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When It Rains...

Page 16

by Angie Daniels

  “No. I have not been checkin’ up on you,” Honey snapped.

  “Then what would you call it?”

  “I wouldn’t call it anything.” She wagged a finger in front of his face. “See ... that’s why I can’t be nice to your ass. You always take shit the wrong way.”

  He shrugged and said, “My bad.”

  A huff was her only response.

  “Well ...” Jay cleared his throat. “Just so you’ll know, I’m leaving Valentine’s Day open.”


  “So, how about being my date?”

  “For what?”

  “For Valentine’s Day.”

  “What about Dr. Price?” she blurted out.

  Seeing her blank expression, Jay couldn’t tell if he saw jealousy or not. “She already has a date.”

  She and Jay had never been out on a real date before,and now wasn’t the time to start. It was too damn intimate. “Well ... so do I.”

  “With who?” he pressed, even though he already knew what the answer would be.

  “W-well ... Darrius, of course.” Her lie was smooth; she was certain if she asked him, he’d say yes. Shifting her attention away from his steady gaze, she watched Marcus play.

  After a long silence, Jay asked, “Are you a virgin?”

  She snapped back around with her mouth wide open. “What?” Astonished, she burst into laughter.

  “It’s okay,” he said with a shrug. “It took me a while, but I finally figured it out. Now I know why you broke things off between us.”

  Just like a man. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “So you’re saying that you’re not a virgin?”

  “Yes, I’m saying that,” she retorted.

  “Are you attracted to me?”

  Her upper lip stiffened. “You’re attractive, but I’m not attracted to you.”

  “I don’t believe you.” He flashed a sly grin.

  Honey had to chuckle. His line of questioning was ridiculous. “The reason you don’t believe me is that you’re used to women throwin’ themselves at you.” She waved him away with disgust. “And this girl ain’t interested.”

  “I still don’t believe you,” he said. Why else would she keep up so much animosity?

  He leaned forward, and the scent of him invaded her senses, so much so that she had to turn away, trying to suppress the desire churning inside.

  “Well, believe it.”

  “Then prove it.”

  She rolled her eyes at that. “I don’t have to prove shit to you.”

  “You’re scared. Admit it.”

  She hated to be challenged. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

  “Then if you aren’t afraid, be my date on Valentine’s Day.”

  She frowned. “I don’t have time for games. I thought we agreed to be friends.”

  “I’ve changed my mind.”

  Her body betrayed her again; his words caused a stirring at the pit of her stomach, and she had to force herself to concentrate on what he was saying, and not on how good he looked. “Too bad,” she forced between clenched teeth. “I’m not interested.” She turned in her seat and looked over at Marcus again, glad for the diversion.

  Jay was silent for a moment while he observed her stern profile. Honey was definitely a piece of work. He chuckled.

  His laughter drew Honey’s attention again, and she shifted in her seat. “What’s so funny?”

  “You’re somethin’ else. You know that?”

  Crossing her arms on the table, she met the glitter in his eyes and couldn’t hide her own amusement. “I am, aren’t I?” She then laughed, a deep throaty laugh, findingherself relaxing for the first time in a long time.

  The alluring sound warmed his heart. He hadn’t heard her laugh like that in so long, and he missed it more than she could ever know.

  Jay returned her smile and leaned forward in his seat, resting his arms on the table. “I miss this, us laughing, enjoying each other’s company. I want that back with you.”

  “Then quit tryin’ to make more of this than it really is.” She caught herself, and her next words were gentler.“I’m sorry if it’s hard for you to believe that I’m only interested in being friends. I don’t have room in my life right now for anything else.”

  He didn’t believe her, but decided not to argue. “No funny stuff,” he pledged. “Friends again?”

  Her face lit up with a beautiful smile. “Friends.”

  While returning her smile, he tried to force himself not to think about kissing her moist lips.

  Marcus rushed over to them, out of breath. Honey held out her arms and scooped him up. “How’s my baby?”

  He frowned, obviously embarrassed, and squirmed out of her arms. He moved to Jay and patted him lightly on the arm. “Can you come and play with me?”

