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Merlin's Kiss

Page 15

by Stephanie Burke

  "I am sorry you are here alone, but you need not be. If I can help you in any way, please let me know."

  "You, help me? Don't make me laugh! You can do nothing for me human, but you do owe me a boon. For sparing his life, or did you not mean your pretty words?"

  "I meant them!" Brieana was quick to assure her. "I will give you almost anything."

  "Almost?" the woman said with a sneer.

  "I am learning how to deal with people of magic," she choked out.

  "You are not as stupid as you look," the Lady allowed.

  As Brieana bristled, the Lady ignored her and settled herself tailor style on the calm waters of her lake.

  "I will give you the sword-you are destined to possess it-but it won't work for you until you figure out the secret."

  "Secret?" Kerian had pulled himself up to a sitting position, and after checking on Zorn, turned to face the woman who had almost ended his days.

  "I see you are with us, tall, platinum and handsome," she quipped, obviously enjoying the way the wet leather became waterlogged and pulled down to expose Kerian's hard muscles to her avid gaze.

  "I thought once she possessed the sword, the power would be hers?" Long used to being a pawn in someone's game, Kerian disregarded his near-death experience and in true Kerian form, moved on to the next adventure in this quest.

  "So did Arthur-boy. And all it got him was a watery grave."

  Brieana blinked a little at this, but otherwise showed no other reaction. Dead was dead, and she had accepted his death the moment she awoke in this time.

  "Why did it not work for him?" she finally asked as she turned to assist a dazed Zorn to his feet. The purple drack was a bit woozy but otherwise seemed fine. He snorted water from his nose and eyed the stranger with contempt.

  "Because that immature, ignorant, pissant was ruled by his penis and not his heart. It is not a pretty tale. Come back at a later date and I will tell it to you. As for now, I am tired and ready to seek my sleep. We will continue this tomorrow!"

  "Tomorrow?" Brieana wailed as she jumped to her feet, Zorn forgotten as she took in the Lady's words.

  "Tomorrow!" the Lady stressed. "I have had enough excitement for one night and wish to retire. I will deal with you tomorrow."

  With that, the Lady seemed to melt before their eyes, so quickly did she descend under the water.

  "Of all the nerve!" Brieana huffed, arms akimbo.

  "Yes, of all the nerve," Kerian stated as he struggled to his feet.

  He felt a little dizzy but he assumed it was an aftereffect of almost drowning.

  "What do you mean?" Brieana asked when she saw he was staring directly at her.

  "I have never seen such selfishness in my life! You were supposed to run and save yourself for the Kingdom! But instead you stand and barter with a madwoman. What would have happened to the Isles if you had been killed?"

  All semblance of control had been stripped from Kerian as his anger burst forth with every word! Standing there and facing his own death was hard enough, but to watch her barter her life for his, well, that cleared up any confusion and doubt that he had. It also stripped away the protective shell that allowed him to control his emotions.

  "I do not give a damn what happens to this world!" Brieana screamed, losing herself in the emotional release of anger. "What good is my kingdom if I don't have my dream?"

  "Camelot is your dream!" he yelled back, walking closer to stand toe to toe with her.

  "Camelot is my destiny! You are my dream, you idiot!"

  "What?" Kerian's face went slack as he absorbed her words. "Me? I am…"

  "You are my dream, Kerian!" she declared, quieter this time but with no less emotion. "I have come to realize that I can live anywhere, at any time, and not truly be alive. Camelot is my destiny, by right of honor and birth. You are my dream. Without you, my kingdom will be shallow and my victories tasteless. There is a difference between living and being alive, Kerian. You make me truly alive!"

  Chapter Seventeen

  "I make you feel alive?" he asked, a bit dazed and wondering if he had heard her correctly. He shook his head to dislodge any stray droplets of water, then focused his attention upon her once again.

  "My very body tingles with your every touch, Kerian. Did you not know? Could you not sense how I felt?"

  Kerian stood there, water dripping off of the ends of his hair, utterly amazed. Her green eyes were glowing with some emotion he would rather leave unnamed and that gaze was directed solely at him.

