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Max's Redemption

Page 5

by L. Wilder

  Our names were called and we started moving forward. “Don’t make a big deal of it, Harper. He was trying to do a good thing. Let’s just do our best to have a good time, and then everyone will be happy.”

  I decided Luke was right, and I actually ended up having a great time. We all went to the diner for a burger and fries, and then out to the Point to join the others at the bonfire. It was fun. I enjoyed hanging out with my friends, and while I’d have to get used to not having Max around, I was glad I went. That didn’t mean I wasn’t still a little aggravated at Max for calling Luke. Although it was late when I got home, I sent him a text message.


  I can’t believe you called Luke. What were you thinking?

  Thinking he wouldn’t respond until morning, I got up and grabbed my pajamas. I was just starting to change, when my phone chimed with Max’s reply.


  I wanted to make sure you had a good time, and considering the time , I’d say you did.


  I did have fun, but that’s not the point.


  I think it is, Freckles.


  You don’t think it was a little embarrassing to have my boyfriend call my Homecoming escort with an itinerary.


  I just wanted you to enjoy yourself, and since I couldn’t be there to make sure it happened, I called Luke. I didn’t do it to embarrass you.

  I felt like a complete jerk as I sat there staring at the screen. I hadn’t even considered how he’d feel about not being there with me or how hard it must’ve been to know that some other guy was taking me. And then, I had to go and make things worse for him.


  I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.


  Nothing for you to be sorry about. Just need to hear that you had a good time.


  Yes. I had a good time.


  That’s my girl.


  It would’ve been better if you were there.


  No doubt about that.

  After Homecoming, I only had to wait another week to see Max. The family flew to San Diego for their graduation, and since they had a ten-day leave, they both came back home with us for a few days. I was out of school the following week for fall break, so we decided to go to the beach house. Although it was too cold to swim, we took our chairs and sat out by the water and listened to the guys tell us stories about boot camp. When we got the chance, Max and I would take long walks along the beach. We spent hours just talking, holding hands, and sharing stolen kisses. We cherished every moment of time we had together, and neither of us were ready for it to end. Nevertheless, it was time for the boys to head to Camp Pendleton for their Infantry training. Max explained that after they were done with their Basic Combat Engineer course, they would be sent off to fleet.

  Over the next few months, they barely had time to catch their breath. One training bled into the next, and they were always on the go. It seemed like I would never get to see either of them, but after a year of being gone, they both got to come home for two weeks during Christmas. I was thrilled that I was going to finally get to spend time with Max, but it was bittersweet knowing that their unit was being deployed to Anbar Province in Iraq as soon as their leave was over.

  My folks had gone to some Christmas party, and Max had come over to watch movies with me. After we’d made cookies and popcorn, he’d decided to build us a fire. As I followed him outside, I couldn’t get over how much he’d changed over the past year. Mentally and physically he was stronger, more assertive, and I couldn’t stop staring at him. “What’s with the look?”

  “What look? I don’t have a look.”

  He lifted another large piece of firewood into his arms and started walking towards the house. “Oh, yeah, you do. You’ve been looking at me all night like I’ve got three heads.”

  I followed him into the house, and as he started to unload the wood by the fireplace, I said, “You’ve changed.”

  He dropped the rest of the wood into the bin and then turned to me and asked, “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know.” He didn’t move. He didn’t speak. He just stood there studying me. “You’ve just changed. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing … It’s not. I’m just kind of amazed by you.”

  “I could say the same about you too, Freckles.”

  I gave him a puzzled look. “Oh, really? And how’s that?”

  “Have you looked in the mirror lately?” He smirked. “You’ve always been beautiful, Harper, but now, you’re absolutely stunning.”

  “Whatever,” I scoffed. I looked down at myself, and while I’d finally gotten the boobs I’d always wanted, I still looked pretty much the same. “I haven’t changed all that much.”

  “I’ll have to disagree with you on that, but I’ll tell you one thing that hasn’t changed.” He took a step towards me and placed his hands on my hips as he pulled me closer. “I’m still crazy about you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  His mouth dropped to mine and he kissed me tenderly, showing me once again just how much he loved me. With each kiss, the heat between us grew more powerful, burning through me like a wildfire. It was too much. I needed to touch him, feel his body pressed against mine again, and act on all those crazy feelings I had for him. I could see the way he looked at me, the long glances he’d thought had gone unnoticed. But he’d never pushed. We fooled around a little from time to time, but we never took that next step. He’d told me time and time again that he wanted me to be sure, and right then, wrapped in his arms, I’d never been more sure of anything. I wanted Max. I wanted him to be my first and my forever. “Max.”


  “There’s something I want for Christmas.”

  “Okay .” His arms were still wrapped around my waist as he asked, “What is it?”

  “You.” I inched closer and said, “All I want is you.”

  “You’ve already got me.”

  “I want all of you , Max. I’m ready … I’ve been ready.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I wound my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me and answered, “I’m positive. I’m almost 18, and I’ve loved you for most of my life. So, yes. I want this. I want you.”

