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Merlin's Kiss

Page 27

by Stephanie Burke

  "Up to Shala's chambers," Kerian said, ignoring them both and wiping away the spider webs with his left hand. "If we are going to find any answers, that is where we must be."

  Brieana and Tybo agreed and silently followed the dark staircase, each suddenly thinking this was it. The final showdown was approaching and any one of them and possibly all of them, might not make it out alive.

  * * * * *

  "My friends," Shala called out, ignoring the hissing in her mind as she addressed the council of clan leaders who sat before her in her hall. "The time for action is now!"

  She could feel Dagon's presence behind her and knew he was hiding in some hole nearby. His power called to the power within her so she knew he was close. He had delivered something to her earlier and insisted on its use. Time to play the game by his rules, but only for now.

  "Why should we believe you?" one burly man called, starting a stream of like comments from the war-hardened men and women in the room.

  "Because my beloved stepson is no more! Because the Dark Isles menace is here among us, destroying everything that we have striven so hard to build!"

  "I don't believe it!" another called out. "The Warlord is indestructible! He killed his own father and he loved him! He will persevere!"

  There were like mumblings as the people demanded proof.

  "You want proof?" Shala screamed. "Look at this!"

  She pulled a cloth from an object sitting on the table before her with flourish.

  There were gasps of surprise and screams of disbelief as they all viewed what lay on the table.

  It was the top of a head! Not the whole skull, but just the top, as if someone had removed this small portion just to feast on the brains that lay within.

  Shala had to swallow deeply in revulsion, as the child within her chuckled gleefully.

  The skin on the bit of bone was covered with cascading platinum hair, the distinctive shade of Kerian's, with its highlighting white streaks that many beatings at his father's hands had added shining brightly in the sunlight.

  She had to blink rapidly before she could call the frightened men and women to order.

  "What more proof do you need?" she screamed, wondering where Dagon had gotten such a horrid thing.

  If he had killed Kerian and that little bitch, he would have told her. But maybe the deed had been done earlier and this was a trophy to aid in their plans.

  She felt a moment's pang of sadness before the rush of power filled her.

  Their plans were coming together! They were succeeding, finally! And soon, she would be rid of Dagon, too!

  "They must be destroyed! The Dark Isles people must be destroyed!"

  She felt Dagon's hiss of indrawn breath, but said nothing as he disappeared towards her chambers.

  "They are monstrous, to do this to a man! We must end the threat! We of Mirage, are the most skillfully trained and we hunger for revenge! Let us lead your forces to victory against the hell-spawned demons that are trying to invade our land! We must fight!"

  Her little chuckles of pleasure were drowned out by the enraged roars of the battle- maddened people.

  But it was still too soon to make a move. She had to deal with Dagon first.

  So it was easy for her to feign weakness, and have a few of Kerian's most trusted warriors lead her to her room to recover, leaving the angered mob to think about and to plot their revenge on Dagon and his people.

  And with the main tyrant out of the way, she would move on easily as the woman who destroyed the monster, the woman who was fit enough to lead, the Woman of Legend that everyone waited to appear and save them, to unite them.

  Even if she was not that woman, what would they know?

  After all, they were nothing but stupid men and women!

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  "That traitorous bitch!" Dagon spat as he made his way to Shala's chamber. "But you have to admire her…determination." He laughed.

  "Don't you just," Kerian answered, making Dagon turn and smile at the newcomer.

  "Warlord!" he hissed in pleasure, his leathery wings snapping as he raised and lowered them quickly to his back. "I have been expecting you."

  "I wonder why?" Kerian asked as he slowly sat up in the chair he had claimed as he waited.

  He and his companions had arrived in Shala's chamber moments before, long enough to make out a few of the shouted words of the excited crowd and for them to formulate a quick plan of action.

  Brieana and Tybo were to stay out of sight, although Tybo had warned that Dagon could sense his power. It was a given that those who possessed true magic had the ability to find other holders of true magic in close quarters.

