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Merlin's Kiss

Page 6

by Stephanie Burke

  "Why are you suddenly so content?" Kerian asked. He was beginning to feel like he was being manipulated.

  What mean you by that, Warlord? Soon to be home, safe among my coven, I am. That is all. But he continued to watch Brieana.

  She did look as if she knew what she was doing; Kerian had to grudgingly admit. She tested the balance and heft of each blade, before making her selection. Once satisfied, she swung the sword a few times, then approached Kerian.

  "I am ready," she announced as she reached his side.

  "Then by all means, let us proceed." He turned and cupped his mouth to shout, "Sato? A challenge!" Instantly the practice field, filled with the fighting men and women of Mirage, became deathly silent.

  Bowing to his lord, Sato announced, "I am ready!"

  "Not me, my friend," Kerian corrected.

  Sato looked around for the warrior who had issued a challenge to him, but only saw the little foreign woman, Brieana.

  "Who?" he finally asked, looking more than a little confused.

  "The Lady Brieana," Kerian confirmed.

  There was a moment of shocked silence, then the field exploded into laughter.

  "Her?" Sato asked rudely, ashamed that his lord would give him such a piddling challenge.

  "And why not me, you braying ass?" Brieana exclaimed, obviously angry at the reception her challenge had met.

  "I did not mean…My Lady, I…" but Sato could not find the words.

  "Do you accept?" Kerian's almost deadly quiet voice filled the field causing a sudden death to the revelry taking place there. When the Warlord of Mirage spoke in that tone, he got results.

  "I will be pleased to accept the challenge, My Lord," Sato replied, firmly in control of his emotions once again.

  "Then let us proceed!" he commanded.

  Brieana nodded her thanks to her warrior, and strolled casually onto the field, Sato doing the same. They met in the center of the now empty practice field.

  "Lady," he nodded to her, thinking that this would be quickly done with.

  "Sato," she returned respectfully before bending slightly at the knees and holding the sworn in an unfamiliar stance.

  She held the great weight of the dulled sword with two hands instead of one. Sato figured that it was because the sword was too heavy for her. It would be easy to knock the weapon from her hands.

  In a surprise move, he quickly lunged forward, hoping to knock the sword from her hand and end this humiliating battle, but he was in for a surprise.

  Brieana had expected such strong-arm tactics from the arrogant male, and had played upon his assumptions like a piper played a flute. At his lunge, instead of backing up, she pivoted to her right and knocked his blade downwards. When he paused, surprised at her maneuver, her right hand lashed out and made direct contact with his right cheek.

  He quickly stepped back and swung out at her head. Again she deftly side-stepped his maneuver and brought her sword back up into a defensive position.

  Angered to be dealt such a blow, Sato again lunged at her, at the last minute pivoting to deliver a powerful double strike to her sword, hoping to make her wrists go numb and cause her to drop her weapon.

  No such luck.

  Brieana went to her left knee, using her sword to deflect the blow, then hooked her right leg around his knees, knocking him off balance.

  As he struggled to regain his footing, Brieana rose to her feet, striking his sword at the base, hoping to disarm him and end the fight right there. But Sato was better trained than that.

  He took the fall onto his back and using his momentum, kept rolling backwards until he again landed on his feet. Then from a crouched position, he lunged at Brieana's legs, all thought of this being a farce of a battle leaving his mind.

  Again, as graceful as a dancer, Brieana side-stepped the forceful lunge and took advantage of his extended position. She swung around behind him, hoping to deliver the winning touch, but his sword was there deflecting her blow. Using his own weapon to hold hers at bay, Sato quickly turned and once again faced his small opponent.

  Brieana smiled into his face and waited for his next move. He had to understand that brute force would not work with her in warfare. Her trick was to deliver her blows without being caught. At this, her small stature was an asset. She had the speed that he lacked. That coupled with her experience in war made her a formidable opponent. Taking a step back, she deliberately left herself open, and Sato immediately took advantage of it. Swinging his sword at waist level, he went for the small break in her defense, just around her waist.