  He looked down at me with those dark, piercing eyes, and my world stopped turning. The only thing left between us was the anticipation of our lips meeting once again, filling the air around us with want and need. When he finally lowered his mouth to mine, the yearning didn’t end, it was just the beginning. His tongue brushed against mine, and I felt an electric shock shoot up my spine, setting off an explosion of desire that couldn’t be contained. It was finally happening; the moment I’d been thinking about—dreaming about since our very first kiss. I wanted to remember every detail—the scent of his skin, the warmth of his touch, and the taste of his mouth. My fingers raked through his thick, dark hair, his lips possessing mine while he deeply kissed me.

  As he broke from our embrace, his warm, strong hand took a hold of mine, and he led me up the stairs. I followed him inside my room, feeling my heart beat rapidly against my chest as I waited for his next move. He pulled me over to him, closing the space between us while I stood there unable to move. I wanted him, all of him … now and forever, and it terrified me. I looked up at him, seeing the passion in his eyes, and my pulse pounded harder, roaring in my ears as I waited for him to kiss me. He was standing in front of me, so close that I could feel the heat of his breath against my flesh, and before I could even react, he brought his hands to my face, holding me steady as he lowered his mouth to mine. His intoxicating scent and the subtle hint of cologne surrounded me, only intensifying my arousal. His tongue explored my mouth, slow and deep, making every cell in my body fill with need. Maybe it was because I knew what was coming, but I’d never felt so much from just one kiss. I knew then that I’d never feel the same about any other man.
  Once again, he pulled back from our embrace and looked down at me with a hungry stare. “I love you, Harper. More than I ever dreamed possible.”

  “I love you too, Max. So very much.”

  His mouth crashed down over mine, and I was so lost in the moment that I hadn’t even realized he’d already unfastened my jeans until they dropped to the floor. My heart was beating out of control. I felt like I was caught up in a dream with every detail playing out in slow motion. While I was nervous and had no clue what I was doing, Max made me feel safe and took my worries away. I was consumed in the moment, needing him more than I ever thought possible, and all I could think about was being with Max for the first time. Sighing into his mouth, I eagerly unbuckled his belt and released him from his jeans then brazenly reached for him. Max’s breath hitched when my fingertips lightly brushed across him as desire flashed through his eyes. He took hold of my sweater, pulling it over my head and began kissing me again as he reached behind me to remove my lace bra.

  Once it hit the floor, he breathed, “You are so beautiful.”

  Before I could react, Max reached down and lifted me into his arms and carried me over to the bed, laying me flat on my back. As soon as he removed the remainder of our clothes, he lowered himself down on top of me, covering me with the warmth of his body. Gently, he took my nipple in his mouth, taking his time as he sucked and pulled at my delicate skin. A moan permeated the room as I arched my back, pressing my breasts towards him. His hands slowly trailed down my stomach and between my legs, and I took in a deep breath as his fingers began to circle and grind against me. He’d touched me before, but it had never been like this. This was possessive and determined, and I could feel myself becoming more aroused by the minute. My doubts about timing, being a virgin, and giving him something I would never be able to give another were nonexistent. As I lay there with Max, it all seemed so natural, like our bodies and souls were meant to be together. When his fingers entered me I rocked my hips against his hand, letting him know how much I wanted his touch—that I craved it like a drug. I could feel my release inching forward, causing me to moan as my body tensed and filled with heat. The sensation grew even stronger, and I gasped, whimpering uncontrollably as my orgasm exploded, rocking me to my very core. My chest heaved while I struggled to catch my breath.

  I was still in a haze as I watched Max lift off the bed and reach for his jeans, then pull out a condom from his wallet. He tore open the wrapper and sheathed himself, then settled between my legs.

  “Ready, beautiful?” Max looked down at my body with a desire so intense, I could feel the heat of his gaze burning against my skin. My body tingled with anticipation as he brushed against my entrance, bringing me to a point of pure agony before he slowly began to slide inside of me. As he thrust forward, a slight twinge of pain caused me to grimace. He filled me completely, then paused and waited for me to adjust to his size.

  After several seconds, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I’m more than okay.”

  Max lowered his mouth to the side of my neck while he nipped and sucked at my sensitive skin, creating a trail of goosebumps down to my collarbone. Once I’d started to relax, he withdrew from me, slowly and deliberately, causing chills to run down my spine each time he entered me. He was gentle, but forceful as he drove deeper inside me. A low moan vibrated through his chest as he increased his pace, taking me harder and faster; once more, pleasure started building through me as I moved with him, meeting his every thrust—forcing me closer to the edge.

  “Yes,” I chanted over and over again.

  My body trembled as he slid one hand down between our bodies. As soon as he brushed his thumb over my swollen clit, I was gone. I could no longer focus as my entire body shattered and jolted and writhed beneath him. My nails raked across his back as I clamped down around him, urging him to give in to his release. Max groaned loudly, unable to contain his climax any longer; he drove into me one last time, holding himself still as he came deep inside of me.

