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Olivia Brynn Collection Volume 1

Page 14

by Brynn, Olivia

  She ducked her head in embarrassment. That was true, Once again she’d come after only a few strokes of his magical fingers. Was this how it was with every man? Or did Nick hold some sort of power over her? She didn’t even explode like that on her own. Of course her body had been ready for this for hours. No, days.

  Maybe weeks.

  “Now we need a shower before the hot tub.” He winked, then tilted his head to look into her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “I wanted to feel you inside me.” She stuck out her lower lip.

  He laughed and tweaked her lip. “Baby, we have all night. We have all weekend. If I’m lucky, we’ll have a hell of a lot of time.” He took her hand and walked across the bathroom to turn on the shower. He wasn’t the least bit self-conscious of his nudity. She loved watching the way his muscles moved beneath his tanned skin, much like a powerful mountain lion’s stalking gait.

  They stood under the rain showerhead, but the soap was lost and forgotten as tongues danced across each other, and curious hands found and delighted.

  And later, Maureen thought she might slip into a desire-induced coma, and drown in the bubbling water of the hot tub. Nick didn’t touch her intimately, but they sat across from one another, and he took each of her feet onto his lap to massage them with his very strong, very capable hands. She rested her head against the edge of the Jacuzzi; she’d draped her hair behind her to let it dry.

  “So you wanted to feel me inside you, huh?”

  “Mm hm.” She closed her eyes so that he couldn’t read her mischief. “But now I’m satisfied, and I think I’ll just go to sleep.”

  He stood, letting the water rush down his body. The movement startled Maureen, and she opened her eyes. He glared down at her as if she was a disobedient child, but his stern face lost some of its effect when she saw his hard cock waving with his motion and dripping water. He calmly bent down to retrieve a towel, then he scooped her up, and trailed hot water through the bathroom door.

  Maureen laughed with sheer delight, and threw her arms around his neck. His skin was clean and hot. She licked the water from his shoulders. He set her down beside the bed and used the towel to dry her. Rather than brusquely rubbing, he pressed the plush towel against her, dabbing the water off. He dried himself with much less ceremony, then tossed the towel aside.

  With a hungry fire burning behind his amber eyes, he again lifted her with one hand beneath her knees. He laid her in the middle of the bed, smiled down at her, and smoothed her dark hair across the white pillows.

  “God, you look so good lying beneath me.” He studied her for a long time, one arm bracing him up, the other trailing the backs of his fingers across her flesh.

  “You look good leaning over me.” She followed one bulging vein along his muscled arm.

  He reached for the covers, and enfolded them both. He snuggled against her before kissing her slowly. He nibbled her lips, he licked her teeth, he sucked on her tongue. When she sighed in pure joy, he laughed.

  “Sweet dreams.” He laid his head beside hers, and pulled her against him.

  He was going to sleep? She couldn’t believe this. “No!”

  “Yes,” he mumbled, drawing one leg up to cover hers, and one hand proprietarily on her left breast. “The hot tub made me sleepy too, now be quiet.”



  “I…I don’t think you understand the…uh…” Lord, his hand felt good on her breast. When he rubbed it like that, so soothing and…

  “Understand what, Maureen?”

  “How hard it is.”

  “I understand how hard it is.” He pressed his arousal into her thigh to prove it. “Are you that anxious to seal the deal? Once you have me, are you going to run screaming out of here and rush home?”

  “No…oh, no that’s not it. It’s just that…I’ve been waiting for weeks, and then…and now you’re here, and—”

  “Shh.” He laughed, that sexy predatory laugh that curled her toes when she heard it. “I’m not going anywhere. I want to sleep beside you. I want to feel you move when you dream, I want to wake up with your legs tangled in mine.” He kissed her neck below her ear, then rested his cheek against hers. “I know that you think I’m in a hurry to get inside you, and I am. And maybe if I didn’t force myself on you that first night, maybe we’d be fucking like rabbits right now.” She felt the crease of his cheek when he smiled against hers. “But I’m not going to rush this. I want you to know for sure that this isn’t about sex. This whole night’s been like one long orgasm for me. It started when you walked through that door, and I don’t want it to end.”

