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I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie (The I Like Big Dragons Series)

Page 6

by Lani Lynn Vale

  I was buried inside of her from chin to nose as I slowly started to fuck her with my tongue.

  She ground down onto my face, gyrating her hips as she worked her swollen clit down onto my chin.

  The prickly hair of my beard rasped along her inner thighs as she started to move faster and faster.

  My hands came up to spread her ass cheeks apart, widening the lips of her sex with two thumbs, allowing me to bury my face even deeper.

  Tilting her hips, I found her clit with my tongue and slowly sucked it inside of my mouth, pulling hard as I coaxed her orgasm to the surface.

  While I was doing that, my left hand moved to her opening, and I plunged one thumb inside of her.

  She screamed around my cock, inadvertently swallowing me even deeper inside her enchantingly beautiful mouth. Long, loud, and drawn out.

  The vibrations around my cock had the come in my balls boiling as it rapidly started to rise to the surface.

  Within moments, I was on the verge of coming, causing me to work her harder. Faster.

  We came together.

  Her pussy clamped down on my thumb as her tiny bud tightened. Juices poured from her sweet pussy into my waiting mouth, and she moaned.

  The vibration, once again, did me in.

  I came, pouring my come into her throat.

  She swallowed convulsively around my cock, sucking hard until the last precious drop was pulled from my dick. Then she slid off my cock, releasing the tip with a soft pop, and slowly rolled to her side to fall haphazardly onto the pillow lying next to her.

  I licked my lips, tasting her essence on my tongue, and didn’t say a word.

  What the hell had just happened?

  I’d never had an orgasm that had taken my wits like that before.

  My brains were mush, and an odd tingling was starting at the base of my cock, almost as if a second release waited in the wings.

  “What…how…Jesus Christ that was amazing,” I finally managed to say.

  I looked over at her to see her eyes glazed, and her face looking sheepish.

  “I didn’t…uhhh…mean to.”

  I laughed. “That’s okay, honey. You cannot mean to do that to me all day long. My body is yours for the taking.”

  She smiled. “I woke up, and my mouth was already around your cock, but I wasn’t able to pull away. I…you…I just couldn’t.”

  I nodded, my eyes closing.

  My cock, however, was still just as hard as it had been when I’d woken up.

  Not one iota smaller.

  If anything, it was harder than it had been before.

  It was pulsing with the beat of my heart, and the fact that I could still taste her on my lips wasn’t helping anything either.

  “I think…I think I’m still really horny,” she admitted, closing her legs to rub them against the other.

  The friction must’ve been what she was looking for, because she started to moan as her hand slipped down to her beautiful pussy.

  I fisted my cock, working the beast in long, slow pulls as I watched her pleasure herself.

  Licking my lips, and relishing in the taste of her, I worked myself to another orgasm before I was even aware of it.

  Once again, we came at the same time, and I was left with my head pounding.

  “There’s something wrong with me,” she gasped. “Jesus, I didn’t think the book was true. I thought I’d wake up, and it’d all be a dream.”

  I understood her sentiments, but felt the magical strings tying us together. I may not have had much experience with a mate, but I was beginning to recognize her as a part of me.

  I didn’t realize just how much my cock would want her.

  And if I understood right, it could only get worse from here.

  “Blythe,” I pushed up until I was on an elbow beside her.

  “Yes?” she rose up on her own elbow, incidentally placing her heaving chest excruciatingly close to my mouth.

  I licked my lips, and was about to tell her that I wanted to fuck her brains out when all the alarms throughout the entire manor started shrieking, and Declan was suddenly in my head.


  One word. One single, terrifying word, and I knew this wouldn’t be a good day.

  Meet me outside.

  Looking over at my mate, who wasn’t quite my mate yet, I said the only thing I could think of.

  “I need you to go to the panic room. It’s at the end of the bedroom wing. I’ll have Nikolai watch for you to join my sister and mom there. You’ll be safe,” I told her urgently, helping her up and yanking her t-shirt down.

  She looked alarmed. “But…what about you?”

  I smiled. “Don’t worry about me. I was born for this.”

  Chapter 8

  They say unconditional love exists. It does…but only with dragons. Men are shitheads.

  -Blythe’s secret thoughts


  “Does this happen often?” I asked Keifer’s mother and sister.

  I’d only met the sister, Skylar, as Nikolai shoved her into the room with us, and then sealed the opening off with a wave of his hand.

  Much the same as I’d been ordered to do by Keifer.

  My mind started to wander as I thought about him being out there without his powers. Defenseless.

  He’s hardly defenseless, dear heart, the dragon’s smooth voice slithered through my subconscious.

  I took a deep breath and said, take care of him.

  “Do we go into lockdown and get shoved into holes?” Skylar clarified, raising her eyebrow at me in question.

  At my nod, she shook her head. “No. This isn’t normal. Well…I take that back. It’s normal lately. But not here. Our havens all over the country have been coming under attack, but no one can figure out just how they’re being found. Not that I know what happened this time, but something major had to have happened if we’re in the safe room. Keifer’s not one to overreact.”

  Her admission didn’t make my stomach stop rolling.

