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Being Emma

Page 3

by Jeanne Harrell

  “We heard someone out here. Why didn’t you let us know you were coming, sis? We could have sent the dogs out to keep you company.”

  She laughed as their two big labs came running down the steps to greet her. They jumped up on her stomach and demanded attention.

  “Down, boys.” Looking up at Colt, she smiled. “I was at Mom and Dad’s for dinner and just thought I’d drop by to see you before leaving.”

  “Well, come on in. The kids are still up and will be thrilled to see their aunt.” She gave her big brother a hug and kissed his cheek. Good-looking guy with black, wavy hair… He looked so much like their mother and had married the love of his life, Mandy.

  Janie walked in with the dogs and Mandy waved at her from the kitchen where she was cleaning up after dinner. She was so lovely and nice. It was obvious they loved each other. And the results of that love came rushing at her from all corners of the family room.

  “Auntie Janie! Auntie Janie!” She heard their excited little voices and saw flushed faces. Sammy, their three year old, managed to make it to her ahead of his twin sisters, Lucy and Olivia. Sammy grabbed her around her legs and looked up at her. She gazed at his sweet face and then lifted him up.

  “You’re getting so big, Sammy… “ He had a heart-shaped face with auburn hair like his mother. Janie gave him a kiss on the cheek and he kissed her cheek in return. The little girls, with dark hair like their father, had grabbed her legs now and caused her to wobble. Colt took Sammy from her, so she could lift up the girls. They squealed delightedly.

  “Have you been good girls?”

  “Yes, Auntie Janie….” She gave them kisses as well. They squirmed so much that she thought to put them down before they fell out of her arms.

  Mandy came over – She’d been trying to get pajamas on them, but they were evading her.

  “Hi Mandy. How are you?” Mandy gave her a quick smile and then caught one of the girls.

  “Janie. Great to see you… Come on in. I’m just trying to dress them for bed. Lucy, quit moving.” Colt laughed.

  “It’s like this every night. You’d think that, after a while, the girls would catch on that their mother is serious about pajamas.” That got Janie laughing too.

  “Here, Mandy. Let me help.” Janie caught Olivia and put her pink, Care Bear pajamas on her.

  She smiled. “Thanks. Usually Colt catches them for me.” Olivia was squirming and not being cooperative. “Livy, let Aunt Janie help you.”

  “Noooo….” She wailed. “I don’t want to go to bed.” That set off Lucy. With both little girls wailing, Sammy put his hands over his ears. Little sisters were sometimes hard to take.

  Janie had thought that the noise level at dinner had been high, but this house had the ranch house beat by many decibels. These kids could make noise. She looked at Colt who just shrugged. He was used to it.

  Mandy finally got the twins calmed down and they started playing with some toys. Sammy took Janie by the hand and sat down on the sofa with her.

  The dogs plopped down by the girls who would reach out and pet them… With Mandy in the kitchen getting her a glass of wine and Colt picking up toys off the floor, Janie looked around at the happy household. She liked being here…

  Mandy came back in and handed her the glass. “So how’s the life of a deputy sheriff?” She smiled and sat down in a chair across from her. Janie laughed and took a quick sip.

  “Pretty good, I’d say. We just got an influx of new money and are happily spending it.” Colt sat down by the girls.

  “Are you getting that new weapon you wanted?”

  “Yes, and other things as well. I think the town fundraiser must have been a barnburner this year. We got more than we ever have from it.”

  “Sounds like things are going fine for you… Where’s Craig?”

  Janie frowned. “What do you mean?” Colt noticed her reaction.

  “Ah… I just know that … um… didn’t you guys eat together at Mom and Dad’s tonight? After archery practice?” Colt looked at Mandy for help.

  “That’s the usual pattern, isn’t it? Practice and then dinner?”

  “I don’t always eat with Craig. And I don’t know where he is…” As if beckoned, there was a knock at the door. That set off the dogs barking again and rushing to the door with three little children right behind them.

  “Come on in, Craig,” yelled Colt over dogs barking and children squealing.

