection forming between us. And yet, nothing was happening. Why wasn’t he kissing me?

  I opened my eyes and felt my heart turn cold. Lucky had never kissed my lips. I tried to replay our time together, just to make sure. The whole evening has been such a daze, but still, I would have remembered if he had kissed me. I touched my lips which felt like they were numb. My face fell in disappointment. Maybe I had only imagined the attraction between us. But it had felt so real… so genuine. I was sure he liked me. Why else would he ask Victoria to introduce us?



  I had the champagne bottle in my hand again, ready to pour myself another glass when I heard the doorknob rattle. I turned around my heart racing. The knob turned slowly and I held my breath, wondering who it could be. Would it be Lucky? Or someone else…? My heart had never beat so quickly. I was so nervous…

  The door opened and to my surprise, Karim walked in. Our eyes locked and my chest tightened with disappointment. I stepped back, falling into the bed, my disappointment suffocating.

  Karim chuckled, a smirk appearing on his face. “Don’t worry, I didn’t purchase you for myself.”

  My brows furrowed in confusion. Then why was he here? My body felt like lead so I didn’t dare to get off the mattress. I was convinced that this was some sort of a joke. I half-expected Lucky to appear by the doorway, but he never did.

  “I… I don’t understand.”

  “Of course not.” He picked up the bottle of champagne and noticed that I had already gone through half of it, shaking his head slightly.

  “Why… Why are you here… if not to…”

  His smirk deepened and he put the champagne back in the bucket of ice. “You don’t know anything, do you, girl?”

  I felt like he was insulting me. My cheeks turned red and I was just about to say something when he held out his hand, his cold eyes piercing right through my heart.

  “My brother.” He said, the words echoing through my mind.

  “What?” I asked, my tongue feeling like it had doubled in size in my mouth.

  He sighed, running his fingers through his thick, dark hair. “I’m starting to regret my decision already.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me off the bed and into his body, his hot breath against my cheek, making my skin crawl. I shuddered, wanting to jerk away, but I was trapped in his powerful essence.

  “I’m starting a harem from my brother.” I blinked at him. “Do you know what that is?” I had taken a Middle Eastern Culture class in college. All my lessons came rushing back to me, trying to remember what a harem was. I racked the catacombs of my brain before it finally hit me.

  Some Muslims were polygamists. They would marry multiple women and let them live in the same household together. I gulped, suddenly realizing that this meant that I would just be one of many in Lucky’s life. I felt my heart drop down to my stomach. But, just a few hours ago, he had looked at me like I was the only girl in the world. Maybe I really did imagine it…

  “Hmm?” He tightened his grip on my arm, waiting for an answer.

  “Yes.” I breathed, feeling numb all over.

  “Good. Then you know that you’ll be one of many women. So, don’t get any ideas.” His voice was cruel as he narrowed his eyes at me. I wanted to run away from this man. I quickly nodded, hoping he would just leave me alone. All I wanted was to be with Lucky…

  “He’ll be here shortly. Don’t leave.” He let go of my arm and I collapsed onto the bed. The door closed behind him with a deafening thud. I cringed, shutting my eyes tight. This couldn’t be happening…

  I could feel jealousy creeping under my skin. I would have to share Lucky with a bunch of other women. It wasn’t fair. It seemed like he was so into me…

  I got up and grabbed the champagne bottle, pouring myself another glass. If I kept going like this, I would quickly finish the bottle, but I didn’t care. I just needed something to clear my mind and forget what was happening. I kept looking at the door, knowing I could just walk out and move on with my life, but I couldn’t forget Lucky’s smiling face.

  I wanted to know what it would feel like to have his lips trail down my body. I couldn’t settle for just my neck. I needed more. I knew I would never rest until I fell into bed with him.

  I downed my glass, already feeling the warm glow of tipsiness rushing through my body. I wasn’t much of a drinker and I was probably drinking a bit too much, but I didn’t care. I was loving the feeling of weightlessness.

  I smirked. What did it matter if I was just one of many? I could do a lot worse things for a million dollars… Besides, that sort of money would help pay for my mother’s treatment and I wasn’t going to let her down just because I wanted some guy all to myself. I had to do this. I had a bit more champagne, my head swimming with delight. I smiled wildly, my whole body tingling as if I was fizzling with energy.

  I really hoped Lucky would show up soon with those gorgeous eyes of his. I swear, I could stare at them forever… It should be a crime for anyone to be that handsome.

  I started to hiccup in my giddiness. Looking in the mirror, I saw the rosiness of my cheeks and the flawlessness of my makeup. Emmanuel had really done a good job. He was a bit gossipy for my taste… but his work with the eyeliner was truly a piece of art. I leaned in close, admiring the winged tip he had given me. I wished I had that kind of skill.

  As I continued to look in the mirror, I imagined Karim’s face. His cold eyes stared at me, making me jump back in surprise, shivering all over. I didn’t like him – not one bit. It didn’t even seem like they were brothers. They were worlds apart. Yet… if it wasn’t for Karim… I wouldn’t have this chance to be with Lucky.

  My head started to spin and I was getting dizzy. I was just about to sit down when I heard the door opening.


  Lucky entered the room with his signature smile. My heart thumped and I couldn’t help but smile back. It was contagious. “Thank God,” I whispered, putting down my empty glass. I knew I was drunk at this point, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that Lucky was finally here.

  With a grin on my face, I walked up to him, my hand on his chest. “Your brother doesn’t like me very much.”

  He laughed, his dimple becoming pronounced. “Karim doesn’t like many people, but don’t worry about him.” He ran the back of his finger against my cheek, his touch soft and gentle. My heart thumped even harder. “You’re so rosy…” He whispered, getting closer. “Have you been thinking about me?”

  “I’ve been doing more than just thinking.” I giggled. I couldn’t help myself as I leaned forward, kissing his lips. The kiss was sloppy. I was drunk, but it was more than just the champagne. It was this man. He was driving me wild and I simply couldn’t resist him.

  I pulled him close, my fingers tightening around his silky shirt as our lips roughly smashed together. My lungs burned for oxygen, but I ignored their plea. My body shook all over, wanting him badly. As our tongues tangled together, my head began to swim and my vision blurred. If I was feeling this good from a kiss, I wondered what it would feel like if we…

  Lucky seemed to be reading my mind because his hands moved from my hips to my back. He found my zipper, slowly pulling it down. Without breaking the kiss, he pulled down the straps, exposing my shoulders. Goosebumps formed all over my skin, making it even more sensitive than it already was.


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