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Fighting for Her

Page 52

by Amy Brent

  “I thought you weren’t going to join us,” Dana said, and the other two girls agreed.

  I rolled my eyes at them and filled a cup with some of the potent drink. “I was just making sure everything was okay. It is my job, after all.”

  “That man is fine and all, but you do way too much for him honey,” Valerie pointed out. Because I couldn’t argue with her statement, I merely shrugged and took a sip of the punch.

  The drink was horribly strong, and I ended up coughing for a good two minutes. “Oh, my gosh, Val. What did you put into this thing?”

  “Same thing as every year; two bottles of vodka, half a bottle of rum, a generous splash of sherry and some fruit juice.”

  “Well, that explains it.” The words were followed by some laughs and another gulp of the potent drink. Although the taste of alcohol was still overpowering, it slid down my throat easier the second time around.

  For the next half an hour, I continued to drink and talk to my friends. I forced myself to eat something every now and then so I wouldn’t be too shitfaced, but I could already feel the effects of the alcohol in my system. Then, just as a light buzzing started to sound in my head, I saw him walk through the door.

  Fletcher was the last to arrive. He looked fantastic in dark jeans and a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His manner was relaxed, his smile was easy and comfortable, and he looked nothing like the troubled workaholic I dealt with on day to day basis. His demeanor was clear evidence that, just like me, he was way past the sober line, and I liked it. I loved seeing him loose and relaxed the way he was. He deserved to have a break every once in a while, and I liked that I was here to witness it.

  He looked in my direction, and his eyes lingered on me for just a moment. I felt my cheeks flush and bit the corner of my bottom lip. For just a second, his eyes glimmered with a dark, hungry light I was all too familiar with, but then he turned his face away and continued the conversation he was having.

  His newest dismissal mixed with my slightly inebriated state and made me feel ridiculous. I saw Fletcher all the time and, more often than not, his eyes lingered on some part of my body. It was nothing new and nothing to bite my lips over.

  In an effort to get a grip on myself, I downed the contents of my glass and reminded my drunken ass that I was more than capable of dealing with my stupid feelings for a man I would never have. All I had to do, was pay no attention to him and find a way to enjoy myself. And that’s what I did.

  After another round of Valerie’s killer punch, I rallied up the girls, and we hit the dance floor. The music was pumping, and so were we. My inebriated state made my usual composure and good sense slip away, and before I noticed it, I was moving my hips in a way that wasn’t entirely appropriate to the workspace. Not that I cared, though. This was a party, and I was here to have fun.

  For over half an hour, I laughed and danced with the girls. In that time, all thoughts of Fletcher disappeared. It was freeing and satisfying, and I loved every second of it.

  As it usually happened whenever I drank this much, just as the room started to spin around me, the punch pooled in my blather, and I had to run to the bathroom. After I peed and blotted some of the sweat from my face, I took a deep breath and exited the spinning bathroom.

  “Come with me,” Fletcher’s lustful voice sounded in my ear.

  For a moment, I thought I was imagining things. It had to be Valerie’s poisonous punch talking. After all, Fletcher Cox didn’t ever slip up like this. He knew how to keep his face on whenever people were around, and he never—ever—approached me in such an improper way in public. He had, after all, an image to maintain and getting involved with a middle class, let’s say poor, nobody like me was not the way to do it. We both knew that.

  However, just as I about to turn around to go splash some water on my face, I felt a hand grip my elbow. “It’s an order, Miss Taylor.”

  Slowly, I turned my head toward the voice and saw Fletcher’s face. His blue eyes were hooded and dark, and his mouth was slightly open, taking in deep breaths. I could see it in his eyes that this was one of those nights, the ones where he let himself get drunk enough, and I let myself get kissed enough, and we both ended up regretting everything in the morning.

  But there was something different tonight. If I had been sober, I’d have known that the difference was that I was as drunk as he was. Nevertheless, I was drunk as a fish and anxious to make whatever mistake he had in mind for tonight.

  With a wicked smirk on my lips, I nodded and ordered my feet to move as I followed Fletcher out of the party and toward the elevators. I was sure everyone in attendance was drunk enough not to notice us leaving or even our absence, but my drunken state made me not care if they did.

  Considering the lust in Fletcher’s eyes and how hard he came on whenever he was this drunk, I’d imagined that he would be all over me as soon as the elevator doors closed behind us. However, to my surprise, he took a step back and just looked at me.

  “How can I help you, Mr. Cox?” I asked, my usual question to him.

  “Fletcher, please. I hate when you call me Mr. Cox.” There was disdain in his voice as he said the formal name I usually used.

  “Okay, Fletcher.” We both smiled at the name. “How can I help you?”

  He sighed and instead of answering my question, he asked another, “What do you see when you look at me?”

  Everything I have always wanted, was the first answer that popped into my head, and I almost said it. But then, I realized what a huge drunken mistake that would have been and kept that reply to myself.

  Instead, I said, “I don’t think it matters what I see.”

  “Why the hell not?” he asked a little exasperated.

  “Because I’m a nobody. I’m just the girl who gets your coffees and your messages.”

