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Page 19

by Viktor Zólyomi

  `This husk... You say the creatures here can harm it?'

  `Yes, and since the husk is maintained by our own life force, it cannot take more than a certain amount of damage, otherwise it would drain us of our life force and kill us. If we suffer wounds that would be lethal to us, it will destroy the husk, and then we'll die like one-two-three.'

  `So, we'd better not let the creatures here mortally wound us, right?' I ask.

  `Yes, but that's really no different from normal life, now is it?'

  `What about the creatures of this world? You said we could kill them. Can that really happen?'

  `Not exactly. Souls are immortal, but souls can still struggle. In a way. For example, if you were to fight a native creature of this plane here, it may be weakened so much that its bond to this plane breaks. The soul will then be tossed into the Afterlife.

  If you lose the fight and the creature destroys the husk protecting your body, it will sever the link between your soul and your mortal body. That results in your body's death. Then your soul remains bound to this world indefinitely. Of course, if this bond is ever severed, let's say after having fought and lost a battle against another extraplanar visitor, then you will be tossed into the Afterlife as well.'

  `Tell me something...' says Jason. `If I enter the world of a powerful demon and slay it there... What happens to it?'

  `Same thing as what I just explained. Its link to that realm will be severed, and it will be tossed into the Afterlife. That's the way it is. You enter a demon's world and kill it, it ends up in the Afterlife. Likewise, every fire elemental you kill here will be tossed into the Afterlife.'

  `Fire elementals?' I ask.

  `Yes. They're one of the native creatures of this world. Like that one over there, see?'

  He points forward, and far ahead of us I see a humanoid figure, with its body on fire. It is completely covered in flames.

  `Here we are, finally!' says Zack. `Now go, fight it. No need to kill it, it'll flee if you wound it enough. Like I said, if you were to kill it, it would be tossed into the Afterlife. Needless to say, it doesn't want that. Hence, do not be surprised that it will flee if it begins to lose the battle...'

  `Why should we fight it at all if we're just gonna let it run away?' I ask.

  `Because, you have to learn what it's like. You will, after all, have to fight dozens of them at the Gateway.'


  `As I said, attempting to pass through the Gateway will cause a commotion. The Gateway is guarded by fire elementals. Lots of them. They will attack you, and you must defeat them if you wish to proceed.'

  `Can't you just open a Portal yourself?'

  `No. Not to Re'Cas. So, do you want to get into the city? Well, that's the price of it. Now, test your mettle with this one here. It's alone, so if you don't do anything stupid, it should be simple. Go, have fun!'

  `Won't you participate?'

  `I'll intervene if it turns out bad, but only then. The idea is that you learn how to fight these things. After all, I will not be with you at the Gateway...'

  I thought so...

  `Fine then, let me take him down!' I tell him, and I take off my sash and unfold it into the cloak that it truly is. I put it on, and move forward.

  `Flora, wait!' says Jason. But I don't wait.

  `I bet I'll kill it!' I tell him.

  He sighs and rushes after me. I hear Zack Sands laughing.

  What an asshole...


  I charge at the fire elemental. It notices me, and stretches its arms towards me. A moment later, a jet of flame erupts from its arms. I cover myself in my cloak and wait for the flames to go out. Suddenly I hear Jason's voice.

  `I told you to wait!'

  The flames go out, and as I stand up I see that Jason is charging the fire elemental with his sword drawn. The elemental has no weapon, but it doesn't need any. It strikes towards Jason with its burning arms, trying to set him on fire. Jase seems to have cast some protection spell on himself, and the flames don't touch him. He strikes with his sword over and over again, but the fire elemental only seems to be slightly annoyed by these strikes. Is it at all injured? I can't tell from all the flames...

  I rush towards them and attempt to strike at the creature, but I swiftly pull back when I feel the heat. My hands would catch on fire...

  `Careful, Flora. Let me handle this...' says Jason.

  `Let you handle it? I want to kill it!'

  With a sudden thought, I take off my cloak and fold it into a sash again. I wrap the two ends of it around my hands, I jump behind the creature and hook the sash around its neck, carefully pulling on it such that I do not touch the flames. Effectively trying to strangle it much like an assassin would try to strangle a victim with a piece of thin rope.

  `Hahaha! Look at that, Jase! I'm gonna kill it!'

  Jason keeps cutting into the creature, slash after slash. Still it struggles, still it fights, but I can feel that it's getting weaker...

  Suddenly it tries to grab me, and I am forced to release one end of the sash so I can jump aside. As I do, the elemental jumps in the other direction, and begins to run.

  `Let's catch it!'

  `No, Flora. Let it run...'

  `Jase... I've never killed a fire elemental before. Just think of what a trophy it would make!'

