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HAMMER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 16)

Page 110

by Samantha Leal

  “I need you to help me find somebody.”

  “Your mom?” Larry asked, his eyes flickering briefly to Dean. They had gone down that road before as well, when the private detective had been out of the picture.

  “No. A former employee of mine. She’d been harassed by Kiera and the bear shifters more than once. I want to make sure she’s all right.”

  That was half a truth, but Dean knew Janie well enough to know that her disappearance had been her own doing. Still, nobody else had to know that.

  “Of course,” Larry said. “Just give me the information and I’ll do my best.”

  “Thanks,” Dean said, lowering his eyes to the floor. If Larry could find Janie, maybe he could also find answers. But it had been a whole year. What all might he find?


  “Janie! Come quick! You’ve got to see this!”

  Janie rushed down the stairs as carefully as she could, holding baby Dean against her shoulder. She had just fed him and he hadn’t burped yet.

  She finally managed to walk into the living room where Leah was sitting on the edge of her seat and sat down with the baby propped up on her shoulder.

  “Look!” Leah exclaimed. “It’s Resner’s ex-wife! The skank!”

  Janie laughed and peered at the television set, shocked to see Kiera being led away in handcuffs. Information from her personal computers had been leaked to the police, and she was going down for fraud and drug trafficking, among other things. The best part was a video of Kiera cheating on Dean during their marriage with one of the bear shifter men she had seen with Kiera at the restaurant. Scandal was on every television channel, with Kiera in the center of it all. Her makeup was smeared and she looked old and tired. It was hilarious, in a way.

  Following close behind Kiera in handcuffs was the whole crew of bear shifters, each of them glaring down at the ground as they were led into a van in shackles.

  “All of them were caught?” Janie whispered, her heart racing with excitement. “They’re going to jail?”

  “All of them were caught,” Leah said, smiling broadly at Janie. “I think you have a plane to catch.”

  The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity as Janie packed the few belongings she had managed to bring with her to Leah’s house, and the many, many others that she needed in order to care for the baby, and boarded the flight back to Stonybrooke.

  Janie’s heart tremored at the thought of going back there, but she couldn’t keep little Dean a secret any longer. There was no longer any danger to her. They were free.

  Once she finally arrived to Stonybrooke, she checked into the same motel she’d lived in before she had abandoned Stonybrooke and picked up the phone, cradling the baby in her arms.

  “We’re going to call your daddy,” she whispered down at the baby. He looked at her with dark, mysterious eyes, and Janie kissed his hands. She was just stalling now.

  “What? Who is this?”

  Dean’s voice was all business and impatient, and she remembered how surly he could be. It almost made her hang up right away.

  “Well?” Dean demanded. And then, after a beat, so quiet he barely heard him, “Janie?”

  God, his voice sounded good in her ears. She immediately started crying.

  “Who is this? What’s wrong? Are you all right? Do you need help?”

  “It’s Janie,” she breathed.

  “What?” Dean said, his voice suddenly soft and incredulous. “Janie? Are you all right? Where have you been?!”

  “I’m sorry,” Janie whispered. “I’d love to meet you at the diner. I think we should talk there.”

  The diner. It slipped out of her mouth like an answer to an unasked question. Where would she be safe to tell this dangerous, powerful man that she’d been hiding his child from him all this time? A public place. A place where someone Dean respected might protect her if things went wrong.

  “When?” Dean asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “An hour?” Janie guessed. She hadn’t walked there before, but with the baby and all their gear, it might take a while.

  “All right,” Dean said. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  With trembling hands, Janie packed up the baby’s things and secured him in his little stroller. With her stomach doing flips, Janie walked all the way to Maurice’s diner. He wasn’t there yet, so she waited apprehensively at one of the booths, debating whether or not to keep the baby out of sight. But he’d been hidden for too long.

  There was commotion at the door and Janie turned. A beautiful black wolf had suddenly appeared, standing outside the door to the diner. It scratched its paws against the door and Maurice chuckled, shaking his head.

  “Human forms only, Dean! You know the rules.”

  Dean. Janie’s heart panged painfully in her chest.

  Dean howled in agitation and shifted back into his human form. Maurice shook his head and disappeared behind the counter, reappearing with a pair of pajama pants.

  “Where did you go?” Dean exclaimed, rushing to Janie’s side. “I’ve been worried sick. I thought…”

  Dean trailed off when he saw the baby, before looking into her eyes as if he finally understood.

  “Is this…”

  Dean moved forward and placed his hand on the baby’s head. His voice was wrought with emotion for the first time since she’d met him. “My pup!”

  Dean’s eyes lit up and he lifted the baby delicately, cradling him against his broad muscular chest. He was awestruck by the child and studied the baby’s perfect features for the longest time before looking back up at Janie.

  “What’s his name?” Dean asked, smoothing the baby’s soft hair, a small smile creasing his lips.

  “I…I named him after you. I didn’t know how long we’d have to hide. I thought we might never get to see you again.”

  Janie sobbed into her hands and soon, Dean was standing beside her, his strong energy comforting and protective.

