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Police, Pooch, and Smooch: A Single Dad, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 25)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  The more I think about it it makes sense. And what makes the most sense is making her mine, holding her tight, and never letting her go.



  “Where were you today?” My dad’s question cuts through the hot summer air in the house and is like a knife in my chest. He’s mad, and I’m on cloud nine. I don’t want to come down, but judging by the tone of his voice raining on my parade is at the top of his agenda.

  “I went to the dog park.”

  “With who?”

  “A friend?”

  “A friend, huh? Why did I get a call from a guy I work with telling me my daughter is out running around with some guy that the whole town knows is crazy.”

  “Maybe because you have nosey friends who need to mind their own business.”

  “And maybe you need to watch how you speak to me. He’s damaged goods, Sadie.”

  “He is not!”

  “And he’s got a freaking child for Pete’s sake! What are you thinking?”

  “Well, according to you I’m not!”

  “You’re damn right you’re not. And how old is he? He’s old enough to be my age.”

  “Yeah, but at least he’s figured out over all those years that a man should be patient and understanding, and not accusatory and rude…especially the second I walk in the door.”

  “Go to your room.”

  “I was on my way until you stopped me!” I say, stomping up the stairs.

  I slam my door and collapse onto my bed. Just sixty seconds ago my plan was to do the same, but with the same smile on my face that I walked in the front door with and not in the mood my dad’s just put me in. Now I’m angry at him, and his stupid friend, for intruding into my life. What does he care anyways? And why is he so hung up on James being “damaged goods.” He’s so mean, and he doesn’t even know him…especially not like I do.

  I grab my towel and leave my room. Two doors down I enter the bathroom and breathe a sign of relief. I turn on the water and prepare a bubble bath. I need to unwind from my dad, and right now this is the best way I know how.

  As I slide out of my clothes I tell myself this is all about calming down, but then why can’t my heart stop racing? It’s not because of the argument with my dad.

  He did upset me, but after the day I just had with James there is nothing that can keep me down. My mind immediately wanders back to him.

  I slide into the bath and close my eyes as the bubbles surround my skin. The water’s so warm I could just fall asleep right here and now. But falling asleep is the last thing on my mind.

  I’m thinking about our first kiss…how it was so perfect under that tree. It wasn’t rushed, contrived, or forced. It was tender and honest. It wasn’t a step towards getting in my pants, it was truly a step towards the two of us connecting even more…the way it’s supposed to be.

  I slide my hands down from the sides of the tub and rub them along my legs, stopping at my knees. I breathe out, and slowly bring my hands back down and over my thighs trying to imagine they’re his big, strong, thick hands. Imagining the roughness of his fingertips that I felt when he touched my face.

  My hands slowly continue their descent towards my groin and I pause, before continuing with one hand across pussy and then up and down. I rub up and down twice, and then begin in quick circles, imagining it’s him.

  My waterproof Hitachi Wand knock-off that I bought on eBay is just under the sink hidden in a box of my things, but I’m not about to get it. Not now. My mind has changed my hands to his, and as much as I want the real thing I have to experience as close as I can get right now.

  My hand continues rubbing in quick, tight circles as my other hand comes up and cups my breast, squeezing it hard. In my mind it’s his hand, just as the hand between my legs is. I put a second finger with my first, and furiously circle my clit, the water splashing slightly out of the tub.

  I’ve barely started and I’m already close. Too close.

  My other hand comes off my breast and around behind my head, grabbing my hair and pulling it tight. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, let alone imagined this vividly.

  My head leans back and I feel the water hitting the tiles on the floor, my entire body feeling better than I’ve ever felt before.

  “James,” I whisper. “Fuck me,” I say as I slide my two fingers in and all hell breaks loose.

  My hips buck wildly and at least a entire bucket of water splashes outside the tub as my body convulses. My pussy tightens around my fingers…there’s no way I could pull them out if I tried.

  I try to breathe, but can’t.

  “Ut..Ut..Uhhhhh.” I moan as the last of my juices leave me and I’m able to inhale deeply again.

  “Everything all right in there?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be right out.”

  I hear my mom’s footsteps as she moves away down the hall.

  How loud was I? And if I was that fast and that blown away just imagining him, what am I going to do when I get the real thing?

  If I get the real thing.



  I settle into bed feeling a lot more relaxed and satisfied, but not nearly in the way I really want.

