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The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z

Page 23

by Andie M. Long

  ‘Stella, I’ve really enjoyed this but please fuck my brains out now, or I’m going to get blue balls.’

  ‘I’m going to start fucking you now, but you can’t come straightaway. Not yet. Keep it at bay just a little longer.’

  ‘Give me a good funeral when I die through the torture.’

  I smile and roll him onto his back and position the tip of his penis at my entrance. I tease him by rubbing it around my wetness, but not letting him enter. Then slowly, milimetres at a time I sink down onto his dick and raise back off. My clitoris is so sensitive by this point I am delirious with pleasure. We take our time. Again when I get close or Gabe warns me with his eyes that he is, I lift off and we return to the beginning. Its torturous and exquisite at the same time. Gabe decides we’ve waited long enough and says one word, ‘now.’

  Again I move up and down slowly, in and out, creating a slow and steady rhythm and pressure. I am so sensitive that this now transcends any other feeling I’ve ever had. As my orgasm takes over in such an intense way, the chills and shivers reach out and tickle across my nerves to my hairline, down my back, through my legs. I scream as I come, lost in the sheer pleasure and hear Gabe groan, ‘Oh my fucking God.’ His own orgasm seems to last longer too.

  We get under the duvet and fall asleep together, completely spent.

  ‘I gather you’re feeling okay today then?’ Gabe props himself up on one arm.

  ‘Yeah. No nausea at all the last few days. I feel really well, but so, so randy.’

  ‘Well hopefully after tonight I’ll be able to satisfy those urges. I don’t mind if you want me on-call for sex. It’s no hassle.’

  ‘I hope this works.’ I take a deep breath, ‘I’m so nervous about it all.’

  ‘Well time to get dressed and ready to see this through to the end. It’s time for a different kind of climax.’

  I roll my eyes at him, both for the lame joke and because I’m not too impressed at having to get dressed.

  Peter phones. ‘He’s arrived at the hotel and is seated in Homage for his dinner meeting.’

  ‘Okay, let me know what happens.’

  ‘Will do.’

  We wait. I can hear the tick from Gabe’s watch, it’s annoying. There’s nothing to do. I read the hotel guest guide for something to pass the time whilst Gabe channel hops.

  A while later the phone rings again. I snatch it up.

  ‘He’s at the bar. Target acquired.’

  I smile at Gabe. ‘It’s on.’

  Peter has been into the room Jasmine has hired and set it up with surveillance equipment. At the point where Jas and Arnie make a move, he retires to his own room to monitor the situation. Gabe and I sit on the edge of the bed. We barely say a word. I feel sick, knowing that the moment has come.

  My mobile rings and I dive for it.

  ‘My screens gone black, fuck Stella, something’s wrong. Maybe he knows? Oh my God he knows. Get to Room one sixteen now.’

  ‘It’s gone to shit,’ I yell at Gabe, ‘He’s got Jas in the room and the recording equipment has gone off. Come on.’

  We race down the corridor. Gabe keeping me behind him.

  The door to room one sixteen is ajar. Outside is a burly guy. As Peter appears through the opposite lobby door he cries out, ‘Oh shit, Terry.’

  ‘Sorry man,’ the guy says and walks away, ‘just doing my job.’

  We’ve been double-crossed.

  All three of us walk into the room to find Arnie sitting in his hotel chair. His bespoke, navy Gieves and Hawkes suit is immaculate. The fixed smile on his face is like the Joker’s from Batman.

  ‘Dear, dear, dear. I set you a test. But you failed. Tut, tut, tut, tut, tut.’ He wags a finger at us. His voice cuts like ice.

  ‘Where’s Jas?’ I ask, seeing that she is missing from the room and hoping like hell she ran off.

  ‘Jas? Is that her name? Trashy, like she was. As if I’d be interested in a slut like her.’ He emphasises her name, ‘Jas fancied a trip to look closely at The Thames. I’m sure she’ll turn up sometime soon.’

  He winks at me. My flesh crawls.

  ‘You.’ He points to Peter. ‘Get the hell out and take this as a warning. Today is your last day as a PI, or tomorrow your kid won’t have a father.’

  Peter’s out of there in seconds. He doesn’t even look at me as he leaves.