  “Sure.” Jay rose, smiling. “Let’s get some more tokensfirst.”

  Marcus latched on to Jay’s hand with worship in his eyes. Honey dropped her chin to her hand and watched the two of them together. Jay looked so right with Marcus.All the more reason they could never be more than friends. She would never deprive him of this happiness.

  “I’m gonna order another pizza. You want somethin’ to eat?” Jay’s voice nudged into her thoughts.

  “Pizza’s fine.”

  “You still like sausage and mushroom?”

  She nodded at his photographic memory, and caught herself smiling as she watched them stroll across to the cashier.

  Jay moved to the token machine and stuck in a ten-dollarbill, giving Marcus a handful of tokens before he darted off ahead of him.

  He couldn’t believe his good fortune. After weeks of trying, he finally had Honey to himself. And this time he wasn’t going to mess up. As much as he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless, he knew he couldn’t do that. Their friendship meant the world to him. The last time he jumped the gun, she quit speakingto him. He didn’t want to take the chance of ruiningtheir relationship forever. This time was going to be different. He was going to take his time and allow things to progress naturally ... and on her terms ... until he could slowly tempt her to the boiling point.

  Reaching deep in his pocket for money to pay for the pizza, Jay realized he’d left his cell phone at the salon. Oh well. If there were any problems, Chad would handle them. Right now, nothing was as importantas being with Honey.

  He and Marcus returned to the table just as two piping-hotpizzas arrived.

  “Perfect timing.” Honey greeted them with a welcomingsmile.

  “You have a whiz kid,” Jay said, ruffling Marcus’s hair before he took his seat.

  “Auntie, I beat Jay at every game,” Marcus boasted. “Look!” He held up a long roll of tickets that were exchangeablefor prizes.

  “Wow!” Honey nodded as she slid off the bench so Marcus could sit down beside her.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m hungry again,” Jay said as he grabbed a large slice of sausage pizza, then a slice of cheese pizza for Marcus.

  “Why don’t I get the drinks?” Honey offered. Rising,she headed toward the soda fountain.

  “Pepsi for me,” Jay called over his shoulder.

  “Me too!” Marcus added.

  Honey was tickled. Jay had an admirer. Marcus knew his hyper ass wasn’t allowed to drink Pepsi. Caffeinewas one thing he didn’t need this late in the evening.

  Jay and Marcus dominated the conversation during the meal. Marcus talked nonstop about preschool and video games. Jay told him how he used to be a Boy Scout. Honey found the discussion interesting, and added her experience as a Girl Scout, including some of her most disastrous camping trips.

  After sipping her soda, she said, “I remember when we were at a campsite in Indiana. We thought a bear was right outside our tent. My troop was so scared we ended up knockin’ the tent over tryin’ to get away.” Honey laughed as her mind was flooded with memories.

  “Auntie, can we go camping sometime?” Marcus mumbled, his mout
h full of pizza.

  She licked sauce from her fingers before answering. “Maybe one weekend I’m not workin’.”

  Jay could see that she seemed relaxed and more approachablewhen her nephew was around. Maybe Marcuswas the answer to getting close to her. “We’ll see if I can’t coax your auntie into lettin’ me take the both of you real soon.” Jay winked at Marcus, who beamed with joy; then they both directed electrifying grins at her.

  Honey looked at both of them with raised eyebrows and knew that she’d better start shopping for sleeping bags.

  The live puppeteer show started on the stage with Chuck E. as the star, but Marcus, who apparently had outgrown Chuck E. overnight, wasn’t paying the stage any attention. All his attention was focused on his new buddy, Jay. Honey could tell that Jay found Marcus equally intriguing. She observed as Jay listened attentivelyto everything Marcus had to say without appearingannoyed with all his questions. Instead, Jay looked as if he was having the time of his life. He was a natural.

  Of the three of them, the boys ate most of the pizza. Honey didn’t mind; for some reason, she didn’t have much of an appetite.

  Marcus began licking his fingers with exaggerated smacking sounds.

  “Mind your manners,” Honey scolded. Finding it amusing, Jay started laughing.

