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Backstage Billionaires: The Complete Serial (Menage Romance)

Page 14

by Marie Carnay

  Melanie shrugged. “Why don’t you go in and find out for yourself?”

  “No way. Not until you tell me what you know. Did you set something up with Frank?”

  “Not me. Them.” Melanie motioned behind Rachel and she turned around.

  Her breath caught in her lungs, her heart stumbled over its own rhythm, and Rachel’s whole world stopped still. Alec and Brooks. Damn.

  They stood by the entrance, staring at her like she was the gorgeous one instead of them. Brooks with his thumbs hooked in his jeans and his charcoal gray t-shirt stretched across his chest. So sexy. And Alec. Oh. Navy suit, no tie, hair mussed and dangerous. Rachel stifled a groan. How had she ever been able to stay away?

  Melanie gave her a small shove and Rachel stepped forward. “Hi.” She glanced at each man—eyes darting back and forth as she bit her lip.

  “You came.” The way Brooks smiled had her blushing like a schoolgirl.

  “I’m sorry I’ve shut you both out. I didn’t—I shouldn’t—”

  Alec stepped forward and cut her off. “Don’t apologize. If anyone should be apologizing here, it’s me. I’ve let my ego get in the way over and over. Insisting on hiding the truth, the contract with Falcon, everything. I’m sorry, Rachel.”

  Wow. All the words she’d wanted Alec to say—admitting he’d made mistakes, apologizing—he just up and said them. She smiled. “Thank you.”

  He reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and she shivered. “I never stopped to consider how someone so strong and independent like you would react. If I had…”

  “We’d have had a hell of a lot more fun the last few weeks.” Brooks stepped up and Rachel shifted her weight back and forth on her heels. “You’re gorgeous tonight, Rachel.”

  She smiled and glanced back at her best friend. Melanie gave her a goofy grin and a shoo-shoo with her hand and she turned back to the men. Her men, if they’d have her. “I’ve missed you both.”

  With shaky fingers, she reached out and took hold of both their hands. Her palms slipped over Alec’s knobby knuckles and Brooks’s thick fingers and she sighed. Yes. The touch of their skin, the heat of their bodies. The rightness of the three of them together—it’s where she was meant to be.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Wells? It’s time to start.” Rachel blinked the PR woman from the front door into focus and pulled her hands away.

  “Thank you, Gwen. We’ll head inside.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Alec flashed a grin. “It’s your signing party, darling. The place is packed.”

  Rachel shook her head. “My what?”

  “Your signing party. The crowd inside is waiting for you to come in and sing.”

  “I don’t understand. I don’t have a label—I’m not signing with anyone.” Rachel took a step back. “Did you set all this up? Is this a Falcon event? Did you think I’d come back and take one look at you and sign for your label?”

  She couldn’t believe it. All those words from Alec’s mouth. The apology. The heartfelt looks. The way her body lit up when she touched their hands. And they were ruining it. Again. She groaned out loud and turned around when both men laughed.

  Now they’re laughing at me. Great. She spun back around. “Now you’re laughing at me, too? What is this, some big practical joke?”

  “I certainly hope not. Otherwise I’ve got a bar full of people I have to disappoint.” A man in a dark jeans and a dress shirt walked up and held out his hand. “Fitz Holmes. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Fitz Holmes. Rachel cocked her head as she shook his hand, taking in his gray hair pulled back into a ponytail, craggy face, kind eyes. And then it hit her. “You own SunHorse Records.” She pulled her hand back in shock.

  “I do. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Rachel. Your…boyfriends…is that right?” He shook his head with a grin. “Well, whatever they are, these two jerks over here have been telling me quite a lot about you.”

  “They have?” It came out in a squeak.

  Fitz nodded. “I’ve listened to your demo, spoken to the producer, and I’d like to offer you a contract with SunHorse.”

  Rachel sucked in a lungful of air and blew it out her mouth. “You’re a legend. I—I grew up listening to everything your label produced. It’s how I learned to sing. And you…you want me?”

  “I do.”

  She blinked and glanced up at Alec and Brooks. “Did you put him up to this?”