  Max’s body rested on top of mine, and I could feel the thunder of his heartbeat pulse against my chest. I loved having the weight of his body pressed against mine, and I sighed with displeasure when he rolled off to the side to discard the condom in my little wicker wastebasket before collapsing from exhaustion onto the bed. Missing his warmth, I curled up next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I laid there quietly as I waited for the tremors in my body to settle. A sexy grin spread across his face as he said, “That was incredible.”

  “Yes, it was. That had to be the best Christmas present ever.”

  “You got that right.”

  “And why did we wait so long to do that?” I laughed.

  “I have no idea, but I intend to make up for lost time.” He kissed me on the temple, and I felt a warmth in my heart like I’d never known.



  T he Christmas before my deployment was the best I’d ever had. It was good to be back home to see my folks and to spend time with Harper. The time I shared with her flew by, but the memories would last me a lifetime. I planned to hold on to each and every one of those memories whenever things got tough in Iraq. Unfortunately, I would be recalling those times with her sooner than I’d realized. Brody and I knew we were being deployed to Anbar Province. From everything we’d heard, things in Iraq were settling down. Troops were withdrawing and the President declared more would follow, but the situation in Anbar was far from settled. Sunni insurgents had taken control, and it was up to us to help Iraqi forces take that control back.

  I’d spent the past year and a half preparing to take the battlefield. After boot camp and SOI, I was assigned to my first unit as a rifleman in the 1st Marine Division. Brody and I had both spent a year receiving specialized training in mountain warfare, conventional tactics of fire and maneuver, and urban operations, and once we were done, we were ready for whatever they had planned. Brody and I, along with the rest of our unit, left California with a fleet consisting of: a small aircraft carrier, two troop ships, two destroyers, and a submarine—and headed for the Middle East. Five weeks later, our MEU arrived in the Gulf, and we were deployed into an area Northwest of Fallujah in Al Anbar Province.

  After being there several months, Brody and I were becoming accustomed to our new routine, but the climate was another thing altogether. There was no way to prepare yourself for the heat, especially when we were out patrolling our assigned area. Dust swirled around our boots as we walked along the dirt road, making my mouth feel even drier, like it was crammed with cotton. With our guns in hand and our eyes constantly surveilling the area, Brody eased over to me and teased. “You know, all we’re missing is a lawn chair, a cooler, and a big, fat ass waterhole to jump into.”

  “You got that right. I’d dive in right now, fatigues and all,” I agreed, as I wiped the sweat from my brow. I could use a quick dip, even if it was only for a few minutes. We were wearing over seventy pounds of gear; with our flak jackets with armor plates, our helmets, water, ammo, kits, and gloves. The sun blazing down on us only intensified the heat.

  Duncan, one of the guys from our unit, chuckled and said, “Yeah, a good ol’ dip in the pool would be great right about now. I can almost hear Terrance’s big ass hitting the water.” He was tall, lanky, and goofy as hell with a crooked smile which made him look younger than he really was. We all liked having him around. “Can you imagine that shit? He’d make one hell of a splash.”

  “Fuck you, Boots,” Terrance grumbled. I glanced over at the big brute of a man next to me and couldn’t help but smile when I saw the disgusted expression on his face. “You talk too damn much.”

  Duncan just laughed and shook his head. “You know I’m right. Hell, I’d pay money to see that shit.” He paused for a minute, then added, “Damn, I could use a cold beer and a cigarette.”

  “Stupid jarhead,” Terrance complained. “It’s too fucking hot to smoke.”

  Tate and Joey chimed i
n, giving their two cents, and before long, we were all wishing we had a pool to dive into. These men had become family to both Brody and me, and being with them was one of the best parts of becoming a Marine. I’d lay down my life for any one of them and knew they’d do the same for me. As we continued to walk, I looked over at Brody and noticed that he was soaked in sweat, so I stopped and grabbed my water bottle. “Time to hydrate.”

  Following my lead, he took his water and guzzled down a quick drink. I knew I didn’t have to remind him, but before we were deployed, Brody’s folks asked me to watch over him while we were gone. They were worried, so even when I knew he could take care of himself, I did what I could. Brody replaced his water bottle and continued walking forward. Our group was almost done with the day’s patrol, and our final stop was just a few yards away when I said, “Harper’s letter said it was snowing back at home.”

  “Now, why did you have to go and put that thought in my head,” he grumbled. “Were they getting a lot?”

  “Yep. They’d closed the schools.”

  “Damn. I’m sure Harper’s loving that.” While I regretted not telling him sooner, Brody had taken the news about Harper and me better than I’d expected. When I first told him that I was falling for his little sister, he laughed. Apparently, he’d known for months and was just waiting for me to have the guts to tell him. After I tried to apologize for not being upfront with him, he hugged me and said he couldn’t think of a better guy to date his little sister.

  Thinking of her laid out on the sofa in her pajamas watching it snow, I looked over to him and replied, “I bet she’s laid up watching TV and eating popcorn right about now.”

  Ignoring me, Brody suddenly stopped, and his attention was drawn to a dilapidated house across the street. “Did you see that?”

  My shoulders tensed. “What?”

  The others from our unit hadn’t noticed anything unusual and kept walking. When they saw that we’d stopped, Duncan and Terrance motioned us forward. “It was nothing. Let’s go.”


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