  Part of me knows this is moving way too fast, but another part of me knows it’s not just some passing fad. I’m not going to be like my dad and just write the whole thing off because of some silly numbers or society’s preconceived notions of how old a man and a woman should be in order to be together.

  I hear my phone vibrating and I don’t want to get it. I’m too comfortable right now, but deep down I’m Pavlov’s dog and that phone is my bell. I look at my phone and see the name.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “Hey,” James says. It’s like he never left my side. I want to jump out of my bed and go right over to his house and get in his. “Whatcha doin’?

  “Just thinking.”

  “Anything in particular on your mind?”

  “Just how much fun we had today. Thank you. I really enjoyed myself.”

  “You’re welcome. I did too. And judging by how quickly Smooch and Max fell asleep when we got inside, they had a blast too.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Me too. So glad in fact that I want to do it again.”

  “Go to the dog park?” Are we about to turn into doggie date daters?

  “Not the dog park this time. A proper date. I want to take you out and show you a good time.”

  “What did you have in mind?” It’s not like I even care what he has planned, as long as we’re together. I’m just running through all the scenarios in my mind where I might be able to slide out of the house undetected to be with him. Then again my dad seems to have a mobile surveillance team, so sliding out might be the least of my worries.

  “That’s a secret. What fun would it be if I took out all the anticipation?”

  “Just like Christmas,” I say.

  “Christmas in July.”

  A moment passes and I don’t say anything.

  “So whadda ya say? Round two, but this time as an official date.”

  As much as I do respect my dad, and understand he just wants to protect me, there’s no way I’m going to heed his warning.

  “I accept.”

  “Great. Are you free tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow? Ummm,” I begin, not wanting to appear too desperate. Then I remember who I’m taking to. James is a man. He’s busy and he doesn’t play games, so why should I? “Yep! For you I’m definitely available.”

  “Great. Pick you up at five?”

  “Five. So we’re starting early.”

  “I’ve got a lot planned.”

  “Five it is.”

  “See you then…and Sadie.”

  “Yes James?”

  “Sweet dreams. I know I’m going to have some tonight for the first time in a long time.”

  “Sweet dreams,” I say. And then I hear the call end.

  He’s not the
only one who is about to have some pleasant thoughts in bed in the next few minutes. I put my phone on the nightstand and roll over onto my stomach, sliding my hand underneath me and between my legs. I stop before I even start.

  “Not again,” I whisper to myself. “Only the real thing. Only him.”



  James pulls up in front of the coffee shop ten minutes early, as I expected. He’s always so respectful of my time, and my wishes. And my wish today had been for him to pick me up here to avoid any possible drama at my house. Kind of weird for me to walk to the coffee shop so the guy next door can pick me up here instead of where we live. The things we do for…I don’t want to think about that yet. It’s still too early.

  “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?

  “These,” I say, pulling the Tupperware bowl from my backpack as he moves swiftly, but calmly and in control, from his side of the car to mine to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “You made brownies?”

  “Fresh out of the oven.”

  “How did you know they were my favorite?”

  “Lucky guess,” I say, but it was far from it. My dreams were filled with thoughts of James last night, including a couple flashbacks where I remembered running into him at the convenience store on the corner a time or two when I was younger. I remembered he always popped in to grab a small packet of brownies and a bottled water. Maybe he was in a rush, on his way to or from work, but for some reason I’d seen him choose those before. And I knew if he liked the boxed brownies then for sure he’d love homemade ones.

  It was a strange memory to have cataloged. Maybe because I was the same height as the brownie rack at the time, and it made his purchase stand out even more. I’m not entirely sure, but I did remember, and there must have been a reason why.

  “Should we have one now?” he asks, with a grin.

  “I’m not going to say no.”

  “Me either. And we’ve got plenty of time until dinner so one won’t hurt.”

  He holds the door with one hand, and places the other on the small of my back. The way he touches me makes my entire body feel alive. Just a hand on my back, is all it takes. It’s scary how much power he has over me, but I’m not afraid. I trust him. I’d always kept to myself as a child, and stayed in my own little world, and to a large extent that had continued until now. The idea of finally letting someone else “drive” was challenging and refreshing at the same time. And not just drive a car, but to be in charge. To allow me the chance to sit back and just go along for the ride. And I finally met someone I trusted enough to do that with. It was like a whole other world was opening up to me.

