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Page 17

by Viktor Zólyomi

  `What about the old Shaman? Did he challenge Zack?'

  `Tarakosh? Well, that's a funny story, actually. He did come back after a year, but not to challenge Zack. No, he just came to talk to me. He looked... different, somehow. He told me that he was going to go to Ordhiar. He said something about a vision or a dream he had, or something like that. I didn't really understand. He said he was needed in Ordhiar, that it was his destiny to move on. He basically just came to say goodbye. Oh, and he told me to take control of the town back from Zack. He figured that an orc has to run the town no matter what, and since he was leaving, he felt that I should take his place.'

  `Did you fight Zack then?'

  The orc laughs out loud and shakes his head.

  `Ha! Ha! Why would I want to do something so stupid? I already told you, I'm in charge of the town when Zack's away. He's so rarely around that I'm pretty much running things around here already. Yet, since officially he's the Boss, all the blame falls on him for anything I do. Zack wasn't here at the time when Tarakosh returned, so he doesn't even know about that conversation. So no, I didn't fight him and I'm not going to. The current situation is nice and comfortable for me. Besides, it's not like Tarakosh is gonna come back to check if I did what he told me to... No, I'm fine with Zack's presence. We all are. Did I mention that we gave him the title of honorary orc?'


  `Honorary orc. It makes it clear that he's one of us. That he ain't as loathsome as all the other humans are. Errr... no offense, kid. Anyway... can you guess why he took up the fight that day with Tarakosh in the first place? I'll tell you. You might think he did it to be bossing us around, but no. He didn't give a damn about that. He did it because he wanted to prove that he could do it. None of us believed he could win, but he showed us... That's what it was all about.'

  I hear the door slam open, like it was just kicked open. I turn to see who it is. Finally, the honorary orc has arrived.

  He stretches his arms and yawns. Then he sees us.

  `Hey, good morning!' he says, at around noon. `Did you like the show?'

  `They loved it!' says Errak.

  `Good. Come again, we have this every month. Or every two months. Or three. It depends.'

  `We'll think about that.' says Jason. `But first, what we spoke of yesterday.'

  `Ah, right. You wanna get into Re'Cas. Fine, fine. If you still wanna die... But let me have breakfast first.'


  After his breakfast, we return to the ruined tower. There, he uses his magic to move some large bricks, revealing a trap door. Beneath the trap door, a stairway leads down into a small, cellar-like room, with a door-shaped carving on one of the walls. Similar to the one in Aurach's laboratory.

  `Here we are!' says Zack. He touches the carving, and it begins to glow. Moments pass, and a Portal is opened before us.

  `Follow me!' he says, as he steps through the Portal.

  Jase and I step through, and we arrive in a surreal environment. We are in a large circular room, with a floor and ceiling seemingly made of glass. Above and below us, we see a blackness littered with small bright lights. Like the night sky full of stars, except that the color of the sky is even darker here. The walls are covered with various lit candles, each shining with an eerie light.

  `Welcome to my stronghold!' says Zack.

  `What kind of place is this?' I ask.

  `It's kind of a pocket plane, so to speak. It is a small plane of existence, created artificially. It exists between the Planes, independently of any and all other worlds. It is my personal corner of the Multiverse!' he says with a wide smile. `Now, let me show you around.'

  He leads us out of the room, but as we reach the center of the room, I stop. From here, the view above and below us changes drastically. The stars remain, but the blackness is gone, and is replaced by a colorful mist. Now it's like stars in a rainbow colored fog...

  `What is this?' I ask. Zack turns around surprised.

  `What do you mean?' then he sees that I'm looking up. `Ah, that. That's Rose. An ancient depiction of her, to be precise. It can only be seen in its full magnificence from the center of the room. Sadly, I couldn't create a wider viewing angle. I suck at these things...'


  `Yes. Rose. Or, the Great Rose. Rosen Lauris Magnus.'

  `The Multiverse?' asks Jason. Zack nods.

