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When It Rains...

Page 10

by Angie Daniels

  She remembered when Freddy’s Diner was opened for business many years ago. In high school, Freddy’s was the shit. It was the place to hang out on Friday nights for chocolate malts and Freddy’s thick-ass burgers.Somewhere in the back of her mind, she could still hear teenagers laughing, and could almost smell the scent of the greasy quarter-pound hamburgers they all had adored. The burger joint had been closed for almostsix years.

  Honey strolled over to the counter where three old stools were still screwed into the floor. Dusting off one red vinyl seat, she sat and took a twirl. “One chocolate malt, please,” she ordered, smiling at her own reenactment.

  “Make that two.”

  Honey whirled around sharply and found Jay standingseveral feet away. Her smile vanished as she stared at him with her brow arched high in surprise. Well, I’ll be damned. It was becoming a habit of his, sneaking up on her. Cheeks flushed, she felt embarrassed and pissed the fuck off that he’d caught her goofing around.

  Standing with his legs wide apart, he spoke again. “Hello, Honey.”

  While remaining silent, she allowed her eyes to linger over his appearance. He looked sexy as hell, dressed in his usual eight-to-five attire. Crisp blue jeans outlined his long muscular legs and fit as if they had been molded to his body. Covering him was an unzipped quarter-lengthleather jacket, and his large hands were tucked in the front pockets. Honey watched the rise and fall of his solid chest covered by a green sweatshirt.

  His beard had grown since she’d last seen him, but was still neatly trimmed, adding tantalizing dimensions to his fine chocolate ass. Brown eyes dancing, he looked deliciously edible. Just as she reached his thick juicy lips, Honey tore her focus away and frowned. “I wasn’t expecting you. I thought you were sending one of your employees.”

  Jay’s mouth lifted in an irresistible smile. “I decided to do this job myself.”

  “Oh.” Shhiiit. She’d never even considered the possibilityof him doing the work. Now Honey knew she was in trouble. Her decision not to get involved with him had been challenged at the baby shower, but now that he planned to invade her space while installing her security system, she’d have to stay on her toes. Otherwise,her efforts were going to be futile.

  Jay had been watching her from the moment he enteredthe room. When he found her holding the menu in her hand, he had witnessed a tickled smile and eyes huge with delight. The sight had warmed his soul and made his dick stand to attention. Now he allowed his gaze to wander over her appearance, and took pleasure in looking at her. Honey had paired a white turtleneck with a red corduroy skirt and oversized sweater. White tights covered her shapely legs. Her hair was pulled away from her face, highlighting the attributes of a long delicate neck and giving him a full side view of her small, charming nose. Her skin was smooth, cheekboneshigh, lashes long and thick, eyes wide and bright, a complexion so natural that if she was wearing cosmeticsit was impossible to tell. Her mouth looked delectable:red, pouting, and begging to be kissed.

  Honey braced her weight against the countertop while her heart slid back into her chest. As soon as she found her breath she asked, “Did you ever visit Freddy’s when it was open?”

  Carefully maneuvering around an overturned table, he answered, “No. I never did. We weren’t allowed on this side of town.”

  She nodded, remembering the stories of his strict upbringing. Jay had grown up in a big-ass house in the Central West End with servants and shit.

  She watched Jay thoughtfully as he moved across the floor to a window in the corner, where he ran his hand across the sill, as though trying to determine a good location to install wiring for her security system. She had a bird’s-eye view of his phat ass.

  “Well, you missed out.”

  Jay turned and lifted his gaze to her, giving her a sexy, lopsided smile that sent her pulse racing. She spun around and stared down at the dirty countertop as she took several deep breaths. “Freddy’s was the bomb. Anybody who was anybody hung out here. His burgers were big and juicy, and his malts were so fuckin’ thick you had to use a spoon.” She unconsciously traced figureeights in the dust with a slender finger. “Yeah, you missed out.”

  “Sure sounds like it.” Jay pulled out a rickety old chair, resting his foot in the seat and his elbow on his knee. His eyes swept across the room. “I never had a place like this to hang out in. This looks like something we saw on Happy Days.”