  Craig opened the door and walked in petting the dogs first and then grabbing the first child he came to.

  “Uncle Craig! Uncle Craig!” He lifted Lucy while Sammy and Olivia grabbed his legs now. They came up to his knees, almost. They were as excited to see him as they were to see Janie. She couldn’t help but smile at the scene.

  Craig’s smile could light up any room and this one was no different. He had to take turns picking up each child…

  “Hey Lucy… You’re so pretty.” Lucy lit up when he touched her little chin. He put her down and picked up Olivia who wrapped her chubby arms around his neck. Craig gave her cheek a peck and smiled at her.

  “Livy… You’re getting so big.” She squealed and he gave her to Mandy to reach for Sammy. Craig pretended that picking him up was hurting his back.

  “Sammy, you really are getting big. My back is killing me now.” Sammy laughed and clapped his hands. Craig came to the sofa with Sammy in his arms and sat down by Janie. She smiled at little Sammy and then her smile faded looking up into Craig’s face.

  Uh-oh… Mandy knew she was mad about something. Craig seemed to want to make peace.

  “How’s practice going, Craig? You guys going to ready for the big competition?” Colt looked from Craig to Janie.

  “Yes, I think so. We’re practicing regularly. Janie was a little off tonight though.” He smiled slyly at her. She glared back at him.

  “Someone threw me off my game, but I’ll bounce back. It just takes concentration and not letting anything bother me.” She looked over at Mandy who thought she was talking in some kind of code. She glanced at Colt who couldn’t make it out either. He shook his head and stood up.

  “Sammy, don’t you need to visit the potty?” Colt took the little boy by the hand and walked him to the bathroom.

  “Mandy, do you mind if I take Lucy outside? I need a little fresh air…”

  “No, be my guest. It’s nice out, she won’t need her jacket.”

  Lucy squealed happily as Janie picked her up and went out the door to the swing set in the back yard. Mandy pointed to Craig to follow her out. He nodded and picked up Olivia to go out back as well.

  “How old are you now, Lucy?” She looked at the sweet little girl in her arms.

  “I’m this many…” Lucy held up one chubby finger.

  “And how old are you, pretty Livy?” Craig asked and she held up one finger too.

  Janie went over and sat down on a swing with her niece in her lap. She started swinging which made Lucy laugh. Craig sat down on the swing next to Janie with cute Livy in his lap. She laughed too as Craig started swinging her.

  It was pretty hard to stay mad at him with two giggly and adorable children in their laps. She appreciated that he was good with children. With Colt as his best friend, the children were practically his relatives too.

  Inside the house, Colt took Mandy’s hand. “What’s up with those two?”

  She shook her head. “I just don’t know. Seems like lately they’ve been arguing more than I’ve ever seen.” They watched out the window for a few minutes and then gave them some privacy.

  Outside, Janie and Craig swung with the little girls for a few minutes.

  Then they finally looked at each other and spoke at once.

  “Craig, I’m sorry.”

  “My fault, Janie…” They laughed at that.

  “No, really. It’s my fault. I’m probably pushing Diane, but she’s my best friend…” Janie looked sorry.

  “I’m sorry to be scolding you a lot these days. I should be encoura
ging you with all you do, instead of berating you.”

  Craig held out his hand to Janie. She took it and looked into his face.

  “Friends again?”

  “Yes, please. Let’s not quarrel. We’re such good friends and I want to keep it that way.” Craig grinned at her. Livy was going to sleep in his lap.

  “Looks like your charge is already asleep.” He looked at Lucy.

  “So’s yours. Let’s get these kids to bed.” Smiling, they stood up and took the children back in the house and to their beds. Sammy was already asleep, so when Janie and Craig returned to the family room, Colt and Mandy were sitting comfortably, probably for the first time all day, on the couch. Mandy sighed.

  “Thanks you two for helping with the twins. They can cause quite a ruckus at bedtime. We have a minute to ourselves finally… Sit down and have a beer or something.” Colt looked relieved and leaned over to kiss Mandy.

