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Having the Billionaire's Baby

Page 3

by Tasha Blue

  “We can live with the changes they are asking for. They seem so minor compared to the gift that Ms. York is giving us,” Warren said.

  “I will have a new contract drawn up and sent to Ms. Ivankov’s office by the end of the day,” Marcus said as he walked the group out.

  Warren and Deonna parted with Barbra as they got into the elevator and headed to their floor of the parking deck. Having dealt with the legal stuff and knowing that the appointment with Dr. Sawyer was the next thing on their agenda, they got into Warren’s car and drove to the doctor’s office.

  Once they made it to Dr. Sawyer’s office, Warren sat next to her. He had already had to fill out this same paperwork twice and he knew what to put in each of the boxes. When the nurse finally called them back, he was ready for everything. He politely excused his self when she changed into the paper dress for the exam. The door was cracked just enough for him to talk to her.

  “Are you okay in there?” Warren asked through the crack.

  Deonna giggled, “You can come back in if you want, and yes, I’m okay.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable with watching him do the exam plus I didn’t think I was allowed in there with you,” Warren said.

  “Will you be in the room when I deliver the baby?” Deonna asked.

  “I want to be, but again the choice is up to you,” Warren replied.

  “You’ll be the dad, so I think it would be alright for you to be in there, and I think Jackie will need you in there to take pictures of her when she’s holding the baby,” Deonna whispered.

  “Jackie said you want to be a part of the baby’s life. She also told me what she said to that. Do you think you can live with being an aunt to your child instead of the mother?” Warren asked.

  “I don’t think I will really have a choice in it. I feel that just being in the child’s life at all will be more important than the role I will be playing in his or her life,” Deonna said.

  “The doctor is coming so I’ll be quiet for a little while. Just know I appreciate you doing this for my wife and me,” Warren said.

  The doctor walked into the room and began the exam. For the next thirty to forty minutes, Warren stood outside of the room, listening to the doctor talk to Deonna. When she was told to dress and wait for the nurse to draw blood, he sighed in relief. Deonna signaled for him to enter the room and wait with her. The nurse came in shortly after Warren did. She drew several vials of blood and then sent them on their way.

  As they were walking out of the doctor’s office, Deonna started thinking about how she would deal with Warren’s hands on her when they finally slept together. Her thoughts were interrupted by Warren’s strange questions.

  “When was your last period? I know this is a little quick but I was hoping we could start within two weeks. I’m not sure of when you’re ovulating or anything like that and really I don’t think most women keep track of things like that,” Warren said as he watched his step.

  Deonna giggled, “I know this is uncomfortable for you to talk to me about, but no, I don’t. I did research and you can buy ovulation tests over the counter at any drugstore. If you want, I could pick one up later or Jackie could pick one up before she comes home tonight.”

  Warren laughed and looked at Deonna in a whole new light. Here was a woman who didn’t owe him or his wife anything and still she wanted to help them. She was so kind and so thoughtful. This was a woman who should have kids of her own and a husband to protect her from all the evil in the world. To think she was going to bless them with the most sacred of gifts.

  “Deonna, I know I’ve said this before but thank you for what you are doing. This comes from my heart. You don’t have to do this and still you are. Thank you for this and all that you will be doing for us. Nothing you could do or say would change how I see you now,” Warren said softly.

  Deonna blushed and thought about what he really needed to hear but the words just wouldn’t come out her mouth. She walked with him in a sociable silence knowing that there was so much she longed to say to him and yet she couldn’t. When they reached the car, she finally turned to him to tell him what she was thinking.

  “Mr. Alexander, I don’t know what to say to that. Your welcome doesn’t convey the emotions I feel about doing this. I do know that I’m glad I can do this for you and grateful that you and your wife chose me,” Deonna said.

  Warren opened the car door for her and waited for her to get in. He closed it once she was settled. Warren got into the driver’s side of the car and started it. “I may not know your reasons behind changing your mind and I don’t really care about what they are but I do know that you are giving me one of the greatest gifts a person can give. So don’t think that you will not hear me say thank you again.”

  Deonna was stunned at his statement. She looked at him and waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to say what she saw on his face. Warren wouldn’t stop looking at her; she was beginning to think that there was something wrong.

  “I’ll guess we should get you home so that you can relax until you have to be back at work, and please don’t tell anyone in the office about this.” Warren said as he pulled out of the parking space and drove towards her home.


  Deonna stood in the bathroom of her apartment waiting for the phone to ring. Two weeks and still no results, this was not good. Jackie had come by on Saturday to make sure she was okay and to tell her that this was normal. Warren had told her the same thing on Friday but still this just didn’t feel right. Something inside her told her this was wrong. Without meaning to, she picked up the phone. She looked down at it and realized that she didn’t want to call out, she just wanted it to ring. So she dialed the only person she knew would distract her and tell her to calm down.

  Deonna waited while Kathy’s phone rang. She went straight to voice-mail She left a brief message and waited. When she hadn’t returned the call in an hour she knew she would have to suffer until Kathy was out of whatever meeting she was in.