  We stood in silence for a moment, then Fletcher started to move in the very slow pace he usually did when he was about to kiss me. Butterflies were set loose in my stomach, and my already spinning head swam with each step he took.

  Once Fletcher was standing right in front of me, he shook his head and brought his hand up to cup my cheek. His skin felt warm against mine, and that musky scent of cologne and alcohol filled my nostrils making my eyes flutter.

  “Don’t say that, Gracie. Don’t sell yourself short.”

  The tone he used was firm, but there was also a softness in it I wasn’t used to hearing. It made me believe that I was more than I thought I was and, perhaps, meant more to him than I thought I did. It also made me find the courage to reply to his question.

  “I see a man who works too much and has everything he wants.”

  He chuckled, but it wasn’t an amused chuckle. “I guess I do look like that, don’t I? But, the reality is that I don’t have that—everything I want, I mean.”

  His words were slurred, but to my drunken ears, they were perfectly intelligible. The intensity of his gaze and the confession hidden in them made my heart skip a beat.

  Feeling weak in the knees and wet between my thighs, I whispered, “And what it is you want?”

  A wicked smirk curled on Fletcher’s face as he continued to stare at me. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, but we stayed there, frozen.

  “I think you know, my sweet Gracie.” His voice was like velvet and the finger he slid from my cheek all the way to the cleavage of my red dress scorched me like fire. I took in a deep breath as he added, “The question is, do you want it as well?”

  Even tipsy as I was, I knew this was the point of no return. The exact moment when I should call Fletcher “Mr. Cox”, tell him a big, fat “NO!” and let the elevator take me back down to the party. However, my lust for that man and the elation of finally feeling wanted by him fought the little consciousness I still had. So instead of doing what I should, I reached down to grab Fletcher’s hand and pulled him out of the elevator with me.

  “I’ve wanted it since I first met you,” I boldly said once the metal
doors closed.

  Without another word, Fletcher started walking towards his office, towing me along with him. The combination of my excitement and the deadly alcohol contents of Valerie’s punch made me less graceful on my high heels than I would have liked, but I had more important things on my mind than my stability.

  As soon as we were both inside Fletcher’s office and the blinds were closed, he turned to look at me. His pupils were so dilated I could barely see the blue of his irises. My already foggy mind became even more clouded as the intoxicating smell of his cologne filled my nostrils.

  I closed my eyes and simply felt the heat of his skin approaching as his hand once more touched my face. This time, his touch wasn’t light and appreciative as it usually was, it was raw and domineering and scorching. My mouth barely had time to pull in a deep breath to alleviate my arousal, when Fletcher’s lips covered mine.


  Instead of the soft, careful kisses we had exchanged in the past. This one was all passion and heat. His tongue massaged my own in powerful, demanding strokes that made my body ache for so much more than just that one kiss.

  When Fletcher pulled back for air, I had a moment of clarity. Fear of what would happen to my poor heart—and my job—if whatever this was between us went south gripped at my insides. In an act of self-preservation, I pushed my desire aside and tried—as best as I could—to do the right thing and stop this madness before it was too late.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” I whispered.

  “I know,” Fletcher said in a confident voice.

  Sure that he would pull away from me and send me away as he usually did, I braced myself for the heartbreak. However, to my great surprise, Fletcher stayed right where he was and kissed me again.

  I sighed against his mouth as my feeble resolve melted and I welcomed him again. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, my neck, my chest, and I let him taste every inch of me. Kissing Fletcher was like a dream and being held by him was everything I had ever wanted.

  He put his arms around my body and pulled me so close to him I could feel his taut muscles and the lust in his pants. Feeling dizzy with desire, I moaned as his hands traveled up to my shoulder. He flickered the strap on my shoulder and the top of my dress fell down, revealing my lace covered breasts.

  With a fixed gaze, Fletcher inched his hand under the soft fabric and finally touched my breast. I moaned as he massaged it, kneading it and urging my body to respond.

  As he continued to pleasure me, I unbuttoned his shirt. My movements were slow and unpracticed. Though I was no virgin, I wasn’t too experienced either, but Fletcher didn’t seem to notice.

  Once the garment was completely open, I pushed my hands onto his bare skin. His chest hair curled around the tips of my fingers, tickling me in the most erotic way. He kissed my neck and slid the zipper of my dress open as I pushed the shirt off his shoulders. Before his shirt even hit the floor, my dress was falling down my legs, and his fingers were unclasping my bra.

  Seeing the passion in Fletcher’s eyes as I stood topless in front him was empowering. I felt beautiful, desired and all the other things I usually didn’t feel. It was a whole new world for me, and I loved it.

  Mesmerized, Fletcher lifted a hand and touched me again. I gasped as his skin connected with mine and his fingers worked my hardened nipples. Every one of his touches was like having a live wire touching my skin. It was intense, but in a way that made me feel extremely alive.

  Our kisses grew more and more intense as Fletcher pulled and tweaked with my nipples. Outside the door, I could hear people talking and walking by. For a second I wondered if they were also looking for a quiet place to fool around or if they were looking for us, but then Fletcher started kissing a downward path on my body and all thoughts were lost.

