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Hot for Xmas

Page 3

by Trinity Blacio

  He pulled the material off her and brought it to his nose. “So hot.” Zack handed her ripped panties upfront to Baas who also brought them to his mouth.

  “Mine.” He stuffed them into his coat pocket. “Turn her, that’s it. Spread those legs.”

  Before she could protest, Zach had her on his lap again, each one of her legs draped over his.

  He spread her legs wide open for his pleasure and Baas view. “We’ll have to shave this tonight. Abe has to have this bare. He loves to spank his pussy and wants to see all of it.” Zack slapped her pussy lips and she grabbed onto his arms while her whole body tightened up, so close. Just one touch and she knew she would fly, but he stopped touching her.

  “Are you close Emily? What do you need? Tell us.” Zack caressed her breast, but the touch was so light she tried to push herself into his hands.

  “Touch me please. I’m so close,” Emily didn’t understand why her body was burning up. Never had she just let anyone take over and do what they wanted to her, but with these men it was as if her body and mind had no choice. She was lost. It looked like Emily Garland was going to get her Christmas present from Santa after all.

  That is if her father didn’t ruin it and kill her men. Emily frowned and was all of a sudden cold. Something wasn’t right. She glanced out the back window and stared, scared half out of her mind.

  She grabbed her shirt and shut it, jumping off Zack’s lap and trying to fit on the floor.

  “They’re following us,” was all she said, and when Zack ducked down covering her body with his, bullets rained into the car.

  The car jerked to the side and a sharp pain in her leg had her screaming. Emily tried to reach down and see what the hell happened, but Zach didn’t allow her to move, holding her tight.

  “Don’t move, Emily. It will be over in a minute. Sam is taking care of our problem.” Baas yelled from the front, as he shut off the engine. “Get her out of the car. I smell gas, but take her out the driver’s side, I don’t know if Sam and Abe have everyone neutralized yet.”

  The door behind them opened and she yelled. “Where is my freaking gun?” She saw it on the other side of the backseat, but didn’t have any time to reach for it before she was pulled out of the car.

  “My leg!” She yelled and forgot about the gun. Emily thought she was going to pass out when she saw the hole in her leg.

  “She’s been shot! Shit!” Baas snarled and ripped part of his shirt off and tied it around her leg. A warm, big blanket was wrapped around her, before they placed her on the ground and looked her over.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know they hit you,” Zack kissed her face and turned to leave her, his body already starting to shift.

  “Please don’t leave me.” She tried to reach out to him, but once more the pain in her leg stopped her movements.

  “Shhh, he’s not going anywhere,” Baas said as he scooped her up in his arms. “I’m sorry for hurting you, but we need to get you into the truck and away from this car before it blows.” He ran with her in his arms.

  “My purse!” She cried as her car exploded behind them, far behind them. Baas and the others had moved so fast, saving her once more.

  She buried her face into his chest. “Why can’t anything ever be easy? But no, I have to get shot, my car is gone, and I have a crazy demon father after me and my men. I’m so getting me a bazooka,” she snarled and banged her head on Baas chest.

  “I don’t think so, my vicious little mate.” Baas laughed and squeezed her tight. “We’ll take care of them.” He slid into the back of the truck with her in his lap.

  “Let’s go, take us to her house and make it fast. The boys will explain everything to the police.” Baas ordered Sam who squeezed her shoulder before he started the truck and squealed back onto the highway.

  “Baby, I know you’re in a lot of pain and all, but I want to change you now. You’ll be healed by tonight if I do this and it will make you ten times stronger. Are you okay with it?” He brushed her hair back away from her face and held her gaze.

  “It’s going to hurt worse, isn’t it?” She held onto his shirt with a death grip.

  “Yes.” Was all he said, and then he waited.

  Here she had not one man, but four, willing to give up their lives for her, even though they had only met her today. Never one to back down she nodded. “Do it.”