  I sit in the car and James carefully makes sure I’m all in before shutting the door. It’s not a flashy car, which is perfect…less chance my dad or one of his friends will see us, but it is a nice car. I see the four interlocking circles inside and recognize it as an Audi.

  “I like your car,” I say, as James sits down on his side and shuts the door.

  “Thanks. It’s nice to drive something other than a squad car after all those years on the beat.”

  “So, how about this one?” James says, removing the lid and picking out a brownie from right on top. I appreciate that he’s not digging. They must all look good to him, which makes me feel better about my decision to bring them in the first place.

  “That one looks perfect,” I say.

  James breaks off a small piece and brings it up to my mouth. I look at the tasty morsel and then up at him. He’s looking directly at me. His look is intense and sexy, even though I know he’s not even trying. He’s just so present in everything he does, and it really shows.

  I open my mouth and he carefully places the piece inside. I gently bite down and he lets go. I chew it thinking about how fun he’s making such a simple thing as eating a bite of a brownie. My mind wanders to the idea of smashing that brown on his chest and licking it off. And if not his chest, then maybe somewhere else…a little lower. I can imagine him in the kitchen, cooking with me. He’s wearing an apron, and nothing more. His firm, but still cute, tush hanging out the back as he runs his finger along the inside of the bowl before turning to me and sticking his finger in my mouth while I suck the batter off.

  James breaks off the entire other half and pops it in his mouth like it’s a Skittle. A few quick chews later and it disappears.

  “Wow, that was fast,” I say.

  “Because it was so delicious,” he says. “When I said “should we have one now” I guess what I really meant was should we each have one now.”

  He winks at me and I smile.

  “I’m good with a half, but you’re welcome to one and half, or all of them for that matter. I made them just for you.”

  “I need you to eat half, so I won’t feel so guilty if I eat five right now.”


  “My stomach is saying ten, but I’m trying to show some restraint.”

  “You can eat ten of those?”

  “With all the working out I do, and the time I spend chasing Smooch and Max my body burns off food almost as quick as it hits my stomach.”

  “I wish I had that condition.”

  “Yeah, there are definitely some advantages of being so busy.”

  “How are Smooch and Max by the way?”

  “They’re good. I just dropped them off at my parent’s house.”

  “Oh. Do you have to pick them up later? I mean, never mind. I didn’t mean anything by that.” Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed now. It’s like I’m begging him to take me back to his place later.

  “Don’t worry. I didn’t read into it at all,” he says before pausing. “But to answer your question, they’ve got them until tomorrow.”



  “We’re here,” James announces as we pull up to the tiny shop in the strip mall.

  “Bob’s Bait and Tackle?” I say, reading the sign in front. I definitely wasn’t expecting to go fishing.

  James laughs lightly as he opens his door, and quickly makes his way over to my side of the car.

  “You don’t like to fish?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I mean it’s been awhile,” I say trying to remain optimistic.

  “Would you mind if it’s still awhile longer?”

  “What do you mean?”

  James helps me out of the car, and I feel his arm wrap around my shoulder.

  “Still awhile longer until we go fishing.”

  “We’re not going fishing?”

  “No,” he says, and I look up and see him smiling.

  “Oh,” I say. Suddenly I burst out laughing. James joins in, and I reach my hand up and take his fingers in mine. His arm is so long and is wrapped so far around me that I barely have to bend my elbow for my fingers to reach his.

  I’m over the moon that James is such a big burly guy, yet he’s so open to public displays of affection. And not just PDA, but PDA with me.

  We walk up to the line of shops in the strip mall and start walking along the sidewalk. He’s got a spring in his step and it’s contagious. He’s doing it again…making little, normal things seem anything but. He just brings excitement to everything.

  Suddenly he turns right, his hand grabbing the bar on the door and he pushes it open. “After you,” he says.

  “Hey there beautiful person…and James,” a voice says from behind the counter. The body turns and I realize the man saw us in the reflection in the mirror that lines the entire area behind the counter.

  “Good to see you too, Gus.”

  “Sadie, this is Gus.”

  “No fuss, Gus,” he says, looking at me in a no nonsense kind of way. “Keep ‘em pointed down range, nothing strange—”

  “And I’ll arrange an orange,” James finishes.

  “What in the world?” I say.

  “He likes the end. The words all end in ange, but sound the orange at the end causes you to pause. The brain senses something’s off.”
r />   “Okay.” I say.


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