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Pathological Therapy Billionaire Bad Boy Box Set

Page 2

by Brittany Dreams

  “Good morning, Celine.” His professional, smooth voice echoed round the room. “You are early, which is good. Come and join Edward and I for coffee.” With that he spun and headed back to the kitchen. He knew she would follow, women always did. The click clack of her heeled boots told him he was right. He pulled one of the bar stools back as she entered the room, “Have a seat.” His voice was naturally commanding and Celine did as he requested. “Do we need to talk shop?” He asked casually as he pushed the button on his coffee machine. Celine smiled as the machine chattered away. “No,” she replied. “Stacey has already told me everything I need to know.” She had also been warned that Peter was a womanizer; if she wanted a long term job she needed to stay away from him!

  Peter turned, his green eyes enticing. His still damp sandy brown hair stuck up in various directions, making him look more rock star than billionaire. Celine shuddered; it might be hard to stay away from him!

  He watched her for a moment as he slid the coffee across the marble breakfast bar. “Okay,” he murmured. “Enjoy your coffee while I take care of a little business, and then I’ll give you the tour so you can orientate yourself.” Before she could react, Edward burst out from under the breakfast bar shouting “Boo!” Celine quickly pretended to be surprised and held her hands up. “You got me!!!” She cried out, laughing as she did so.

  Peter watched her laughing, her face transformed. It was going to be difficult not to show her how good just one night could be! For a moment, he simply gazed at her beauty. She was, perhaps, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

  He was suddenly startled out of his reverie by the leggy blonde appearing in the doorway. Her hair was crumpled and she was wearing his pale blue shirt which barely covered her derriere. Peter quickly crossed the room, thinking of what Edward might think. Of course, the boy was used to him bringing a string of women back, but that didn’t mean he needed to see too much of it. It had been nearly five years since Edward’s mom had died, and he seemed to be doing well despite the fact that Peter never had enough time to play with him. The downside of being a successful billionaire was a lack of personal time.

  Celine turned her head to look at the girl in Peter’s blue shirt. She frowned, although she knew she shouldn’t be surprised. She could hear snippets of Peter talking to the girl in a low voice; “No time today,” “I have work to do.” The scowl that crossed the girl’s face was obvious as she turned to go back to the room. Peter turned and smiled at Celine, unfazed by the girl. “She’ll be fine, they always are,” he said confidently. He knew it as true; even after effectively telling her to go, he could get her to come back tonight if he wanted her to. His confident nature and large bank account made getting women easy.

  “Ready?” He asked brightly as Celine hastily gulped down the rest of her coffee. She nodded and rose from her stool. “Good, follow me and try to keep up.” There was no “please”, just an order. He was clearly used to getting his own way. Celine could feel herself wanting to please him; such was the power of his personality! She felt a small hand slip into hers. Edward had obviously taken a liking to her already; that would make her job easier.

  The tour lasted just fifteen minutes, but they were amazing minutes. She barely took in all the information he shared; it was simply good to follow his toned derriere round the expansive property. Peter stopped and spun round. His hands gripped her shoulders, and his face was serious as she felt herself swooning under the gaze of his green, cat like eyes. “My house is yours, anything Edward needs he can have; within reason.” Celine suddenly saw the passion in his eyes; not the lust or desire for women, but a deep passion for his child. She nodded. “As long as it is appropriate, I’ll let him have it,” she replied. Her voice was firm. Peter paused, studying her for a moment. There was something about the way she said that; but he decided not to push it at this stage.

  He turned to Edward, “Take care of this one, she might be a keeper,” he murmured to his son as he gently kissed his forehead. “I have to work,” he said, turning to Celine again. He indicated a business card on the side-table, “My numbers are on there. If you need anything, just call.” With a final ruffle of Edward’s head, he headed out of the room, leaving Celine alone to get to know Edward.