  “That it was,” she mumbled, then looked over her shoulder in time to catch Jay staring at her. With his eyes centering on her face, she found it next to impossibleto escape his penetrating stare.

  “And you want to change it into a beauty parlor.”

  She nodded before her eyes wandered to his lips. They were full, moist, and curved slightly with amusement.Again, warmth rushed through her as she rememberedwhat they had felt like brushed against hers. Her nipples tingled as she imagined his lips suckling her breasts like a newborn baby.

  Honey slid off the stool and walked across the room to distance herself. She reached a booth once occupied by the in crowd. Staring down at the table was like déjà vu as she remembered standing in the same spot while enjoying good times with her friends. Combing fingers through her mass of shiny brown hair, she also remembereda time she’d rather forget.

  It was right at this very booth that she had fallen in love with Walter. He was captain of their high school football team their senior year, and since she was a cheerleader, they both traveled in the same circle of friends. After victory games, the entire team traveled to Freddy’s. Honey remembered sitting at that very spot with her chin resting in the palm of her hand while her eyes found their way across the room to where Walter was sitting. Sometimes they’d all share the same booth; other times Walter would sit close to the malt machine with his fellow teammates. She had thought him handsomewith dark mocha skin, long nose, dimples, and coal-black eyes. He was so damn fine that she’d refused to listen to Sasha’s assessment of him as a conceited dog.

  It wasn’t until months later that Honey painfully realizedWalter was a self-centered bastard. He believed the world owed his tired ass something, and being in his presence was considered a privilege. Even Honey’s being a member of the in crowd meant little to him. He ignored her. It wasn’t until she became captain of the cheerleading squad that he finally found her worthy of his time. Honey had caught him staring at her on severaloccasions with looks of interest, causing a warm tingle down to the end of her toes. Then one afternoon, she found Walter standing in front of her locker. Her heart had raced so fast she thought she would faint. She believed herself to be the luckiest girl in the world when he asked her out.

  How wrong she had been.

  Returning from her reverie, she looked at Jay for several seconds without blinking before turning away from the puzzled concern in his eyes.

  Jay’s brow wrinkled. He’d watched the disturbing play of emotions on her face, and could barely restrain himself from comforting her in his arms. Honey had shaken her head, as if to relieve herself of painful memories. He hadn’t missed the sadness her eyes held. Now she looked like she wanted to kick somebody’s ass. He wanted to push for answers, and wondered again for the hundredth time how much longer it would be before she decided to share her pain with him.

  “Hey, Jay, come here.” He heard the slight giggle in her voice. Whatever the hell had bothered her had quickly vanished. Jay walked over to the corner of the room and stood beside her. She pointed to the end of an old wooden booth, and he saw her name carved on the table.

  Jay looked into her wide eyes. “Wow, you’re famous.”His irresistibly sexy smile reappeared as he reached out to squeeze her shoulder.

  Feeling heat emanating from his hand, Honey backed away, afraid of the closeness she felt. She turned away and reached up to pull a wooden board from the window,allowing sunlight to pour into the gloomy room. “Why are you really here?” she asked.

  Jay wasn’t at all surprised by her blunt question. He would never expect anything less from
her. But he paused a second too long, and she turned around in time to see the desire dancing in his eyes as he replied, “Why do you think?”

  “Shit, if I knew, I wouldn’t’ve asked,” she answered shakily. “You tell me.”

  “Because I want to be here,” he answered, taking a step forward. “I want to be near you,” he added, slowly, searching her face.

  “But why?” she asked again, her voice a frantic waver.

  He reached up to stroke her face, then dropped his hand again. “Why not?”

  Only silence greeted him. Jay noticed her pained expression, and decided to restrain himself from sharinghis feelings with her. It obviously made her uncomfortable.

  Then a thought washed over him. Maybe Honey wasn’t hiding anything. Maybe she wasn’t afraid. Maybe the reason she wasn’t interested in a relationship was that she truly wasn’t interested in him.

  Oh, hell naw, he told himself. No fuckin’ way. His pride wouldn’t let him accept such bullshit.

