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The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z

Page 3

by Andie M. Long

  Just what have I got myself into? I went to Gregory & Sons to get a job, not a lover, but gosh it’s been so long and goodness me, you’d have to be a saint to turn down the offer of that body. I feel my mouth fill with moisture as I begin to imagine what he looks like with his shirt off. Steady on Stella, I warn myself, tonight’s just dinner.

  I fall asleep on the sofa, unused to having to go to work, the getting up extra early has worn me out. When I wake, I rub at my eyelid and then realise I only have thirty minutes before Gabe is due to arrive.

  ‘Holy hell,’ I shout out and run to my spare room where I begin throwing clothes around in a desperate haste to find something to wear. I pick up the phone, ‘Ronnie. I need you, quickly.’

  Ronnie sprints like Ussain Bolt is after her between our apartments, ‘What’s the matter?’

  She’s not so impressed when I explain what I want her for.

  ‘I thought there was a God-damn emergency, you’ve almost scared me to death.’ She stalks towards the closet. ‘I’m telling you now, if a single grey hair appears on my head because of what you’ve put me through, I will personally come and pull out yours.’

  ‘He’s going to be here in twenty-five minutes and look at the state of me.’ I yelp.

  ‘Come here,’ she says. ‘God you’re so bloody hopeless. I’m glad you’ve got this job and a gigolo, it might put some hairs on your chest.’

  I cut her a look, ‘Gigolo?’

  ‘Do you prefer Stud? Sex-toy?’

  ‘Pack it in.’

  ‘No that’s what you’ll be doing. I don’t know what’s got into you.’ She starts shaking me, ‘Where is my friend Stella, what have you done with her alien?’

  ‘Get off, you nutter. I’m in a win-win. Take down the Bastard with a side of take of my clothes with a sex God. Hey, what if he’s hopeless in bed?’

  ‘That’s not what I heard, though it was a while back.’

  I smile.

  Ronnie assesses me, lifting my arms up and down. ‘Good, there are no forests growing under there. Go and pick some matching underwear and get it on quick.’

  I do so and come back to her. She’s selected a midnight blue backless satin tunic dress, which just floats past my small breasts and hangs on my hips. It skims above my knee,

  ‘With these,’she passes me a pair of black sandals with a couple of inches heel. They criss-cross at the front and up my leg gladiator style and I like them as they look edgy.

  ‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ Ronnie says and goes back off to her room as I shuffle into the dress. I realise I can’t wear my bra because of the back of the dress and discard it to the mountain of clothes.

  Ronnie returns with some gold shimmer body lotion that she rubs up my legs, not allowing me to do it myself in case I get it on the dress. She then sprays my special dark hair dry shampoo through my roots and fixes a sapphire coloured jewelled slide to one side.

  ‘Do you have a long chain?’

  I wander over to the jewellery hooks that hang on my back wall and extract a long silver chain with a heart locket on it and place it over my head. It hangs down between my breasts and as I look at my reflection in the mirror I know why Ronnie has advised it as it draws attention to the possibility of what is underneath the dress.

  ‘Okay you have ten minutes left and I am totally amazeballs at this,’ Ronnie claps her hands in delight. ‘Refresh your make-up and you’re good to go, hot to trot, fit for fuckery.’

  I throw my arms around her, ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you. The coffee is on me in the morning.’

  ‘If I see you before work tomorrow morning honey, then it’s a disaster. With that dress, you’ll be lucky if you’re in for lunch.’

  Chapter 4

  I sit fidgeting on the sofa, constantly readjusting my dress, until seven minutes past eight when the intercom buzzes. I’ve had to pee three times I’m so nervous. I get up and smooth down my dress one last time, give my appearance a final check in the mirror and then press the button on the system.

  ‘I’m on my way so I’ll see you down there.’

  ‘So I don’t get to come up and see the apartment?’ his sultry voice sounds even sexier through the acoustics of the intercom.


  ‘Get down here then. I’m hungry,’ there’s a pause, ‘for food, Miss Mulroney.’

  I laugh and let go of the button.

  I walk out through the main doorway, ensuring I hold my head up high to look confident, careful not to betray the fact I feel really shaky.

