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Were All Animals

Page 1

by Mima





  Copyright © 2016 Michelle Arsenault.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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  ISBN: 978-1-5320-0697-5 (sc)

  ISBN: 978-1-5320-0698-2 (e)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2016914854

  iUniverse rev. date: 09/13/2016



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Chapter Fifty


  I would like to give special thanks to Jean Arsenault for her help with editing and also, Mitchell Whitlock and Jim Brown; my Synopsis Superheroes;-)

  I would also like to dedicate this book to one of the smartest and strongest people I know, Virginia Doyle. Without a doubt, the sister I never had.


  WE often drift a long way from where we started. Chase Jacobs couldn’t exactly take credit for those words, they were merely the worthless ramblings of his father, meant to encourage in certain circumstances, warn in others. For some reasons, it was those same words that drifted through his head at that moment, but it would be much later before he had the appropriate amount of blood circulating through his brain in order to make the connection. By then, it was too late.

  Lying on his back, intense waves of pleasure flowed through his groin, making it easy to ignore the ferocious pounding in his chest, as his heart raced at a frightening pace. He was on fire with beads of sweat forming on his forehead, tickling as they slid into his hairline. Feeling on the edge of the most intense orgasm of his life was overshadowing any fear Chase had of living or dying.

  Nothing mattered. Not the overweight woman that straddled him, wiggling around on his dick, her unattractive face scrunched up in concentration, almost as if she was attempting to find the right spot. Audrey’s large, heavy breasts were a distraction, as they bounced around, her dark nipples puckered up so tight that they were almost as unpleasant as her expression. He closed his eyes and listened to her moan and pant, almost like an animal that was after her prey, rather than someone who was in the state of pleasure.

  She was a far cry from the beautiful Lucy Willis, the love of his life; until just before graduation when she decided to leave him for a man that was twice their age. Their sex life had been fair, but there was an unexpected shyness with her in intimate situations that Chase could never break through. Lucy had been oddly self-conscious, always leaving on a piece of clothing when they had sex; a black push-up bra, an oversized T-shirt that hugged her perfectly shaped breasts, a skirt that covered her pantyless bum. He never really understood but found the mystery more of a turn on.

  Unlike the desperate grunts Audrey made, Lucy would make soft moans, almost as if she were surprised when an orgasm flowed through her body. She would touch herself in a way that always sent Chase round the bend, grabbing her body and pushing himself deeper inside her. He didn’t do that with Audrey.

  It was after he came when calmness sprang through his body that he suddenly realized what a horrible decision he had made. He was horny, depressed and lonely and ended up with a girl that he found unattractive. Somewhat awkward and disappointed, he felt emotional for the girl he wanted to be with that night, rather than the one that snuggled up to him, letting out gentle moans of pleasure, as if her orgasm lasted long after his dick went flaccid.

  He didn’t want to be there. The sad part was that he didn’t know where he did want to be. At home, sitting in his room, depressed because Lucy was off with another, older guy, probably fucking him that same night? Sitting with his parents in the living room, listening to them gossip about neighbors, watching television mixed in with meaningless chatter?

  Instead, he was at a house party, with a woman he didn’t care about and barely knew. He felt empty as if she had taken his soul when she fucked him. He sighed loudly and closed his eyes, the heavy bass of the music downstairs felt like it was vibrating through his body and although a part of him wanted it to stop, another side of him just went with it. He knew it was the pill; whatever shit Audrey had passed him downstairs. Chase never took drugs before that night. He never would again.

  He had been sitting alone, a scurry of girls approached and talked to him, most wearing short skirts, tight jeans, and tops that allowed their breasts to almost pour out. Regardless of the heaviness in his heart, he couldn’t help but feel a tightness in his groin when they leaned in to give him a compassionate hug; the fragrance of their perfumes filled him with a senses of anticipation, their silky hands were smooth and soft against his neck, while their bodies with a rousing combination of hardness and soft curves. Before Lucy, he hadn’t had a real girlfriend and so his curiosity was peaked as each girl approached. What would she look like naked? How would she feel? Taste?

  Not that he would find out. Although attractive with his high cheekbones and deeply tanned skin – a result of his native heritage – no one seemed to notice him. His brown eyes were bland, his long eyelashes slightly too feminine for women
and even though he worked out regularly, he was still considered slightly ‘too pretty’ according to his sister. This was somewhat ironic to Chase, who found his lone sibling to be, what his father referred to as, a very ‘hard’ looking woman. Both her face and features were not complimentary and unfortunately, he didn’t think she was about to turn into a swan anytime soon.