  `Precisely.' he says.

  `This is the Multiverse?' I ask.

  `This is what was thought of the Multiverse long ago. In truth, the Multiverse is much more complicated. But actually, this is a very good illustration.'


  `The Multiverse consists of two kinds of worlds. Material Planes, and Spiritual Planes. Material Planes are like Arghard. Spiritual Planes are like the Elemental Plane of Fire. Material Worlds have a finite extension in space. Spiritual Worlds are very different. They have zero extension in space. But on the spiritual level, they extend infinitely. Hence, they envelop each and every Material Plane spiritually. They connect the Material Worlds, in a way. The stars are meant to depict the Material Worlds, while the rainbow colored mist is the illustration of the Spiritual Worlds. It is colored to express that there are more Spiritual Worlds than just one, as it was once incorrectly believed. Actually there are dozens of them. And of Material Planes... there are millions... and millions...'

  `What do you mean that the Spiritual Worlds have... no extension?'

  `Exactly that. They have no material component, hence they have no material extension. But on the spiritual level, they extend infinitely. They are nowhere and everywhere at the same time.'

  `I don't understand.'

  `The nature of the planes is difficult to understand, Flora.' says Jason. `I, too, am baffled by much of it.'

  `Why did you call it Rose?' I ask from Zack.

  `Rose is just the nickname. Many mages call the Multiverse by this name simply because it's short. The full name is Rosen Lauris Magnus, or, the Great Rose. A name derived from a plant that grows in Endarryn.'

  `The rosid lauris?'

  `Yes. A rose shrub that blooms with an exceptionally large blue flower. Of course, you should know better than me.'

  `Why would anyone name the Multiverse after a flower?'

  `Good question! But a better question is, why even give the Multiverse a name? Well, there are several theories about that, two of which are quite popular nowadays. The first theory says that the first elven mages of Ess'yer who discovered planar travel in Endarryn ages ago were the ones who wanted to name the Multiverse after a flower. They argued that the Multiverse is like a plant and the many worlds are like the petals of a flower. Of course that was before they discovered the Spiritual Planes... Now, the other popular theory is more interesting. They say that Voi'Shek, the long dead leader of the Draconian Brotherhood named the Multiverse Rose after his deceased lover. Now, I don't know what's more improbable, that elven mages would name the Multiverse after a flower or the idea that the Dreamer once had a lover... One thing supports the Voi'Shek theory though. It was the Dreamer who believed that in actuality there is more than one Multiverse.'

  `That doesn't make sense.' says Jason. `By definition the Multiverse is a multitude of worlds. If there's more than one, the ensemble of Multiverses is still a multitude of worlds, and hence that should be called the Multiverse.'

  `Correct.' says Zack, nodding with a wide smile. `However, the Dreamer theorized that the worlds in the Multiverse are grouped, and each group of worlds exists within some kind of impenetrable bubble. He theorized that no travel of any from can take place between different bubbles, nor can we even communicate with anyone outside of the bubble our Multiverse is in. Now, think about the implications of this theory. We've known for long that we are but a grain of sand within this multitude of worlds that we know to be the Multiverse, but what if the Multiverse we know is also but a grain of sand within something much greater than we could ever imagine? Of course, this theory is impossible to prove since we can't go outside the
bubble, if it exists at all... It's an interesting theory nonetheless. Would you like me to tell you more about it?'

  `Perhaps some other time. I wish to reach Re'Cas soon.'

  `As you wish. I shall open the Portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire then.' he says. `Can you stand aside? I need some space.'

  `Wait. Why there?' I ask.

  `Because I'm not dumb enough to open a Portal connecting my stronghold with Re'Cas. No, we will go through the Plane of Fire.'

  `Just how do you intend to get us to Re'Cas through there?'

  `Your friend should know.'


  `I don't know what you mean.' says Jason.