  ‘Wow, just wow.’ Gabe gives a long, drawn out whistle. I thought you gave it all you had at work to impress me, but hey girl you’ve been holding back.’ He pretends to waft his face.

  I thump him in the arm, ‘Behave yourself.’

  He turns to look at me with his eyebrow raised, ‘You sure about that?’

  ‘Well, at least until I’ve had my meal.’

  He holds the door of the waiting taxi open and I slide inside.

  I’m pleasantly surprised as we walk in to Jamie’s Italian. I thought he may try and take me to some trendy fusion restaurant, from the circles I felt sure he would mix in. I would have felt uncomfortable because despite the fact my stepfather is loaded, I seldom eat out in an evening and when I do I prefer the usual chains, this being one of my favourites. Then I remember that my date interviewed my former lover, who no doubt gave Gabe a complete list of my likes and dislikes not only about sex and I sigh.

  ‘What’s the matter? Is this not to your liking?’

  ‘No it’s not that. It’s just I’d be happier if I didn’t keep recalling that my ex-boyfriend had sold me out for a few pounds.’

  ‘We can go somewhere else.’

  ‘No, no, it’s fine. Jimmy was on the money. I love this place.’

  Gabe’s jaw sets,‘We’re not staying here. I’m not starting our evening like this. I asked the taxi to wait, just in case, so back out you go.’ He puts his hand in the small of my back and guides me out of the door.

  We go back in the taxi and travel further up the road until we reach the West India Quay area.

  My face lights up. ‘I’ve always wanted to eat around here, but never got around to it.’

  ‘Much better.’ Gabe walks around and opens my door and assists me out. I try not to show off my knickers. ‘That’s more like the reaction I wanted.’

  We take a seat outside a fish restaurant called Lulu’s after perusing a few different menus across the Quay. It’s a lovely warm evening with a slight breeze, but the restaurant has patio heaters to keep the temperature ambient.

  Gabe orders a bottle of champagne. ‘I thought we’d start in style.’

  I reach over and stroke his hand, ‘Thank you.’

  He looks surprised. When the champagne is delivered, tested and poured, he raises his glass. ‘To our little endeavour. May it be fun.’

  I chink glasses, ‘To the Alphabet Game.’ I say with a playful grin.

  We make polite conversation through our starters. I order a trout pate and Gabe orders King Prawns with a sweet chilli sauce. I drink quickly as my nerves return and I panic that I’m boring him. The alcohol goes straight to my head and loosens me up. My nerves start to calm and I sit more relaxed in my seat, as if I had scaffolding and now the company has taken it back.

  ‘So, I’ve been told you spend a lot of time in America?’

  ‘Been enquiring about me have you?’

  ‘No. Don’t flatter yourself. My friend mentioned it in passing.’

  ‘Your friend?’

  ‘Ronnie. Ronnie Huntington-Jones.’

  For a moment, I think I see something flicker across Gabe’s face, some kind of emotion, but it’s gone in an instant, if it was there at all.

  ‘Do you know her?’ I add.

  ‘Vaguely. She used to be part of a crowd I sometimes hung around with when I was younger. I don’t know her well though. As she says, I’ve spent a lot of my life stateside.’

  ‘How come?’<
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  ‘My mother’s American. Manhattan born and raised. Her marriage to my father didn’t last long as she couldn’t stand England and he didn’t like Manhattan. Kind of makes it difficult to keep a relationship going, so they divorced. I stayed with my mother.’

  ‘And you have a brother?’

  ‘Yes, Christopher. He’s a year younger than I am. He works in a bar much to the mirth of my mother and the absolute horror of my father.’

  ‘So how come you’re now in England?’

  ‘I like it here. I’ve enjoyed learning the family trade.’

  ‘And your relationship with your father?’

  He moves his eyes away from mine and runs a hand through his hair,‘I think I’ve answered enough of your questions for now.’

  At this point our main courses arrive and we eat and look out over the water.

  I tell him about how I see my own mother very little now as I find it hard to forgive her for sending me away and that my father died when I was five. I’m not sure how much of this Gabe already knows, but he listens intently.

  ‘I don’t know how anyone could have you in their life and want you to leave,’ he says.