  The problem was that Chase had somehow found himself in the ‘friend zone’ with girls. He tried to be kind and considerate. Unfortunately, teenage girls seem to have a preference for guys who acted like douchebags; obnoxious, moronic, rude and all the other things his mother had made certain Chase would never be.

  Audrey liked him, though. As soon as she found him, her hands were all over him. Forget the fact that they were in a room full of people, she felt no shame in touching his leg, rubbing his thigh and telling him he was hot. He attempted to edge away, not at all attracted to the aggressive 20-year-old that he vaguely remembered from high school a couple years earlier: if anything, it depressed him. He could’ve been with Lucy and the sinking feeling in his stomach only grew, to the point that he felt tears burning in the back of his eyes. He fought them off.

  Slowly drinking a beer, he was expressionless as Audrey continued to flirt with him, flipping her blonde hair, occasionally pushing her massive breasts up, as if the bra couldn’t quite confine them. At one point, she grabbed his hand and placed it between her legs in a very obvious manner; he felt awkward and pulled it away.

  “You know, I think I better go,” He started to move farther away from her and noted she showed no remorse for her actions. In fact, she merely shrugged and bluntly told him the truth.

  He was depressed because his ‘girl’ dumped him. He wasn’t going to be any happier if he left the party.

  Considering her words, he watched as she reached into her jean pocket and pull out a baggie. In it were two small pills. Waving them in front of his face, Chase felt frozen in the chair and wasn’t sure what she was saying. Not familiar with drugs, he slowly shook his head no, attempting to explain that this wasn’t an option, but she wouldn’t let him talk.

  “You feel rotten, but this will help,” She spoke earnestly, her green eyes lit up, as she innocently batted her eyelashes. Moving close enough that he could feel her hot breath on his face, his eyes challenged hers. “It’s just a little pill that will chill you out, have a bit of fun, then you go home and that’s it. Tomorrow will be a new day and things won’t seem so bad, I promise.”

  Feeling overwhelmed with misery, Chase reluctantly took the pill and swallowed it. At that point, he couldn’t have cared less. He was 18, newly graduated and ready to get out of the dead-end town of Hennessey, Alberta. He would start over and in a few months, that particular night would be nothing but a distant memory.

  All the anxiety he felt surrounding Lucy quickly slipped away and his body felt light, carefree and relaxed. Chase wanted to dance and move, music seemed to flow through him, his heart raced triumphantly, he felt uninhibited and light, as if he could float right out of the room. All the girls who saw him in the friend zone gathered around him on the dance floor, their fingers grazing over his chest, through his hair, and over his face and their giggles seemed to dip into every pore of his body and explode all at once. Sounding like moans of pleasure, he could picture each of them in varied degrees of orgasm and suddenly he felt like he was suffocating and rushed outside so he could breathe.

  The cool evening air alerted him to the fact that he was having some kind of fucked up hallucination. Most people in the room were as high as him, in fact, some doing some very intimate acts right on the ‘dance floor’ area of the house.

  Audrey was right behind him, her hand on his arm. She gave him a compassionate smile. He couldn’t remember going upstairs with her or taking his clothes off, but he knew they had sex. His orgasm was explosive, unfortunately, it had little to do with her company. Chase suspected it wouldn’t have taken much at that point.

  The high from earlier quickly wore off as he rose from the bed and reached for his clothes. It was a night he wanted to forget.

  “Where are you going?” Her voice was slightly demanding, as she sat up in bed. “This is my house, so no one’s waiting for the room.”

  “Look, I gotta go,” Chase replied, he ran a hand over his face, then reached for his boxers on the floor. Jumping into them, he picked up his jeans and shirt, while Audrey shuffled in bed, pouting. “I’m sorry, this shouldn’t have happened.”

  “I don’t regret it at all,” Her comment was slightly attacking, but her eyes flooded with tears. “Just cause I’m not all skinny and perfect like those other girls downstairs or your ex, doesn’t mean anything. You were really into it, even if you want to pretend you weren’t. You wanted me.”

  “I’m sorry, I-” Chase miserably stopped speaking and bit his lip. “I don’t know what else to tell you. I’m not interested in you in that kind of way. I don’t want to be with anyone now.”

  She didn’t reply. Her expression tranquil, she pulled the blanket up higher over her breasts and avoided his eyes.