  Not waiting, Baas half shifted right there in the truck, his snout grew, fur covered his arms and face. His fur was black, she reached up to run her hands through it, but screamed when he leaned down and bit into her neck, hard.

  Blood pooled down her shirt, and everything started to dim when she heard his howl.

  * * *

  His howl filled the truck. No one said a word as he held onto their mate. Each one of them ready to hunt. And hunt they would, soon.

  She would sleep for the first three hours, her body changing and healing. Then the pain would begin and waken her as her body shifted for the first time. From what he had seen over the years, humans suffered much on their first shift and Emily would likely be no different.

  He glanced at Sam through the rearview mirror. “I want to make sure we get all of her animals. I don’t care if we have to buy another trailer or not, call team three and the Monogram pack. Have them meet us at her house to help with the buffalo. We can put them in our northern pasture for now ’til we decide what to do with them, but make sure they are careful of her cows and her dogs.” He smiled down at their woman. She had a heart of gold when it came to animals and others.

  “She is going to be a great alpha bitch, but you know she won’t be able to change back until tomorrow.” Zack rubbed her feet that rested in his lap.

  “That is one of the reasons I wanted to do it now. Tonight, while she is out of it, we hunt. As soon as Carl calls with the information, we go. I want them all dead by morning. We will not wait for the FBI. They forfeited that right when they attacked and hurt her.”

  The truck pulled into her driveway and Baas thought he would explode. Fire trucks were there along with the police and FBI. “Sam, Zack, you two stay with her. Abe, you’re with me. Let’s get this done so we can get her home before she wakes up and sees.” He kissed her forehead and handed their precious bundle to his mate, Zack.

  He leaned over and kissed her lips softly. “We’ll get them and when we do, blood howl is in place.” Baas looked at each of their mates, they all agreed. Tonight they would feast on the ones who had attacked their mate.

  Two FBI agents came right to him and nodded to him, then looked at the truck. “I’m Agent Bran and this is Agent Thomas. Is she with you? Did she get hurt?”

  “She was shot in the leg, her car is gone, and right now she is passed out. I want to get her home before she wakes up.” He nodded to the house. “Her animals?”

  Agent Thomas sighed and turned to the house. “The house is gone, but a neighbor got her animals out. A few of the cats, three goats and two sheep have been taken. I’m afraid someone slaughtered every one of her buffalo, but the rest of her animals are fine and your men have been loading them in the trailer over there.”

  The agent turned to him again. “I’m afraid there is another body.”

  He tensed and stared at the agent. “Who?”

  “We found her body in the barn. She had been split in two, blood everywhere, even on the animals. I suggest you have your men soak them down before she sees them.”

  “Who?” He would not repeat it. Next time he would pound it out of the man.

  Sensing his anger, Abe stepped closer to him. “Agent Thomas, if you don’t want the National Alpha to rip your head off I suggest you answer his question.”

  Both agents jumped back and nodded. “Her boss, Rose Ann. She must have been taken as soon as Emily left the office today. We’re still looking for her hands.”

  Baas turned away from the agent. There were no words he ran and shifted to his beast. He stood about two hundred yards away from the fire and watched it bur
n. His howl filled the night air, and was met by that of others. Tonight all the packs around them would hunt and destroy anything that threatened what was his.

  A movement to his left, Sam in his beast form carefully came forward. He bent showing his respect to the supreme Alpha. “We need to go. It’s going to take us an hour and half before we get home. We’ll be cutting it close to her waking.”

  He snarled, but nodded as he shifted. “Have one of the men check the buffalo, see if they can use any of the meat. If it can be donated to the local food shelters, she would want that. The packs will meet at midnight at the old tree, and from there we hunt.”

  Chapter Five

  When he said pain, Baas had not been kidding. Her own screams woke her up, as her bones broke and reformed, her muscles ripped and stretched, and fur slowly replaced her skin. She couldn’t catch her breath, as another shot of pain left her writhing, but Baas was there to catch her.