  Maureen loved the intensity with which he spoke. She loved to see that fire burning behind his eyes. And the way his jaw worked when he was being serious. God he was…what did Lottie say? Oh yes…decadent.

  “If I died right now, I’d still die happy. Even if I never got to taste the heaven between your thighs.”

  “Nick,” she groaned.

  “Shh, go to sleep, love. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He scooted beneath her to ease her onto her side. He pulled her back against his chest, and breathed out a long sigh of contentment.

  So this was the big deal about spooning. His breath on her nape, the pressure of his chest against her spine. She tried to entice him to stay awake and finish what he’d begun by circling her hips against his rigid flesh. He only chuckled, then used a firm hand below her navel to steady her. A little devil whispered in her ear and she took that hand in hers and tried to bring it down to her clit. He would have none of it. He wouldn’t budge.

  “Stop it, or you’re sleeping on the couch,” he snarled.

  Maureen lay still, in shock. There was no way she could sleep. With him beside her, naked as the day he was born, but with a grown man’s hard on? Not to mention the fire raging in her loins?

  Sleep? No way. But after cursing his stubborn Y-chromosome to no avail, and with Nick’s steady breathing and secure embrace, she actually…eventually…did sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Maureen came awake slowly. She had curled against Nick’s chest, their legs tangled together just as he said they would. His hands were rubbing her back, and his lips were pressed against her crown. When one hand came around to cover her breast, she shuddered.

  “What are you doing?” she asked through a smile.

  “Trying to wake you up.” His voice was low, almost a whisper.

  “I didn’t want to sleep in the first place. It’s your fault, so leave me alone.” She tried to sound irritated, but when he laughed, she couldn’t stop her grin.

  “It feels good to wake up with you next to me.”

  Maureen opened one sleepy lid. The room was still dark, the sun hadn’t risen. “What time is it?”

  “I don’t know. Does it matter?”

  She thought about that. “No, I guess not.”

  “I plan on spending every minute of the coming day with you. I thought I’d get an early start on it.” He drew the tender skin beneath her ear against his teeth, and brushed it with his tongue. “You’ll be allowed short naps, and if you’re lucky I’ll let you out of bed long enough to eat.” He nibbled on her throat.

  “I think it’s only fair to tell you, I have an important lunch date today. One I’ve been looking forward to for weeks.” She arched her neck to give his questing lips more space.

  “That’s okay, so do I.” He turned her to her back. She opened her eyes, loving the way he looked both slumberous and focused at the same time. She reached up to trace the outline of his five o’clock shadow.

  “Is it wrong that the thought of you here with another man just pisses me off?” He caught her finger between his teeth.

  “If it were another man, I wouldn’t still be here.”

  He pinched his eyes closed, then pierced her again with a hungry stare. “Thank you for telling me that. I don’t know what it is about you that turns me into a jealous bastard. Almost from the time I first saw your picture in
the newspaper last month, it bothered the hell out of me, thinking you’d end up with…God, anyone but me.”

  “I didn’t want to think about it.”

  “Weren’t you scared?”

  “Not for my safety, Lottie took care of that. I was worried about being a failure, embarrassing myself. I’m still worried.”

  He chuckled, then pulled one thigh over hers. “I can’t even imagine that. You’re so damn sexy.”

  “Nick?” Her voice raised an octave when he began rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  “What, baby?”

  “Don’t—don’t tease me. It’s killing me.”

  “Ah, Maureen. I’m just trying to make it easier; I don’t want to hurt you. It bothers the hell out of me that probably will.” He nuzzled her cheek and ear, “I can’t wait to be inside of you, but the waiting has been both heaven and hell for me. It’s going to be so good for me, and…I just wish I didn’t have to cause you any pain.”

