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Jack II

Page 8

by Stella Marie Alden

  “We? Nothing, doing. You’re not going anywhere.”

  I feel the blood rush from my head, my throat gets dry, and I clutch onto him. My heart starts thumping and I swear I can hear Sneer’s footsteps in our apartment, coming for me.

  I whisper hoarsely, “Please don’t leave me here alone.”

  “You’re not going to be alone. You got Lucky.”

  “Really? I got lucky?” I snicker at the play on words, feeling more like my old self again.

  “He’s going to stay in New York as your bodyguard.”

  I’m trying so hard to be brave and not be stupid. I don’t want to put Jack in any more danger but I can’t imagine staying here without him.

  “Okay but I-I need another weapon. I gave mine to Philip.”

  “Right… “Jack eyes me knowingly and curses under his breath. “Are you really scared?”

  “Maybe. Just a little. I just want to be with you.”

  Standing, Jack picks up his phone, dials, and places it to his ear. “Hey, Steve. Fine. She’s fine too. Can you get me Grayson?”

  He paces for a while, no doubt on hold, then his eyes go bright. “Hey, Grayson. We just got a call from the whistleblower, Philip. He sounded under duress, told me to back off. You want I should let the FBI know?”

  There’s a long pause while Jack listens with his face slowly growing into a glower. “Know what? That fucking sucks.”

  He frowns, stares out the window, and back at me. “She was kidnapped. I would think that would be their top priority… Huh? …I know but those fuckers are still out there… Huh? The president? Shit. I don’t give a flying fuck. I have to talk to the senator… Well, try harder. Yeah, I’m pissed. No, I won’t stand down, sir. My wife was kidnapped and the FBI thinks it’s a done deal? National security my ass… Agreed. Uh huh. Fine. Thanks.”

  He hangs up the phone, rubbing his hand over his face. “Fucking politics.”

  “What? What did Grayson say?” I stand behind Jack’s tensed body and wrap my arms around his waist.

  He turns in my arms, eyes still flashing with anger. “Grayson said the FBI is off the case and the CIA has the ball. If Patten Securities continues to investigate, all of our government contracts could be in jeopardy.”

  “Won’t the CIA be able to find them?”

  “No doubt, but they have their own agenda which probably means letting the little fish go, hoping to catch the sharks.”

  “It’s just not right.” My fists clench. “Those men were going to kill me.”

  “I know babe. You’re coming with me. We’ll take Lucky too.” I pack and check the news on the TV while Jack gets us all on a flight to DC.

  “Shit, did you hear that?” I turn up the volume but it’s too late.

  “I missed it. What?”

  “Joe’s bill is being watered down. They want to set up an oversight committee and yet continue overseas manufacturing.”

  “The Chinese have to be pulling the strings. I need to talk to McAlister. Then, I don’t care what happens to me, I’m going to hand over the blackmail conversation to the FBI. The CIA can kiss my ass.”

  Chapter 11


  Back in DC, I pace the living room in the small furnished apartment I’ve called home for the last three months. Owned and rented by Patten Securities, it reminds me of an army barracks, especially when compared with Blake’s homey digs in Manhattan.

  Again, I count my blessings and ponder all the events that led me to marry this beautiful woman sitting at my butcher block kitchen table.

  As if reading my mind, she stops typing and looks up. “What?”

  “Just thinking what a lucky man I am.”

  She blushes, huge sapphire eyes locking onto my mine. “You’re not sorry you followed me to Utah?”

  “Best decision of my life.” I traverse the gray linoleum tiles.

  When her two front teeth bite her lower lip, it means she’s feeling self-conscious, maybe even inadequate. “I almost got you killed.”

  “Not even close.” I chuckle, squat beside her, and kiss her belly. “Besides, if I hadn’t gone, we wouldn’t have gotten married, and we wouldn’t be having a baby. You and me? We were meant to be together.”

  Pregnant ladies should eat and nap a lot, or so I’ve read. Otherwise, sure as hell, I’d make love with her again. Sighing, I kiss her on the nose, stand, and hit redial.

