The Luck of Friendship
Page 37
A House Not Meant to Stand. New York: New Directions, 2008.
New Selected Essays: Where I Live. New York: New Directions, 2009.
The Magic Tower and Other One-Act Plays. New York: New Directions, 2011.
Now the Cats with Jeweled Claws and Other One-Act Plays. New York: New Directions, 2016.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Abbey of Gethsemani, 129n, 292n, 299n
Academy of American Poets, 370
Accent, 24, 25n
Actors Studio, 130n
Adams, Sherman, 214n
Adamson, Eve, 367n
Africa, 107, 145
After Dark, 292
Ahmanson Theater, 323n
Albus, Joanna, 91
Alcott, Louisa May, 232
Alexander, Sidney, 25n
“The White Boat,” 24
Alta, Utah, xvi, 15, 171, 174, 200, 333–34
Alta Lodge, 11n, 168
Alta Ski Lift Company, 11n, 36n, 193n
Ameche, Don, 126, 129n
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, xiv, 33, 34n, 38n, 193n
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 341n
American Booksellers Association (ABA), 330, 332
American Institute of Graphic Arts, 216
American Place Theater, 279n
Andrews, Dana, 75n
Anouilh, Jean-Marie-Lucien-Pierre 184, 186n
Antaeus, 344, 349
Arioyshi, Sawabo, 223
Army Air Corps, 80n
Ashley-Famous agency, 38n
Ashley-Steiner agency, 245, 246
Aspen, Colo., 131–33, 148, 198n
Atkinson, Brooks, 184, 186n
Atlantic Monthly, xxi, 187, 188n, 204n, 209, 214, 312
Auden, W. H., 120, 121n
Austen Riggs Institute, 217
Authors League, 163–64, 170, 172–73
Aw Boon-Haw, 226
Awe, James, 240–41
Baby Doll (film), 130n, 213, 214n, 215
Baddeley, Hermione, 250, 251n
Baden, Michael, Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner, 374n
Baker, Carroll, 214n
Balanchine, George, xii
Baldwin, James, Giovanni’s Room, 212
Bangkok, 292n, 300, 302
Bankhead, Tallulah, 34, 34n–35n, 56, 251n
Bantam, 179
Barnes, Bill, 307n, 308n, 309, 311–13, 320, 322, 326, 327, 336, 339–42, 347, 367n
Barnes, Djuna, 128
Nightwood, 129n
Barnes Hospital, xxiv, 292n, 297
Barrault, Jean-Louis, 182, 183n
Barter Theatre, 258
Barth, John, 321
Baudelaire, Charles, 74, 104
Baxter, Keith, 338, 362n
Beat Generation, 290
Beatles, 289
Beck, Julian, 220n
Bel Geddes, Barbara, 201–2, 203n
Bentley, Eric, 56n
Bergman, Ingrid, 106n, 135, 136n
Besant, Annie, 18, 19n
Best One-Act Plays of 1942, The, 13
Best One-Act Plays of 1944, The, 64n
Bethel Methodist Home, 341n
Beverly Hills, Calif., 196
Bhave, Vinoba, 240, 241n
Bigelow, Paul, 74, 75n, 137, 143, 145, 149, 150n, 151, 153, 167, 169, 178, 188, 202, 255
Billy the Kid, 23
Bishop, Elizabeth, 8n
Blackburn, Ardis, 340
Bloom, Claire, 335, 336n
Bloomsbury Group, 121n
Blumenthal, Joe, 296, 298
Bollingen Prize, 128n, 209
Bonnie and Clyde (film), 284n
book banning, xix, 44
BookExpo America, 330n
Book Find Club, 116, 122, 126, 140
Book of the Month Club, 208n
Book Week, 277
Boom! (film), 272n
Boston, Mass., xii, 3, 11n, 35, 37–38, 66, 68, 107, 249, 336, 364
Bowden, Charles, 312, 313n
Bowles, Jane, 88n, 121n, 123, 153, 195, 237
Collected Works, 304
Two Serious Ladies, 233, 236
Bowles, Paul, 87, 96, 99n–100n, 110, 121n, 146, 151–53, 157, 162, 163n, 173, 195, 209, 233
The Delicate Prey and Other Stories, 166n
“Distant Episode,” 165
“The Human Psyche-Alone,” 166n
The Sheltering Sky, xix, 88n, 99n, 123, 127, 129n, 140, 144, 149, 152
Boyer, Charles, 21, 22n
Boyle, Kay, 8n, 103, 335n
A Glad Day, 104n
Braziller, George, 115–16
Brecht, Bertolt, 55, 63, 234
Private Life of the Master Race, 56n
Breton, André, 33
Brett, Dorothy, 121, 135–36, 144