  Both men shook their heads.

  “They didn’t put me up to anything, Rachel. Now, I won’t lie. Alec did bring me your demo. But this is one hundred percent my decision. I want you to be part of the SunHorse family. I’ll give you freedom to explore your sound, find your voice. Become the artist you’re meant to be.”

  Rachel bit her lip. Fitz Holmes wants me for SunHorse Records. She’d never even considered them an option before. They were legendary and she was…ordinary. It wasn’t like Avenue where they’d primp and prod and turn her into a cardboard cutout of success. SunHorse only helped raw talent shine. Sparkle. Soar. Did she have what it took to be a part of that?

  Fitz smiled. “So what do you say?”

  “You’re sure this isn’t some crazy misunderstanding? You want me, Rachel Madison?”

  He laughed. “Yes, I do.”

  A laugh bubbled up her throat and she nodded. “This is beyond insane but okay. Yes. I’ll sign with SunHorse Records.”

  Fitz held out his hand. “Welcome to the family, Rachel.”

  She took it and gave a solid shake. “Thank you.”

  As he pulled his hand back, he glanced at the entrance. “Now, if you don’t mind, there’s a packed house inside and they’re all here waiting for me to introduce the newest artist to sign with us. Any chance I can get you to come inside, say hello, and sing a few songs?”

  “Right now?” Her eyes went wide and she looked up at Alec and Brooks. “You knew about this?”

  Brooks nodded. “Hope you’re not mad. It’s a good kind of surprise this time, right?”

  Rachel nodded. It was beyond good—it was her dream. She turned back to Fitz. “Of course. I’d be honored.”

  “Great. Because this party is all for you and I’d hate to walk in there and disappoint a whole room of eager fans.”

  Fans. Wow. “Can I have five minutes?”

  “Of course.” Fitz turned to Alec and Brooks. “Gentlemen. It’s been a pleasure.” They shook hands and Rachel watched the head of her new label walk inside.

  “So you’re not mad?” Brooks smiled and raised his eyebrows.

  “No. Shocked and excited. Not mad.”

  Alec grinned. “Good. Because your guitar’s up on stage and it’s your chance to show a packed house what you can do.”

  Oh my god. Rachel blinked and took deep breath. “This is really happening, right? I’m about to go in there and be introduced as a part of SunHorse?”

  “Yes. It’s happening. And we’ll both be out in the audience, cheering you on.”

  “Okay.” Rachel swallowed down her nerves and nodded. “Let’s do this.”

  * * *

  Brooks clapped Alec on the back. “I’ve got to hand it to you. This is…perfect.”

  Alec grinned. “It is, isn’t it?”

  “I just hope it’s enough to win her back.” Brooks glanced around at the people in the crowd. DJs, members of SunHorse staff, reporters, a whole room full of industry people ready to hear Rachel’s debut. It was what they’d both wanted for her the minute they heard her sing on that very stage.

  “Welcome, everyone. I’ve got a real treat for you tonight. I’d like for you all to give a warm SunHorse welcome to the newest member of our little family, Rachel Madison.” Fitz held out his hand and Rachel walked up to him.

  The fear and hesitation from the parking lot were gone and instead, she was standing up on stage like she’d never left. Like she was born to be there. Brooks smiled as she looked out into the audience. Her gaze fell on him and she beamed.

  “Now, to give you a feel for her sound, Rachel’s going to sing a few numbers. Right?”

  She nodded and took the mic. “Thank you, Fitz. Hello everyone.”

  The crowd murmured hello and Rachel slipped the mic back into the stand. “I came to Los Angeles a few months ago with this crazy dream of becoming a professional singer. I got a job right here at the Vortex, slept on my best friend’s couch, and huffed it all over town for auditions. But it wasn’t until I met two guys dear to my heart that I realized what I actually wanted.”

  Brooks straightened up as she smiled at him and continued. “It’s not the glamour of a music career. It’s not more money than I know what to do with. It’s this. Standing up on stage, singing songs that mean something to me. Being true to myself and who I am. What I want.” She pressed her lips together and gave him and Alec a nod. “This song’s for you.”