  So this torture was due to his fear of hurting her. Her heart filled with a rush of heat, then stumbled over itself to pump that heat through her veins. “Nick, I want you to. I’ve been waiting for so long, I promise I won’t break.” She gripped his ears and met his eyes. “Nicholas Webster, it is going to hurt me more if you don’t slide your hard cock inside me right now.”

  “Jesus, Maureen.” He kissed her, sending his tongue into parts of her mouth that she didn’t even know felt his absence until it was filled. He then tracked nibbles along her lips, pausing to speak against them. “For a virgin, you talk damn good sex.”

  He crawled over her, then pressed her into the giving mattress. She wrapped her legs around his, focusing on the smooth skin of his penis probing her throbbing center. She clasped his ass, trying to force him to make the final move, but no amount of bucking or pulling on her part would do any good.

  “I did some reading,” he began, his tone tight and impersonal, as if he was talking to a client on the telephone. She screamed in protest of his stalling tactics. He only chuckled, and continued with the project of covering each inch of her breasts with his mouth. “Hey, I had a lot to learn. This is my first time too, you know. I’ve never been with a virgin, so I had to do some research.” He shot her a look, daring her to object. When she bit her lips together, he resumed the sweet torture of long drawn-out caresses. “They say that the best time for a woman to have an orgasm is in the morning. Something about being relaxed and warm.” He ran his fingertips down her body. “They also say that the most painless way for a woman’s first time is when she’s thoroughly aroused.” He stopped and glanced up at her. “Are you thoroughly aroused?”

  The man must have the patience of a saint. “Yes! Nick, thoroughly, I swear. Please!” She tangled his silky hair in her fingers.

  “It’s also a good idea…they say…” He continued, moving down her body, pressing hot damp kisses on her fevered ribs and belly. “To enter her when she’s experiencing an orgasm. Do you want to know why?”

  His breath against her wet pussy excited her, but she desperately wanted him to get on with it. “No, I don’t want to know why. I don’t give a damn.” Her endurance reached its breaking point. She slid her hand down, between his mouth and her clit. Her middle finger touched her swollen bud, and she jerked at the contact.

  “Fuck baby. That’s so hot.” He licked her fingers, dipped his tongue into her wet slit. She moaned long and low. Finally she relaxed. He spread her apart with his thumbs. As they pressed slow circles into the slippery flesh, his tongue dipped and swirled against her aching pink lips. His warm tongue textured like an erotic sex toy. It slithered against her in a sensuous tempo.

  “Nick…?” she whimpered. “Yes. Please.”

  One long drag with his tongue flat against her, and she gave a sharp wail. Instantly, he covered her, his face an inch from hers. Her eyes fluttered, but when she would have allowed them to close, he wrapped both hands around her ears and held her firmly.

  “Look at me baby. Please let me see it.”

  As though choreographed, her lids opened just as he slid inside her. With a shriek, she experienced an all-encompassing flash, much like the strike of lightning, followed by the more familiar contractions of an intense orgasm, and for the first time in her life, she could feel her muscles closing around the man inside her.

  Nicholas followed her body’s undulating with slow strokes, riding out her orgasm in a way that made her feel like she could burst again.

  “Beautiful, ah, damn it. Fucking…beautiful.”

  Their bodies were fused in the most intimate and timeless of ways. But where was the pain? There was nothing but…Lord…so good. She felt complete. Satisfied. After the final wave ebbed away, she spoke to him with her eyes. He understood, and answered with an expression so reverent, she thought she might weep.

  “Oh my God.”

  “No shit.” He grinned at her with his devilish charm, then rested his weight on her, and wrapped her in his arms. “I don’t want to leave you, but I need to get a condom before it’s too late.”

  “No. Stay.” She held him tight against her, wrapping her legs over his.

  “That’s probably not a good idea.” He pressed deeper into her, then back. “It’s in the contract.”

  “I’m clean. Healthy.”

  “Ah, darlin’, I know you are.”

