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Backstage Billionaires: The Complete Serial (Menage Romance)

Page 7

by Marie Carnay

  “I know they lied, but…it was a lie of omission. They just hid that they owned the label.”

  “That’s a big omission.”

  “I know, but maybe it was a good thing.”

  Rachel almost spit her coffee all over her best friend. “A good thing?”

  “Would you have felt pressured to screw them if you knew who they were?”

  Rachel cocked her head. Would she have? She’d never been in that sort of situation before, but…What if? What if they’d told her in the backroom of Vortex that they didn’t just work for, but owned a major record company? How far would she have gone to chase that dream? She glanced down at the steam rising from her mug. She’d never thought of it like that. “I probably would have felt pressured, yeah.”

  “Did you last night?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Well, then isn’t that kind of fantastic? They weren’t hinging the contract on you sleeping with them. Hell, I wonder if they’d even have told you before you’d agreed. It’s like a double-blind research study. No one knows what’s really going on, so everyone can be objective.”

  Rachel snorted. “Except in this case, I was the only one in the dark.”

  “True. But I still think it was sweet. Nice, even.”

  She shook her head and frowned. “I don’t know, Mel. It still rubs me the wrong way.”

  Her best friend drained the last of her mug and stood up. “Did you enjoy it?”


  “You know—all that dirty monkey sex.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” The blush that spread up her cheeks broadcast just how much.

  “Then don’t give up on them. At least not yet.”

  As Rachel opened her mouth to respond, a knock made her jump. “Who could that be?” She stood up and walked over to the apartment’s entrance. Peering through the peephole, she frowned and opened the door. “Can I help you?”

  A delivery driver stood in front of her with a slim envelope. “I’m looking for Ms. Rachel Madison.”

  “That’s me.”

  “Then I have something for you. Could you sign, please?”

  She signed for the envelope, took it, and sent the driver on his way.

  “Who was it?”

  “Package delivery.” She walked into the kitchen, tore the envelope open, and pulled out a stack of papers. The contract. “Oh my god.”

  “What?” Melanie hustled over and peered over her shoulder. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “It’s the contract. The one from Alec’s office.” She flipped to the last page and there it was—Alec’s signature on the dotted line.

  “Is there a letter? Anything?”

  Rachel looked in the envelope and pulled out a thick piece of cardstock. Alec Wells was emblazoned across the top in gilded letters. Figures. “It’s from Alec.” She held it out and let Melanie read with her.


  I’d hoped you’d receive the enclosed contract through our A&R department and that you’d have a chance to make an unbiased decision before learning my connection to Falcon Records. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out as I’d planned. Please consider signing with our label. We’d love to make you part of the Falcon family. No strings attached.

  All the best,


  “Looks like you were right. He wanted me to decide first.”

  “It sure does.”

  Rachel sighed. “So why does accepting their offer feel so dirty?”


  “Fuck you, Alec.”

  Alec hit start on the coffee maker, ignoring Brooks and his furious stare. “I thought you weren’t into that. If you’ve changed your mind…” As the machine dinged, he picked up the steaming mug and took a sip.

  Brooks couldn’t believe it. Leaning against the counter, sipping his overpriced coffee while Rachel was god knows where. How did he not understand? She was different than all the others. Better. Special. If they lost their chance now…they’d never get it back. He’d have to settle for finding a woman he could live with. Without Alec. Damn him. He pushed past the man and grabbed his own mug, resisting the urge to swing a right hook instead. “This is all your fault.”

  “What is? The three of us having a night of wicked hot sex? Or you getting your panties in a bunch?”

  “All of it. Me breaking my word—us screwing it up with Rachel.”

  Alec balked. “Whoa, slow it down, Brooks. I didn’t hold a gun to your head. I didn’t tie you both up and make you fuck each other. You did that all on your own, remember?”