  All four of them sat around her, touching and whispering to her words of love. A large fire was blazing in a fireplace, but she couldn’t enjoy it as her legs shook and snapped.

  She would have grabbed them, but her head started to split open, blood rolling down her face. Emily tried to grab her head, but Zack held her hands, which were now turning into paws.

  “It’s almost over. Hold on sweetie,” Baas crooned and reached behind him. He brought a bowl of water and laid it down next to her new muzzle. “Drink. It will help, and then you can sleep.”

  There was no arguing. She just wanted the pain gone. There was no spot on her body that didn’t burn from the change. She licked at the water amazed at how it cooled the fires in her stomach and mouth.

  “You’ll spend the night in wolf form. I’m afraid you won’t be able to change back ’til tomorrow, but then it won’t hurt and it will be quick. I promise.” Baas ran his hand through her fur.

  “You are beautiful as a wolf. We didn’t have a red wolf in our pack. I’m so proud of you baby. Now sleep.” He leaned down and kissed her nose, as did the rest of her men.

  She knew something had happened, but she was too tired to ask. Tomorrow would be enough time to deal with everything. Closing her eyes, she dreamed of her men running free in the night.

  * * *

  Over 600 male werewolves circled around the four alphas and waited. Baas stood naked, letting the cold night air waken the anger in him. Their mate was safe at home, sleeping protected by those he trusted personally, their enforcers.

  “Tonight I’ve called a Blood Howl. These pests have destroyed almost everything that belonged to our mate, and they have attacked us personally.” The growls filled the air.

  “I want the father of my mate personally, so if you find him, you know what to do. Drake, spread the scent.” He nodded to one of his soldiers. He shifted with his last order, the beast fully ready. There was no need to smell the bloody clothes of the dead ones. The scent had been all over the barn.

  They took off running, the four of them, with one purpose: to slaughter all of those who would threaten what was theirs. There would be no quarter tonight. He howled and the others followed suit. Animals ran and hid, humans shut their doors, nothing was safe tonight, the wolves were out for blood.

  Very rarely was the Blood Howl called, an ancient practice only used when one of the highest alphas had been wronged. Tonight, four alphas had almost lost their mate and because of this very species; human or other stayed out of their way.

  They had warned the agents on the case, they could not stop them, and since no one seemed to be able to find the killers, it was their duty to protect what was theirs.”

  They had run for over an hour, till the smell reached them. He stopped shifted to half man and beast pointing. The packs circled the large bonfire, where over 50 men and women were performing some kind of sexual ritual. Blood covered their bodies and filled the air, the animals that had been taken from Emily’s home roasted on the fire.

  Her father’s scent drifted to Baas and he grinned. The man was screwing a blond while he finger-fucked another, but what drew Baas’ attention elsewhere was the spectacle of man at the center of circle.

  He was half shifted, not wolf, but vampire. The man waved his hand and a woman in chains was brought towards him, into the light. Baas snarled, for she was her daughter’s image, it had to be Emily’s mom, but she had died, or had she?

  “Abe, you are to protect that woman, get her out of here and back to our place. I’ve sent word for the truck. They will meet you at the road. Zack, Sam, he’s yours, but the father is mine.” They all nodded and as soon as he witnessed the man slap the woman’s face the Blood Howl was on.

  There was no warning, and screams and growls rent the night. He circled the man before him. “I’m going to enjoy killing you, scum.” Emily’s father’s eyes turned a deep red and Baas laughed.

  “Now this will be a fight, but there is something you should know.” Baas let the final steps of the change take over. He grew a foot taller. Earth magic swirled around the dark man in front of him and he gasped, suddenly afraid.

  “That’s right, you have sealed your fate.” The last words her father heard as Baas latched his muzzle around the man’s neck. He relished the pain, the blows her father landed were further and further between as he struggled his last, before Baas snapped his neck, separating his head from his body.

