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The Perfect Clone

Page 15

by M. L. Stephens

  “You mentioned Ms. Greggario. Do I need to have living quarters prepared, or will she be residing upside?” Matt had personally made an appearance during the cleaning of her lab. He’d filled out the necessary paperwork concerning her termination and signed off on the inventory taken, minus one sample of course. Matt was with Richard on this one. No need to make waves with the stock holders if word of Laura’s indiscretion leaked out.

  “For the time being, she’ll officially reside upside, but yes, she’ll need living quarters. I want them located next to mine. Move around whoever or whatever you have to, in order to make that happen. I’ve put myself in charge of her security and I’ll personally escort her to and from the facility until she takes on permanent residency.”

  Security always at the forefront of any motive, Cara added, “It’s known among her co-workers that she no longer works with NWL. What happens if someone recognizes her coming and going with you? It’s not a wise move, Mr. Avery. If she’s going to work underground, she can’t be seen coming and going from the building every day, especially after she’s been fired.”

  “For the first few days it won’t be a problem explaining if it becomes necessary. Mr. Kincade and I are simply tying up the loose ends of her work contract. Once Ms. Greggario sees the underground facility, along with her new lab, I can’t imagine she’ll find the need to continue the commute. So leave that detail to me.”

  Reaching into his inside jacket pocket, Richard pulled out a small zip lock bag which contained a clear plastic film and handed it to Cara. “I took the liberty of bringing Ms. Greggario’s cell phone screen protector which will have her fingerprints. Her iris scan was done via my cell phone and sent to your data base. Please see that the appropriate Delta clearances are activated. You reported that her work space is ready?”

  Matt was quick with the response. “Yes, according to the layout and specifications that you requested.”

  “Good work, both of you. The Order’s council members will want to know the status of the project when we meet with them. I want a full update at the end of each day until that occurs.”

  “We are on the cusp of the greatest scientific creation known to man. As we know, there are organizations that will do anything within their means to stop us from continuing this project.”

  “Cara, you’re with us because your ancestors vowed to shed their last drop of blood protecting the grail. It’s because of their unrelenting service and vision that the Shroud of Turin resides in its current location, for the entire world to see and to refuse to accept for what it is. The Royal Chapel Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is protected by the Catholic Church. Civilians turn their heads to the truth, because they fear it most. That fear has proven to be a great asset.”

  “Matt, you’re here because your ancestors made the same vow. They whispered lies and myths into the ears of those who would listen, thus beginning the continual search for something hidden, something always just out of reach. Your family has kept people digging for hidden treasures and secret passageways. Its mankind’s greatest pitfall to overlook what lies right in front of them—directly under their noses.”

  “The political and military associations that we confer with are also tied to this project by history similar to our own. Every one of us has played a lengthy role in protecting, solving, and resolving what was asked of us so long ago. We continue a long line of a people inside a community that has given their vow to create the second coming of Christ. I don’t take my role lightly. I know the two of you feel the same.”

  Matt and Cara nodded, desiring to acknowledge the man sitting before them without interrupting him. He had more brilliance in his little finger, than most civilizations would require in a lifetime.

  Cara had attempted to walk away from it all once, but after working as a hired assassin, had found her way back. She refused to return to the facility she’d been raised in and had instead chosen to work at this one. Once you stood behind and played a supporting role in something so divine, there was little self-gratification to be found elsewhere. Here they each served a definitive function. There was no guessing or trying to figure it out. Your blood line had done it for you all those centuries ago and it was passed down from generation to generation. It was instilled deep into your soul, printed firmly upon your DNA.

  “Ms. Greggario is the key. She has successfully cloned human DNA and was able to grow the embryo without evidence of failure; in a lab setting of course. With both Dr. Hamstein’s and Ms. Greggario’s expertise, combined with the pending fertility of the virgin girl, we are just months away from giving birth to the Christ. With us entering into the end of October, we have little time to get underway. With a December conception, and without any problems, the delivery of the child should take place in September. According to the Avery tome and in concordance with the scholars and theologians who have studied the first birth; that is the time of year the Christian Christ child was originally born. A new dawn is about to emerge my friends and the three of us will be there to assist.”

  Chapter 18

  “We’ve just received Phase 3 results. Ms. Mariam responded well to the ten day fertility drugs and her eggs were retrieved via abdominal scope. Dr. Hamstein has analyzed the eggs over the last five days and found our girl to be acceptable. Ms. Mariam’s the one. She’s being transferred to the facility. Luke is accompanying her there as we speak.” Matt’s voice trembled with excitement.

  “That’s excellent. Ms. Greggario will be excited to hear the news.” Hitting the end button on the cell phone, Richard turned to Laura. She’d had a tough couple of weeks. Dealing with her father’s funeral and estate had put a strain on her. True to form, she’d held it together like a champ.

  Laura turned in the passenger seat, anxious to hear the latest report. “Well, what’s the news?”

  “It depends, are you ready to get back to work?”