  Arnie folds his arms across his chest. ‘Now, my son and dear Stella. I’m quite disappointed you aren’t with child after all.’ I try not to let him notice my relief that he took the bait we threw him. ‘I’m going to look forward to your descents into hell.’ He laughs. ‘Consider yourself fired Gabriel. I have another heir.’

  ‘Christopher doesn’t want anything to do with you,’ spits Gabe.

  ‘Who said I was talking about Christopher? I think the time’s come to introduce myself to Samuel, don’t you?’

  ‘Leave him the fuck alone. I won’t let you near him,’ I shout.

  ‘Oh Stella, you’re going to be too busy to worry about Samuel. Now which of your family and friends shall I go for first? Maybe I’ll finish the job dear Harry was unable to manage.’

  I launch for him but Gabe holds me back. ‘No,’ he says firmly, ‘Another way.’

  ‘Good luck with that son,’ adds Arnie. ‘Your tape was released an hour ago. Now both of you fuck off and die. Terry, see them out. Of the hotel.’

  Terry comes towards us.

  ‘You can watch us leave, you can escort me out if you like, but touch her and I’ll break your nose, I don’t care who witnesses it.’

  ‘Your love is touching,’ says Arnie, ‘and means I have so much to play with.’

  ‘What do we do now?’ My hands are clammy and I can feel my lip and chin tremble.

  Gabe is silent for a while, then he turns, giving me a watery smile. ‘You need to ring Issy and warn her. I’ll phone my mother. Then we head straight to your apartment, pick up Ronnie and we go to my place. We need to stick together.’

  ‘Then what?’

  ‘I don’t fucking know Stella. How do you handle a psychopath? If there’s a Dummies Guide, I’ve not got it.’

  ‘This is all such a mess. You told me not to do it.’

  ‘No Stella. There’s no time for regrets. It’s done. We’ve got to get a Plan B. Fast. Now let’s go.’

  I feel dizzy and my legs feel weak, but I don’t say another word. I just carry on moving.

  The next few hours are a blur of warning people and moving our stuff. It’s a living nightmare. Issy goes apoplectic and who can blame her. I’ve brought danger right to her door.

  Gabe blows out a breath that rattles his lips, ‘Stella, you are not responsible for putting Issy in danger. She was involved with Arnie Gregory way before you were on the scene. She’ll calm down.’

  ‘But I’ve made everything worse.’

  ‘Look, lets just get to bed, it’s really late now. We’ll think about all this in the morning, we’ve the little one to think of now, you need some rest.’

  I go to bed, but I don’t sleep one wink.

  Gabe heads out to fetch the morning papers. I put the phone down as he returns, his arms full with papers.

  ‘Issy’s contacting her Lawyer to see where she stands in blocking access,’ I tell him.

  Gabe spreads the papers across the table. Arnie hadn’t lied, the headlines are full of Gabe’s tape.




  My cheeks burn as I hunch over the papers,‘Oh my God. Gabe, I am so sorry.’

  He puts his arms around me, ‘Don’t be. I can weather this. Does Issy know the tape is out?’

  ‘She does now.’

  My phone rings. I’m surprised to hear my stepfather’s voice once again down the line.

  ‘Stella, where are you?’

  ‘I’m at Gabe’s house.’

  He sighs. ‘I need to come and see you. Can
you see me and your mother alone?’

  ‘What for?’

  ‘You need to know some things Stella, we can’t avoid it any more.’

  ‘What things?’

  ‘Stella. Can you not sound like a sulky teenager just once? I can’t do this on the phone. Can we come over? It’s urgent we see you.’

  ‘Fine, but I’m not seeing you alone. Gabe and Ronnie are here. Anything you have to say, you can say to us all.’

  ‘Fine,’ he mimics. ‘Give me the address.’

  There couldn’t be a more awkward scenario if you tried. Gabe, Ronnie and myself sit at one side of the lounge facing the imposing form of my stepfather, who is at the side of my glamorous mother. My mother had wafted in by kissing both my cheeks but saying nothing. She looks at my stepfather, obviously needing permission to speak.

  He lifts his finger asking her to wait. Twat. Then he looks at Gabe.

