Book Read Free


Page 16

by Patrice Wilton


  Hunter checked his watch every fifteen minutes, wondering where the hell Jennifer was. She was expected on the floor at ten, and she was never late. Had she slept in? Had she skipped out? Neither behavior was acceptable. His stomach roiled and he popped another Tums in his mouth.

  He’d covered for her with the rest of the team, giving the excuse that she had some pressing work matter to deal with and would be joining them shortly. Probably would have been easier just to say she’d had flu-like symptoms and he told her to stay in bed, but he remained hopeful that she’d show up.

  Finally, at half past eleven, Hunter told everyone he was taking a short break, and headed upstairs. He went to his room first to see if there were any messages, and sure enough she had sent him one.

  “I’m so sorry Hunter, but I know we’ve created an impossible situation and so, I’m removing myself from it. Make my excuses today, please? And don’t try to change my mind. I’m leaving this afternoon, heading back home. I’ll be leaving a resignation letter on your desk. This is not what I want. I love working with you…the firm, and I will miss everyone very much. But you and I know…I have to go.”

  Her voice broke in the end, and he heard a click. She’d hung up. He hit the message again and sat down on the bed to listen. He felt sucker-punched, angry, hurting and not knowing what to do about it. He could hear in her voice that she’d been distraught, fighting back tears. She didn’t want this anymore than he did.

  He had to stop her, and prayed that it wasn’t already too late. She might be sitting at the airport right now, waiting on her flight. Maybe he catch her before she boarded. He dialed her cell phone number. She didn’t pick up. Not that he expected her too. After all, if she really was determined to quit her job and leave the company…and him…she wouldn’t want him talking her out of it.

  Dammit to hell! This was not her decision to make. They were in this together. What had happened between them here in Vegas was as much his doing as it was hers. They had to resolve this and figure out a plan of action, but running away or quitting was not a viable option. He needed her. He wanted her to stay. She was a solid production manager. And if these feelings they had for each other continued once they were back home, then they could figure out some kind of solution.

  He sure wasn’t ready to take on another Mrs. Carson. The divorce had cost him plenty, emotionally more than physically. He didn’t have the heart to lay himself open again, even with a woman as wonderful as Jennifer.

  She wasn’t like his ex-wife at all. Although they were both intelligent, career-driven women, Jen had a softer side and she was only considering quitting her job to make it less awkward for him. It wasn’t about what was best for her. It was a selfless act to save them both from malicious rumors and speculation. If she remained his girlfriend, which he wished she could, the situation would only get worse. She was smart enough to realize that and to get out while she still could. Which brought them back to where they were. Between a rock and a hard place.

  His head throbbed and his gut ached. He downed a couple of Advils then grabbed his key, went downstairs, flagged a taxi and headed for the airport. Using his iPhone he learned there was an American Airlines flight leaving for San Jose around two, and one to San Francisco an hour later. Hopefully, she’d be waiting there.

  * * *

  “Nikki, it’s me. Jen. Do you have a minute?” Jennifer sipped a Skinny Girl Margarita on a chaise lounge at the Daylight Beach bar. She was quitting her job anyway. Couldn’t get fired for drinking before noon.

  “I’m good at the moment. It’s recess.” Nikki was a third grade teacher and she had only recently returned to work after a year’s absence. Her husband’s job had taken them to London for a year, but they were now both in San Francisco and happy to be home. Of course, now that she was pregnant, she might not remain working for long. “What’s up?”

  “It happened to me. The same as you.” Jennifer sighed. “You know. That whole thing with you and Josh.”

  “What whole thing are you talking about?” Nikki asked, then gasped. “You don’t mean you met someone! Did you?”

  “Not exactly.” Jen sipped her drink, then answered her friend’s question. “It’s my boss, Hunter.”

  “You hooked up with your boss?” Nikki sounded pleased. “I’ve seen his picture. He’s gorgeous. And perfect for you. Good job, girl.”