  “It’s been a little over two weeks since the funeral Richard. I’m ready.”

  “Phase 3 testing is complete. Ms. Mariam is the one.”

  Laura blinked several times as the jest of what he was saying fully sank in. “You mean our virgin is also fertile?” The lump in her throat was a solid mass, causing her to cough back disbelief.

  “Yes.” Richard excitedly banged the side of his fists against the steering wheel multiple times. Even though he had intended things to work out in their favor, the stark reality of it was overwhelming. Looking over his shoulder, Richard pulled the car onto the shoulder of the road.

  Laura jumped out of the car and started pacing, elatedly flapping her hands in front of her. The project was in her ball field now. Laura was struggling to process the enormity of what was about to happen. Richard safely made his way out of the car and over to Laura’s side of the road. She threw herself into his arms. Richard swung her around.

  “Do you know what this means?” Laura wasn’t winning any common sense prizes with that one.

  Laughing at her jubilation, Richard sat Laura down and kissed her firmly on the lips. Pulling their faces apart he rationalized one hard fact. “We have the girl, but now’s the hard part. It’s all up to you.”

  Sobering up at the remark, Laura released him and got back into the car. Richard walked around to join her. Merging back into traffic he drove to the New World Laboratory parking lot as light rain began to fall. Stopping the car, Richard killed the ignition while Laura continued staring straight ahead.


  He slipped his hand over to hers and turned in the seat. “Yes?” He could tell that she was lost in thought as she tried to calculate everything she’d need to do.

  Sometimes, reaching a destination was harder to digest than the struggles you faced along the way. There was no one standing in her path. Her dream of human DNA cloning was dawning into reality. Had she learned enough? Was she capable? What if she failed? What if her previous work had been flawed?

  “Do you really, and I mean really, think we can do this?” She turned
to face the man beside her. Laura trusted Richard more than she’d ever trusted anyone. The two of them had held this discussion many times over the past week, but she needed to hear it again.

  It was foreign for her to be in a cohesively working relationship, but at the moment, she couldn’t remember a time when Richard hadn’t been around to talk shop with. How had she ever done anything before Richard? Laura didn’t know the answer to that. What she did know was that everything about their relationship was right. This project was right. “I’ll want to get started right away. I want to recreate my previous work in the new lab before attempting the actual cloning.”

  Popping the handle on his car door, Richard stepped out into the frigid rain. “Then let’s get started, shall we?”

  Laura pulled her jacket over her head to ward off the rain and followed Richard into the building.

  Since the last time she’d been here, she had been fired from her job, had buried her father, handled his estate, and was now about to start work on the project of her dreams.

  Shaking the rain from their coats, the pair signed in at the main desk. Laura looked around, wondering if she’d catch sight of Roger. The building’s interior looked the same. The only difference between this visit and her last was the direction she was heading and who she was headed there with.

  When they reached Richard’s office, Laura took another look around. “It seems a lifetime ago since I was here.”

  “It was a lifetime ago Laura. Everything’s changed.” Entering his security code, Richard pulled the golden box from its holding place and handed it to the woman beside him. She slowly opened the lid and glared at the tube lying inside. “This is your new life now, Laura”

  Closing the lid, she handed the box back to Richard

  He placed the hand crafted box in his jacket pocket and closed the safe, pressing the secret panel back into place. “I’m about to show you something that very few people get to see. If it becomes too much for you, I want you to tell me.”

  “It can’t be more than I’ve already been exposed too.”

  “Yes Laura, it can. It is. Are you ready?”

  She walked over and placed her hand in his. “With you beside me, I’m ready for anything.”

  Richard took a minute to admire Laura’s courage, and then led her through the coat closet and onto the lift. Laura was too surprised to speak as Richard lowered the handle and put them into motion. “This is the beginning of an entirely different side of me. I’m about to introduce you to my world. There’s so much I want to show you.”

  This was the most exciting thing she’d ever experienced. Laura didn’t have the nerve to tell him that she felt like an actor in a spy movie. She’d save that for another time. Instead she listened as he explained the underground city, the reasoning behind it, and the security that was in place.

  She was prepared to meet Matt, but wasn’t sure she cared to meet the Head of Security. Richard was giving her a lot of information; leaving her dumbstruck. He hadn’t lied when he said she’d have a new life. This was about as new as it could possibly get.

  The lift came to an abrupt stop when he pulled the lever up.

  Laura walked behind Richard as he stepped off the lift and followed him through another door. “Where are we?”

  “This is my other office.”

  “Now this is the ultimate man cave!” she exclaimed looking around.

  Richard adored Laura’s naïve humor. It was a refreshing addition to this normally somber world. His smile threatened to turn into a full blown chuckle, so he attempted to repress it.

  Turning his back and speaking into the cell phone, Richard placed a call. “Ms. Greggario is here. We’ll meet you at the lab.”

  That was just like him, she thought, short and to the point. Once he dropped the phone back into his pocket, Laura continued her evaluation of the space. “The only thing your man cave is missing is a pool table. Add that and you’d have it made.”