  Monday was Deonna’s official day off. She wished it wasn’t and she couldn’t find anything to do that relaxed her. Mostly she couldn’t find anything to that would to do that would make her day go by faster. Bored and tired of waiting, she found that things that she did to relax made her want to scream. The phone was her major distractor. If she could find something to do to keep from looking at it every few minutes then she would be fine.

  Deonna was just about to get in the shower and get out of the house when the phone rang.

  “Hello,” Deonna said.

  “Hello, may I please speak with a Ms. Deonna York?” said the voice on the phone.

  “Hello, this is Natasha from Dr. Sawyer’s office. Your test results came in today. The doctor would like to speak with you and Mr. Alexander tomorrow afternoon at 3:30. Is that a good time for you?” The nurse said.

  “That would be fine with us. I will call Mr. Alexander and let him know. Thank you,” Deonna said as she hung up.

  Deonna called Warren and Jackie. She didn’t have long to wait before one of them answered the phone. She was in such a hurry that she didn’t care which one answered. She was so glad to be done with the waiting that she couldn’t wait to tell them. She knew Jackie would be just as excited as she was to find out that they would finally be able to start with the conception.

  She had barely finished telling Jackie what the nurse had told her when someone knocked at her door. She answered the door as she hung up with Jackie to find Warren standing on the other side of the door.

  “I was out and I know you have been stressed about them not calling yet so I decided to stop by,” Warren said as soon as she opened the door.

  “They called. They want to see us at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon,” Deonna said as she hugged him and invited him in.

  Warren hugged her back and smiled. She was so happy to have heard from the doctor’s office that she didn’t care that he had shown up unannounced. His thoughts wandered to the fact that she was so beau
tiful when she was excited. Her eyes lit up light candles and her smile was infectious. She made him smile and want to stay in her arms like this as well.

  “Well, then tomorrow we have a busy schedule and everything will go as planned. Hopefully,” Warren said as he sat down on the couch.

  “I almost forgot, tomorrow is the video conference with Mr. Syun. We can’t reschedule and you can’t miss it and it’s at the same time as our appointment with Dr. Sawyer.” Deonna said. “Maybe Jackie could go with me or I could go and just tell you what they say after the appointment.”

  Warren thought about what would be the best thing for them to do. While Jackie would go with Deonna, he knew she really didn’t want to go with her and that she would find it an annoyance. “How about you go to the appointment and if I don’t make it you can tell me what they said? Jackie will be busy with her new project and this is really a “you and I” thing; besides I don’t think she feels all that comfortable with going to see Dr. Sawyer.”

  “That would be fine. If you’re sure she won’t want to go and hear what he says, then I’m fine with going by myself,” Deonna said with a smile.

  Warren got up to leave and turned to Deonna and hugged her one last time. He knew that tomorrow would be trying enough for her without having to worry about Jackie’s attitude. He found that he was comparing Jackie to Deonna and he found that while he loved his wife, he also cared deeply for Deonna. He hoped this didn’t affect their relationship in any way. He couldn’t wait till tomorrow.

  Deonna had a trying day. Mr. Syun demanded that they have the video conference early so she had to reschedule several prominent client meetings for Warren. Jackie had stopped by during the meeting and demanded to see Warren right away. Deonna’s lunch had been canceled because one of Warren’s meetings had refused to be rescheduled. Right before she left for her appointment, Deonna had been downsized from the company due to budget cuts. She hadn’t said anything to Warren because she knew this was probably for the best. It still hurt to think that he didn’t even say anything to her about her being let go. She put her emotions behind her and left the building and went to her doctor’s appointment.

  “Ms. York, glad you could make it in on such short notice. Will Mr. Alexander be joining us today?” Dr. Sawyer said.

  “He said he would try but he had a busy schedule today,” Deonna said softly.

  “Oh, I can understand. Well, first I should say that you are one healthy young lady. All your blood work came back normal. As far as you being able to carry a child to term, there are no indications at this time that you can’t. You should be entering your ovulation cycle in the next few days which is why I wanted to see you in my office so soon. After an extensive battery of tests, we have confirmed that there are no genetic disorders that a child created by yourself and Mr. Alexander would suffer from. Do you have any questions so far?” Dr. Sawyer said while looking at his charts.

  “I have just one. How long will it take for me to get pregnant and how long will I have to wait to take an at home test?” Deonna asked.

  “I’m not going to lie. It can take anywhere from one to ten times for you to conceive. As far as taking an at home pregnancy test, I would wait eight to ten days after intercourse to check. I would also make an appointment to have a blood test done. Sometimes it doesn’t show up in the at home tests,” Dr. Sawyer said.

  “Are there any special instructions that I need or that Mr. Alexander needs to follow?” Deonna asked as she blushed.

  “Nothing like that, just that you should both think this over the next couple of days and I also wanted to let you know that I will be sending you home with an ovulation tracker. I have already set it and it will beep to let you know when you are ovulating and when your ovulation cycle is over.” Dr. Sawyer said with a smile. “I’m so glad Mr. and Mrs. Alexander found someone who was willing to carry for them. They have been trying for some time now and this is one of the few things they have ever really wanted.”