  "Because you are so regrettably hard to kill," Dagon replied, his eyes suddenly spitting fire in his handsome face as he held his leathery hands behind his back. "By the way, nice trick with the little creatures of the forest—rabbits, I believe? They eliminated a troop I had sent to bring me back your remains."

  "Nasty little creatures, aren't they?"

  "Oh, yes, indeed, they are, but no nastier than traitorous bastards who bite then turn on their masters," he purred. "Isn't that right, Tybo?"

  "Just as I was taught," Tybo said easily as he shimmered into view.

  "Bending light! You were paying attention. But you can't mask the taint of your magic, Tybo. You know, you must needs be punished for this one, oh my, yes."

  Relaxed as ever, Dagon strolled over to the chair Kerian occupied and tapped him on the shoulder, his taloned hand a striking contrast to Kerian's golden skin.

  "Do you mind? That is my chair."

  "By all means," Kerian said as he stood and gave a short bow to the creature that resembled Tybo, but had a nasty, sinister air about him. "Sit."

  "And where is this so called 'Woman of Legend?’ Is she, too, hidden between bent beams of light?"

  "Actually, I am cowering in fear behind you," Brieana said sarcastically as she stepped from the shadows and faced the creature she was to destroy. Excalibur was held tightly in her hand, but was still as dull and lifeless as it appeared after it left the power of the Lady of the Lake.

  "Honest bit of goods," Dagon laughed as he examined the small dark woman. Put wings on her and she would easily make a handsome prize for the right man. "And so fresh!"

  He inhaled deeply and almost choked as he caught a whiff of her energy signature.

  "Oh! I may have been wrong about you."

  As a reflex, Brieana's sword came up and Kerian moved closer to her. Tybo spread his wings, now a weary orange as he watched the proceedings with matching eyes.

  "Oh, stand down!" Dagon sighed. "Even if this youngling possessed the power of the Old Father, she is not my main concern. The mother of my daughter is."


  Kerian looked puzzled at the dangerous man. Something was not right here.

  "Your stepmother, to be accurate," Dagon supplied then chuckled as he watched Kerian's face pale.

  "What? Never heard of 'Baby's Mama Drama?’ It is an old Light Isles custom, you know, direct from your past. Remind me to explain it to you someday."


  Brieana moved closer to him, realizing he no longer had a defense for his stepmother, that she had used him all along.

  "What?" Dagon rose to his feet, dismissing Tybo with a glance and concentrating his attention on the Warlord. "You thought she cared? That she wanted to help? That she was scared and confused? The little bitch wanted you in her bed, and when the young stuff," he gestured to Brieana, "came along bearing marks of magic, she knew what she wished to obtain would never come to be!"


  "Used you, abused you, and now wants you dead! I can't fault the dear sweet woman. I want you dead, too."

  He crooned a little tune as he clicked his talons together under his chin, his eyes intent on his prey.

  Brieana made to step in front of Kerian, to protect her mate, but Dagon began to speak again.

  "But I wanted you dead for
more than abused vanity, my dear boy. I want you dead for your power."

  "It would do you no good," Kerian replied, easing Brieana back behind him, accepting the truth—Shala was not being misguided by this creature. "My men would never follow you."

  "But they would follow the Woman of Legend."

  "What do I…?" Brieana began, but was interrupted.

  "Not you, my dear. If Shala could get rid of you, she could step into your place."

  "Excalibur?" she asked softly, clenching the sword tighter in her grasp.

  "What? I have no idea who or what that is, my dear. But I do know with you gone, it will be easy for Shala to take command, and then pass off power to me."

  "Why don't you just take it?" Tybo demanded. "Like you have taken over the Dark Isles!"

  "Well, because this place is not a hellhole, Tybo! Please stay with this conversation! And I thought I trained you better than to ignore the obvious!"

  He turned away from his apprentice and focused on Kerian again.

  "War has a way of making a place…less than habitable."