  It was late when Peter returned, Edward was already tucked into bed. Celine leapt out of the sitting room chair as he moved across the hallway. She was about to ask if he needed anything, but stopped short. She had no idea whether he knew she was there or not, but he had another leggy blonde in tow. His arm was wrapped round her waist as he guided her into the kitchen. Celine felt a pang of jealousy. She had no intention of getting intimate with her new boss, but it was hard not to feel something. She wasn’t immune to the effects of his charisma!

  At breakfast the following morning she waited for the blonde to appear, but there was no sign of her. Peter must have not allowed her to stay the night. “Morning!” He said cheerfully. “How was everything yesterday?” He paused to give her a chance to reply before continuing, “Was your room satisfactory?” Celine smiled, “Satisfactory is not what I would say!” She murmured, “It was exquisite!” Peter nodded, obviously satisfied.

  It didn’t take Celine long to realize that there was a pattern developing. Every morning the three of them would have breakfast before Peter would head into work. She would usually see him in the evening appearing with yet another leggy blonde. She had grown exceptionally fond of Edward within the two weeks that this routine had been continuing. But she had to admit that it was frustrating not being able to talk to Peter properly. She continued to see sparks of a man with much more to offer than just a string of one night stands. But, despite his confident and cocky nature, he simply wouldn’t lower his barriers.

  It was nearly nine thirty when she heard the door opening that evening. She had been about to head up to bed herself. To be honest with herself, being a live-in nanny had its advantages, but she needed her own life as well. She hadn’t been out for the last two weeks socially. She was contemplating talking to Peter about it. She glanced into the main hallway to see which leggy blonde had the pleasure of his company for the evening. Celine was surprised to see he was alone.

  She moved into the light, suddenly feeling underdressed in her jeans and baggy jumper combination. Peter saw her and paused. “Hi!” He said, obviously a little surprised to see her. “No woman tonight?” Celine questioned, even though she knew it wasn’t her business. Peter shook his head, “I needed a night off.” In truth he was starting to wonder about the string of one night stands; it was almost too easy. Celine nodded, “Can I get you anything?” She asked, her voice was soft, warm and reassuring. “Yes, I would love a glass of wine. Will you join me?” Peter replied, his eyes twinkled as he watched the emotions cross her face. Celine smiled, “That would be nice, I can update you on your son’s progress.” Peter nodded “And I can find out a bit more about you,” he replied. Celine could feel the tension rising in the room; it was like an electric current invisibly joining the two of them.

  Celine poured two glasses of wine and carried them through to the lounge. Peter had sunk into one of the plush arm chairs. She passed him his wine and slipped into the chair which half faced him. For a moment there was a long silence, their eyes connected and words simply felt unnecessary. “You know,” she said softly, “I’m looking after your son, and I don’t even know what you do!” Peter smiled. “I could say the same to you,” he murmured, grinning. Celine nodded, the interview hadn’t really covered much detail about her, and Stacey had done background checks before they had all met.

  She decided to go first, “I’m a nursing student.” She quickly clarified her statement, “I am two years in and am considering going for doctor training later.” She said the last bit to impress Peter, although she was thinking about it.

  Peter sat up in his chair, sipping his wine slowly as his eyes scanned up and down her body. “I’m a cosmetic surgeon,” he said, smiling
gently. “I started at the local hospital, but now have fifteen surgeries of my own.” He paused to take a breath, “I still perform procedures whenever possible.”

  Celine was amazed; he was, broadly speaking, in the same profession as her! “I didn’t realize that!” She exclaimed, her heart racing. Peter smiled, his usual cocky grin replaced with a softer smile. “That’s how I met Edward’s mum. I refused to do the operation she wanted. In fact, she threatened to have my license taken away because of it!” For a moment Celine could see the Peter inside, the one that most people never got to see. Suddenly she realized there was so much more to him.