  “It’s not!” She groaned. “It’s the worst thing I could have done. Now I have to quit.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t quit. At least not until he marries you.”

  “Nikki, that is not going to happen. He’s just had a nasty divorce, and he’s not looking for a wife. Besides, I’m definitely not planning on getting married anytime soon. I bought a condo, and I have my mom to worry about. Nobody would want to take on my financial debt. Besides, I like my independence.” She nodded in affirmation though nobody was around to see her. “Always have.”

  “Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you slept with him. I’m sure there was no shortage of other guys.”

  “Nikki, you don’t understand.” How could she when she didn’t herself? But perhaps together they could figure this mystery out. “You see, it happened here at the hotel. Just like you and Josh. I was at the bar and got all feverish. So did he. Weird, isn’t it?”

  “Oh yeah. I remember. Feeling helpless, and very attracted to the wrong man,” Nikki said. “Something strange is happening in that hotel. It can’t be a coincidence.”

  “You’re right.” Jennifer lifted her drink. “That’s exactly how I feel.”

  “Jen, did you go to the front desk and report this? I mean I didn’t think to do it, but now that it’s happened to both of us, I think you should. You need to fill out a report.”

  “And tell them what? That their hotel made me do something completely out of character and sleep with my boss? And that my best friend had a similar experience while staying here? They’d laugh in my face, and blame it on Vegas. Sin City—let’s face it, it’s got a bad rep.”

  Nikki laughed. “I see what you mean. But it is definitely odd. I mean the whole feverish bit, and the fact that you never mentioned being attracted to your boss before. Did it happen the first night?”

  “It did. Then last night, too. We can’t keep our hands off of each other.” Jennifer giggled, although it wasn’t the least bit funny. “I’m at the beach bar, enjoying a margarita, even though it’s not yet noon. I booked a flight out of here at two. I’ll be heading over to the airport shortly. Just wanted to say good-bye to our favorite hangout.”

  “Don’t leave. Honestly, Jennifer, I think that would be a mistake. Whatever is happening to you, stick it out and see where it leads. I have good vibes about this.”

  “I don’t know, Nik. Sounds like more trouble to me.”

  “Come on! What’s the worst scenario? You get back and discover it was only a weekend thing? He fires you? You could sue his ass and your money problems would be over! There is no downside to this. Unless you don’t like him in bed.”

  “No, that’s not the case.” Jennifer stroked the long, tall margarita glass. “He’s amazing, in every way.”

  “See? You can’t do it. You have to ride this out. When are you supposed to leave Vegas originally?”

  “Tomorrow night.” She wriggled her toes, admiring the blue toenail polish as it caught the sun.

  “What can one more night hurt? Trust me, you have more to gain than to lose,” Nikki promised, sounding convincing. “You love your job, and you don’t want to quit, not now after you just bought your condo. And Hunter could be the best thing that happened to you.”

  “You’re a romantic. I’m not. This is a disaster. I thought you of all people would understand that.” Jennifer took a noisy sip of her drink. “Really. You’ve been no help at all.”

  Nikki snorted. “Have another drink. Screw your brains out. That’s the very best advice I can give you. Seriously. Don’t think twi
ce. Just do it.”

  “You’re crazier than a fruitcake.”

  “You mean nuttier. But sure. Why not? I’ve been in your shoes and it’s not half bad. You gave me good advice when I was in your situation, and I’m giving it back to you. Let this play out. You don’t have a fellow back home. You’re not hurting anyone. Don’t be in a rush to leave this job. Or Hunter.”

  Tears filled Jennifer’s eyes. “I’ll think about it. My flight leaves in two hours. I have to decide fast.”

  “Order a drink. Right now. Do it.”

  “You’re bossy. You know that?” Jen flagged down a waitress and asked for another. “Okay. Done. Satisfied?”

  “I am. But now I have to get back to work. I’ll call you later, on my way home.”

  “Thanks, Nikki. It’s always nice talking to you. I feel better already.”