  “Jay, can you come over and play video games with me and Auntie sometime?”

  Jay looked over at Honey before answering. Unable to deny her nephew, she smiled even wider in approval.

  “I’d like that very much,” Jay said. His answer generatedheat between Honey’s legs, making her thong hot and wet.

  Dinner was over much too soon, but it was getting late and nearing Marcus’s bedtime. They put on their coats, and then Marcus dashed off to the counter to collecthis prizes. Honey and Jay headed to the door with his arm draped comfortably around her shoulder, his male scent turning her ass on.

  “You have a nice nephew.”

  “Thanks, I think so too,” she said, beaming.

  After his spending the afternoon with Marcus, thoughts of becoming a father were becoming overwhelming.“I never thought about having a family, but recently all that has changed.” His words were soft, and his brown eyes gazed intensely at her.

  Like a helium balloon, her entire mood fizzled.

  Jay didn’t seem to notice the change in her. “Give me your keys so I can go and warm up your car.”

  She reached into her purse and handed them to him. Jay pulled his hat down over his ears and exited the building. The cold February air hit him at the door. He reached into his pockets for a pair of thermal gloves. Unlocking the car, he climbed into the front seat and started the engine.

  He had no control of his emotions when Honey was involved. He wanted to hold her, kiss her, and fuck the shit out of her. Not yet, take it slow, let things happen naturally, he chanted inwardly. He had to allow her a chance to make the first move.

  He climbed out of the car, reached into the trunk, and pulled out the ice scraper.

  Honey came out shortly after, bundled up in a camel-colored full-length coat with matching gloves and hat. Marcus ran up to Jay and showed him his prizes, which consisted of a plastic whistle and a fistful of candy.

  “Thanks for a wonderful evening.” Looking down at her nephew, she added, “Marcus, you need to thank Jay for a wonderful evening.”

  “Thanks, Jay,” Marcus said quickly with a smile.

  “No need to thank me, the pleasure was all mine,” Jay said, smiling down at the little boy who looked swallowed up in a blue snowsuit. “I hope to get the opportunityto do this again.”

  Honey opened the car door so Marcus could climb in. “Thanks, Jay, I owe you.”

  “And I plan to hold you to that.”

  With a nod, she climbed into the car and was backingout of the space when Jay halted her.

  “What is it?”

  He scratched the back of his neck. “It sounds like you have a flat.”

  “A flat!” Honey threw open the door and hurried out of the car. Sure enough, her front tire was flat. She looked at Jay out of the corner of her eye but didn’t say anything.

  Jay was certain she thought he was responsible. Defending himself would only make him look guilty. He stooped down behind her tire and scooped up a palmful of broken glass. “Looks like you ran over a bottle.”

  “I don’t have a spare,” she mumbled.

  “Why not?”

  She winced. “ ’Cause I’m already using my spare. I had a flat a month ago, and kept putting off havin’ the tire repaired.”

  As if he didn’t believe her, he popped the trunk and pulled out her tire. Sure enough, there was a large hole in it. “What the hell did you do ... run over a barbwire fence?”


  “I’ll take you both home,” he said.

  She shook her head, already looking in her purse for her cell phone. “You don’t have to.”

  “Yes, I do,” he insisted. Not waiting for an answer, he opened the back door. “Come on, Marcus. You’re both riding with me.”

  Marcus scrambled out of the seat. “Where’s your car?”

  “It’s right over there.”

  Marcus’s eyes traveled over to the gray Lexus. “Oh boy!”

  Not wanting to argue in front of her nephew, Honey relented and shut off the car. She followed Jay over to his, wondering if he might have had something to do with her flat. Was it an excuse to spend more time with her? Hot damn! She couldn’t resist the private smile that curled on her lips.

  Marcus chatted away for about a mile, and then suddenly got quiet and drifted off to sleep. Honey forced herself not to look over at Jay’s strong profile, and instead stared out the frosted window. Wanting to spend time with her private thoughts, she switched on the radio so neither of them would feel obligated to talk. Comfortable silence enveloped them, broken only by the sounds of Brian McKnight. There was a quiet intimacy in sitting in the car side by side, listening to a love balladthat put each of their emotions to words.