Bridges, James, 323n
Britneva, Maria, xxi, xxiii, 110, 112n, 114, 130, 180, 190, 191n, 193, 195–98, 204, 207, 211–13, 214n, 232, 254–55, 268–69, 276–77, 305, 308, 312, 322–23, 326, 338, 345, 360, 362n
Britten, Benjamin, 121n
Brockway, George, 357n
Brooks, Cleanth, 296n
Brossard, Chandler, Who Walk in Darkness, 175n
Brown, Andreas, 241–45, 247, 252, 253
Brown University, 368n
Brustein, Robert, 348
Buddha, 11, 197, 322
Buffalo, N.Y., 242, 243
Burma (Myanmar), xxi, 54, 214, 216
Burnshaw, Stanley, 241, 242n
Burton, Naomi, 129n
Cabot family, 170
Cadmus, Paul, 4n, 7n
Caedmon Records, 206, 271
California, xviii, 22, 23, 37, 46, 89, 174, 338, 342, 361
Big Sur, 82, 279
California, University of, at Los Angeles (UCLA), 242, 243, 340, 341n
California, University of, at Northridge, 345
Cambridge, Mass., 47, 48n, 138
Campbell, Victor, 310n
Camus, Albert, 80, 81
Capote, Truman, 113, 114, 115n, 116, 120, 125, 134, 257n
Carlisle, Leila Laughlin, xvii, xxiii, 5n, 48n, 164n, 191n
Carrión, Alejandro, 23, 24n
Carroll, Robert, 322, 323n, 343
Carter, Jimmy, 359n
Carter, Robert, 57
Casablanca (film), 136n
Casagrande, Paolo, 119, 124, 157
Cassidy, Claudia, 52n, 57n
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (film), 203n, 205–6, 272n
Cavett, Dick, 358
Céline, Louis Ferdinand, 87
Journey to the End of Night, 88n
Century Club, 353, 354n, 357n
Cerf, Bennett, xv, 51, 52n, 58, 59, 61, 62, 152, 166n
Ceylon, 144, 185
Chants de Maldoror, Les (Ducasse), 235, 236n
Chávez y Ramírez, Carlos Antonio de Padua, 64
Chekhov, Anton, 23, 25, 295
The Cherry Orchard, 37, 38, 39, 43
The Seagull, 24n
Chicago, Ill., xiv, xxix, 51, 55, 57, 61, 62, 64, 162, 165, 276, 304, 306n, 310, 311n, 359–60
Civic Theatre in, 52n
Goodman Theater in, 362, 363n, 364, 365n
Chicago, University of, xxi, 57, 198n
China, xxviii, 80n
Circle in the Square Theater, 220n, 224n
Cistercian Order, 127, 129n
City Lights, 350n
Clark, Barrett, 157
Clayton, Mo., 14, 16, 30, 49, 59
Cleveland Playhouse, 25
Clift, Montgomery, 63, 64n
Clurman, Harold, 134, 136n
Coconut Grove, Fla., 256, 271
Coconut Grove Playhouse, 225
Cocteau, Jean, 8n
Coffin, Charles, 305
Coffin family, xii
Cohen, Elaine Lustig, 217n
Colton, Mr., 144, 172–74
Columbia Pictures, 271
olumbia University, 129, 210n
Compass, 165
Congress, U.S., 128n
Conjunctions: I, Inaugural Double-Issue, A Festschrift in Honor of James Laughlin, Publisher of New Directions (Morrow, ed.), xxvii, 365n
Connecticut, xxviii, 207, 229, 272, 321, 342–43, 344
Conversations with Tennessee Williams (Devlin, ed.), xxivn
Cornell, Katherine, 62, 64n, 85
Cort Theater, 361n
Crane, Hart, xi, 4, 10, 23, 25, 260, 271
“Eternity,” 60
“Havana Rose,” 60
suicide of, 4n
Crane, Mrs. W. Murray, 255, 257n–58n
Crawford, Cheryl, 163, 164n, 225
Creekmore, Hubert, xviii, 77, 90, 93, 99, 102
Fingers of the Night, 77n
The Welcome, 77n
Cromwell, John, 326, 327n
Cronyn, Hume, 90n
Crosby, Caresse, 19, 20n
Cuba, 89, 234
Cummings, E. E., 8n, 234
Collected Poems, 236n
Cummington Press, xviii, 111–12, 113n, 144n, 159–60, 169
Dakin, Rosina Otte (grandmother), 32, 270n
Dakin, Walter E. (grandfather), 54, 62, 97n, 153, 154, 170, 175, 189, 199, 200n, 253, 278, 353
Dalai Lama, 231, 292n
Dalí, Salvador, 19, 20
Dallas, Tex., 63, 64, 85, 89, 90
Damrosch, Walter, 37, 38n
Dance Index, 4n, 44
Davis, Bette, 123, 124n, 239n
Davis, George, 121n
Day, Christine R., 337n
Death of a Salesman (Miller), 184, 205
de Havilland, Olivia, 170