  I need to talk to Joe. “The vaccine bill is getting voted on this week.”

  “Hello?” McAlister’s personal assistant is about twenty and has the voice of a ten-year-old.

  “It’s Jack again. Is Joe in?”

  “I’m sorry, he said he can’t take your calls… uh, right now.” Her voice shakes but this is a matter of national security and she should get a clue.

  “Can you remind him I’m the guy that took a bullet for him?” While I get put on hold, I watch out the kitchen window. Across the street, a guy wraps Christmas lights around a lamp pole in front of his brownstone.

  When she hangs up on me, it’s the final straw. I clench my fists and punch the wall. Not only have I gotten nowhere with Blake’s kidnappers, apparently, I’m persona non grata with Joe.

  Sitting down at a small desk in the living room, I check my emails and find the one I’ve been waiting for. It’s from Patten’s lawyer, Andy Quinn Esq.

  Sorry this took so long. The non-disclosure you signed is clear. You can’t tell anyone, not even the FBI, about the senator’s meeting at the Embassy. Not only that, you could be prosecuted for bugging his conversation. The less people who know, the better.

  “Fuck.” I picture my dead buddies, the ones who gave their lives in Afghanistan. Is this the America they died for?

  Hell, no. McAlister needs to step up or I swear to God, I will do it for him.

  “Shit.” I grab my car keys.

  “Where’re you going?” Alarmed, my wife jumps up when I rush to the door and I feel bad but this shit has to end.

  “To see Joe.”

  “Wait.” She holds up her laptop. “I have a better idea. I just got us an invite to his Christmas party.”

  “How the hell did you manage that?” McAlister’s party might be the most sought after in DC.

  Cute and wifely, Blake jumps up, grins wide, and places a kiss on my lips. “I emailed Joe’s wife and told her we were in town. I was betting she knew nothing of your falling out and I was right. She’s thrilled to have us come.”

  “You, are fucking brilliant.” Putting my keys back in my pocket. I merge our lips and kiss her deeply.

  When I pull away, her voice is all excited. “I can’t wait to go shopping. I already emailed Isabella. The Pattens are going, too.”

  Her smile is so sunny and bright, I hate to break the news. “You can’t go.”

  “Why not?”

  A cloud passes over her face, making me feel like a total ass. “Luv, you were just kidnapped. You might’ve killed two of the men but the other one is still out there.”

  “But honey, the Secret Service will be there along with dozens of famous politicians and their bodyguards. No place safer.”

  When she cups my cheeks, it shakes my resolution. “And luv? Senator McAlister will be more suspicious if you show up without me. If I come, he won’t throw you to the street and you can talk some sense into him.”

  “Nope. Not happening. Sorry.” I almost lost her once and until I find who is responsible, she is staying put.

  “If you go to the party, I’ll be here, all alone.” Her pretend pout makes me chuckle.

  “Lucky can guard you.”

  “He’s here? Oh my God. I love him. He was so sweet when you ditched me in Utah.”

  I wonder, after we’re married for thirty years, how many running jokes we’ll have like this. Leaning in, I whisper, “I did not ditch you. You ditched me.”

  She puts an index finger to my forehead, pushing me back. “Nuh-uh. I left a million messages. Who’s the one who didn’t respond?”

nbsp; “Not fair. I thought Lucky was trying to give me shit for leaving you at the safe house.”

  “Ha. There. You admitted it. You were the one who left.” She crosses her arms in triumph but I let her win, wanting to take her mind off the party.

  Suddenly, a bit of the devil creeps into her eyes. “Sure. Whatever. I’ll stay home, play cards with Lucky or something while you go to probably the fanciest party in Washington and hobnob with the most powerful men in DC.”

  “Play cards?” My brows raise. What is she getting at?

  “Mm-hmm. I just love Australian accents. He’s is so damn cute.”

  “Cute?” I may have to kill one of my best friends. I know she’s baiting me but it won’t work.

  However, while we’ve been arguing, I’ve been thinking she might just be right. I’ll have a better chance with the senator if she tags along. Plus, she’ll be safer with me.