  The silence almost seemed to echo round the room whilst they both contemplated their thoughts. Celine spoke first, “I guess the women are simply falling over to go to bed with you.” She stated quietly. Peter’s eyes became harder as he replied, “Yes, it has always been easy, I give them an extra service and test run any improvements.” His barrier was back up and his confident charm returned. “I don’t think that is really any of your business,” he added.

  Celine nodded. “I’m sorry, but I am concerned about your son,” she said firmly. Her parents had often told her to be careful; her strong will and natural sense of justice was likely to get her in trouble. For a moment there was silence, she could feel Peter appraising her again, perhaps re-evaluating his initial thoughts regarding her. “Another wine?” He asked brightly, seemingly moving past the subject. Celine nodded slowly. “That would be nice,” she said. She really didn’t want this part of the evening to end! She would have to make sure she didn’t get drunk though. It would not be good to sleep with her boss!

  Peter was back a few moments later, his eyes were thoughtful as he passed her the glass. Their hands brushed together and Celine felt a surge of desire shoot through her body; she was surprised at the intensity. Quickly trying to change the subject she grinned at Peter, “So is it always leggy blondes then or can anyone else get a look in?” Peter smiled, “Are you propositioning me?” He teased. Celine knew she wanted to, but instead decided to push the boundary a little more. “I simply wondered if you ever had brunettes, or redheads.” She cheekily added, “Or men?”

  Peter smiled at her again, “I’m sure you would like to know the answer to those important questions, but I don’t think you are ready to find out yet.” Celine laughed as the banter continued through the night.

  Chapter 3

  Celine was a little surprised to find Peter returning home just after nine the next evening by himself. “Have you lost your touch?” She inquired innocently, emboldened by the banter from the night before. Peter’s eyes sparkled as he looked her up and down. As the nights had started to warm up he often found Celine in denim shorts and a simple vest top. It was a far cry from the women who threw themselves at him every night, but it did reveal a stunning set of legs. Despite his original decision not to pursue the nanny again, he knew that he wanted Celine. One night of passion would be worth looking for another new nanny!

  “I just couldn’t stay away from you,” he replied calmly. His green eyes twinkled, reflecting the light as a grin slowly crossed his face. As he stepped towards her, he continued, “Plus, the thought of you and those tiny shorts, sitting at home by yourself just seemed so unfair.”

  Celine pursed her lips, “Really?” She asked, a smile crossing her own face as she added, “Or do you mean you couldn’t find a woman you hadn’t already had?” She giggled at her own joke before adding a finishing touch, “Maybe you will have to look at what men are available, like I suggested yesterday!”

  Peter’s face took on a stern look, “You can go off people you know.” He said calmly as he moved the last few yards to stand in front of her. His eyes met hers, and for a moment there was silence. Slowly he slid one hand round her waist and pulled her into him. Celine started to close her eyes, imagining the feel of his soft lips against hers. Part of her knew it was wrong, but the magic of the moment surrounded them.

  Bang! A loud knock on the door startled them both. Peter grunted, millimeters away from sealing the deal. He crossed the hallway and pulled the front door open, scowling. “What the...” He stopped abruptly. “Stacey! What are you doing here?” Stacey looked at him and past him to see Celine standing in the hallway. She could see the flush on her cheeks. “I came to check you were okay, Shaun said you had gone home early two nights running.” She paused, shaking her head at Peter. “I guess I know why now.” Her eyes narrowed, “You know I’m not going to help you find yet another nanny,” she said darkly. Peter looked at her, a look of concern crossed his face. “You okay?” He asked. He had never been good at picking up the subtle signals that women tried to send out. But then, he never stopped long enough to get to know them.

  “I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it then.” Stacey said, turning to go. Peter quickly grabbed her arm. “Don’t be silly,” he said softly. “Come on in and have a drink.” Stacey paused; she really didn’t want Peter hooking up with Celine. “Okay,” she said softly.