  Rachel bent down, picked up her guitar and slipped it over her shoulder. As the first notes of the song filtered through the crowd, everyone hushed and turned to the stage. Showtime. She closed her eyes and began to sing and Brooks inhaled in a rush. Damn. He glanced over at Alec and his friend nodded. She was better than he remembered. Lush. Full. Melodic and sultry. Everything SunHorse could ever ask for. And if what she’d said were true, she was theirs.

  * * *

  Rachel finished the set to a bar full of applause. “Thank you.” She waved and Fitz helped her off stage.

  “Well, Rachel. Alec and Brooks were right. You’re incredible. I couldn’t be happier to welcome you to SunHorse.”

  She smiled. All she’d wanted—a great label, a chance to be herself, Alec and Brooks. Wait. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Do you know about me and, um, Alec and Brooks. I mean, that we’re…”

  “In a relationship? Yes, I know.”

  “And you don’t care?”

  Fitz shrugged. “It’s not illegal. You three are grown adults. If that’s what makes you happy, so be it. Now, there will be press and articles and some hecklers I’m sure. But attention is attention. And with a voice like yours, the good will outshine the bad.”

  “You really think so?”

  Fitz looked at her for a moment. “Do you love to sing?”

  “I do.”

  “And do you love them?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “I do.”

  “Then what choice do you have? Being authentic—that’s what SunHorse is about. So if you love two men, own it. If you want to sing in smoky bars and record albums in old studios on analog, own it. Be the person and the artist you need to be. If you don’t, you won’t be making art, you’ll be making noise.”

  Rachel swallowed back a rush of emotions. “Thank you.”

  “The pleasure’s mine. Now, let’s mingle. There are some people you should meet.”

  Rachel spent the next hour shaking hands, smiling, and trying not to faint. She met label employees, countless DJs, a few reporters. A sea of other people she couldn’t hope to remember in the morning. And Fitz never left her side.

  At last, he turned to her with a grin. “I think that’s the last of them.”

  “Thank god. My feet are killing me.”

  He laughed. “Well, next time we do an event, I’ll be sure you have advance warning so you can wear comfortable shoes.” He held out his hand. “The office will call you in the morning.”

  She shook his hand and smiled. “Thank you, Fitz. For everything.”

  He walked away and a click-clack of heels rushed up to her. “Oh my god, Rach, you were outstanding.”

  She spun around to Melanie’s excited face. “Really?”


  “Tell me the truth. Did you know about all this? Is that why you made me wear this dress?”

  “Maybe. But it was worth it, right?”

  Rachel laughed and tugged it up. “Beyond worth it.”

  “Good. Then go find your guys and thank them. Because if it weren’t for them, none of this would have happened.”

  Rachel bit her lip. “You think I can have it all? A record deal and both of them?”

  “There’s one way to find out. Go. Before I drag you over to them myself.”

  “Thanks, Mel.” She gave her best friend a quick hug and took a deep breath.

  “I hear you’re looking for us.”

  With a smile, she turned around. “I was about to be.” Alec and Brooks both smiled and her heart swelled. “Thank you both. I’m so sorry I wouldn’t talk to you before. And that I doubted you even for a second tonight.”

  Alec shrugged. “We’re sorry we even made that seem like a possibility.”

  “I’m done with the meet and greet.”

  “You are?”

  “Mmm-hmm. And I’m free the rest of the night.”


  She nodded.

  Alec’s eyes flashed. “I can think of a few ways to finish off the night. What about you, Brooks?”

  He ran his tongue over his lip and Rachel forced herself not to groan. “As long as they involve the sexiest woman in all of L.A., I’m in.”

  “How about it? Can we take you home?” Alec held out his hand and Rachel glanced at it before slipping her fingers over his palm.

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather go.”


  Rachel followed Alec into his house, tugging Brooks along behind her. They’d been quiet the whole ride up into the Hills. Smiling, staring, full of expectation and promise. There were so many things she could say. So many words to fill the silence. But none of it mattered. The three of them together was enough.

  Alec opened the front door and they all tumbled inside. “Should I pop some champagne? Celebrate your success?”