  "Lady Brieana, are you sure you know what you are speaking of? I understand if you need my strength to lean upon, or if my body satisfies an urge in yours, but what you are saying…"

  "I love you, Kerian!" she finally cried out, unable to contain her excitement any longer. "I love you with every breath in my being!" Brieana blinked as if a weight had been lifted from her heart with her admission. She loved her Warlord! She wanted to shout it to the world! She loved her Kerian, and he set her free!

  Kerian's eyes grew wider as understanding shone in his amber eyes. What he was hearing was too good to be true, but the more he watched her excited, sweet face, the more he wanted to believe.

  "You love…me?"

  "From the moment I laid eyes on you! From the moment you held me on Zorn's back! From the moment you touched me, Kerian. I was destined to find you one day, I just never knew it would take hundreds of thousands of years."

  Unable to keep his hands to himself any longer, Kerian leaned closer yet and grabbed Brieana up in his powerful, wet embrace. Almost delirious with joy, he clasped her small rounded body closer to him as if he wanted to absorb her into his very being.

  "Brieana, I am not worthy," he began as he looked down at her happy face. With a trembling hand, he reached out to caress the face that had haunted all of his dreams and tormented his soul.

  Reaching up with both hands, Brieana drew his treasured face down to hers. Lips barely touching, she whispered, "Of course you are."

  Then there were no more words. As her soft warm breath wafted over his face, Kerian again lost his tenacious grip on his control. With a savage groan, his mouth dropped down to plunder her willing lips.

  The taste of her was heaven! Never had he tasted anything sweeter than her lips. He savored her special flavor. It exploded in his mouth and conquered his senses. His tongue plunged in deeper for another taste of once-forbidden delights. His knees began to tremble as her tongue eagerly swept out to taste his.

  "Lady," he breathed after tearing his mouth away. "If we continue like this, I will have you on the ground beneath me in a matter of seconds."

  "Promise?" she whispered and pulled his head back down to hers, confident he would carry out his threat and eager to feel his hard body closer to hers. The Warlord always meant what he said.

  With a groan, Kerian swung Brieana up in his arms and almost stumbled over Zorn, who was eyeing them with curiosity.

  Taste good, does she? he smirked.

  "Go away!" they both shouted.

  With a sniff and a last shake of his purple body, Zorn departed the area, that strange look on his face yet again. "Await, the chickens do!" he declared as he regally turned his back and sauntered away.

  Shaking his head at the fates which allowed such a creature to torment him, Kerian turned back to the damp bundle of woman snuggled in his arms.

  "I've made you all wet," he spoke softly as he buried his nose in her neck, inhaling her flowery scent.

  "How did you know?" she blurted out, then blushed as she realized he was speaking of her clothes. "Ah, pay me no heed, my love."

  Kerian smiled at her admission but doubled his speed as he carried her to the blankets that they had earlier spread out.

  "Will you now show me how to make love?" she asked as he placed her on her feet and began to struggle with the wet ties of her tunic.

  "Will you show me how to love, period?" he countered as he paused in his mad rush to undress her. "Will you show me how to open
this heart I once thought dead, Brieana? Will you show me the way?"

  "Yes, Kerian, yes," she breathed as she took a step closer to her beloved and wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight embrace, trying to impart her feelings with touch alone.

  She gripped the wet material of his vest and moaned as she felt his hard muscles shift beneath her questing hands.

  "I have to taste you again," he growled before his mouth latched onto hers.

  Stars danced behind her closed eyes as he very slowly stole her breath and returned it to her. Her hand reached up to tangle in his long platinum locks and she moaned her pleasure into his mouth.

  "That's it," he breathed against her. "Feel me."

  With a glad cry, she tightened her hold on him, forcing the kiss to go on longer, deeper, until all she could feel, smell, taste was him.

  Tearing his lips from hers, he began to impatiently tug at her tunic, pulling it over her head.