  Janie found her wineglass and Craig snagged two beers from the refrigerator. He handed one to Colt. They sat down across from Colt and Mandy and smiled.

  “A little hectic with three, isn’t it?” Craig took a pull of his beer.

  “Yeah, Jesse has it easy with just two.”

  Mandy laughed. “I guess you haven’t heard.”

  “… What?”

  “Audrey’s pregnant again…” Colt and Craig started laughing.

  “Remember what he said the other night when we were out looking for the coyotes?”


  “What’d he say?” asked Janie.

  “He was telling me to be more measured with having children. I didn’t think they wanted any more.” Mandy laughed again.

  “Jesse obviously didn’t discuss it with Audrey. She wants a few more…”

  Colt nearly choked on his beer. “Really? ... Great! Can’t wait to kid him next time we’re out. This should be good.”

  “What makes you think we’re done?” Colt’s mouth dropped open and he looked at her.

  “Anything you want to tell me, sweetheart?” She gave him a sexy smile.

  “Maybe later…”

  The two couples continued talking companionably for nearly an hour. Then Janie glanced at her watch.

  “I need to go. Early day tomorrow.” She put down her glass and stood up.

  “Me too. I’m meeting up with your dad and uncle about the Vegas trip.”

  “Putting on your accountant hat now, Ferguson?” Colt laughed.

  “Yep. Janie, let me give you a ride to your car…” He smiled at her.

  “Okay, thanks. Colt, Mandy, lovely to see you and yours as usual.”

  They all stood for hugs and walked to the door.

  “See ya, Colt. Thanks, Mandy. Love those babies…” Craig gave Mandy a kiss on the cheek and then took Janie’s hand. “Let’s go. Night all.”

  Janie and Craig walked to his car and he opened the door for her. After she was in, he walked around to his side, got in and started the car. He backed it out of the driveway and they waved while leaving.

  “Why aren’t they a couple, Colt?”

  “Good question, sweetheart. Maybe because they’ve known each other forever and are such good friends.”

  “That’s just a step, honey… Just a step.”

  “At least they’re not mad anymore.”

  “Yes… Maybe they’re something else.”

  “Enough thinking. Let’s enjoy our few hours of peace and quiet…”

  “Good idea.”


  The next day Janie was at the Sheriff’s Office bright and early getting some reports finished. Bud came in to ask her if her equipment list was finished.

  “Just about, Sheriff. You need it on Thursday, correct?”

  “Yep. Make sure you have approximate figures with the items listed, all right?”


  Bud looked around. It looked like everything, for the moment, was in order. He knew that could change in an instant, however.

  “Where’s James?” Janie looked up from her report.

  “He’s out on an early call. Something about a deer crashing into someone’s house over on Elm.” Bud laughed.

  “…Haven’t had that one in a while. Wildlife must be coming down out of the hills to eat. Damn drought…” She nodded.

  In walked Ethan with a big smile on his face. He handed Bud his list.

  “I finished early, Dad, er… Sheriff. Here’s my list.” Bud frowned because he called him ‘Dad’ at the office, and snatched the list from his hand. He glanced at it and frowned again.

  “Sorry, sir…” Janie hid her smile from the desk where she was writing. Ethan did that from time to time which really pissed Bud off. She thought it might be difficult working for one’s father. Just then dispatch took a call.

  “Sheriff, it’s a 211 over on Garden Street – Break-in and possible robbery.”

  Bud looked over at Janie and then Ethan.

  “You take it, guys. Report back to me later.” Janie nodded, got up and headed out the door to the patrol car. Ethan was at her heels.

  “You drive, Janie.”