  I’ll never forget. He picked a coffee, put the cup in the machine and hit the button. In all the years he’d known Alec, his best friend never let a woman hang around for more than a few weeks. But this time, Alec wanted to sign her and fuck her too. You didn’t make that kind of a leap if you didn’t want more. He glanced up at Alec’s cocky grin and frowned. Unless you were a major asshole. “She’ll never want anything to do with us now. You should have seen the look on her face, Alec. We hurt her.”

  His partner rolled his eyes. “She’ll get over it any minute.”

  Oh, no. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Alec winked. “I couriered her the contract, pre-signed. All she has to do is sign and send it back. Then we’ve got her.”

  Brooks’s mouth fell open. “You didn’t.”

  “I did.”

  Shit. One look at that contract and she’d think they were trying to buy her silence. And her body. He slammed the mug on the marble counter with a clang. Coffee sloshed over the rim and he pulled his hand back before he got burned. “You’re screwing it all up, Alec.”

  “You barely know her, Brooks. Why are you so upset?”

  “Because she’s not like most women. The way she fits both of us. Accepts us. We’ve never had a woman like her before. She could be more than a fling.” He ran his hands over his hair and turned to his best friend. “Don’t you feel it?”

  Alec stared at him—cup midway to his mouth, eyes bright but guarded. “What about your promise?”

  “Isn’t she worth it?”

  Alec took a sip and gave Brooks a slow nod. “Maybe. That’s why I sent the contract. She’ll sign it. We’ll have her as an artist. Maybe more.”

  “She’ll never sign it. Not now.”

  “Of course she will. Sign with Falcon Records, date the billionaire owners. Seems like a perfect set up to me.”

  Brooks shook his head. “If Rachel were interested in our money, she wouldn’t have run out this morning.”

  “Jitters, that’s all. She’ll sign the contract.”

  “Not like this, she won’t. You need to call her. Take it back.”


  Brooks rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll have to fix it for you.”

  Alec smirked and took another sip. “Go for it. Prove me right.”

  Brooks turned around without another word. He had more important things to do.

  * * *

  Rachel stepped out of the shower and paused. What is that? She slipped on a robe, wrapped her hair up in her towel, and walked into the living room.

  Wham-wham-wham. The pounding was deafening. She shook her head. Every once in awhile they got some drunk frat boy, lost and confused and banging on their apartment door to be let in. Poor guys couldn’t count after a whole case of beer.

  “Easy, fella. This is apartment 301, you need to go up another fl—” It wasn’t a frat boy. “Brooks…I thought—you shouldn’t—” She tugged her robe closer together and frowned.

  “I’m sorry, Rachel. I had to see you. To explain.”

  She shook her head and the towel around her hair loosened. “It’s not a good time. I have to go.” She pushed the door shut, trying to shove him out with it, but his hand flew out and grabbed it. Try as she might, it wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Please, Rachel.”

  Damn it. She pulled the door open and he slipped into her apartment. “What do you want?”

o apologize. Beg you to give us another chance.”

  She snorted and shut the door. Us. “Another chance with what? The contract sitting on my coffee table? Or your dicks?”

  Brooks hung his head and she could tell she’d hurt him. Serves him right. He deserves it.

  “I didn’t know Alec was sending the contract. If I did, I would have stopped him. It’s not what it looks like. I don’t want to bribe you or pressure you. I just want you to open your eyes. See how good we could be together. All three of us.”

  Rachel swallowed. “You mean dating?”

  He looked into her eyes and the pain and fear inside her eased. “Anything you’re willing to give.”


  “You’ll think I’m nuts.”

  “Try me.”

  “Okay.” He took a measured breath and blew it out in a slow stream through his mouth. “Because I know if you walk away from us, we’ll never get another chance to explore this type of relationship. We connect—the three of us—on more than just sex.”

  Brooks stepped toward her, and she stepped back. She retreated into the kitchen, but he followed, boxing her in between the counter and his impressive frame. “Don’t deny it.”