  "I have to touch you," he muttered as he managed to yank the wet leather over her head, then gasped at the perfection of her. He had seen glimpses of her wondrous beauty when he first rescued her from her stony prison. But this…

  "You are beautiful indeed!"

  Brieana felt a blush steal up her face as Kerian stood there in the warm evening air mesmerized by the sight of her. Her breasts felt full and swollen as he took his time and examined her closely. She had never imagined an intimacy such as this, but she put her embarrassment aside. She wanted to see what would happen next.

  His mouth went dry at the thought of taking each berry-colored nipple into his mouth and drinking his fill. Would she taste as sweet as she looked? She stood there, looking up at him as if she were some fertility goddess of old, and he found he could not resist her lure.

  Reaching out one single finger, he traced the areola of one plump breast and smiled as she gasped in surprised pleasure.

  "Kerian?" she whispered, frightened by these intense feelings that had sprung up between them. Never had she felt so strongly about anything or wanted something so much.

  "Be at ease, Brieana," he crooned as he dropped to his knees in front of her. "Let me love you."

  His mouth was a moist furnace that burned her with pleasure. Brieana closed her eyes and tightened her grip on his hair as his tongue whipped out and lapped at her nipple. Her eyes widened at the sensation, then closed on a shuddering sigh as he pulled it inside. She moaned as he applied a gentle suction, pulling at her turgid flesh.

  Brieana felt as if her knees would give away. His mouth caused surging waves of delight to travel down her body and center in her private woman's place.

  Kerian groaned deeply in his throat as he felt her nipple harden further in his mouth. Her taste was divine, her scent addictive, and he had to have more.

  With gentle hands he guided her onto the blankets, then smiled down at the hungry look in her eyes.

  Reaching up one hand, she stroked the wet material of his vest. "Take it off." She wanted only to feel his warm skin against her. She had fantasized about the feel of his body and she didn't want to be cheated of that pleasure.

  Gaze fastened to hers, Kerian reached down and loosened the cords that held the war vest closed. With one motion, he whipped the constraining garment over his head and tossed his hair behind him.

  Brieana shuddered, the nerves tingling down her back, and her nipples hardened even more as she saw his exposed chest. Her skin vibrated with need and the desire to touch what she was now gazing upon. She did not have to wait long.

  Kerian rested his arms on either side of her head and lowered his chest, just enough that her erect nipples brushed against the smooth, hairless expanse of chest.

  "You burn," she moaned as she tossed her head back, opening herself to his possession.

  "For you," he breathed as he skimmed his lips along her exposed neck, inhaling her scent, letting his tongue dart out to taste her.

  "I want more," she purred, her hands reaching up to tangle in his damp hair.

  Never one to deny her requests, Kerian lowered his head and latched onto her straining nipple again, this time pulling powerfully at her tender flesh.

  Brieana parted her leather-clad legs and pulled him tighter to her as she felt his hardness, contained by his wet leggings, pressing against her heated center.

  Groaning deeply, Kerian began a slow grinding motion with his hips.

  "Oh God!" Brieana cried out as she tossed her head back and rode the waves of pleasure he created within her. His hard hips pressed firmly against her, holding her legs wide apart for his gentle assault. Instinctively, she clamped her thighs tighter, attempting to protect her secrets, but the firm pressure she applied to his thighs only made everything more intense.

  She felt one of his hands reach down between them and slide to the ties of her leggings. A deep aching need settled in her abdomen and she arched helplessly, repeatedly against his touch.

  "Help me, Brieana," he gritted out as he pulled his mouth away from her hardened nipple and moved so he could rip her boots from those feet he so enjoyed looking at. Next he tried to make his trembling fingers ease her leggings away from the core of her body he wanted so very much to bury himself in.

  Brieana realized her own clothes had absorbed the lake water from Kerian's wet garments. Joyfully, she lifted her hips and felt the cold clammy material being eased past her hips. Glad to be rid of the confining clothing, Brieana sighed and urged Kerian to hurry. These new feelings were wonderful, and drugging. Like a person addicted to sensuality, she waited breathlessly for more.