  With Sato being unbalanced again in his attempt to quickly end the match, Brieana again stepped around his blade and delivered a punishing kick to his right wrist, the one holding the sword.

  Instantly Sato's hand became numb and he felt his sword slipping through his limp grip. Just as quickly, Brieana stamped the sword out of his hand and laid the blade of her sword against the back of his neck.

  There was stunned silence on the battlefield. No one could believe what they had just seen! The tiny foreign woman had bested Sato in a mock battle! She now stood victorious, her blade held to deliver the death strike and waited for Sato to confirm that the battle was truly lost.

  "Do you yield?" she asked, panting with the exertions of the battle.

  Having no other choice, Sato nodded. "I yield." His voice carried plainly across the silent field.

  With a jaunty smile, Brieana removed the blade from his neck and offered him her hand.

  Sato slowly rose to his feet and eyed Brieana with some admiration. "Where did you learn to fight like a demon possessed?" he asked in awe.

  "Battle has a way of teaching its victims, Sato. I am battle tested several times over, and use any seeming disadvantage to my advantage."

  He nodded as if he understood. "Experience is the best teacher," he considered.

  "Kerian?" Brieana cried as she walked towards the silent Warlord.

  Just like the others, he could scarce believe what he had just witnessed. Brieana had the skill of one of his most experienced fighters.

  "What kind of world did she come from?" he asked to no one in particular as he watcher her victorious approach.

  A harsh unfair one, Zorn replied as he too watched his mistress approach, now quite sure of her identity.

  Kerian looked at the purple lizard for a moment before returning his attention to Brieana.

  "I must learn to pay attention to her future stories," he replied, eyeing the drack from the corner of his eye.

  Zorn got that look in his eyes again and Kerian quickly turned away.

  "So how soon will we be leaving, Kerian?" Brieana questioned, still slightly out of breath. "And will I get to carry my own sword?"

  "In two days time," Kerian replied. "We must be sure to have all of the provisions necessary for this journey and I want you measured for you own sword. It will take that long to forge it."

  Brieana's eyes lit up for a moment, then shadows clouded their bright green.

  "I have a sword," she replied, her happiness leaving at some unpleasant thought.

  "Where is it?" Kerian asked. He knew how people got attached to their weapons, even naming them sometimes. Why, he even had his own special blade, used only in battle. He would find her sword for her. That would make her happy. "I do not remember seeing it in the cavern with you, but we can stop there on our journey back and search for it."

  "My sword is not there," she replied, almost angrily. "My sword was the greatest weapon in all of the Britons. No other could match its might."

  "Then where is it?" Kerian asked. If her sword held the same power of her necklace, then it was powerful indeed. He did not want that power falling into the wrong hands.

  "It was stolen from me," she replied after a tense moment of silence. "It was taken from me by stupid men who feared the truth."

  "What truth was that?" Kerian asked stunned. It would take a powerful force indeed to disarm this woman. He had seen proof of her prow
ess in the mock battle staged with Sato. It must have been a great warrior who stole such a weapon from her. That or a close friend betrayed her. The thought left an unfamiliar sour taste in his mouth.

  "The truth is simple, Kerian. It was that a woman was just as great as they were could lead them into a new era of peace and prosperity. That was a truth that they refused to accept. And so, here I am, stuck in a place that I do not know, with no future before me and a cloudy past behind me."

  "The one who enchanted you took your sword?" Kerian asked, angered at the Merlin who she cursed with startling regularity.

  "Yes, he did," she replied. "And Excalibur is lost to me, forever."

  She looked so lost and alone standing there struggling with her emotions, that Kerian felt great pity for her.

  "I might not be able to bring you your mystic sword, Brieana, but I can design one that suits your personality now. It might not be much of a comfort, but I understand the pain of betrayal."

  His bitter tone snapped her out of her own morose thoughts and she looked at her warrior. What betrayal had he known?