de Rachewiltz, Mary, 214n
De Sica, Vittorio, 135, 136n
Deutsch, Babette, 209, 210n
Devlin, Albert J., xxivn
Dignity, 57n
Dodd-Mead, 13, 63, 64n, 103
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, xxiii, 199
Doubleday, 104n, 156, 312
Douglas, C. H., 88n
Douglas, Mitch, 355, 356–57, 361, 362, 365–66, 367n
Dowling, Eddie, 11n, 36n, 52n, 53–54, 56, 59, 85
Dramatists’ Guild, 164n, 246, 255–56
Dramatists Play Service, 66n, 157n, 366, 369
Ducasse, Isidore-Lucien, 236n
Duff-McCormick, Cara, 319n
Dunaway, Faye, 323n
Duncan, Harry, 113n
Dunigan, Mickey Shone, 345
Dunnock, Mildred, 251n
Durrance, Dick, 11n
Durrell, Lawrence, 113n, 243–44
Earth Shall Tremble, The (film), 99
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 212, 213n–14n
Eliot, T. S., 125, 128n, 213n
The Cocktail Party, 143
Four Quartets, 43, 44n
Éluard, Paul, 9
The Dour Desire to Endure, 9n
Selected Writings, 9n
el Yacoubi, Ahmed ben Driss, 195
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 336
England, 114, 121, 127, 178, 180, 211n, 265, 281, 289, 309, 325, 350
Esalen Institute, 279
Esquire, 113n, 232, 234, 312, 313
Evans, Oliver, 66, 67n, 69, 130, 164, 170, 172, 255, 302, 305, 340, 345
Existentialists, 235
Eyre de Lanux, Elizabeth, 119, 120–21, 123, 124, 127, 157
Ezra Pound: American Odyssey (film), 367n–68n, 369–70
Fallen Angel (film), 74, 75n
Farrell, James T., 62
Studs Lonigan, 62n
Faulkner, William, 212
Light in August, 87
Sanctuary, 128
Faye, Alice, 75n
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 40
Federal Theater Project, 63, 64
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 289, 290n
Fernández-Montesinos, Manuel, 210n
Ferrer, José, 180, 181n
Feuillère, Edwige, 308, 309n
Firbank, Ronald, 140n
Five Novels, 140
Fire Island, N.Y., 42
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 359, 360, 361, 370, 372, 373
The Last Tycoon, 358
Tender Is the Night, 358
Fitzgerald, Geraldine, 21, 22n
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 220n, 359, 370, 372
Five Young American Poets, 26, 157
of 1941, 14n
of 1944, xiii, 12n, 14n, 22n, 24n, 31, 33, 41, 56–58, 77n, 341n, 364
Florida, 245, 249, 252
Fontis, Frank, 355, 356–57
Foote, Horton, 21
Only the Heart, 21n
Ford, Charles Henri, 16n, 27, 29, 33, 41, 42n, 43, 44, 46–47, 53, 99
The Garden of Disorder & Other Poems, 27n
Sleep in a Nest of Flames, 27n
Ford, David, 261, 262n, 331n
Ford, Ruth, 27n, 251n
Ford Foundation, xxi, xxiii, 177, 188n, 195n, 198n–99n, 204n, 214
Fordham University, 244
Forest Service, U.S., 11n
Forster, E. M., 10
The Longest Journey, 11n
A Room with a View, 11n
Four by Tennessee (TV show), 229n
Fox, James, 129n
Fox, Peggy L., xxx, 339, 350–51, 366n, 369, 370–72, 373
excerpts from interviews with JL by, xivn, 3–4, 27, 51–52, 71, 83, 95, 109, 119, 141–42, 177, 221–22, 239, 275, 295, 353–54
France, 180
Provence, 368
Franco, Francisco, 209
Frost, Robert, 213n–14n
Fundación García Lorca, 210n
Gabel, Martin, 7n
Gandhi, Mohandas K. “Mahatma,” 240, 241n
García Lorca, Federico, 54, 209–10
The Butterfly’s Evil Spell, 210
Five Plays, 54n
The House of Bernarda Alba, 81
Selected Poems, 54n
García Lorca, Francisco, 209
In the Green Morning: Memories of Federico, 210n
Gauguin, Paul:
Nave Nave Mahana “The Careless Days,” 22, 24n, 46
Gazzara, Ben, 203n
Germany, 209, 210
Gibraltar, 195, 271
Gide, André, Theseus, 136n, 137n
Gielgud, John, 104n, 112n
Gigi (dog), 284, 285n
Giraudoux, Jean, 80, 81