  Tossing her leggings over his shoulder, he again rose above her. With burning eyes, she watched as he slowly loosened the leather tie holding his last covering up. Unconsciously, she licked at lips suddenly gone dry as he slowly undressed for her pleasure. The she sucked in her breath at what was revealed—muscular thighs, lean flanks, and just the hint of an aroused cock.

  Standing on his feet, Kerian kicked aside his boots and bending at the waist, eased the last of his clothing off. He hesitated, debating whether or not to expose his fully engorged self to her gaze, but decided it was now or never.

  As he stood, proud and aroused before her, Brieana's eyes widened in shock then in apprehension.

  "I don't think it will fit!" she breathed as she took in his immense member, all swollen and throbbing and sticking out from his body. "Did it hurt to be squeezed in those leggings?"

  "No, Brieana, and we'll fit," he huffed, trying to keep his laughter within. Most women just stared at him in horrified wonder. His brave Brieana was more concerned about the fit of his clothes.

  "Show me?" she asked, not exactly knowing what was going to happen, but knowing her Kerian was something special to behold.

  As his large body covered hers, she parted her thighs to make a place for him.

  Brieana shivered with delight as she finally came into contact with his hot firm flesh. Her body seemed to know and to welcome her bold warrior, and she could do no less.

  With abandon, she threw her arms around his neck and urged him down.

  "Will you put it in me now?" she asked as she wiggled closer to his heat. She had missed the feel of him and now savored the hair-roughened texture of his body.

  "No, first I will prepare you."

  "But I am prepared, Kerian." She wiggled closer to his heat, offering herself up for exploration. "I am wet. I know that I am. I can feel it! And the men always said wet and ready…"

  "What?" Kerian's eyebrows rose to almost disappear into his hairline at her admission.

  "The soldiers I fought with. They always said the women they liked best were wet and willing. I am willing and wet, Kerian, so will you put it in me now?"

  Kerian lowered his forehead to rest against hers as he strove for his legendary control. What fools had she been listening to? But the insistent gyrations of her body were making it hard for him to think! When Brieana wanted something, she went after it with gusto and held nothing back.

  "No, I wi
ll not, Brieana. Wet is not enough for me. I want you howling and writhing beneath me. I want you mindless with need. I want you to feel what I feel."

  Then there was no more time for talk.

  Kerian's hands dipped low to discover the wet heat of her, just as his teeth lightly clamped on the vulnerable flesh where shoulder met neck.

  Brieana gasped and arched off of the blankets at the powerful duel sensations. She cried out as she felt his fingertips part the soft thatch of hair that covered her secrets.

  "Ah!" she shrieked in surprise as one rough finger parted her wet heat then searched for her small kernel of joy.

  Kerian moaned as he encountered her creamy softness. Hot and damp, she was already more than prepared to take him. He fought against the urge to ravish her right there as he pictured his rod buried in her slippery heat. Instead, he reached higher and found what he was searching for.

  "You are so swollen," he murmured to her as his mouth swooped down to hers again, drinking in her moans and gasps.

  He began to rotate his finger in a small, circular motion, causing her hips to jerk and sway. He bit back a curse as he felt her willing response. Never had he had a woman so eager for the joining of their bodies.

  Brieana felt as if ecstasy was tearing her body apart. Her head whipped from side to side on the blankets, flinging her hair wildly around her head as her hands fisted in his hair, tugging and pulling. She did not know what she begged and pleaded for, but whatever it was, it was building fast within her.

  "Ohhhhh…" she wailed as tears filled her eyes from the awesome power of this act. She could feel her muscles tightening, drawing in, forcing the pleasure deeper, sharper.

  "Kerian," she panted, pleading for…she did not know what! "Please!"

  "That's it, love, come for me! Let it go!" he urged her on as he took nipping bites of her breasts. "Come on, Brieana, take it!"

  Then suddenly her body arched completely off the blanket. "Kerian!" she screamed as the powerful waves of release poured through her, making her inner muscles convulse, awakening her to the pleasures of being a woman.


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