  It took them about fifteen minutes to drive to Garden, north in the Indian Hills residence area towards Carson City. Janie parked in front of the address that the dispatcher had given her. Getting out, she signaled to Ethan to go around the back. He ran quietly down the driveway toward the backyard. In her peripheral vision, Janie saw tall sunflowers lining the driveway. She walked up to the front and saw the problem. The clasp was hanging down from the frame and the door was standing slightly open. It had been jimmied open with a crowbar, most likely. She pulled her handgun out, holding it with two hands pointing up in the air. Janie stepped into the house…

  Walking softly down the darkened hallway toward the kitchen, she thought she heard a noise. All of a sudden, a man wearing black clothes came around the corner fast. He was running and pushed Janie away as he shot past her, heading for the door. She fell on the floor and dropped her weapon. Picking it up and pushing herself off the floor, Janie made for the front door after the man.

  She could hear Ethan running behind her as she sprinted after the guy in dark clothing. He was almost to the next street when Janie finally caught him. She threw herself at him and got him with a flying tackle. Coming down hard, he had the breath knocked out of him and gave up the chase. Janie sat on his back until Ethan caught up with them and then she got off. Ethan cuffed him while Janie read his Miranda rights.

  Ethan laughed as they stowed the man in the back of the police car.

  “That was pretty damn good, Deputy Johnson. I don’t think I’d want to mess with you.” She laughed.

  “Yeah, I guess those workouts are paying off…” Janie stayed by the car, while Ethan checked the house.

  They got the suspect back to the Sheriff’s Office and the jailer took it from there. Janie and Ethan went into the deputy’s workroom to fill out their reports.

  After they’d been working for a while, she casually looked over at him.

  “Um… Ethan. So what have you been up to lately?”

  He glanced at her wondering what she meant.

  “Well, the usual… work, work, work…”

  “No, I mean… you know… what do you do after work?” She tried to look busy with her report, while Ethan was getting confused. She’d never seemed interested before.

  “… I work out at the gym… practice at the gun range … buy groceries…” He looked at her. “Why are you asking?”

  “I was just curious if you were seeing anyone… “

  His jaw dropped. What? Janie Johnson, the gorgeous deputy was interested in him? He licked his suddenly dry lips.

  “…Ah… No, not right now.”

  She smiled brightly at him. “Well, if you’re free, there’s going to be a birthday party at my folks’ ranch this weekend for my two nephews. They’re both turning three and it’s going to be a fun do. Why don’t you come?”
r />   Ethan could hardly believe his luck. Wow… Maybe she did like him…

  “Sure… when is it?”

  “Saturday at noon. There’s lots of people coming – friends, family. I think my dad has invited Bud too. Meg’s coming down from San Francisco with her little girl, Sofia. I’ve invited a few of my friends as well.”

  “Well… Great! I look forward to it. Thanks for inviting me…” He got back to his paperwork and finished it with flair and a smile.

  Janie smiled too. She had also invited Diane and was hoping to sort of push them toward each other. He had seemed friendly enough to her when they met at the coffee shop last week, but a party would be better. More people to socialize with and Craig hopefully wouldn’t see what she was up to.

  Just to thicken the plot, Janie left the workroom and called Diane on her cell phone. She asked her to come to the Sheriff’s Office, if she could, to help her with something. She worked close by and Janie wanted to throw them together again, a preview for the party.

  She started fooling around with the passport camera as Ethan came out of the workroom.

  “Hey, are you the one taking passport photos now?”

  “I think that Bud wants us all to learn, so anyone can do it.” It was a good digital camera and not difficult to operate. She checked the settings and then looked over at Ethan. “Stand over by the backdrop and let me get some practice shots.” He walked over to the white board background and stood self-consciously for a few minutes while she practiced. He turned toward the door as Diane walked in.

  “Hi Diane… Nice to see you… Um… I’m just practicing with the passport camera. Could you stand there with Ethan while I take a few double shots?” Ethan looked puzzled but Janie flashed him a broad smile.

  “Double shots?”

  “I’m just getting the feel for the camera.”

  “Okay…” Diane hesitantly stood next to Ethan who smiled at her.

  “A little closer, please,” Janie instructed. She moved closer. Ethan was actually flattered that Janie wanted to take a picture of him. She took several shots and then snapped off the camera.


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