  “You left because…”

  Janie nodded, her eyes still brimming with tears. “I wanted to tell you for so long…I knew when I saw the news that it was finally safe.”

  Suddenly, Dean’s lips were on hers and they were kissing passionately and with reckless abandon right in the diner, the baby nestled safely between them.

  “Come home with me,” Dean said, his eyes urgent. He took her hand and Dean turned to Maurice with a bright smile. “To my home. I want you two to be my family.”

  “I want that too,” Janie whispered, her eyes brimming with hot tears.

  “I’m a dad!” Dean shouted at the top of his lungs. The few people in the diner applauded and Dean beamed at Maurice.

  “And a wonderful dad you’ll be,” Maurice said, smiling kindly at Dean.

  Dean called for his limo and as soon as they were outside, Dean let out a celebratory howl. To their surprise, the baby in his arms joined in with a soft little whine of a howl and they exchanged shocked looks.

  “He’s never done that before!”

  “That’s my boy,” Dean said, nuzzling the soft hair on top of the baby’s head.

  The limousine arrived shortly after and Janie found herself back in the comfortable little manor that Dean owned. The baby had fallen into a comfortable sleep against his father’s chest and Dean laid him carefully in the stroller.

  They pushed the baby to the bedroom across from Dean’s and went into Dean’s room to talk.

  As soon as Janie opened her mouth to speak, Dean’s mouth was hot against her. Janie moaned in pleasure; nobody had so much as touched her in the past year, except for the baby, of course, or the hug goodbye she had gotten from Leah. It left her extra sensitive to Dean’s touch, and every little brush against her skin left her tingling and wanting more.

  Their bodies were quickly entwined on the bed.

  “I thought you’d left me,” Dean said softly, burying his face in the sensitive nape of her neck and kissing her sensually. Janie’s body shivered in delight.

“Not forever,” Janie whispered. “Just until it was safe for you…for us.”

  “This is a hell of a surprise,” he said, shaking his head and reaching his hand between her legs. He cupped her middle in his hands and stroked, sending a surge of heat coursing through her body that dampened his fingers and made Janie moan.

  “Stonybrooke is safe for now,” Dean whispered, kissing Janie’s temple and carefully sliding her clothes off. He quickly stripped himself after and found his place above her, looking down with eyes darkened with desperate need. “You and our pup will be safe here with me. The divorce has been finalized. You can marry me. We can have more children. Children I can witness the birth of.”

  Janie’s heart hammered hard in her chest, and she embraced Dean tightly. He chuckled, kissing her all over, and then suddenly pushed the tip of his cock inside her. Janie shivered in pleasure at the sudden feeling of his member and looked fearfully into Dean’s eyes.

  “How many do you want?” Janie whispered.

  “As many as I can get.”

  Their words were silenced by a languid, passionate kiss that left no more questions lingering on Janie’s mind. Dean slid himself inside of her swiftly, and she closed her eyes, relishing in the hot pleasure of his body. They stayed like that for a moment before Dean finally began to thrust, slow, steady, and hard.

  Janie cried out immediately, each new thrust intensifying the pleasure she was receiving. Dean grinned, his cock swelling inside of her with a new rush of arousal. It was the most intense sexual experience that Janie had ever had, and she wrapped her arms around Dean’s muscular torso as he distributed his power in steady, careful streaks that left her panting for more.

  He was slow with his distribution at first, until Janie began to writhe beneath him, her body silently begging for more. It was then that she seemed to sense the wolf within him grow serious, and knew just what it was that had claimed her. She had probably been his from the moment they’d met and didn’t even know it yet. The thought was thrilling and she laid back against her pillow as Dean began to surrender control to the wolf, who knew instinctively how much was too much.

  Their bodies embarked on a sensual dance as his cock pried her apart with hot, broad strokes again and again, until each of them were on the border of their self-restraint. Dean gritted his teeth, his jaw masculine and powerful as he gazed down at her.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  Dean growled, his body suddenly taking on a new force; one that was impossible to ignore. Janie’s body quaked beneath him as Dean’s cock thrust into her with a newfound power, until Janie was gasping for breath.

  Her orgasm came with a sudden crash and she cried out loudly, her body contracting tightly around Dean’s impressive cock. They both hissed in pleasure as Dean unleashed the flood of his longing inside of her, the eruption of which sent him on one last torrent of powerful thrusts, until every last drop had been emptied inside of her.

  They lay together on Dean’s bed, panting, and studied each other from across the pillows.

  “I love you,” Dean said. “And I vow to take care of you and our children for as long as I live.”

  Janie smiled, and placed Dean’s hand on her stomach.

  “Maybe there’s another one in there already,” Janie whispered. “I love you too.”

  They spent the rest of the night dreaming about their future together, with baby Dean sleeping soundly in the room across from them. It was the first time he had ever slept through the night.

  It had been rocky, but there was no question in either of their minds. They were meant to be together, and together, they would raise a beautiful family.