  Rachel smiled as Brooks shut the door. “I want to celebrate, but not with champagne.”

  Brooks slipped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle. “We’ve missed you, Rachel.”

  “I’ve missed you too. Both of you.” She reached for Alec and he stepped up. “I’m sorry I ran away. I won’t do that again. Not ever.”

  “Good.” Brooks nuzzled her ear and smiled against her cheek. “Otherwise we’ll have to handcuff you to the bedpost because I can’t bear losing you again.”

  “Mmm. I kind of like the sound of that.” She laughed and Alec took her by the hands before pulling her down the hall.

  They slipped into his bedroom and as Alec shrugged out of his jacket, Brooks unzipped her dress. It fell to the floor in a lace heap and she trembled. Do they still want me? Am I still enough? A host of doubts flitted through her mind, but Brooks wiped them away with the touch of his hands.

  “Damn, Rachel. I swear you’re more gorgeous than ever.” He ran his hands up and down her thighs, over her hips, back to cup the curve of her ass. With a groan, he pressed his body against her and his erection dug into her soft flesh.

  She kicked off her heels and spun around. “I still can’t believe all this is real. That you and Alec actually want me to stay.”

  Brooks reached out and took her face in his hands. “You have no idea how much.” As he bent to kiss her, Alec slid up behind. Oh, god. The touch of his hands along her bare skin while Brooks pressed his lips to hers. She’d forgotten the joy. Pleasure. Intensity.

  With a flick of his fingers, Alec undid her bra and slipped it off her shoulders. It fell to the floor to meet her dress and in seconds her panties went with it. Naked. Trapped between two sexy, sinful men. About to touch heaven.

  Rachel grinned and steered Brooks to the bed. She couldn’t wait to take him in her mouth. Lick him all over and taste his salty release at it splashed against her tongue. He tugged his shirt over his head as she set to work on his jeans, unbuttoning, unzipping, shoving them down his thighs. He yanked them and his boxers off too and his cock bobbed in the air.

  Leaning over Brooks, Rachel bit back a moan. Mmm. So thick. Wrapping her hands around his shaft, she stroked him, remembering the rid
ges and bumps, the heat of his need.

  She licked her lips before licking him—running her tongue in a path over his velvet head and down his shaft. Oh, how she’d missed him. Hot and thick and impossibly hard, his cock waited like a lollipop for her to suck all night long. Opening wide, she took him inside her mouth, stretching her lips over his head, sliding down his shaft until he hit the back of her throat. Damn.

  * * *

  Oh, fuck. Brooks fought the urge to grab her head and pump into her mouth. Everything about Rachel was right. The way she shivered when he touched her. How she stared right at him as she sang from her soul. The way she accepted him and Alec and their unconventional desire.

  He’d spend his whole life showing her how much she meant to him. Starting that night. As she slid down his shaft, he bit his lip and ran his hand over her hair. All he could think about was the three of them and losing himself in this magic over and over.

  Ungh. Rachel slid down his shaft and Brooks stopped thinking. Up and down she bobbed her head, licking the underside as she came back up, taking a bit more as she slid back down. Using her hands to reach what her mouth couldn’t fit.

  Between her tongue, lips, and fingers, she worked him into a frenzy, pushing his orgasm on harder and faster. As he groaned above her, she slipped off, licking a trail down his shaft and dipping her head to lap at his sac. Oh, shit. She slid her lips around his balls, popping them into her mouth and rolling them around her tongue.

  He ran his hands through her hair, gasping with each swipe of her tongue across his sensitive skin. She’d been daring before—adventurous and free—but this? Snaking her hand up his shaft, her fingers flew over his slick skin as she licked and sucked below. Brooks could barely breathe as he fought his orgasm off. He wanted to make it last. One nudge of his hands on her shoulders and Rachel pulled back.

  She blinked and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Did I do something?”

  Alec laughed behind her and stepped up to the bed. “You were about to make him come straight down your throat. Am I right?”

  Brooks groaned. “So right.” He glanced up at Rachel and then at Alec. “I didn’t want Alec to miss out.”


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