  ‘Before we say a word I want to know exactly what happened with you and my daughter.’ His voice is veiled with threat, but I think he forgets he’s addressing Arnie’s son.

  Gabe just nods in understanding. ‘I get that Sir, I’m glad of the chance to be able to tell you.’

  Mitch’s shoulders drop as he hears the ‘Sir,’ satisfied that Gabe is showing him respect. It makes me sick but I understand why he’s doing it. Gabe has my stepfather worked out.

  Gabe explains how he tried to stop Issy from doing the film and how he ended up in it with her to no avail. He tells Mitch how his own father has blackmailed him ever since.

  Mitch looks at my mother and nods.

  I almost reel in shock as my mother actually appears animated.

  ‘Darling. This thing with Arnie Gregory goes back farther than you can imagine. I think you misunderstand Mitch, you always have. He’s not Arnie’s partner, not like you think. He’s just been trying to keep him in sight, for years.’

  ‘You expect me to believe that?’ I roll my eyes and look away.

  My mum sits back, easily defeated. Mitch sits forward.

  ‘Do not look at your mother like that. It’s the truth. This all stems back to our school days, the whole damn lot of it. We’re an obsession to him, toys to play with. That’s why I’ve been asking you to back off. I’ve been trying to find a way to free ourselves of that man for years. Nothing’s ever worked. Do you understand that Stella? NOTHING has worked. In all those years. He just comes back bigger and stronger.’

  ‘Why? Why would he be so fixated on you and my mother?’

  Mitch’s eyes darken. ‘Because he thinks your mother is the love of his life. He’s obsessed with her, always has been.’

  My eyes widen and I look at Gabe, then my mother. ‘Please tell me you never did anything with Arnie Gregory.’

  ‘Of course not darling. He was just someone who went to my school. I had no idea for a long time that he felt anything for me. Until I met your father. Just before the wedding Arnie told me how he felt about me, but of course I didn’t have any clue and I tried to let him down gently, but,’ she breaks off.

  ‘The damn man has been in our lives ever since.’

  The colour drains from my face, ‘Mum. Mitch.’ I look from one to the other and swallow. ‘When Arnie threatened me the other day, he insinuated that Dad’s accident, that …, that it wasn’t an accident at all.’

  My mother’s hand flies to her mouth. She looks like she’s going to be sick. Ronnie gets up and hurries her to the bathroom.

  Mitch sits with his head in his hands, ‘Oh dear God. I had my suspicions. Arnie tried to get in touch after your father’s death. Of course your mother found it strange, she’d never really known him that well. She thought of me and looked me up to see if I’d been in contact with him. I hadn’t but it put me on alert. My marriage was over by then. Your mother and I kept in touch and slowly things began to rekindle for us. When we announced the wedding he called your mother. Asked if she would meet him. She turned him down again and he said she’d made another terrible mistake.’

  His voice sounds thick. ‘We were expecting retribution so we decided it would be best to put you in Boarding School, out of his way. It was the same with Issy. She thinks I was a useless father but I left her safe with her mother, or so I thought. We’d been expecting Arnie to exact some form of revenge once you were out of school. I thought he’d arranged for you to deliberately seduce Issy into the porn industry, Gabriel. I apologise.’

  Gabe shakes his head,‘Not necessary.’

  ‘I didn’t know you resented me so much Stella that you would plot against me. I thought you were just being a stereotypical stepdaughter. I didn’t mind you being angry and blaming me for you being sent away, if it kept you safe. But when Arnie told me you’d taken a job at his law firm, Oh My God. I knew you were in acute danger then. That’s why I tried to get you to leave. He rarely visits New York these days. I thought it would buy me time and keep you safe.’

  My mother walks back in and sits down, armed with a glass of water.

  She inhales, her breath shaking as she does so. ‘What have I missed?’

  ‘I’ve just caught Stella up on the reasons for our actions.’

  ‘Surely after all this time, he knows you’re not interested mum?’

  She shrugs her shoulders. ‘He’s not mentally stable Stella, plus he’s a powerful man whom people rarely say no to. Anyway now can you tell us everything that’s been going on darling, so Mitch can see if we can extract anything from this whole mess.’

  We tell him about the botched set up. I didn’t think it was possible for Mitch to look nervous, this formidable man, but he does.