  `Use your imagination, kid!' says Zack, knocking the side of his head with his index finger a couple of times. `You do remember the many Gateways in the Summoning Chamber, don't you? I believe that is your number one destination in Re'Cas anyway.'

  `Yes... No, you can't possibly mean...'

  `The Summoning Gateways, yes.'


  `The Summoning Gateway leading to the Elemental Plane of Fire has a well-defined location not only in Re'Cas, but also in the Plane of Fire. We will go to this location, and open the Gateway.'

  `How in the...'

  `It's not difficult. It will cause a commotion, but it's not difficult at all.'

  `Commotion?' I ask.

  `You'll see what I mean. Now, make some space for me, will you?'

  We step aside - despite that the room is large enough that he could certainly open the Portal a few steps away from us - and he makes some complex gestures with his hands. A minute later, a large, reddishly glowing doorframe appears in the center of the room.

  `Okay, the Portal is being conjured. It takes some time, about an hour, maybe two. Portals to the Spiritual Planes are difficult to open, you know.'

  `Why don't you build a Gateway?' asks Jason.

  `I'd rather not construct any Gateways to these places. It's not worth the effort anyway.'

  `And this way you needn't worry about intrusion, right?' I ask.

  `Right on!' he says with a smile. `Now, I have to stay here and keep an eye on this thing. Things could go bad if I left it unwatched. Let me show you a piece of history while we wait, so you're not bored.'

  He yells out loud.


  A few moments later, a black cat appears in front of him.

  `Yes, Master?' asks the cat.

  A talking cat, huh?

  `Tano, we have guests.' Zack tells him. `Let me introduce you. Jason, Flora, this is my familiar, Tano. He takes care of this place when I'm away.'

  The cat looks to Jason and says:

  `Pleased to meet... you!'

  He stops as his gaze turns to me.

  `My, what a beauty you are! I take it you are Flora? Am I correct?'


  `Of course, such a beautiful name can only belong to such a beautiful gal! Is there anything I can do for you, sweetheart? Just ask! Tano is here just for you!'

  I don't believe what I'm hearing. What, is he trying to flirt with me?

  This is a crazy house...

  Zack turns to his familiar.

  `Tano, show them to the Replica Room! Tell them all about the paintings.'

  The cat smiles widely, like he had just managed to eat a canary.

  `Yes, Master! With the greatest of pleasure!'


  He leads us out of the room and through a set of corridors until we arrive in a huge chamber. Circular shaped like the one we arrived in, but much bigger. The walls all around us are covered by masterfully created paintings.

  `Please, darling, may I sit on your shoulder?' asks the cat. I look at him, not knowing if he's serious. He looks at me with pleading eyes...

  `Oh, all right! But if you scratch me just once...'

  `Oh, I'd never do such a thing!' he say, and he jumps on my shoulder. He then begins to speak of the paintings, while he... purrs into my ear...

  `These paintings are a true work of art. They are the creation of the Librarian, a powerful ghost mage, the keeper of the Great Library of Re'Cas. He crafted a circular room in the Great Library thousands of years ago. The room has a single entrance and the series of paintings goes from one side of the door all around the room clockwise to the other side of the door. The paintings depict a series of happenings in the history of Arghard. Happenings that the Librarian deemed to be of extraordinary importance in the history of our world. After he created it, he kept adding more and more paintings to the wall as time passed. This of course means he must always appropriately expand the diameter of the room. The current diameter is around a hundred and fifty feet.'

  `I never knew this room existed.' says Jason. `I spent twenty years in Re'Cas, and I spent a lot of time in the library. Yet, I never saw this, never even heard of it.'

  `Well, the Librarian doesn't show it to just anyone. Apprentices may only see it if accompanied by their Master. I suppose your Master didn't want you to see it. You'll see it now. These paintings are the most magnificent depiction of the most important events in the history of Arghard.'

  `How come they're here now?' I ask him.