  “Stay. Please.” She should tell him that she’d been on the pill since puberty to control her menstrual cramps. She could have told him that she knew he had to submit to a blood test prior to signing tonight’s contract, and he was free of disease and completely healthy. She couldn’t pull herself out of the haze of passion long enough to form the words, so she tried to convey it another way.

  She clenched the muscles that surrounded his thick penis inside her. She smiled when he hissed in her ear. He was inside her. It was right, good and she didn’t want to ever let him leave her.

  “Stay. I want you to. It’s fine. I promise.”

  “Ah, baby you feel so good.” One long stroke made her shudder. “I knew you would. I just knew it.” He pulled out, then again pressed deep. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure.” His movements remained slow and measured, considerately mindful of her comfort. “I had no idea.” She glanced down to where they were joined. He lifted away from her enough to share the erotic sight. He braced himself on his elbows, keeping most of his body still, using only his hips to slide his cock inside her over and over again. She pulled her knees up, and curved her back for a better view of their lovemaking. She glanced up at him, but he had his head down, watching his movements.

  “So…God Nick it’s so good.” Curiosity got the better of her, and she slipped one hand between their bodies to circle the base of his thick cock, lubricated with her cream.

  “Jesus, Maureen. I love that…ahh.” He pushed, sending her hand into her pussy. Three hard strokes, and he surged into her. She could feel his cock throbbing and pulsing. The ejaculate traveled through his body, and she thrilled at the sensation in her hand, then following up to her channel.

  He collapsed onto her with a shudder.

  She stroked his back, gently sliding her fingertips along the tight skin. She reveled in the thin sheen of sweat that covered each inch of skin. He shivered against her when she coaxed goose bumps on his shoulders.

  “I don’t want to leave you. I want my cock inside you forever.”

  “That might make our lunch date a little awkward,” she laughed.

  “Screw lunch. This is all I need.”

  “You’ll get hungry.”

  “I’ll just eat your pussy. I didn’t get nearly enough.”

  She laughed again, enjoying his quick wit. “And what about me?”

  He didn’t have to answer. The man epitomized sexual deviation with just the glimmer in his eye. “That’s lesson two.”

  “I’ve graduated from lesson one?” She playfully nipped at of his sinewy forearm.

  “With flying color
s.” His face turned serious. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. No pain.”

  “Ah, good. I never want to do anything to hurt you.” He kissed her, smoothed her hair away from her temples, then withdrew. “You’re a beautiful woman, Maureen. Inside and out.” Another string of kisses, from her lips to her earlobe, then he rolled off the bed to stroll into the bathroom. Maureen propped herself on one elbow to watch him walk away. He returned a moment later with a warm washcloth. “Let me see.”

  Embarrassment flashed through her when he parted her knees and pressed the cloth against her. He kneeled by the bed to administer to her with gentle care. His hair tousled sexily, stubble darkening his cheeks as he focused on her needs.

  While he cleaned the residue of their lovemaking from her and the sheets, barely tinged with pink blood, she discovered something that had been lurking in the back of her mind throughout the night, and only now became clear.

  Oh God, she went and fell in love.

  Chapter Eight

  “You were right, this lunch date would have been awkward from inside you.”

  Maureen coughed, sputtering the water she’d just sipped. She covered her mouth with her napkin, and laughed between each gasping cough. “Nick, you ass, are you trying to kill me?”

  She gave him an exasperated look, which was almost as sexy as the expression on her face when in the throes of passion. And now, as she dabbed water from her chin, an innocent blush rose to her cheekbones. He’d never forget the way she looked when he slid into her the first time. Those green eyes would be branded into his memory.

  He loved her.

  While he expected the words to stab at his heart with pain and guilt for his beloved Diana, they curled around it comfortably. Like an old sweater on a cool day. He’d probably loved her since the day she cried in the phone. Sure, she didn’t think that he could tell, but her pain reached him across the country and wireless towers. He’d wanted to reach through the phone to hold her. He’d barely been able to hold his tongue about his plan, and although he gave her an opportunity to tell him who she was, he was relieved that she hadn’t. This way was so much better.


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