  "You want an easy conquest," Kerian snarled, the heat of battle filling his veins. "You want to rule without proving yourself capable of controlling what you acquire!"

  "Give the boy a prize!" Dagon crowed in delight, his laughter circling around the room. "He is not all brawn and good looks after all."

  "You will never get away with it!" Brieana growled, catching the battle fever.

  "I already have," Dagon smiled. "After I take care of a certain walking womb, my plans will come to fruition."

  "Not necessarily," a female voice said from behind. "You see, I have created a few obstacles for you to overcome."

  "Shala, my love!" Dagon smiled, his red eyes glowing in delight. "It is about time you joined this gathering. Now the circle is complete."

  Even with her swollen belly, Shala moved with grace. A wicked smile played at her lips and her golden eyes glared at all in the room.

  "Now," she purred, her hands resting on her belly, "the killings can begin."

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  "Planning on committing suicide, dear?" Dagon asked, his lips turning up into a sly grin. "It really is no way out, dear. Besides, what would our daughter think?"


  Kerian's sharp gasp filled the room as Shala strode casually inside, smile in place.

  "My daughter. The future ruler of this land. Now that you are dead, Kerian."

  "Yet I stand here," he pointed out, still amazed the woman he had grown to trust, that he defended, would not only betray him but his people as well.

  "Well, they don't know that."

  She walked over to the window and pulled back the thick drapery, letting in the sounds of war-hungry warriors crying out for justice.

  "What have you done?" This from Brieana who took a step forward, eyes blazing her fury.

  "The question should be, you silly child, 'what am I about to do?'"

  Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small velvet bag.

  "Another incantation, Shala?" Dagon drawled as he rose to his feet. "I thought you had grown bored with getting backlash from your own spells?"

  "But this, dear Dagon, is an incantation from the high mages. Something I believe you overlooked."

  "Do tell?"

  "The legendary Man-Damon, Dagon. Part drack, part mage, all power. He comes from a spell I cast that in no way uses my magic. Can you imagine such a thing? Or has your ego gotten so large you no longer believe there are forces out there, other than yours?"

  "Well, I won't stand here and let you cast unknown magic," Tybo shouted as he took a step forward, his eyes flaring red with his anger.

  But before he could make another move, Shala threw a pinch of powder from her bag into his face.

  "What," he coughed. "What have you done?"

  Almost immediately, a silvery sheen covered the winged man. His breathing increased until he was fighting for each breath, as if his lungs were seizing up. His wings turned a sickly shade of gray, the same shade repeated in his eyes and skin.

  "Tybo!" Kerian shouted as he moved forward, his hands gripping the man's chest.

  His eyes widened in amazement and fear as he felt the man's skin grow hard beneath his very fingers.

  Tybo tried to open his mouth, to shout a warning, but he was now powerless to move, a living statue of what once had been a powerful magician and soldier.

  "What did you do?" Kerian growled, turning to face the woman he was growing to hate more and more each second.

  "I'm sure you remember that slimy lizard you tried so hard to find, Kerian."

  "Gren's lost offspring?" he breathed, trying hard not to even think about what his logical mind was now concluding.

  "Yes, that unnatural beast's offspring. Behold what is left of him." Shala laughed as she shook the bag in delight.

  As Kerian gasped out in maddened anger and disbelief, Shala threw back her head and exploded in maniacal laughter.

  "Oh, Kerian! You should see your face!" she snickered. "Your father took great delight in beheading the beast, and I took far more pleasure in ripping his still beating heart from his chest."

  "Your bloodthirsty ways remind me of why I chose you in the first place, Shala," Dagon chortled as he made a few motions behind his back. "Your…ambition…has always been arousing to see."

  "How could you?" Kerian asked, horror spreading through his mind at the thought of the gentle drack he often played with as a child. "How could you dare kill him? That's murder!"

  "To hunt a poor stupid beast? Please, Kerian. You act as if they are human."

  "You are the only inhuman thing I see around here," Brieana hissed as she reached out and touched Kerian's arm in a comforting manner. "But what does that have to do with what you have wrought here?"