  “Alright. You can go… but only if you stay by my side. If you see or hear anything off, you have to promise to tell me.”

  She bounces up out of her chair and salutes me, face mocking seriousness. “Yes sir, scout’s honor.”

  “You were a girl scout?”

  “Seriously? The Church of Heavenly Bliss?”

  “Sorry.” I kick myself for bringing up her past but she just grins.

  “Don’t be. Thanks to you, that part of my life is over forever.” Her hands cup my face and bring my dark thoughts away from her childhood and into the light of her love.

  “Hey Prince Charming, Cinderella needs a dress.”

  I roll my eyes as she hits me playfully on the arm. “I just texted Isabella. She said Patten Securities would foot the bill.”

  “You mean her husband.”

  “Whatever. He can afford it. Besides, it is a business expense. Almost.”

  Wanting a little more backup for the shopping trip, I text Lucky.

  Me: You busy?

  Lucky: Playing with me wonker

  I chuckle and text back

  Me: Finish up & put it away. Blake wants to go shopping. Taking Izzy and Gray, too.

  Lucky: Cumming now. Looking forward to seeing your lovely wife.

  Of course, he is.

  A few minutes later, I check the outside security camera, and let him in.

  Blakely squeals and gives him a big hug. “Oh my God. It’s so good to see you.”

  I’m not so sure how much I like her in his arms, so I pull her to me and shake his hand, slapping him on the back.

  “No problem. Happy to help out.” He turns to her. “I understand we’re all going shopping?”

  I throw him the car keys. “I parked in the garage. Can you bring it around?”

  “Copy that.” He winks at my wife. “When you get tired of this bloke, give me a call.”

  “She’s pregnant.”

  “I know that, mate. I like kids. I’ll just put another couple in her.” Chuckling, he ducks out the door before I get a chance to set him straight.

  Blake blushes. “He’s terrible.”

  “You want me to talk to him?”

  “No, no. It’s all good. I know he doesn’t mean it.”

  I don’t tell her I think he might.

  While Lucky pulls the SUV in front of our brownstone, I check up and down the street. Satisfied, I motion her out and quickly jump in the front passenger seat.

  “So, mate, you want to tell me what’s really going on?” He glances in the rear view and raises his brows.

  “Blakely got me and her an invite to the McAlister’s’ party. Grayson and Isabella were already invited so we’re going as a foursome. He wants you there, too. Another set of eyes.”

  “Where’s Slate?”

  “He’ll be covering our backs in New York.”

  “Hmm. I thought I might’ve heard you were told to stop investigating.”

  I try to look affronted. “What do you mean? I’m just taking my wife to a party, mate.”

  Grinning, he shakes his head back and forth as Isabella hands him her cell phone with Google Maps. We head into Georgetown via Wisconsin Avenue. While he pulls the car into a garage, I check on the interior of the shop before letting Blake out.

  About ten minutes later, Grayson arrives with Isabella who grins as she hooks elbows with my wife. “This is a private appointment, it shouldn’t take long.”

  While they shop, us guys wait outside by the front door. No one dares pass in front of us, choosing instead to cross the street.

  Pacing, Grayson eyes me. “What a cluster fuck.”


  “Don’t be. You were right to listen in on the senator’s conversation.”

  Lucky glances into the store, then up and down the street. “You need to get the bloody bloke to confess.”

  “Agreed, but how?” Even though my gut stays quiet, every one of my senses is on high alert. I hate how exposed we are.

  “Do you have any idea what the blackmailer has on him?” Lucky puts a finger to his earpiece, no doubt listening to Slate on the other end while I remember Thanksgiving and grimace.

  “I assumed it was his daughter.” Hell if I didn’t try to warn him.

  Grayson sighs. “I’m going to tell Joe if he doesn’t go public, I will.”

  “That’s a fuckin’ shame, mate. A lot of guys are going to miss the extra income.” Lucky shakes his head but Grayson smiles grimly.