  Honey shrugged her shoulders, almost as if to say, “What-the-fuck-ever,” then turned away. She didn’t trust herself to respond when near him. She felt like crying and didn’t know why. There’ll be none of that shit, she scolded herself inwardly. Taking a deep breath, she moved to remove another board from the window.

  Jay broke the silence by asking, “When will constructionbegin?”

  Relieved he had changed the subject, she whipped her head around. “My brother’s company will begin next week.” Putting some distance between them, she moved to the center of the room. “They’ll knock down that wall over there.” She pointed to the wall dividing the two suites. “And add six more booths and a smaller kitchen.” She faced him, her mouth curled into a smile. “I plan to have a full-service salon. Everything from facials to manicures.”

  Jay nodded, clearly impressed. “Congratulations. It sounds like this is gonna be the happening place.”

  Hands clasped in front, Honey’s smile broadened. “I hope so.”

  Strolling around the room, Jay stopped within inches of her. “So, you want this room wired and operatingon the same system as next door?”

  She could smell the spicy scent of his body. Dizzy with desire, Honey barely managed a nod.

  Once again, he witnessed the same sweet smile he’d taken to his bed at night for almost eight months, and knew it was only a matter of time before she would share his bed. He could already imagine her lying on her back with her legs spread wide apart and him takingthem on a long hard ride. Oh, hell yeah, it was going to happen. He would just have to be patient.

  “You have some dust on your nose,” he whispered. He lifted his hand and with the pad of his thumb, gentlywiped the dirt from the tip of her nose. She glanced up at him, and Jay saw a reflection of his own desire. He stared into her eyes, trying to see deep within her, hoping to find some hint of what Honey was feeling.

  “Honey, I—”

  She held up a hand and broke in with a crisp tone. “If we’re gonna work together, we need to get somethin’straight from the beginning.” She gathered her emotions, getting them under control, then pushed them to the back. Fixing him with a glacial stare, she continued.“I’m not getting involved with yo’ ass.”

  Jay’s expression stilled, and his gaze held her stormy eyes for a long spell as he witnessed her visible struggle to keep herself together. “Aw’ight.”

  Honey’s lips compressed into a thin line. Jay didn’t appear to be offended; his tone was casual and his smile, although small, was friendly. She couldn’t believehe was giving up so easy. Part of her wanted him to keep pursuing her, while the other half knew that was no good.

  “I’m glad we got that straight,” she said, her tone soft now.

  “Friends?” Jay asked, extending a hand, and saw the lines of worry in her face ease.

  Honey noted the mischief twinkling in his eyes, and knew being friends wasn’t going to be easy. Jay was going to tempt the hell out of her every chance he got. But she was determined to fight him all the way.

  “Friends.” She clasped his hand and ignored the searing heat.

  Jay released her grip and winked. “See you in a couple of days.” Then he headed for the door.

  Natalia arrived at the Galleria Mall just in time to find Kendra descending the escalator.

  “Oh!” Kendra waved several bags in the air. “I was hopin’ I hadn’t missed you!” She embraced her friend in a bear hug.

  When they pulled away, Natalia lowered a hand to Kendra’s belly and patted it playfully. “Looka here. My little godchild is sprouting like a weed.” Natalia chuckled.“You’re as big as a damn house!”

  Kendra cut her eyes and said, “Thanks for remindin’ me.” She wasn’t in the mood for teasing, especially after spending half the morning trying to get ready. It was becoming fuckin’ impossible to do even the simplesttasks.

  “But no less beautiful,” Natalia said, beaming at her friend. It was true, Kendra’s full mocha face was adorably round and glowing. The burgundy jumper and turtleneckblouse she was wearing made her look every bit the part of the expectant mother. But from the look on Kendra’s face, Natalia knew “cute” was the last thing she’d want to hear. She remembered reading that pregnantwomen became increasingly sensitive during their last trimester, and she had to agree Kendra was a perfectexample.

  Natalia looped their arms together. “I can’t wait to hold that baby in my arms!”