  "Well you see, the heart of a drack contains powerful magic, Brieana. And Kerian, I almost had your father's approval to hunt the wretched beasts down and take what I needed. Their hearts. You see, it has a nice paralyzing effect on humans, and those not quite human."

  She gestured to Tybo's wings, and then turned her gaze to Dagon.

  "And I know you have cast a spell of protection, Dagon. So wasting this powder on you would be foolish. But there is another use for drack hearts. It is a great tool for summoning."

  "Enough of this!" Dagon reared suddenly. He turned to Shala and made to move in her direction.

  But before he could reach her, Shala ran to her bedside table, putting distance between them and ripped her eating knife from her belt.

  "Like that will work," Dagon snorted as he prepared to rush her. But his actions, even as fast as he could be, were not quick enough to stop her from performing the ritual.

  But Shala quickly sliced across her palm and clenched her fist, squeezing out her precious life's blood to the floor.

  "I summon thee, Man-Beast, Creature of Legend. Awake from your eternal slumber and release the cosmic energy in your soul. Come to me, my minion of darkness, creature of element, thing of power. Creator of kings and destroyer of fools. I summon thee! Come to me and do my bidding! From the fires of the pit of earth, to the frigid heart of the sea! Come to me, creature. Three times I summon thee."

  She tossed a pinch of drack powder into the puddle of blood and the whole room seemed to freeze.

  "No!" Kerian yelled as he moved in slow motion towards his treacherous stepmother.

  Brieana moved just as slowly as she tried to maneuver her sword and face the evil woman.

  Dagon skidded to a halt, his eyes on the spot on the floor that had begun to shimmer and smoke.

  And then, like a bubble popping, the force holding them back exploded.

  They rushed in their motions at an exaggerated speed, moving faster than the eyes could follow for just a second.

  Then the spot exploded, sending shimmering powder and dark smoke across the room.

  Kerian threw his arm up, protecting his eyes as Brieana ducked low into
a warrior's crouch, balanced and ready, yet protecting herself from most of the blast.

  Dagon's spell of protection instantly erected an invisible shield that the smoke flowed around like river water around a stone.

  Shala threw back her head in laughter, ignoring the hissing of her child from within her mind.

  "Who dares summon me?" a deep voice bellowed, a voice that shook the very rafters with its resonance.

  Instantly, Brieana's head popped up.

  It couldn't be!

  But it was!

  "Merlin!" she screamed as she rose to her full height.

  "Lady Brieana?"

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  "Kill them! Kill them all!" Shala screamed, one hand on her slightly swollen stomach, the other pointing to Dagon and her stepson.

  "Merlin!" Brieana breathed, her hand going to her mouth, eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. "It is you."

  "Lady Brieana. You seemed to have landed in the middle again."

  "Are my words not heard?" Shala screamed, growing impatient and fearful. How did the Man-Demon know that stupid little girl?

  "Quiet, you!" Merlin snapped and instantly Shala's hands went to her throat.

  Try as she might, not a word would pass her frozen throat. Her eyes widened in sheer fright even as a hissing laughter filled her mind.

  Stupid, the voice of her child hissed. You are so stupid.

  "My Lord Merlin," Brieana said as she stepped around the frozen Tybo and her stiff warrior. "Please, you must help me!"

  "I cannot."

  "But you haveto! Excalibur is dead in my grasp," she explained as she walked over to the man who looked amazingly the same.

  His long dark hair wafted in a breeze of his own power, his eyes were intense as they observed her. He even smelled the same, of musk, magic, and man.

  "This continent that I am supposed to rule, this place, is being overrun by dark forces. How can I help? What do I do?"

  "You know what to do, Lady," Merlin sighed. "But I have sworn an oath never to interfere again."

  "But you said it was for the good of the Britons. I understand that now, but I need your guidance. That was the Britons, Merlin. That was another time and another place. This is here. This is now!"


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