  “Wine for everyone then?” Peter asked as he led the way towards the sitting room. “That’s fine by me,” said Celine. She was quickly followed by Stacey, “Make it a good one.” Peter laughed, “It always is!” Stacey looked at Celine, “Getting settled then?” She asked, unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. Celine smiled, “Don’t worry,” she said, her eyes twinkling. “We haven’t done anything. It is far more fun winding him up by telling him he should sleep with men. As a macho man he doesn’t react well to that!” Stacey looked at her; a smiled crossed her face as an idea popped into her mind. “I should imagine that is fun!”

  A few moments later Peter returned with three glasses of wine. He stopped, looking at the glint in Stacey’s eye. “What have you two been talking about?” His voice was light, but the serious undertone was obvious. Stacey smiled sweetly, “Don’t worry, Celine was just filling me in on your plans to test drive men now that you have run out of women.” She paused, eying him up and down. “Maybe you should consider a ménage á trois?”

  Peter ran his tongue round the inside of his mouth, his mind whirling with the possibilities. “Well, I guess anything is worth a try.” Stacey laughed loudly. “I might be able to help you out with that, but not today.” She paused, her face glowing as she drank the rest of her wine. “We will work something out for you!” She winked at Celine, as though sharing a private joke.

  Celine wasn’t quite sure what Stacey was referring to, but she was glad when shortly afterwards she made a move for the door, much to Peter’s surprise. He walked with her, “What about the ménage?” he queried. Stacey smiled, “I’ll sort it out for you,” she murmured as she lightly kissed him on the lips.

  Sighing, Peter returned to the sitting room. He was ready for some action and confident that Celine would be too. She was staring out the window. He gazed at her long slender legs; stretching to her pert derriere and felt a surge of desire. One night was worth it! He strode across the room, ready to finish what they had started.

  “I can’t do this,” Celine said calmly, stopping Peter a few paces short of her. She turned to look at him. “You live in another world to me. All the time I am spending here means I am struggling with my nursing studies.” She paused, her blue eyes reflecting her concerns as she met his. “I think Edward is great, but we both know this is not real. You want me, but only for one night. I need and deserve more than that.” For a long moment there was silence, Peter had not been expecting this. “I’ll stay until you find a new nanny.” She said calmly. He looked at her, pondering his choices. But he knew she was strong willed enough to say her mind and mean it. She wasn’t after anything, just telling him the facts.

  Peter sighed. A minute ago he had been one step away from a ménage á trois, now he was about to lose his nanny! Was it worth trying to convince her otherwise he wondered, but he already knew the answer. “Okay,” he said as he turned towards his bedroom.

  Peter left early the next morning, he didn’t
even see Edward. He had spent most of the night debating about what to do next. Although it had crossed his mind that it might be worth offering Celine more money, he was fairly sure that wouldn’t do the trick. It had taken him a long time to realize that what was really annoying him was simply the fact that he hadn’t even slept with her and was losing her anyway. In a weird way it justified all his past conquests. Tonight there would be at least one more notch on his belt!

  He had barely been in the office more than five minutes when Jeff, one of his top surgeons slipped into the office. He quickly closed the doors behind him. This was unusual! Peter immediately started thinking about the worst case scenario; Jeff was either about to quit or had botched an operation. He knew both of these were unlikely options.

  “You okay Jeff?” He asked cautiously. Jeff nodded, his tongue finding its way round his lips as he nervously cleared his throat. “Yes, boss.” Jeff replied, he paused before adding “It’s just Stacey told me to tell you it’s all set for tonight. She said to tell you nine this evening at her place.” Jeff looked at Peter with a worried expression as he processed the news. There was only one thing Stacey could be talking about, and it was just what he needed! Peter was about to ask Jeff why Stacey had sent him, but he paused. He really didn’t need Jeff knowing anything extra about his personal life. If he asked a question, then Jeff was sure to want to know more. Instead he simply said “Great! I’ll see her tonight.”


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