  But with nothing else to do, I let my mouth speak. Something that I always found myself doing when I was nervous.

  “When I turned eighteen, my mother died, and she said I would be special when I got to be older. I never believed her until this morning,” I told them, staring into space as I relived this morning through my memories. “I know I don’t know Keifer all that well, and I feel like I have a ton more to learn, but I sense a connection to him. Something deep.”

  Skylar smiled. “I’ve never seen Keifer act the way he has this past day with anyone in my entire life. Even during high school when he was the king of football. Trust me, I’m sure he feels much the same way.”

  I smiled. “I used to watch the dragons from my apartment window,” I told her. “Used to daydream about riding one. Being in the clouds, feeling the wind in my hair,” I sighed wistfully as I remembered yesterday’s flight. “Keifer made one of my dreams come true within the first twenty-four hours of knowing him.”

  I felt a cool, dainty hand touch my forearm, and I turned to find Keifer’s mother, Bella, staring at me. Then she touched my cheek, letting me know that she understood what I was going through.

  Hell, I wished I did. I was so fucking lost it wasn’t even funny.

  The minute the door sealed off, my heart froze in my chest, and I felt like I hadn’t taken a deep breath since.

  “Mom knows sign language, do you?” Skylar asked softly.

  I turned to Skylar and shook my head. “I know the alphabet, but I’m really slow on the uptake. I can sign it quickly, but I can’t comprehend unless they go really, really slow.”

  I smiled apologetically at Bella, and she patted my hand twice before removing a spiral bound notebook from her side.

  She started scribbling words down, and I looked down to read them.

  Do you have any questions? She wrote.

  I shrugged.

  “Probably a b
azillion,” I admitted.

  She smiled and made a come-on gesture with her hand, so I started to ask my questions.

  “How long were you able to resist your husband?” I asked.

  She didn’t even pretend that she misunderstood what I was asking her and instead just started to scribble away.

  He and I were able to stay away from each other for a little over forty-eight hours. The third night we knew each other, our relationship became a little…explosive.

  I smiled, remembering this morning, and how I really couldn’t stop myself from taking him.

  Hell, I’d practically woken up with him already in my mouth.

  I was shameless!

  “Is that how you lost your voice…did he breathe his dragon fire into you?” I asked carefully.

  She nodded.

  His father told my Dodd about what would happen. When we were blocked off from our family, the day before he died, he started to write in that book. For hours he wrote, and I lay against him, telling him what I thought should be in there. Then we were attacked, and Dodd dispensed the first wave of Purists. But they gutted him, and he died a very slow and painful death. He was able to breathe his dragon fire into me, and I willingly took it, knowing it was something he wanted me to have. To raise our sons like they should be raised. To be with them and help them carry on their legacy.

  I watched as she wiped a lone tear that had escaped, despite her tight control, and I felt my own responding tears start to take over.

  “I’m a mess,” I muttered to myself.

  Skylar snorted. “Welcome to our show. We’re clan fucked up. Keifer’s our leader.”

  I laughed out loud.

  “Awesome,” I muttered.


  Two hours later found Skylar, Bella and I playing Go Fish.

  “Do you have any twos?” I asked Skylar.

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “You know I do, you horrid woman.”

  I snickered.

  I liked Skylar. She was spunky, sassy, and was really good at keeping my mind off of the things that wouldn’t help us out.

  Mainly whether Keifer was dead in a field somewhere, while I was laying on pillows in a climate controlled room that smelled like apples and had an unlimited supply of snacks and drinks.

  Taking the twos, I placed all four of them down on the pillow in front of me and turned to Bella. “Do you have any Kings?”

  She narrowed her eyes at me and handed her three over as well.

  “You’re such a cheater,” Skylar whispered under her breath.

  I’d also learned that the Vassago women were sore losers.

  We’d played Clue, Monopoly, and Go Fish in the time we’d been cooped up in here, and I’d won every time.

  I was about to reply to her comment when a shiver tore through me and suddenly a burning pain was tearing through my arm.

  I cried out, dropping my hand of cards, and yanked my shirt from my body.

  I looked down at my arm as a line appeared, hideous and red, starting at the top of my shoulder and running down to the base of my elbow.

  The line was four inches thick, and its edges were jagged, almost as if a wound had appeared and then healed before I even had the chance to look at it.

  Your hurts are your mate’s hurts. When you are hurt, your mate will display the same wounds, albeit healed. You will be one, and she will forever know when you are hurting.

  The paragraph slid through my head, reminding me, instantly, of what I’d read, and I knew that something had happened to Keifer.

  Something that hurt so bad that he could barely breathe.

  “Blythe,” Skylar gasped, scooting forward on her knees to get a better look at my arm. “What the hell’s going on? What is that? That wasn’t there earlier.”

  I looked into Skylar’s scared eyes and started to explain.

  “In the book I read,” I met Bella’s eyes for encouragement. “It said that when one of the mated pair gets hurt, the other will feel it. The wound will display on his or her body in exactly the same place as the mate who actually got wounded.”

  Skylar drew in a breath, and Bella’s eyes filled with tears as she ran her hand down my arm.

  It wasn’t tender at all.