  All muscles and anguish, his black t-shirt stretched across his chest and every time he flexed his fingers, it pulled taut. Damn. She shouldn’t want him. Shouldn’t be turned on by his body so close to hers. But she was.

  “I—I don’t know what I feel.”

  “I don’t want to lose this—whatever it is. I can’t stop thinking about the way your body fits against mine. The way your lips melt into my skin. The way you cry out when I lick your clit.” He stepped closer and reached for the counter, palming the worn Formica on either side of her body.

  Oh, god. She couldn’t deny it. With his breath hot on her cheek and his gaze fixed on her, she could barely think. Let alone breathe.

  “Please Rachel, tell me you want me.”

  She licked her lower lip and his gaze lowered, eyes flicking back and forth as her tongue darted out. “What about Alec?”

  “He’s not here. But I am. Let me show you how much you mean to me. I’ll drown all your fears.” He pressed closer, chest brushing against hers, lips grazing her neck. He reached up and tugged the towel off her hair, letting the wet stands fall around her shoulders.

  “And how do you plan to do that?”

  He slipped his hand under her robe, and in an instant the terry cloth gave way, falling open to expose her naked body. She didn’t have on a stitch of makeup and her hair was soaking wet, but he looked at her like she was the prettiest woman in the whole world.

  Every second he stared at her—devouring her ample curves, biting his lip and flaring his nostrils—she forgot why she hesitated. The doubts, the fears. They melted into a pool of desire in her core. She looked into his eyes and smiled. “You haven’t answered me. How are you going to show me?”

  He grinned back and a shiver rushed through her. “Like this.”

  As he leaned in to kiss her exposed neck, he wrapped his hands around her middle and picked her up. A moment of panic hit her—I’m too heavy!—but he set her on the counter like she weighed nothing at all. She smiled in relief and Brooks leaned forward, planting his lips on her cheek before trailing kisses to her ear. His tongue flicked against her earlobe and she moaned.

  Oh, yes. Rachel closed her eyes and ran her fingers up his chest. They might crash and burn, but Brooks was right. She did remember how it felt to be worshiped by him and Alec. It was everything she’d been missing with her ex, other boyfriends, even the occasional one-night stand. And she didn’t want to give it up. Not yet. Brooks kissed a trail down her neck and across her chest, pausing to flick her nipple. She gasped and he latched on, sucking the hardened bud until her pussy clenched in anticipation.

  As she moaned again, he slid to his knees. Oh my god. She popped her eyes open and looked down as he spread her legs. Wider and wider he pushed her open, digging his fingers into her thighs as he stretched her skin. She leaned back, elbows on the counter, as Brooks licked her inner thigh. Every flick of his tongue drew out quivers and pulses from deep inside her. He hadn’t even touched her clit and she was halfway home. His fingers grazed her tendons and raised goosebumps across her flesh.

  Damn it. Rachel couldn’t bear it another second. “Please. I need you to touch me.”

  Brooks looked up and smiled. “I am.”

  “You know what I mean,” Rachel whined, frustration drawing out each word.

  “Oh? You mean like this?” He grinned and parted her folds with his hand, running the pad of his finger through her swollen lips until he found her empty channel. Thrusting inside, he curled and stroked at the same time, hitting the spot that made her soar.

  She closed her eyes and moaned as Brooks coaxed her to life with a finger and her g-spot. Yes! Thank god, yes! Slipping a second digit inside, he pumped, thrusting like a cock before leaning over to add his tongue. Lapping at her clit with broad, flat strokes, Brooks worked into a pattern—pumping hard and licking soft. Rachel bucked against his hand and ran her fingers over his blonde hair.

  Her ex had tried to please her this way, but he didn’t have a clue. Not like Brooks. Or Alec. Oh, god. The pair of them were fucking magic. Between their tongues and their cocks and the way they took over…They commanded her every move and pushed her toward an orgasm like a freight train down a mountain. She’d never find someone else who measured up.