  Chase felt like a shit for what he did to her; did he lead her on? Feeling a sense of heaviness return, he quickly dressed and slunk out of the room, gently closing the door behind him. The music continued to pound ferociously and upon going downstairs, he could see the crowd still dancing around. He was paranoid that they’d all be waiting for him, snickering that he just fucked Audrey Neil, but as always, no one seemed to even notice he was in the room.

  Just as he reached the bottom step, Lucy’s best friend Maggie rushed up to him. For a moment, he felt a shiver of panic; did she know what happened?

  “Chase, are you ok? You looked like you were going to be sick earlier,” Her blue eyes stared compassionately into his, but he simply couldn’t tell her the truth. “You’re lucky, there’s a lot of people who took Molly tonight and it fucked them up.”

  “Oh, I…I”

  “Are you heading out? I can give you a drive home if you need one,” She spoke gently, tilting her head to the side, an innocent gaze disarmed him. “I only had a beer earlier tonight, if you’re worried that I’m okay.”

  “Sure,” Chase replied, feeling a tinge of happiness slide into his heart, his thoughts falling back to earlier that night when she hugged him. The scent of vanilla perfume and her tiny figure in his arms suddenly had a whole, new appeal. He had always considered Maggie to be cute, but nothing had ever taken his eyes off Lucy.

  A sense of revenge slid through his thoughts, but then he remembered the girl he had just had sex with and felt shame for even considering such a thought. Maggie was a nice girl and Lucy’s best friend, he would be a dirtbag to even entertain the thoughts that were flowing through his mind.

  But he was in for a surprise. In fact, he was in for a whole series of surprises and it started with a confession.


  Maggie Telips was teased about her name. Throughout elementary school, she was often called ‘Maggie Tulips’ and then in junior high, the boys would wink at the very developed adolescent girl and ask how her ‘two lips’ were doing. It was crass and not surprising for teenage boys to be so cruel and although Chase always felt sorry for her, he was too much of a coward to speak out. Instead, he watched the petite young woman as she shrank in her seat, her face on fire as she stared at a book.

  He hadn’t really met Maggie until he started dating Lucy; and even then, he mainly became acquainted through his girlfriend’s gossip and stories. Although the two were clearly best friends, Lucy insisted on keeping her relationships in very separate worlds. She didn’t want Chase to spend time with her BFF because she felt that Maggie was attempting to steal all the male attention at Hennessey High School and that made her uneasy.

  “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love her like a sister,” Lucy spoke earnestly, tilting her head, her dark eyes wide and full of innocence, as her fi
ngers briefly touched the space between her breasts. Pushing a strand of her long, black hair behind an ear, she sucked in both her lips, as if she wanted to hold back the words that were threatening to escape. “I just can’t help but notice that Maggie is always trying to get all the boys attention. I think its cause her parents are divorced and her dad isn’t around.”

  Chase was a little confused. He hadn’t noticed that side of Maggie and on the limited occasions when he talked to her, she certainly wasn’t flirtatious. If anything, Maggie Telips was quiet, maybe even a little shy and serious, especially compared to Lucy, who appeared to thrive on any attention.

  “I don’t understand,” Chase had spoken honestly, although he quickly realized that it was a bad decision. The anger that arose in Lucy whenever he contradicted her was often sharp, harsh and not something she would soon release. It usually ended with him begging her forgiveness and being cut off from any affection for weeks, then rewarded with it again, once he said or did the ‘right’ thing. It was often difficult to know what that the ‘right’ thing was, however, so his relationship was often anxiety ridden; but he still missed it.

  Now, as he sat on the passenger side of Maggie’s Toyota, a car that she occasionally was allowed to borrow from her mom, his eyes traveled down her body to consider Lucy’s observations. Did Maggie dress in such a way to capture male attention? Wearing a tight tank top that outlined her full breasts, then lay over her flat stomach, trailing down to a pair of fitted jeans, Chase could definitely see her as an object of desire as he felt a warm sensation travel to his groin, but at the same time, was she really dressed seductively? He couldn’t see massive cleavage, in fact, her clothing fully covered her and was pretty appropriate for the time of year.

  He usually saw her wearing jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies, just like most kids in high school. She never dressed in a revealing manner, even at school dances, where some of the girls pushed the limits when it came to clothing. Lucy was actually one of those girls, insistent that she was an adult woman and could wear whatever she pleased.


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