  Not even a little bit.

  “He’s hurt,” she breathed. “We have to get out of here. I can help him.”

  I nodded, in complete agreement with her.

  Concentrating on opening the door, I was pulled up short by Bella’s cool hands on my cheek.

  When I drew my eyes to hers, she shook her head slowly.

  “Don’t,” she mouthed.

  And, although it hurt me, practically gutted me to know that Keifer was out there hurting, I closed my eyes and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Mom!” Skylar cried. “We can’t. I have to go. I can help!”

  I shrugged my shirt back over my head, and looked down at my hands, keeping an eye on the other two in my peripheral vision.

  Bella shook her head and Skylar slumped into her recently vacated seat, crossing her arms over her knees and resting her head on top of them.

  “I have four more weeks until I graduate with my BSN in nursing,” I told them both. “Will I be able to finish?”

  Maybe if I talked, I’d forget about how my heart hurt. How worried I was. How scared I was that there’d be nothing left to go back to when I finally left this room.

  He’s fine, slithered through my brain, and I gasped, tears starting to fill my eyes.

  Thank you, Declan, I replied.

  “What was that?” Skylar questioned.

  “What was what?” I asked in confusion.

  “You made a face. The same one Keifer makes when he’s communicating with Declan.”

  My brows rose.

  “Really?” I asked, and then waved my hand in front of my face. “That was Declan. He was telling me that Keifer’s alright.”

  They both slumped.

  “Okay and okay are two different things. Freakin’ men. They’re all the same,” Skylar mumbled.

  “We…” I stopped when a roll of magic poured through me, and the sealed door opened revealing Nikolai.

  “Get up, we need you,” Nikolai pointed at Skylar.

  When I went to stand, too, Nikolai shook his head. “Not you.”

  I laughed. “Why don’t you try to stop me?”

  He glared, but I noticed he got out of my way without trying to stop me. I followed the fleeing form of Skylar as she raced towards the back of Keifer’s ornate house.

  I hadn’t seen that much of it, only a few of the rooms, but the ones I had seen weren’t these, so I had to stop and wait for Nikolai, who I could hear stomping along behind me when I lost sight of Skylar.

  “What’s wrong with him?” I whispered.

  He looked at me. “How’d you know he was hurt?”

  I lifted my sleeve and showed him, which made his eyes widen.

  “Holy shit,” he breathed. “I read that in the book when Keifer gave it to me once you both were done reading it…but I didn’t think that was true.”

  “Tell me,” I ordered.

  He sighed and grabbed the back of my arm, pushing me in the direction of a long hallway as he started to talk. “A claw ripped through his arm. He’ll be okay, but he’s hurt enough that he has no feeling in his hand. That’s why I came and got Skylar.” Then he muttered, “Not that the fucker would stop fighting long enough for us to look at it. Dumbass.”

  “Ohh,” I breathed as I saw Keifer standing up outside, yelling at a couple of young men. “Holy shit.”

  His arm was wrapped up in what looked like the t-shirt he was wearing when we rushed out of the room that morning. Silver duct tape was wrapped around that holding it in place, and he was standing there shirtless, with a real life sword in his hand.

  He had on a pair of black jeans that I felt was probably a really good thing seeing as he had what looked sus
piciously like wet stains on his pants, and I could do without the confirmation that it was indeed blood.

  “Keifer, let me see your arm!” Skylar growled as Keifer turned once again and started to talk to the two men instead of listening to his sister.

  “I want you two on the perimeter, along with Morales and Hughes. Make sure Jones is aware of what’s going on, and y’all please ask your dragons to be on the lookout for another breach. What we think is that they were just a scouting party, not a live party. So keep your eyes peeled, and run your patrols in eight-hour shifts so you don’t get tired and sloppy. I’ll inform the other men what’s going on, and if I have need, I’ll have Declan contact you, got it?” Keifer asked.

  The two men nodded and hurried away towards two dragons that were lying on the lawn.

  They were beautiful, of course, but they weren’t Declan and Story.

  “Keifer, this is bad. If you can’t feel your hand, then that signals nerve damage to me. You need to come into the infirmary and let me take a look at it, at least. Okay?” Skylar tried again.

  When he whistled and Declan, who’d been lying in the grass next to the other two dragons, roared, I knew it was time to intervene.

  He wouldn’t be going anywhere until he was checked over.

  “Keifer?” I called softly.

  Keifer stiffened slightly and turned to look at me.

  His front was covered in blood, but I assumed that was from his arm again, and not any other injuries.

  His expression was thunderous as he saw me standing outside.

  “What are you doing out here?” He asked angrily.

  I blinked, surprised that he’d used that tone of voice with me when he’d done nothing but speak softly to me in the day and a half that I’d known him.

  Back straightening, I said, “Obviously, trying to make it so that my mate,” I spat the word, “doesn’t lose his arm because he’s being stupid.”

  He frowned. “Go back to the room.”

  I laughed. “How about you make me?”

  He took a step forward, and I took a step back.

  This continued until I was back in the house and backing up the hallway as he stalked forward.

  “This would be more convenient if I knew which room was the infirmary,” I muttered to myself.


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