  Brooks circled her clit with his tongue and Rachel whimpered. So close. She breathed in and out in tiny pants, her body taking over, pleasure forcing everything but Brooks from her mind. An orgasm crashed into her with sudden force and she sagged against the counter, unable to do anything but moan.

  * * *

  Fuck. Part of him hoped he’d been wrong. Delusional. That sex with Rachel couldn’t be that good. Couldn’t somehow be more. But it was. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and make her damn dreams come true. Whisk her away somewhere quiet and alone. Discover her hopes and fears, listen to her stories. Be the man she wanted to wake up to every day and snuggle against every night.

  He eased himself up off his knees, kissing a trail from her quivering belly up to her breasts. Running his hands up her sides beneath her robe, he cupped her round globes. Mmm. He stroked and plumped her sensitive skin and nuzzled the space between. God, she was a dream come true.

  As he flicked his tongue across one nipple, he glanced up. Blissed out, eyes closed. He never wanted to forget that look on her face. The way he made her come undone. “So do you understand now?”


  “How much you mean to me. How I can’t bear letting you go.”

  She blinked her eyes open and met his stare. “I’m beginning to.”

  “Good.” He lapped at her nipple, drawing it into his mouth before swirling his tongue around and around.

  If only he could show her that the contract didn’t matter. That he didn’t care whether she signed with Falcon or any other label. Sure, he wanted her with them, but not at the cost of losing this. Her body pressed up against him in the broad daylight. Her little whimpers and mewls of pleasure every time he licked her flesh. Alec might still be hung up on the business side, but Brooks was too far gone. Too invested in her body and mind and…fuck. Her heart.

  Alec would come around. As soon as he realized all he’d be missing without Rachel…The man would have to see reason. He stood up and kissed her lips as he wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her close. She groaned into his mouth and he inched closer, pressing his throbbing dick against her folds, rubbing his jeans along her swollen pussy. Their tongues danced and swirled and he never wanted to let her go.

  Pulling back, he waited until she opened her eyes. “What if I set you up with another label?”


  “Another label. What if I made some calls, got you an interview with a different record company? If you signed with someone else, would you give us
a chance?”

  Rachel’s eyes widened and she inhaled through parted lips, holding her breath as she stared. “You’d do that for me?”

  Brooks smiled. “I’d do anything for you, Rachel. Anything at all.”

  She smiled back and leaned in, licking his lower lip before leaving a trail of kisses across his cheek. Her teeth grazed his ear and he bit back a moan. “Anything?”

  He nodded against her soft skin.

  “Then fuck me. Right here, right now.”

  Brooks groaned and Rachel giggled as she pulled back and slipped her robe off her shoulders.

  “I’m afraid I don’t have a bed. So it’s the couch or the kitchen counter.”

  “I don’t need a bed to sink inside you.” Brooks fished a condom from his pocket and tore his jeans open. “Hell, I’d take you anywhere you wanted. You say the word, I’m there.” He tugged his t-shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor before shoving his jeans and boxers down. His cock bobbed in the air and Rachel reached out, stroking his swollen shaft as he ripped the condom open.

  With another groan, he stepped back. “You keep doing that and I won’t be able to get this on.”

  She grinned. “Then come here and let me help you.” He obeyed and she reached for him before unrolling the condom down his length.


  “You’re welc—”

  He took her mid-word, slicing through her slick heat, filling her up as she balanced on the counter, taking all she could give him right there in the tiny kitchen. He meant what he said—if she offered herself up to him in a car, a back alley, a restaurant bathroom. He’d take her. Make her moan so loud the cops showed up.

  It didn’t matter where they were or what was happening, if she was ready, so was he. With a moan, he pulled back and thrust, pounding her into the counter again and again. As he worked up speed, she wrapped her legs around him and leaned back, taking him deeper, giving herself up. He grinned and reached for her breast, pinching and caressing her nipple until she gasped.


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