  Blood covered his body, and all around him was death and more blood, but all the cultists were gone and not one member of his packs had been killed. A few broken bones and stab wounds, but all would heal by morning.

  His pack’s howls soothed him as they all took off running to the nearby lake to clean themselves; a few would stay behind and clean up the mess. One last thing to do tonight, find out who the woman was, and how she was related to their mate.

  After cleaning up, they met up with Abe and the woman three hours later at their home. She sat in the guesthouse, wearing one of Abe’s shirts.

  He shifted and slipped on his jeans staring at the woman. “Who are you and how are you related to Emily?” Sam pulled forward two folding chairs and they sat in front of the woman.

  “I can smell her on you, even though you’ve bathed. She is my daughter. Is she okay?” She leaned forward looking more at him than at the others.

  “She is fine, but she was shot tonight. I had to change her. What happened? She believes you are dead.” Baas took the bottle of water Abe handed him.

  She sighed and thanked Abe, taking the water. “I was dying when my husband and his group found me. Emily was at school, thank God. They attacked me and had thought they killed me, but they didn’t count on me surviving, becoming what they are, vampire,” she hissed, disgusted.

  Shaking her head, bloody tears rolled down her cheeks. “I had to make it look like I died. I called a friend and she helped me, but after the fake funeral Emily disappeared. She was scared they would put her with her father and I don’t blame her, but I did have a plan for her.” She smiled at him.

  “My girl is a stubborn one and strong. I finally found her, but once more her father did too. That is when they captured me. I’ve been kept for the past ten years, trying to get free, but they were just too strong. I can’t stay here. I need to leave. I don’t want my baby to see me like this.”

  “I have a few friends who are vampires; not all of them are evil. Why don’t you stay here until after Christmas? I’ll call my friends have them come up so you can meet them. They can help you and I think your daughter would be furious if you were not here when I tell her that you are alive.” Baas took a drink of his water and stood.

  “This is your place for as long as you want. I’ll have some clothes and food delivered, and we’ll find a few donors for you. How often are you feeding?”

  “Just once a night now. I don’t how to thank you. You’ve become her mates?”

  He smiled opening the door. “Yes, the four of us. We’ll bring her by tomorrow afternoon. Our wedding will be tomorrow along with our Mating Ceremony.
Don’t worry. She will be thrilled to have her mother with her.”

  She smiled and nodded to him. “Thank you, I think I’ll soak in the tub and Baas?”

  Stepping to the door, she hugged him. “Thank you again for saving me and my daughter.”

  The night air, cool, calmed him as he stepped out of the guesthouse. Two of the pack females were already there, heading into the cabin with groceries and clothes for his mates’ mother.

  Even though his mate had lost her possessions, she had gained much. Now, to explain to their woman about the mating process. He only hopped she didn’t mind having sex in front of the packs.

  Abe slapped him on the back. “Don’t worry. I have a feeling our mate is a lot stronger than we have given her credit for. She has already accepted us, which is the most important thing. I have a feeling once Emily sees her mother alive, she’ll be so happy that the mating ceremony won’t even faze her.”

  He stepped into their cabin and nodded to his enforcer. “How has she been?”

  “Not a peep out of her; she hasn’t even moved. Her dogs finally came in and laid down about an hour ago. I think they can sense her.”

  Two large German Shepherds curled up beside her, eyeing them. One started to growl as Zack and Sam moved towards her.

  Zack got down on the floor and, partially shifted, growling. Both of the dogs ran to the other room.

  “Great. Now the dogs won’t come around us, smart ass,” Sam snapped and hit Zack on the back of the head.

  “Enough. We’ve had a long night. Carry her upstairs. She’ll be shifting back in a couple of hours, it’s already three.” Sam scooped her up in his arms, she whined, but didn’t move much.

  Baas checked with his men outside. “I want the patrol on high for the next few days, just in case we didn’t get everyone. Also, make sure there is a guard on her mother.” He clasped the man on the back and shook his hand, before he moved into the house and locked up.


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