  "What happened?" she asked as she took a step closer to him and rested her small palm upon his leather-covered chest. Kerian sucked in a deep breath at the contact. Separated as they were by the thin leather, he could still feel the unique heat that she generated within him at her mere touch.

  "I do not wish to dwell on the past," he replied more sharply than he usually would have, the force of his desire for her roughening his voice. "I prefer to dwell upon the future. And that is the journey into the mountains to return your pet lizard home."

  Hurt by his sharp tone. Brieana withdrew her comforting hand, and Kerian almost begged her to return it, but gained control of himself.

  "And my sword," she reminded him. "Your word is your bond, and you gave your word that you would design my sword."

  Although Brieana was hurt, a well-made sword was better and more dependable than most men were any day.

  "That I did," he returned, and turned to the men and canceled practice for the day.

  With one hand barely touching the material of her tunic, he guided her towards the armory to be measured.

  He would give her this sword, if that was the only thing that he could give her. He would take her on this journey, and then he would find out where she belonged and return her home. That was all that he could give her. He could not give her his heart, which was what a woman of her caliber deserved. He had no heart left to give.

  Chapter Seven

  "When will my sword be ready?" Brieana asked as she dutifully walked behind Kerian as they started out on their journey to the mountains. She paused for a moment to adjust something that he called a bedroll that strapped to her back. It contained blankets made from the soft yet durable chum's wool, some foodstuffs that he called freeze-dried, and an odd assortment of metal implements. Some were for cooking, some were for hunting and others made no sense to her whatsoever.

  For instance, the little metal box filled with little wooden sticks called matches. How the tiny little things started a fire, she didn't know! Everybody knew in order to build a fire, you needed oil or candles, or at the very least a dry sturdy stick and a piece of dry wood. But she supposed that a few changes could have happened in the years while she was asleep, but she doubted that people had found a way to create fire out of thin air.

  Keep up, please do, Zorn yawned as he loped along behind her. Busy will be, the rabbits, later tonight.

  Brieana snorted at his comment, as if rabbits might do them some harm, but she adjusted her roll and rushed to keep up with Kerian's long strides. Besides, night was far off.

  Kerian breathed in the fresh crisp air of the morning, inhaling it deeply into his lungs and relishing it with the expansion of his chest. He loved physical activity and hiking was one of his favorite pastimes from his youth. Now that he was Warlord and Master of Mirage, he found that he did not have the time to indulge in the activities of his younger days. Therefore, he planned to enjoy every moment of this trip. Sure, he had Brieana and his attraction to her to deal with, and Zorn, but he would put unpleasantness behind him and concentrate on enjoying his time out.

  "Well?" her husky voice demanded. "Kerian, when will my sword be ready?"

  "By the time we return," he replied as he turned to face her to gauge her reaction.

  "Really?" Her green eyes lit up and a smile lightened her whole face. The lightning dawn sky made everything around them seemed surreal. It was like a dream, back lighted by the hazy purple sky, her supple body swaying with each step. He wondered what her body would feel like underneath him, calling out his name in a fit of passion.

  "Did I not say so?"

  His gruff answer caused a frown to replace the burgeoning smile on her face, but she quickly hid her feelings. If he wanted to act the barbarian, that was his problem. She was going to enjoy this trip, even if he glowered the whole way.

  "Good," she shot out, then pushed ahead of him, disdaining to look at his muscular body clothed in blue leather leggings and the matching vest he seemed to prefer. She also did not notice the way his war belt pulled those leggings dangerously low on his slim hips.

  "Slow down, there has been a rabbit infestation reported in this area."

  "Humph!" She turned her nose up at that and marched onward on the rocky path.

  "They travel in packs and the vicious little monsters have been known to devour a man whole in a few moments." His face was stern as he gave his lecture, his silver eyes boring deeply into hers.

  "Of course I believe that rubbish!" she snorted, turning her back to him. How dare he try scaring her, after treating her like an ignorant clod?