Girodias, Maurice, 113n
Giroux, Robert, 129n
Gish, Lillian, 75
Gish, Sheila, 350
Glassgold, Peter, xxvi, 312, 313n, 325, 329
Glass Menagerie, The (film), 123, 126, 131, 227
Glavin, Bill, 276, 284, 285n, 288, 291, 299, 303
Glenville, Peter, 319n
“God Bless America” (Berlin), 72n
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Faust, 132
Goethe Festival, 131, 132, 198n
Goodman, Paul, 13, 61
The Break-Up of Our Camp, 14n
Gotham Book Mart, 107n, 242n, 348
Graham, Sheilah:
Beloved Infidel, 360n
A State of Heat, 360
Gray, Morris, 65n
Great Books Program, 198n
Greenville, Tenn.:
Harmony Presbyterian Church in, 305
Old Harmony Graveyard in, 305
Griffin, Alice, 207
Grindel, Eugène, see Éluard, Paul
Gross, Eliot M., 374n
Group Theatre, xii, xv, 7n, 55n, 130n, 136n, 164n
Grove Press, 48n
Gulf of Mexico, 4n, 80
Gulf Oil Playhouse, 89n
Gussow, Mel, 312, 313n
Guttusu, Renato, 117, 127–28
Gwenn, Edmund, 63, 64n
Hack, Keith, 325n, 349n, 356n
Hagen, Uta, 38n
Hamburg, 180–81
Handiman, Wynn, 279n
Harcourt, Brace, 129n, 165n, 236n, 245
Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 236n, 357n
Harper’s Bazaar, 102, 137
Harris, Julie, 231
Harris, Ralph, 269n
Hart, Patrick, 299n
Harvard University, xi, xii, 3, 47, 70n, 125, 138, 247, 249, 326, 327n, 353, 371
Gray Fund poetry series at, 65
Hauge, Gabriel, 214n
Haussman, Sonja, 98n
Hawkes, John:
The Beetle Leg, 174
The Cannibal, 128, 129n, 174
Hayes, Helen, 101, 104n
Hearst, William Randolf, 337
Heine, Heinrich, 219
The North Sea, 219n
Heinz, Doreen Mary English “Drue,” 193
Heinz, H. J. “Jack,” 193
Hemingway, Ernest, 117n, 140, 213n, 373
Hepburn, Audrey, 205, 206n
Herlie, Eileen, 304, 306n, 311n
Hill, George Roy, 225
Hillyer, Robert, 125, 128n
Hollywood, Calif., xvii, 14–16, 18, 21, 23, 30, 43, 46, 85, 126–27, 131, 135, 182, 183, 188n, 202, 203n, 215, 246, 360n
Holman, Libby, 233
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 7n
Hopkins, Miriam, 35n
Hotel Elysée, 337, 340, 341n, 342, 374n
Houghton Mifflin, 104n, 107
Hound and Horn, 3
House of Books, 270n
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 187n
Houston, Tex., 185, 188
Howes, Barbara, 98n
Hudson Guild Theatre, 356n
Hudson River, 179, 272, 357
Hunter, Mary, 41, 42n
Hunter, Tab, 251n
Hunter College, 65
Hurst, Fannie, 232
Huston, Gertrude Freedman, xvii, xxi, xxiii, 75n, 170, 180n, 190, 191n, 195, 240–41, 309, 313, 330, 331n, 332, 346
Huston, John, 180, 181n
Hutchins, Robert Maynard, xxi, 198, 199n, 204n
Ibsen, Henrik, The Master Builder, 79n
Ile de France, 150
India, xxi, 185, 187, 195n, 206, 209, 303
Indiana University, 368n
Intercultural Publications Inc.(IPI), xxi, 204n
International Creative Management, 38n
Ionesco, Eugène, xxiv, 232, 233n
Isaac, Dan, 292
Isherwood, Christopher, 18, 20, 21, 22n, 25, 72, 74, 81, 82, 105, 137, 158–59, 165, 174, 223
All the Conspirators, 19n
The Berlin Stories, 19n, 20n, 72n
Goodbye to Berlin, 20, 72n
The Last of Mr. Norris, 20n
Lions and Shadows, 19n
The Memorial, 19n
Italy, xxix, 88n, 100, 114, 196, 211, 214n, 215, 306, 337, 340, 342, 368, 370
Ives, Burl, 201, 203n
Jacobson, Max, xxiii–xxiv, 221–22, 230–31, 292n
James, Henry, The Aspern Papers, 242–43
James Laughlin Award in Poetry, 193n
Japan, 185, 195n, 205, 206, 209, 220, 305
Japanese drama, xxiv–xxv, 370, 372
Javitch, Daniel, 339n
Javitch, Leila Laughlin, 36n, 191n, 240, 241n, 337
J. B. Lippincott & Co., 236, 332, 357n
Jean Cocteau Repertory Company, 366, 367n