  I blush.

  ‘Oh there it is again, that endearing colouring of your cheeks.’

  I feel my face go even warmer. The alcohol has not helped.

  ‘It annoys the hell out of me. I’m not shy, yet this stupid flush appears persistently.’

  ‘I’m looking forward to making you flush more.’

  I excuse myself and go to the ladies before I get any redder.

  After the most exquisite tarte au citron, the waiter returns with a complimentary limoncello. I adore the taste of lemon and drink it down. ‘Mmmmmm,’ I lick my lips.

  ‘Here, have mine, I don’t particularly care for it.’

  I sip it whilst he settles the bill.

  As we start to walk along the Quay and walk across the bridge the full weight of the alcohol hits. I feel really giddy. Not so much drunk, but extremely mellow. We walk next to a small pretty garden with benches. I try the gate but unfortunately it’s locked.

  ‘Awwwww, we could have had a lovely sit down here.’

  Gabe looks bemused. ‘As opposed to sitting over there, where we just were?’

  I reach over and touch some flowers, ‘But this is soooooo pretty.’ I have a bit of trouble standing back upright and Gabe grabs me by the arm.

  He doesn’t hold me firmly enough and I spot some sort of statue. It resembles a large light. I attempt to hug it.

  ‘Look at me, I’m an art instillation.’ I run on to another statue of two people, climb up and wave at Gabe from the middle of it.

  ‘Will you get down before either you’re arrested or you hurt yourself?’ He comes to assist me, holding me firmly whilst I dismount.

  ‘Oh don’t be so boring, I’m having fuuuuuuun.’

  I proceed to walk down the street singing Limoncello in an operatic style voice. I’m having such a good time.

  Gabe huffs.

  I walk over and nudge him, ‘Whatsmatter?’

  ‘You. This is not what I had in mind for tonight that’s all. Think I’ll need to change my plans.’

  I pout at him. ‘Sorry, Mr Gregory. Will I need to be punished for my actions?’ I giggle, but I see his gaze turn dark.

  ‘Hmmm actually that’s not a bad idea. But first,’ he pushes the door of a cafe open, ‘coffee.’

  I adore coffee, but I feel disloyal that I’m not drinking it at Col’s, though that would be shut anyway, I think.

  ‘Now just what is going on inside that pretty little head of yours?’

  ‘I’m just thinking how much I adore coffee. This is de-lish-ious.’

  ‘It’s Ethiopian. A new blend apparently.’

  I take another sip, ‘Mmmmmmmmm.’

  He throws twenty quid on the table, far too much money for two coffees. He sees me looking confused.

  ‘I need to get you out of here fast. I can’t take any more erotic coffee drinking.’

  I use my keycard to get us into my building and head for the lift where I press the button for the thirteenth floor.

  ‘Are you not superstitious at all then?’ Gabe asks.

  ‘Nah, thirteen has always been a lucky number for me. I like living on the thirteenth floor. I’m a rebel. Anyway my stepfather will have got a discount cos no-one else will want to live on that floor, right? Always after a bargain that man. Bastard.’

  My talking is cut off as Gabe’s mouth descends on mine. He presses me against the lift mirror and I can see myself reflected in the one opposite. I watch my arms snake around his neck and my hands run through his hair. Then I automatically close my eyes and lose myself deeper into the kiss. I can feel his stubble on my face, prickling but making my skin tingle and the smell of his aftershave makes me bury my head deeper into his neck.

  The lift door opens. Gabe grabs hold of my hand, taking the key out of it and leads me to the door. Once inside he hunts for the light switch.

  ‘Where?’ is all he says next.

  I point to my bedroom.

  We’re in my room. My breathing is coming faster with anticipation. My heart thuds in my chest. Gabe walks towards me. He kisses me slowly, first on the lips and then moves his mouth down my neck, trailing light kisses over my collarbone. He raises my arms and lifts my dress off, throwing it to the floor.

  ‘That’s better.’

  I see him lick his lips as he looks over my body. I feel self conscious at my small breasts, wishing they were slightly larger than the B-cup I am. He picks me up and lays me down on my bed.