  If you enjoyed this tale please check out the rest of the Stonybrooke Shifters stories on Amazon!

  Saved by the Werewolf Billionaire

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!


  Laurie lay back in bed and looked up at the ceiling. It was almost midnight and she had been waiting for her moment since earlier that evening. Brad had come home drunk, again… it was the fourth night in a row and with each one he had become more angry and uncontrollable than the night before. He was lying next to her, face down with his mouth lolling open and a big string of drool snaking its way onto the flattened pillow beneath him. She could almost taste his breath as the sweet tang of whiskey lingered in the air between them. He breathed in and out deeply, snoring as he inhaled and puffing back into the bed sheets. Laurie closed her eyes and gathered her courage. She would have to do it soon.

  She’d known for at least two months that this day was going to come, but now that it had and as she was finally getting ready to make her move, she was terrified. Her and Brad had been together for a year, and for at least half of that he had been completely unbearable to live with. It had started with the odd dig at her clothing choice or selection of friends and had progressively gotten more and more belittling and cruel. One moment he had loved her and the next he seemed to despise her. The compliments she had been honored to receive had turned into sneers, and instead of wanting to spend time with her and appreciate her, he had done nothing but lay around in bed all day. Then when he had had his fill of sloth, he would drag himself to the nearest bar, get wasted, and eventually come back home in a terrible mood, goading for yet another fight.

  Laurie remembered what it had felt like to fall for Brad. He had been the first person she considered herself to have been in love with, but as his true colors revealed themselves, she had just felt foolish and naive. He was a brute of a man and wasn’t nearly good enough for her. The night he had come home so drunk that he could barely stand up straight and had then preceded to accuse her of having an affair with a man at work had been the tipping point. He had physically pinned her against the wall by her throat. She knew then that she was going to have to get away from him. He wasn’t stable and she wasn’t safe being anywhere near him at this point. If she didn’t get away from him who knew what would happen when he’d had one shot too many again? Surely it wouldn’t be long before the threats turned into even more serious aggression, and she wasn’t going to wait around for the inevitable.

  She never could have been prepared for what happened next though. She had not even known that he had ever been engaged, but when a girl walked into the jewelry store where Laurie worked she knew the minute she laid eyes on her that she was somehow connected to Brad and that she was going to drop a bomb.

  “Laurie Miller?” she said quietly, as timid as a mouse when she opened the door and stepped inside. “Do you have a minute?”

  Even though her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry Laurie had agreed to meet her out back and excused herself for a ten minute break. She rounded the corner at the side of the store and turned into the alley. As she looked at the girl in front of her she saw for the first time the shadows that seemed to play just behind this woman’s eyes. She appeared completely broken and scared.

  “You need to get away from him,” she whispered, “He’s not sane.”

  Laurie had already figured this out for herself, but had been taking a more measured approach to her withdrawal from the relationship. Now, though, with this woman standing right in front of her confirming all of her worst fears, her sense of urgency was peaked and she knew the time had come to leave. No more excuses.

  “He knocked six of my teeth out,” the girl said quietly, looking down at the road and instinctively putting her hand to her mouth. “I had to get a restraining order.”

  Laurie’s head was spinning. She didn’t even know how the girl had found her. She said she’d been engaged to Brad three years before and that it was a
fter they’d moved in together that he had started his mind games and abusive behavior. He’d made her life hell, blaming her for things that hadn’t happened, criticizing her appearance, and had verged on violence many times. Then one day he’d finally snapped completely and shoved her head against the refrigerator door.

  “I heard he was with someone new,” she said quietly, “Took me a while to get the courage, but I had to warn you…” With that, she turned and made her way to the end of the alley. As she approached the road with its steady stream of cars driving past, she turned and added, “Get out while you can.” With that she turned one last time and was gone.

  Laurie stood in the alley, resting against the wall and for the first time in months she went into her handbag, rooted around in it for bit, and pulled out a cigarette. She dragged on it hurriedly three times before throwing it on the floor and stamping it out.

  “Fuck,” she whispered to herself. She leaned her head back and looked up to the sky as she felt the tears well up behind her eyes.

  It was after work that day that she’d gone home and started to pack. She’d dragged her clothes out of the drawers and thrown them into the trunk of her car. A lot of her things were still in their shared wardrobe but she didn’t dare touch them in case he went in there when he got home and saw that they were missing. She would just have to leave them behind. Her car keys were on the central island in the kitchen and she put them in her handbag which she then placed by the door. When she heard the familiar sound of his truck swerving onto the street she turned out the light and pretended to be asleep, although underneath the covers she was mostly clothed. All she would have to do was throw on a pair of jeans with some shoes and she would be good to go.

  Brad practically kicked open the front door in his drunkenness before he staggered down the hallway, stopping at the kitchen to grab yet another beer. Finally, he crashed into the bedroom, the still unopened fresh beer in hand, and fell down next to her, face first on the mattress. He dropped the unopened bottle on the floor and she heard it roll under the bed. He was asleep within seconds and she was very glad she hadn’t waited up to face him.


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