  As she angrily stormed ahead, she began to notice the natural beauty of this place, how much it reminded her of home. The grassy plains that Castle Mirage sat on slowly gave way to more rugged and rocky terrain. The further she walked, she found that among the dark green grass and wild flowers, small pebbles began to give way to large rocks, then to boulders. The dawn air was crisp and clean and burnt her lungs a bit, but it felt good on her exposed skin.

  Kerian insisted that although the days were still hot, she should wear a long sleeved tunic and leather pants. Today's set was made entirely of black leather that made her feel a bit dangerous. Her own war belt, a scaled down model of Kerian's, contained her water skin, a knife and another long knife that he called a machete. It also contained more things that Kerian deemed necessities for survival. She did not mind the extra weight, her black armor at home weighed more, but she found it a bit uncomfortable as she stalked ahead. Slowly the beauty of the place dissipated her anger at Kerian's harsh words, and she began to notice the wild life scuttling around.

  Several large birds that resembled falcons flew lazily overhead and often dove down for a quick meal. Small, brightly colored lizards scurried across the path, their rainbow-hued scales shining in the early morning. Then there were several little bunny rabbits swiftly traveling across the path, paying no heed to the humans that trod on, invading their territory.

  Travel so quickly, must we, Zorn whined, pulling her attention away from the furry little creatures.

  "So that we may get you home and the sooner that is, the better I will feel, youthling."

  "You do want to return home, do you not, Zorn?" Brieana asked, waiting for her traveling companions to catch up with her. "You must be excited about going home to your coven again."

  But missed the cook's baked meat pies, I will! Zorn whined. The giant purple lizard had grown quite accustomed to castle life and felt a bit reluctant to leave his pampered existence.

  "But think of all that you have experienced! How many dracks can say that they spent time in a real castle among humans? Every one will look up to you! And think of the ladies Zorn."

  What matter, they? he testily asked, causing Brieana to look at him with a grin on her face.

  "Oh, you will find that it matters, come mating time."

  At her words th
e drack cocked his head to the side, as if considering her words, then a grin split his purple face.

  An advantage, it will be, will it not?

  "You had better think of the advantages of hiding your purple hide from Gren's wrath when she finds out that you violated our treaty."

  Zorn's head, once held high with his importance, quickly slumped down low and he looked as though he was contemplating the advantages of hiding from his leader's anger.

  "Why must you spoil everyone's happiness, Kerian? If you have nothing positive to say, then please, shut up, do!"

  Again in a huff, she stormed ahead, nearly stepping on one of the little bunnies.

  "Oh!" she cried out in surprise at almost finding one beneath her boot. "I am sorry, little fluffy fellow." She bent down to get a closer look.

  "Brieana," Kerian's low voice warned. "Step back slowly and make no sudden moves."

  "Really, Kerian! It is just a harmless little bunny!" She ignored his tense muscles as he began to ease his sword out of his war belt.

  She turned back to the little brown bunny rabbit. He had white ears and a puffy little tail. His pink nose was twitching in the cute way that all bunnies have.

  Suddenly, she heard a low growl. She looked around to find the source, but there was nothing in front of her but the rabbit. She looked back at Kerian and Zorn to see if they too had heard the strange noise, but they both looked to be preparing for battle, bodies held ready to spring at a moment's notice.

  "Back away from the rabbit, Brieana." Kerian spoke in a low calm tone, causing her to wonder what was wrong.

  As she turned to shoo the little fur-ball away from the unseen danger, her little friend looked up at her and bared his teeth.

  Instead of the tiny overbite that most rabbits have, this one had sharp white fangs dripping saliva. The growls became higher, building in volume until it was apparent that the threatening sound was emanating from one little brown rabbit. Before she had a chance to get over her shock, the little beast's eyes widened as it reared back on its hind legs and prepared to attack.

  Brieana gave a sharp scream as the little rodent went airborne and headed right for her throat. Just as her short life was passing in front of her eyes, strong hands gripped her shoulders and tossed her aside. She felt the heat from the small rabbit body as it sailed past her head, inches away from her throat as she fell to the ground. As she watched, horrified, the little bunny took off down the path, kicking up little puffs of dust in its wake.


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