  He moves his hands slowly over my body, stroking down my arms, along my waist, stomach, then across my breasts. I feel my nipples harden and I shiver. I try to push my breasts closer to his hands. My skin feels so sensitive, like the electricity has suddenly been restored after a power cut. A moan escapes my mouth. He moves over me, starting the kissing at my throat again, then down, capturing a nipple in his mouth and sucking on it. It’s like there’s a wired connection directly from my nipple to my groin as I feel a pulse between my legs. I’m getting wet, I am so turned on.

  After laving both my breasts he returns to making feather kisses all over my body. Trailing further down he moves his mouth above my pant line, then goes down to my feet, where he starts to trail his mouth up one leg and then the other. I lift my crotch towards his mouth, desperate for his touch but he doesn’t go there. I’m getting so excited that I feel that soon I will come without any assistance from Gabe. I can hear his breathing getting more ragged.

  ‘God you’re so beautiful Stella.’

  He strips off his trousers and lays over me, resting himself between my legs, rubbing his rock hard erection against the silk of my panties. I rub myself against him, desperate to try and finish myself off.

  He looks at me and tuts,‘I don’t think so.’

  He lowers himself between my legs and peels off my pants. I feel his warm breath between my legs. He flicks his tongue against my clitoris. I feel like I’m going to spontaneously combust. I’m so sensitive I can hardly bear for him to touch me there. He waits a moment and then flicks his tongue again. He keeps changing pace from long leisurely licks to fast tongue fucking, allowing his tongue to enter me. I begin to feel the first sensations of orgasm approach and start to buck towards his mouth. He lifts himself off me and goes back to kissing my neck.

  ‘Nooooooo. What are you doing? Don’t stop.’ I beg.

  He laughs. ‘Oh Stella. A is for arousal. You’ll have to learn to wait. It’ll be so much sweeter when it arrives.’ Then he gets off the bed.

  I sit up still, my eyes widening,‘What are you doing? Where are you going?’

  He starts to put his trousers back on.

  ‘Home. I have an early start tomorrow. I told you we wouldn’t fuck on the first date Stella.’ He winks.

  My hand covers my mouth, ‘You can’t leave me like this?’

  ‘Watch me.’

; I throw one of my pillows at his head. ‘I hate you.’

  He laughs, ‘No you don’t.’ He comes over and teases my ear with his tongue. I sigh and try and push my ear closer to his mouth.

  ‘Look at you, you wanton hussy.’

  ‘And who made me like that?’ I groan.

  ‘Promise, you won’t make yourself come. Just let your body wind back down. It’ll be worth it.’

  I sigh, ‘Okay. I’m tired anyway, so get out.’

  He walks away and I hear my main door click shut.

  ‘Arrrrgh,’ I groan in frustration and let my head roll back against my remaining pillow. What have I started?

  Chapter 5

  My alarm screeches its ‘not quite on a radio station’ white noise out. It’s hideous at the best of times, but when I wake with a slight headache and a tongue that feels like I used it as a sticky roller, its worse. I’ve left my curtains partially open and a chink of bright sunlight lasers through. I bash the alarm off which takes two attempts and then push my head back under the covers.

  I’m cold since I fell asleep with no clothes on. I’m desperate for clothes and coffee, not necessarily in that order, but figure that’s probably the least scary way of doing it. I gingerly slide myself out of the side of the bed, leaving my head on the mattress until the last possible moment and then clutching my forehead stagger to the bathroom.

  As I wash myself in the shower, gliding the sponge over my body, it brings back memories of the previous evening. I close my eyes and imagine it’s Gabe’s hands and tongue as I guide the sponge over my breasts and then between my legs. I’m tempted to finish myself off in the shower, but decide against it. I wonder if he’ll be able to smell my arousal?

  The shower has perked me up in more ways than one. I can’t wait to get into work. Who’d have thought I’d like a job that much?

  Lorraine smiles at me as I walk in. ‘Morning Stella. I’ll just let you get settled, then I have some messages for you.’

  ‘Okay, thanks.’ I walk into my office. It’s a small room with the usual office set up of desk, computer and filing cabinets. There’s an interconnecting door between my office and Gabe’s with a small window in it. The blind on his side of the window is open so I go to peer through but there’s no sign of him.


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