  Deonna finished talking to Dr. Sawyer and he showed her how to use the ovulation tracker. Once they were done she walked to her car and found Warren getting out of his with Jackie. She smiled and approached them.

  “How did it go?” Jackie asked.

  “We can start in a couple of days. He gave us the go ahead to start with conception.” Deonna said as she smiled at them.

  “Yay!” Jackie yelled.

  “Let’s celebrate!” Warren said.

  “That would be amazing and I can fill you in on what else he said. I can’t wait to tell you about everything,” Deonna said with a smile on her face.


  Deonna called Warren two days later to see if he was coming by after he got off work. She had spent the past two days filling out job applications and texting with Jackie. Warren had not come to see her nor had he called or texted. She had assumed that with his busy schedule that he hadn’t had the time. When he answered the phone he seemed distracted and slightly upset.

  “Warren Alexander, what can I do for you?” Warren said.

  “Hello, Mr. Alexander, this is Deonna York. I was calling to see if you were still coming by tonight after you get off work,” Deonna said softly.

  “Where have you been, why haven’t you been at work for the past two days? And how the hell do I get this damn thing to open?” Warren growled at her.

  “I assumed you knew that I was downsized two days ago right before I went to my appointment. Mr. Atwood told me that you had approved his letting me go,” Deonna stated as she walked into her kitchen.

  “Shit. I’m sorry, Deonna, I didn’t know that your name was on the list of employees to be let go. Had I known, you would have never been let go or I would have warned you,” Warren said. “Yes, I’ll be there when I get off.”

  Deonna started getting ready for Warren’s arrival as soon as she got off the phone with him. She took a hot bath with her favorite bubble. By the time Warren arrived Deonna had changed her outfit at least thirty times and was just now pulling dinner out of the oven. Deonna had made her favorite dish, oven fried pork chops with stuffed mushrooms.

  “Mm, something smells delicious,” Warren said as he walked into Deonna’s apartment.

  “I figured you wouldn’t want to go out so I made dinner. It’s stuffed mushrooms and oven fried pork chops. One of the first dishes I learned how to make,” Deonna said.

  “Well, it smells wonderful and I can’t wait to taste it,” Warren whispered.

  Deonna and Warren had a pleasant conversation while they ate. She explained about the systems he didn’t really have interactions with and how to work them. Warren told her about what was going on in the office. Their conversation went back and forth until Deonna served desert. Warren was so taken with the mini cupcakes that she had made that he barely noticed the sound of an alarm going off in the background.

  “I’ll be right back,” Deonna said as she got up and walked out of the kitchen.

  Warren followed her and saw her pick up something and shut it off. “What’s that?” Warren asked.

  “It’s the ovulation tracker. I didn’t know it would be going off so soon,” Deonna said.

  Warren walked over to her and gently pulled it out of her hands. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to right now,” Warren whispered.

  “It’s not that. I was just a little worried that you weren’t ready for this so I wasn’t sure what to say to you.” Deonna whispered back.

  Warren grabbed Deonna’s chin and lifted her face up and kissed her. The kiss was soft and sweet - not demanding in the least. He wrapped one hand around her waist and pulled her closer, never breaking the kiss. When he pulled back he looked into her eyes and whispered, “I’ve been waiting for this for a while now.”

  Deonna blushed and smiled, “So have I.”

  Warren pulled her closer and kissed her again - this one passionate and demanding. He broke the kiss for but a moment to unzip Deonna’s dress. He slowly peeled it off of her before he kissed
her again. His hands roamed her body, touching all the places he knew were hidden from him. His lips left her mouth to trail down her jaw to her neck. Each place his lips touched seemed to set her body on fire.

  He undid her bra and began to kiss her plump breasts. Taking the nipple in his mouth he heard her moan. He was enjoying exploring her body. Everywhere his hand touched, his lips followed.

  Warren picked her up and laid her on the bed. He began nuzzling her neck as his hands moved her panties aside. He slipped a finger into her core stroking softly. Deonna barely heard the moan that escaped her mouth as his fingers gently explored the moist heat of her between her legs. As he drew his fingers away, she whimpered.

  He took his clothes off and returned to the bed, then slid into the core of Deonna’s body, making her scream his name softly. Warren’s slow strokes became more powerful thrusts. Deonna’s screams of ecstasy were music to Warren’s ears. As Deonna climaxed, Warren’s orgasm was right behind her.

  Warren pulled Deonna on to his chest and just laid there watching her breathe as he caught his breath. This woman made him feel something no other woman had ever made him feel. Warren started to drift off to sleep listening to Deonna breathe.

  Warren was awoken by his phone ringing, “Hello.”

  “Hi honey, I know you’re with Deonna and I just wanted to let you know that I was going out of town. I should be back in the next few days,” Jackie said.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to Milan for fashion week. Warren, I’ve been talking about this for weeks. You promised I could go and besides you’re going to be with your new toy for a day or two so why don’t you let me have this time by myself?” Jackie whined.

  “I know, I was just asking. I’ll see you when you get home. Jackie, you can’t blame me for something you asked for. Just because you don’t want to sleep with me doesn’t mean I’m always sleeping with someone else.” Warren said right before he hung up the phone.


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