  ‘I need my daughter’s phone number Stella. I need to tell her everything too.’ I take the number from my mobile and give it to him.

  He inputs the number into his own phone. ‘Fuck this is a mess. I’ll find this Robyn Kewley. Give me any information you have on her. I’ll bring her here with my bare hands if I have to.’

  I nod.

  ‘We’ll be back in the morning. Is there anything else we need to know before I get out of here and try and sort this damn mess out?’

  I look at Gabriel. He nods.

  ‘I’m pregnant,’ I tell my mother and stepfather, ‘though Arnie has no idea.’

  My mother starts to sob and it saddens me that I have no idea if these are tears of joy or just frustration that I’m pregnant to a Gregory, thus attaching us to the venomous spider with yet another silken strand.

  Chapter 5

  Ronnie wanders in,‘Hey guys, I’m off to stop at my parents tonight. I need a break and I think you need some time on your own.’

  ‘It must be bad if your parents seem the better option,’ I laugh.

  Ronnie shrugs her shoulders.

  ‘I’m sorry. This shit is ruining everything for everybody.’ I go to hug her, ‘I forget what he did to you.’

  She shrugs my arms away, ‘Yeah, well Harry might have gotten away with it, no proof and all that, but I won’t forget. You’re not the only one with revenge plans. I’ll get him one day.’

  Gabe scowls, his mouth pinched. ‘He’s been discharged from The Priory. His presenting slot starts next week. Attempted murder and not a fucking thing we can do about it. He just comes out smelling of roses.’

  I nod. ‘Look, we don’t know for definite that he did it. We’re presuming because of the tape and the fact he was resident at the same time as Ronnie, but it could have just as easily been a member of staff. We’ll get the answers Ronnie, but first we need to get Arnie. I hope Mitch can get hold of Robyn Kewley quickly.’

  A cab beeps outside. Ronnie picks up her small luggage. ‘Well that’s for me. I may stay there for a day or two. I’ll ring you tomorrow.’

  ‘Okay,’ I sigh, ‘Take care of yourself.’

  ‘You too,’ she says and then she leaves.

  ‘Don’t take it to heart, she’s been through a lot,’ says Gabe.

  ‘I know, but she’s my only real friend and I don’t want to lose her.’

  ‘You won’t, but she needs space and you need to give it to her. She’ll feel safer at her parents, that’s why she’s gone there.’

  ‘Her parents are useless.’

  ‘Maybe so, but when push comes to shove, when you feel shit, who do you want?’

  ‘Your mum.’ I sigh.

  I wander to the bedroom, shrug off my clothes and climb under the covers. Gabe wraps himself around me.

  ‘You need to try and get some sleep.’

  ‘Easier said than done.’

  ‘Well I’m going to work on relaxing you.’

  I huff. ‘You’ve no chance, I’m as tense as a coiled spring. It’s like I’m waiting for a bullet through the window or a bomb to go off.’

  ‘Stella, you need to let yourself relax. It’s no good for either you or the baby and you need to have your wits about you the next few days, otherwise you’re going to fuck up.’

  ‘Well that just makes me feel a whole load better, thank you.’ I turn over with my back facing him.

  I startle as his hand starts to stroke down my back, sweeping down the outside of my thigh, then brushing down my stomach, getting ever lower.

  ‘Sod off, you can’t get round me with sex.’

  ‘You need to relax Stella, turn over, let me help you.’

  ‘No.’ I say though there’s a smile on my face.


  I turn over. ‘What?’

  ‘Open your legs.’

  ‘You’re so bossy.’ I spread them.

  He leans over and kisses me, inserting his tongue in my mouth. Then he whips the pillow from under my head.

  ‘What are you doing?’

  He sits up and pushes the pillow under my back widening my legs, then he comes up and lies at my side, his fingers pushing into me greedily.

  There’s something different about how he’s touching me though, he curls his fingers inside me, and I look at him.

  ‘Sssh, just go with it. Relax.’

  I lie back and close my eyes.

  Gabe touches me inside, massaging the inner skin in slow lazy circles.

  ‘Gabe, I need to pee.’

  ‘No, it’ll go off, just stay with it.’


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