  Kendra clicked her teeth and turned her head to gaze up at her tall friend, and felt the usual pang of jealousy. Kendra had always been envious of Natalia’s beauty and talent. When she’d first begun modeling during their freshman year, Natalia covered the expenses so Kendra could travel with her during the summer. It had been the most memorable experience of her life. At that point, she knew she wanted to have as much controlof her life as Natalia had, not shackled down with a baby. Natalia had money, power, and beauty. Her model’s figure, her greatest asset, had an amazing effect on men. She was also the first real friend Kendra had ever had. She felt proud Natalia had chosen her.

  “How about you taking this baby off my hands and raisin’ it yourself?” Kendra blurted.

  Natalia looked down at her for several seconds beforerealizing Kendra was dead serious. “Girl, please! I don’t even know how to change a damn diaper.” She chuckled. “I’m definitely not ready for motherhood. I need to get married first. Then I’m depending on you to teach me a few things.”

  Kendra gave her a choked laugh. “And you think I’m ready? Nat, you know I don’t know shit about babies. I don’t have a family to help me. Unfortunately, babies don’t come with instructions.”

  The pair grew silent as they strolled side by side, passing several specialty shops while Natalia wonderedif it was time to mention her reason for asking Kendra to meet her this afternoon.

  Natalia had a lot of admiration for her friend. Kendra’s mother gave birth to her at fifteen, and had never pulled herself together. Kendra grew up living in and out of foster homes until she turned ten, when she returned to her mother and was verbally abused until she was old enough to get away. An honor student, she was granted a full scholarship to UMKC’s school of dentistry. UnlikeKendra, Natalia had grown up with a college trust fund. Kendra had made something of her life through a lot of hard work and determination, and Natalia admiredthat.

  “Oh, look!” Kendra shouted, pulling Natalia out of her reverie. She was pointing at a cashmere coat in the windowof Lord & Taylor. “The coat’s the bomb!” She rushed toward the door, dragging Natalia alongside her.

  “You’re pregnant! What good is that coat gonna do you?” Natalia teased, amazed at how fast Kendra could maneuver her body if she needed to.

  Kendra dropped a hand to her thickened waist and muttered, “Hmmph! This is a temporary situation,” beforestomping off with a look of disgust.

  Natalia found her reaction oddly disturbing. She’d always imagined that when Kendra decided to have children, she would cherish the moment and give
her child all the love she had been deprived of in her life. Instead, she was acting the complete opposite.

  They entered the department store, and Natalia scanned a rack of wool slacks while Kendra went in search of the coat. Natalia quickly found a pair of royal-blue pleated slacks on sale and was pleased. She had a dinner party to attend next week, and was dying to wear a two-toned blue blazer she’d purchased while at a conference in New York.

  Natalia smiled, thinking of the dinner. She was certainher boyfriend, Jacob Stone, was planning to propose. While at dinner together the night before, he’d casually asked her if a woman preferred a marquise or a round-cutdiamond, then quickly added that he was planning on purchasing a pair of diamond earrings for his mother. However, when they dropped by a jewelry store on the way home, instead of looking at earrings he’d moved over to the ring display and asked Natalia what she liked. With that in mind, her heart lurched with happiness at the prospect of spending the rest of her life with him.

  Not too long ago, she had believed herself to be in love with Terraine Andrews. Now she knew that had only been infatuation. She’d been jealous of Terraine loving someone other than her. She had been young, too. He was like a big brother to her, and she his pesky little sister going through puberty. When Terraine began dating and no longer paid attention to her, she became pissed off. One night she switched his allergy pills with sleeping pills, and once she was sure he was sleep, she slipped into his bed. Terraine awakened the next morning to find her lying naked next to him, and immediately assumed they’d had sex. Natalia did nothingto correct him.

  A month later, she announced that she was pregnant. Richard Andrews immediately stepped in, as Natalia knew he would, and demanded his grandson marry her. But shortly before the wedding was to take place, Nataliawas offered a modeling contract and regretfully admitted she had lied. It had taken Terraine falling hard for fashion model Sasha Moore for Natalia to finally see the light. Now, with Jacob Stone in her life, she realizedthe difference between love and infatuation. Last night he had fucked the shit out of her and then they had lain in each other’s arms, curled together in satin sheets. She had never felt more at peace.


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