  He kissed and nibbled every inch of my soft skin. His lips explored my collarbones, my cleavage, and my nipples where he took his sweet time. I moaned out his name as his mouth continued traveling down. He left a trail of fire as he kissed over my sides, belly and hip bones. I gasped as his thumbs hooked the sides of my thong and he slowly pulled the fabric down.

  Leaving me completely naked, Fletcher stood up again and took a step back to admire me. My nature was to. feel self-conscious and try to cover myself, but with him, I didn’t. I felt comfortable and right.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, his voice not at all slurred for the first time that night.

  Not knowing how to reply to his usual comment, I just smiled and stood there, breathing deeply. After no more than a couple of seconds, he walked the distance between us and kissed me again.

  Slowly, Fletcher’s hand moved around my hipbone and between my legs. I opened them willingly, welcoming his fingers into my moist sex. We’d never gone this far. This was forbidden territory—probably why it felt so damn good—but we were both eager to adventure into it.

  I felt my body vibrate with each move of his probing fingers. It was like his touch made every cell of my body take a life of their own. My eyes closed and my heart thumped as his thumb circled my clit and teased my opening.

  Unable to hold any longer, I fiddled with his belt buckle until it came loose in my hand. I didn’t want Fletcher to stop or back away, so I took charge and started undressing him. It took some concentration to move my hands while he continued to pleasure me, but I was bound and determined.

  Apparently, so was he.

  When his jeans fell to his ankles, Fletcher took his hands off of me for just long enough to remove his boxer briefs and kick off his shoes. I gasped at the sight of him. His cock was big and thick and everything I had ever imagined it to be. I wanted to touch it, to taste it, but I didn’t have a chance.

  In one swift move, Fletcher pulled me towards his desk and propped me on top of it. His gaze was hungry, and his voice was intense. “Are you sure you want this?”

  “Yes,” I said in a raspy voice but with plenty conviction.

  He took a deep breath and pried my legs opened. “I don’t think I can be gentle right now.”

  My whole body hummed with anticipation. Inching my hips closer to the edge of the desk—and toward. his magnificent cock—I forced my dry mouth to form words. “Then don’t. All I want is for you to take me and make me yours.”

  A slow, pleased smirk formed on his lips as his eyes finally completely focused, every evidence of his inebriation completely gone. Holding the tops of my thighs, he pushed into me with one powerful roll of his hips.

  My mouth opened and I whimpered with pleasure. All thoughts vanished from my mind, leaving only me and Fletcher and this moment in a complete void.

  Our eyes stayed locked as he gave me a moment to adjust. I had dreamt about this for so long it seemed surreal. But then, he rolled his hips again, and the pleasure that shot up my body told me it was very real.

  Fletcher moved inside of me, and the friction was pure ecstasy. My body responded, giving every ounce of his efforts and delight back to him until we were both gasping and moaning. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, he pushed into me a bit stronger and pulled my body to his at the same time, going a bit deeper.

  I tried to keep quiet, but the feeling was so intense I couldn’t hold myself and ended up calling out his name. He smiled with lust and pride as I did, and kept that pace until I was unintelligible. Then, he kept going.

  Something warm and delicious started to build inside of me. It started at my core but quickly spread all over. Every orgasm I had ever had before had been underwhelming, but this one . . . This one was going to rip me apart and put me back together in one fell swoop. I knew it would.

  Fletcher cursed under his breath and kept going at a relentless pace as my legs grew numb and my body was consumed by wildfire. I dug my fingers into the hard wood of his desk just as he stiffened inside of me, and together we found our release.

  Gasping and shivering, I looked up at Fletcher who was still standing between my legs with his member buried inside of me, and I saw t
he hint of a smile on his face. Smiles were hard things to see on him, and knowing I had managed to extract one was like finding a living breathing unicorn.

  Contorting myself into a semi-sitting position, I pushed my hands into his hair and brought his lips to mine. I kissed him deeply and with all the passion that was still coursing through me. He kissed me back, but the passion and fire that had been so prominent in his other kisses were no longer there.

  An agonizing fear that he regretted this threatened to consume me, but I pushed the feeling aside and tacked the lack of passion in his kiss to tiredness and alcohol. I refused to feel anything other than the joy this moment brought me.

  Once our mouths disconnected, Fletcher pulled out of me, kissed my cheek and helped me out of the desk. After that almost tender exchange, he gave me a sideways smile and started putting his clothes back on. Taking his cue, I did the same. We didn’t talk or cuddle, not that I was expecting us to. Sex in the office was anything but romantic, after all.

  Once we were both dressed, he cleared his throat and spoke. “You should go back there; your friends will miss you.”

  His tone was kind and thoughtful, but my heart sank a little. I understood what he was saying and knew he was absolutely right, but it still felt horrible to be a secret.

  Knowing better than to argue, I just nodded, straightened my hair and turned towards the door. I tried to measure my strides so that I looked normal and not disappointed that he hadn’t asked me to stay with him longer.


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