  “See. I told you so. Love you, honey. Good luck.” And then she hung up.

  Jennifer was on her second drink when her cell vibrated next to her. Glancing at the number, she saw it was Hunter. She really didn’t want to talk to him, especially half buzzed. On the other hand it couldn’t be avoided, and with a drink in her, this might be as good a time as any to have this conversation.

  “Hey, Hunter. You got my message?”

  “I did. Where are you? We need to talk.”

  “I’m at the beach bar. Where are you?”

  “I’m at the airport looking for you.”

  “You are?” She rubbed the condensation on her glass. He’d gone looking for her? Sweet. “What were you going to say to me when you found me?”

  “That I don’t want you to quit. We’re in this together and need to figure it out, one step at a time. Let’s not act hastily.”

  “Oh. That’s pretty good advice.” She giggled. “I’m having a margarita, and I’m supposed to be working. I guess you could fire me for that.”

  “I don’t want to fire you.” He sighed. “Stay put. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

  “You want a margarita too?”

  “No, I don’t want a damn margarita. I just want to get my hands on you.”

  “And do what?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll figure it out when I see you.”

  “That sounds like trouble,” she said in a seductive tone. For someone who rarely broke the rules, she didn’t mind the idea of Hunter touching her all over even though it was wrong, wrong, wrong.

  “You are giving me acid indigestion and a big headache.”

  “I’m sorry. You want an Advil?”

  He cursed. “Just don’t leave, okay? I really need to see you.”

  “Okay. I want to see you too.”

  “That’s good.” He released a long sigh. “Jennifer, we are in this mess together. I’m not going to fire you and I don’t want you to quit. We’ll figure it out somehow.”

  Her insides hummed. Was there the teensiest bit of a chance that things could work out after all? In the best of all worlds, she’d really like to keep her job and keep Hunter in her bed. But that wasn’t possible, and Jen was a realist, not a dreamer. “I’ll be waiting.”


  Jennifer must have dozed off, because when she awoke she was staring into Hunter’s sky-blue eyes. She blinked and sat up, hoping she hadn’t drooled. “Hi. Have you been standing there long?”

  “Not long enough,” he said with a lazy grin. “I was just admiring the view.”

  “Me?” she asked incredulously, and pushed back her hair. She felt sweaty, and her mouth still had the tangy, salty margarita taste. She needed a cool shower and a mouth rinse.

  He sat down on the chaise next to her. “You.” He stroked her bare calf. “Do you have any idea how stunning you are? Especially away from work, although you do look hot in your fancy, designer suits, with your hair pulled back in that sexy twist thing you do.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I like you better this way.”

  “Sounds like you would have missed me if I’d gone.”

  His hand slid up under the hem of her short skirt. “I might have, but now we will never know.”

  She slapped at his hand. “Cool it, Romeo. Don’t forget you’re my boss and there are probably a hundred people out here for some fun and sun that we might know.”

  “Don’t remind me. I’m not in the mood for playing it safe. We leave tomorrow and then we’ll have to go back to being business colleagues again. At least during the day. How the hell am I going to work with you, and not think about taking your clothes off one piece at a time?”

  She moistened her lips and he bent over and gave her a quick kiss. He whispered softly, “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”

  “I have a small idea. You’re wearing a bulge in your pants.” Her eyes dropped to his crotch. “What do you plan to do with it?”

  “Well, since you’ve already played hooky for most of the day, and I took the afternoon off to chase after you, I suppose we could do one of two things. Stay right here until the sun goes down, or go upstairs and get out of these clothes.”

  “Is that all it is, Hunter? Just sex?” She tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice. “If that’s it, then fine. I’ve had a good time, but it will end the moment we get back home.” She sat up in her chair and jutted out her chin. “If there’s more, then we have a problem.”

  “Jen, let’s not think this to death. I have a better idea. Do you like to dance?” Without waiting for a reply he pulled her off the chaise and into his arms, and they swayed to the music of the band.