  `This room you see here is a magically created replica of the original Chamber of History. Hence the name Replica Room. The original is still in the Great Library. The Librarian still keeps adding more and more paintings. This replica reflects the current state of the original Chamber of History, such that it is immediately changed if the Librarian creates a new painting. It was quite an enchantment to make this possible, especially since the Master could not do it himself. He asked his good old friend Daniel Keehmor to take care of it for him, and I must say he did a great job! I'll show you around. You should really see it.'

  The first painting shows a rural landscape, with various figures scattered around it. Men and women of different races. Some of them are walking on their hands and feet, some are standing up.

  `This painting shows the beginning of the history of the lesser races. About one hundred thousand years ago. Before that time, only animals and dragons inhabited Arghard. Dragons dwelled in Draconia, and were only a few hundred in number. They were lonesome and peaceful creatures, and didn't like to travel beyond the seas to Ess'yer. They had all they needed in Draconia.

  It's unknown how long dragons existed in our world, or how they came to be. What is known, is that the lesser races started to appear about a hundred thousand years ago. Many believe that the intelligent races were all created by spiritual beings, but it is not true. They simply evolved from other species. From animals. Elves for example evolved from felines, and humans from simians. If you look carefully, you can see the resemblance.

  Of course it was not as simple as it sounds. The process started much before the time that this painting depicts, it took over sixty thousand years for this so-called evolution to reach its culmination. The first creatures that already resemble today's known lesser races appeared a hundred thousand years ago. They are what you see in this painting.'

  `Wait. Are you telling me that my ancestors are...'

  `Felines! Yes! So actually, you and I are kin, darling!' he says, widely smiling.


  Ignoring me, he continues.

  `Interestingly, this evolution only took place in Ess'yer, and not in Draconia. There are only wild guesses as to why. The most probable being that the dragons simply ate anything that could have evolved into something more than it was. As for the dragons themselves... Whether they are a product of such an evolution, is anyone's guess. Let's move on now, shall we?'

  The next painting shows a landscape again. It is mostly rural, but two small villages occupy the left and right side of the painting.

  `Here you see a painting of the times about twenty-five thousand years ago. By then, the lesser races had evolved into highly intelligent species, and the first settlements appeared in Ess'yer. It was the time when certain groups started to draw borders around their own territory, and even
tually kingdoms of sorts were formed. Do you see the figures in the center?'


  `The villagers are having a dispute over where to draw the border. Such petty squabbles, don't you think? Today's world is no different, darling. Sad, isn't it? Well, let's move on!'

  Next is a series of paintings. The first shows a group of elves in an elven village. One of them is casting some kind of spell. The rest show a similar view, only with different races. The last one again showed elves, with wood elves on the left, and night elves on the right.

  `This painting shows the time ten thousand years ago. It was then that most of the lesser races mastered the art of magic. Elves were the first to learn how to use magic, and humans were quick to follow. Then came the orcs and finally the dwarves. Trolls never learned it, not even to this day. It was also in this time that the elves were separated into two great factions, the wood elves and the night elves.'

  `Yes, I know this well. Let's move on.' I tell him.

  `I never doubted that, but your friend may not know the tale of the separation.'

  `I heard much of it.' says Jason. `It is often spoken of in Ess'yer.'

  `Very well. Let's move on then!'

  The next series of paintings shows a group of people in various locations. What they have in common is that they look like mages and they all wear a symbol on their robes: a dragon's claw holding a glowing orb. It seems familiar... The first painting depicts the mages standing around a glowing orb set upon a pedestal.

  `Here you can see the beginning of the time of the Brotherhood. The sphere there in the center of the picture, is the Sphere of Power. Constructed by the Brotherhood seven thousand years ago. The Brotherhood was a group of mages from various races, that desired to evolve their magical powers beyond belief. They banded together in order to use their combined powers to exceed their limits. Their leader, Voi'Shek, is the human mage you see closest to the Sphere of Power. He was the one who created the Sphere. That is, he designed it, and he called on the others to aid him in his quest to magically forge the Sphere.


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