  “DC has a short memory. I’ll do some PR and donate money to a few super PACs. Soon, we’ll be back in business.”

  Lucky leans against the building by the door as a group of millennials walk by, shopping bags full. “Did you get any further finding the Chinese wonk-ahs who kidnapped Jack’s pretty sheila?”

  Grayson frowns. “We think they belong to a gang specializing in designer street drugs.”

  This blows my mind. “When were you going to tell me?”

  “As soon as I could connect all the dots.” He glares with his hands in the pockets of his long wool coat.”

  “So, what about Philip? How the hell does he fit in?”

  “Hell if I know. The Feds think Blake made him up. Some kind of guilt trip. She couldn’t shoot someone to save herself so invented someone else worthier.”

  “That’s about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” Lucky says before I can spit it out.

  Grayson nods. “Well, it is the government.”

  Chapter 12


  Sighing, I slip into the silkiness of the gorgeous dress, show off my baby bump, and smile. The woman in the mirror looks nothing like me because this afternoon, I had my own personal fairy godmother. My hair is swept up, my nails are Christmas red, and professionally applied shadow makes my eyes pop. This is what I might’ve looked like if I’d had a big wedding, the one all little girls dream of.

  Instead, Jack and I were married in a drab cinderblock room. That night, pretending to have sex, things got out of hand real fast. We had amazing, yet unprotected sex.

  My hand goes to my belly. That’s how you were made, baby girl.

  After, your daddy felt guilty which was pure hogwash because I wanted him just as bad. Me not taking the morning-after pill triggered the start of our big fight, the one landing him in DC and me in New York.

  I shake away the ancient history, walk out of the bathroom, and Jack’s mouth drops open

  Then, it turns into a sexy smile. “I can’t let you go out like that.” He crosses the living room, his cock pushing on the slacks of his tux.

  Pulling me into the hardness, he nibbles my ear and stares at my bright red lips. “You are way too damn beautiful.”

  I’m ready for his kiss but he backs away and shakes his head. “I don’t want to muss up your makeup but later, babe, later.”

  I straighten his bow tie and help him slip his jacket over his holster. “You clean up pretty good yourself, Mr. Taylor.”

  Suddenly, there’s a bleep on his cell phone. He looks down, his face turns serious, and he checks his gun. “Okay. They’re
ready for us. Remember to stay close.”

  “I will.” My heart pounds in my ears as we head into the lobby. Out in the open, danger appears more real than just a minute ago.

  Jack checks up and down the street, grabs my upper arm and places me in the limo.

  Inside, Lucky grins and turns around in the front seat, “You like the pumpkin carriage, Cinder-sheila?”

  “It’s lovely.”

  Instead of sparring with Jack, Lucky is unusually quiet on the way to Capitol Hill. Both men have eyes everywhere, communication devices in their ears. This is even more serious than I thought.

  The limo stops under the hotel marquee where Grayson waits with Isabella. Even though I was just with her, I’m still stunned. She looks amazing. You’d never believe she’s a working mom with a two-year-old. She looks more like a cover girl.

  “Wow.” I shove over so she can crawl in next to me.

  “Thanks. Thank God, Grayson called the owner of that boutique or who knows what we would’ve worn.”

  “Wait, I thought you picked out the store…”

  “Me? Designer dresses? No way.” When she giggles, Grayson raises a brow from the front seat and I’m a little jealous.

  Will Jack and I ever share secret looks like that?

  I want her to explain more but Lucky is slowing to a stop in front of an ancient maple tree. Each and every branch sparkles, tightly wrapped in strings of white lights.

  Our husbands jump out with fingers pressed to their earpieces as they check our surroundings. It must be okay because Jack puts his hand to my lower back and Grayson has Izzy. Together, they hustle us through a side door. Slow in my high heels, I wobble behind the billionaire and his wife.

  At the top of the landing, we enter a large banquet room and stop at the coat check window. After getting tickets, Isabella and I head to the bar, the men close behind.

  I grab a seltzer, sit, and reach for her hand. “Thank you, for getting us an invite.”


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