  The lead singer was belting out a song of Adele’s and a crowd had gathered in front of the stage. People danced wherever they could. Their lounge was in the sand, and it was as good a place as any.

  Her bare toes wiggled in the warm sand, and feeling a little woozy she put her arms around his neck and snuggled in close. She had her cheek against his chest when she felt a sharp pang in her shoulder blade.

  “Ouch!” She pulled away and felt her shoulder. “What the hell? I think I just got bit by a mosquito.”

  He tugged her in for a quick look and then twirled her around. “I don’t see anything.” They danced slowly, enjoying the music and the magic of being close. “Shit!” he jumped away, rubbing his backside. “What the hell was that?”

  “Now what?” she asked, annoyed to be out of his arms. She wanted to be there forever. He felt so damn good, and she was getting in the mood. The mood to do whatever the hell they wanted, and to hell with the consequences. This was Vegas, baby, and if you couldn’t do it here, you couldn’t do it anywhere.

  She giggled, knowing she was tipsy from drinking under the afternoon sun. “Did a little ol’ mosquito bite your butt?”

  “Hurt, damn it. And I don’t see any mossies flying around. Maybe somebody’s zapping people with tasers for fun.”

  “Really? Can people carry taser guns?”

  “Don’t see why not. There’s no law against carrying a lethal weapon. Tasers shoot off an electrical current into a body, but they’re not deadly.” He rubbed his ass. “Just annoying as hell.”

  “That sucks. And there’s so many people hanging about, it could be anyone.” She looked around at all of the happy dancers and then grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.”

  “Your place or mine?” he asked, his arm around her waist.

  “Doesn’t matter. But you might have more distractions. The guys won’t likely bother me.”

  “Then yours it is.”

  They didn’t make it that far. They were at the elevators when two of their colleagues, Mark and Barry, showed up. Both men were dressed in their business suits and looked a little sheepish—as they should. They’d just been caught red-handed sneaking away from work early.

  “You guys done?” Hunter asked, checking his watch. He didn’t need to make explanations for his own time.

  Jennifer smiled, knowing that he was smart enough to go on the offense, rather than defense. Especially when it came to his own unprofessional conduct.

ry straightened his shoulders, knowing that something was up. He glanced from one flushed face to the next. “We tried calling you earlier and you didn’t answer your cell. We figured we’d knock on your door, see if everything was all right.”

  “As you can see, everything’s fine.”

  Mark glanced at Jennifer. “How about you? We didn’t see you at all today. Hunter said you weren’t feeling well?”

  Jennifer knew she looked ratty, and perhaps a little drunk, but she tossed her head back and answered quickly. “Yes, I had a little stomach problem this morning. Not sure if it was something I ate, or what. I rested most of the day, but I’m still a little queasy. Hunter ran into me a few minutes ago when I came out for some fresh air. He offered to walk me to my room.”

  “You going to make it to dinner tonight?” Mark asked, running a hand through his mop of curly hair.

  “I’m hoping to,” she replied, pressing her hand to her stomach as if it ached.

  Hunter nodded. “I’ll be there early. Catch you two later,” he told their team and ushered Jennifer into the already crowded elevator. The men turned to go back to the convention center, and Hunter winked at Jen.

  “You’re a good little liar,” he whispered in her ear.

  “And you,” she said with a smile. “Very quick on your feet.”

  He slipped her hand in his as they waited for the elevator to reach their floor. It took four stops and they could barely contain themselves. Once the door opened and they were out, they started laughing, and he swung her around.

  “I don’t know about you, but I think we should have a little shut-eye before tonight’s big dinner. And I know exactly how to put you asleep.”

  “Oh, really? A couple of aspirin or milk of magnesia for my upset tummy?”

  “I have a much better cure. You might be familiar with it,” he said with a sexy grin.

  “I think I am, and yes. I’m willing and ready if you are. We can shoot each other later for being complete fools, but why waste a positively good evening and hotel room?”


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