  Jay pulled into the driveway of her house to find a couple standing outside. They appeared to be in the middle of a heated argument. Peering out his front window,he asked, “Isn’t that Mercedes?”

  Honey pursed her lips. “Yeah ... and her baby’s daddy.”

  He stopped in the driveway just as their voices elevated.By the time they climbed out of the car, Dean had swung the kicking, screaming Mercedes over his shoulder.

  “Put me the fuck down!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.

  “Not until you bring me my son,” he demanded.

  “Hell naw!”

  Honey raced up the walkway with a hand doubled into a tight fist at her side. “You’re not allowed on my property, Dean.”

  His eyes were dark with hatred as he turned in the direction of her voice. “Stay out of this, Honey. I’m tired of you meddling in my damn business.”

  “It’s my business when you come to my house.”

  “You better back the fuck off!” he shouted.

  “Put her down,” Jay ordered in a low, hard voice.

  Dean’s mouth twisted as he looked at the man blocking his way. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Your worst nightmare if you don’t put Mercedes down.” Standing about five inches taller, Jay stood beforethe rugged light-skinned brother with his legs planted wide apart and his arms crossed in front of him.

  Dean lowered Mercedes to the ground, but continuedto clutch her left arm tight.

  Mercedes tried to adjust her terry cloth robe. The belt tied around her waist had loosened, revealing more than it concealed. Dean stepped forward, draggingher with him. Giving a humorless smile, he said, “Satisfied?”

  “No, not until you leave,” Jay said.

  “I’m not going nowhere without my son,” Dean challenged through gritted teeth.

  “You’re not takin’ my son any—”

  Dean cut off the rest of Mercedes’s sentence with a vicious shove that sent her sprawl
ing facedown in the wet snow. Honey quickly moved to help her up. Before Dean saw it coming, Jay’s fist connected solidly with his jaw. Staggering, he nearly fell from the force of the blow.

  “Don’t you ever put your hands on her again,” Jay warned.

  With the back of his hand, Dean gingerly wiped the blood from his mouth. “I’ll leave as soon as she brings me my damn son.”

  Jay step forward and Dean flinched. “You’re either gonna leave now, or I’m gonna make you leave.”

  Dean’s body tensed. “You can’t keep me from my son.”

  “I can tonight.”

  “Come on, man.” Dean shifted from one foot to the other. “Do you know what it’s like to be kept from your child?” He turned to glare at Mercedes. “That bitch won’t even let me see him!”

  “I don’t want to get into yo’ business,” Jay said. “All I know is that this isn’t the way, and it’s too cold out here to be arguing.”

  “Leave, Dean, before I call the cops on yo’ ass!” Mercedes shrieked.

  “I think you’d better listen,” Jay said.

  Dean’s eyes traveled from one to the other. “Y’all gonna regret ever messin’ wit’ me.” He walked cautiouslyaround Jay and climbed into his car, muttered exclamations flying from his lips.

  Jay didn’t pay heed to his threat. Any man that would hit a woman was nothing more than a bitch.

  Always one to have the last word, Mercedes sprinted across the lawn, shouting obscenities as he sped away. “You sorry mothafucka!”

  Jay walked over to Mercedes and dropped a comfortinghand to her shoulder. Her lip cut and bleeding, her eye black, she looked fucked-up. “You okay?”

  Gingerly pressing a hand to her mouth, she swalloweda sob and nodded.

  “I’ll get Marcus,” Honey said.

  “No, I’ll get him,” Jay suggested. “Why don’t you take Mercedes into the house?” He tilted his head to the right. Honey looked over his shoulder and found several of her neighbors peeking from their doors and windows. Nodding, she moved toward the house with her arm draped around Mercedes’s shoulders.

  Jay returned to the car and scooped Marcus into his arms. Thankfully, the little boy had slept through it all. A child should never have to go through that kind of shit. That’s why he knew he and Kendra could never raise their child together. It would be the same thing. A lot of arguments. Children could sense unhappiness. He would never do that to his child. Never.


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