  “The pool table is located at ground level. I felt the residents would get more use out of it.”

  “That was very generous of you, Mr. Avery.”

  Bouncing her eyebrows up and down, she walked to the door. “Off to the lab.” Laura pulled on the door but it didn’t open. “Is this another security thing?”

  With a smirk on his face Richard concurred with her quick assessment of the security feature. “No one can come or go without my approval.”

  Walking to the door he pulled it open. “I’ll give you the specific run down on what you’ll have access to. Since you were given Delta clearance, there aren’t many places excluded from that list, but there will be a few. My office is one of those places. It’s off limits to everyone, unless of course they’re accompanied by me. With that same respect, your work space will be locked to anyone except for you.” Richard didn’t think she needed to know that he, Matt, and security also had access to her lab. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, he did. She wouldn’t be given free rein to come and go if he didn’t. For the time being, however, this was another card he chose not to reveal just yet.

  “But why lock it against anyone you’ve let in?” She was baffled.

  “If for some bizarre reason, access to this office was obtained from my NWL office, it wouldn’t do the intruder much good. The offender would be trapped inside both offices.”

  Trying not to sound dubious of his methods or his need for such tight security, she commented, “I think you’re a security fanatic and all this high tech gear turns you on. That’s what I think.”

  “I think you might be right.” Richard couldn’t argue with her on that. It was a definite turn on to know you were surrounded and protected by the best of the best. More importantly though, was the knowledge that your work was proficiently secure. He certainly didn’t have any problems sleeping at night.

  The couple walked down the hall, passing a few doors and making several turns along the way. “All this is really underground?”

  “Yes. We’re on level four. I wanted all the delicate work on the lower level close to my office. There are living quarters on all levels. The atmospheric and water control staff works on the ground level but reside on levels one and two. The scientists, doctors, nurses, and other such sensitive residents on level three. The residents that maintain food control and lobby entertainment reside on the ground level with the control staff.”

  “Do you live here?”

  “I have an apartment here, yes.”

  Laura cast a glance over at Richard. It was safe to assume that his apartment was located on this level as well.

  “Mr. Avery.” Matt walked up, shaking Richard’s hand.

  “Ms. Greggario.” Matt extended his hand to Laura and she accepted.

  “Ms. Greggario, this is the infamous Matt Kincade.” Richard introduced the pair.

  Matt bowed his head and lifted Laura’s hand to his lips, lightly kissing it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last.”

  Laura laughed at the mock chivalry. “Please Mr. Kincade, you’re making me blush.”

  “It’s a good thing I know where you’re true intentions lie, or I might think you were flirting with my woman.” Richard’s tone held a hint of threat as he addressed his friend. Laura wasn’t sure what that was all about. Since when had she become his woman? They’d had a great time, sure. In fact, they were still having a great time, but he’d never indicated that it was anything more. Or had he?

  “Don’t scare the woman off Matt. She just got here for crying out loud.” Cara’s voice carried down the hall as she made her way toward them.

  Matt moaned and lifted himself to stand erect, slowly releasing Laura’s hand. “Forgive my colleague’s crudeness, she can’t help it.”

  Cara reached the group. “Save your bullshit Matt.” Turning to greet the newcomer, Cara crossed her arms over her chest and offered up the usual cocky smile, all while making a quick physical assessment of the woman standing beside Mr. Avery. She liked that the scientist didn’t shrin
k and hide behind the man. Most women tended to cower in her presence.

  Laura acknowledged the security guard’s presence. “You must be Cara. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You’ll probably want to retract that statement later, so I’ll be sure to ask you how you feel about it in a few days.” The security guard’s tone was stern as she faced off with the other woman. Cara’s overall take of the female species wasn’t good. They were weak and useless outside of their ability to procreate. She considered those in her line of work the exception to that rule and she’d met very few women that she would consider to be her peers.

  Laura shook her head. “I doubt it, but if it’ll make you more comfortable, I’ll promise to think it over.”

  Cara laughed at the woman’s wit. “You’ve got balls, I’ll give you that.”

  Richard smiled. He hadn’t doubted for one minute that Laura would stand her ground. She’d always been quick with verbal retorts. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, shall we move on?”

  Richard led the way, halting at a steel door.

  “I take it my work area is behind mysterious door number one. So what are we waiting for?” Laura was yearning to get inside.

  Richard took the initiative to introduce the procedure. “The security’s already been set to open with your iris scan and fingerprint. We can’t go in until you open the door.”

  “In that case, let’s see what we’ve got.” Laura took a deep breath and turned the handle. The four of them walked inside the lab. The door clicked shut behind them.

  Richard removed his jacket and hung it on a hanger next to a lab coat. He was prepared for Laura to claim ‘time out’ and wanted to be ready to help if she became besieged with the reality of her new circumstances. Everyone that had ever been introduced underground had needed time to consider the vastness of it all. He didn’t really expect her to react any differently.


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