  Zack approaches us, smiling.

  `Not bad, not bad at all! Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities to kill them at the Gateway.'

  `Where is it?' asks Jason demandingly.

  `Follow! I'll show you.'


  After less than half an hour, we arrive close to the Gateway.

  `There it is, just up ahead.' says Zack. `Now remember, when you attempt to open it, the guardian elementals will appear and attack you. Try not to get cornered, and you should be able to defeat them.'

  `What about you?' I ask.

  `I shall return to my stronghold now.'

  He makes some gestures with his hand, and a Portal opens in front of him. Surprisingly swiftly...

  `How come you were able to open the Portal so quickly?' I ask.

  `I'm an experienced planar traveler, I can do it.'

  `You weren't so quick when you opened the Portal that lead us here...

  `Actually, I was!'


  `The Portal was ready the moment you left with Tano.'

  `Then why did you keep us waiting?!'

  `I wanted you to see the Replica Room. I wanted you to be aware of certain things that happened in Arghard which you may not have known before.

  Now, farewell, you two! It has been a pleasure knowing you, if only for such a brief time. May you rest in peace!'

  With that, he steps through the Portal, smiling. The Portal closes behind him.

  `One of these days, I'll kick his ass!' I tell Jase. `Let's go! We've got killing to do!'

  I head towards the Gateway, but before I could make two steps, a figure appears in front of us. A night elf.

  Eric Shyrn...

  `I thought he'd never leave...' he says, frowning.

  `You! You die, now!' I shout at him, but he raises his right hand.

  `Easy! I'm not here to fight you.'

  `Do you expect me to believe that?! What do you want?!'

  `I have a proposal for your friend.' he says, and he turns to Jason. `You remember me, don't you? We have met once before, if you recall.'

  `I know.' says Jason.

  `Just so you see things clearly... Despite your disguise, I knew who you were. I knew exactly who you were, and what quarrel you have with Jenathar.'

  `That's unlikely.'

  `Is it? Ha! Is it not even less likely that I would let such a suspicious character such as yourself pass by? I knew what you were about. I chose to let you pass.'

  `You're lying!'

  `Am I? Think what you will, Jason! Just remember who I am... How do you think I knew you'd be here?'

  `Actually that's a pretty good question.' I tell hi
m. `How did you know?'

  `I am the Commander of the Supreme Guard. It is my job to monitor every possible point of entry into Re'Cas. That includes the Gateways in the Summoning Chamber. I have wards around every Gateway that instantly warn me if any likely intruder approaches them from the other side. You didn't think you could just sneak in unnoticed, did you?'

  `Just tell me why you're here.' says Jason.

  `I am here because I know you want to infiltrate Re'Cas, and kill Jenathar. It is a goal in which I support you. I will be more than pleased to see the old fool dead. While I am sure you are prepared to force your way through the Gateway, I will offer you an alternate solution. I can arrange for you to face Jenathar alone.'

  `How could you possibly do that?'

  `Here's what I can do. I can ensure that you face Sewareld Worriil alone in the Summoning Chamber. After you kill him, I will be able to get Jenathar into the Chamber, so you can kill him, too!'

  `You want us to kill Worriil?' I ask. `Why?'

  `Is it not obvious? If he dies, I will become the Supreme Councilor of the elves!' replies Shyrn.

  `What makes you think that we would want a bastard like you take that other bastard Worriil's place?'

  `I could talk at length about why Worriil should die for the sake of our people, but I'm sure you don't care to listen. Like it or not, you don't have another choice. If you don't accept my help, you will have to destroy the guardians of the Gateway, and force your way through. The entire city will be alert to your arrival. A contingent of battlemages will greet you, and you will have to kill them all before you can even step outside the Summoning Chamber. You will have to keep killing every mage that you run across, until the Councilors themselves come for you. And they won't come alone. They're not stupid. All five will come at you at once.'

  `I'm prepared for such a turn of events.' says Jason.

  `Are you? Two archmages and three expert warriors, one of them a troll, and you think you are prepared to face them all, just the two of you? I doubt that.' answers Shyrn.

  `Just how do you intend to make good on your proposal?' I ask.

  `Worriil is a conceited old bastard. If he is fully convinced that he can kill you all by himself, he'll attempt it for that little glory that this would bring him. It's not hard to make him think that...'

  `What about the Gateway?' asks Jason.

  `I will give you this!' replies Shyrn, as he pulls a small wand out of his belt. `It functions as a key. If you fire the wand at the Gateway, it will briefly deactivate all the wards. You can then pass through.'

  `What if I don't like your deal?'

  `What have you to lose on it? Without this, your fight will only be harder, and you know that! Don't forget... Jenathar will always have the power to flee if the battle turns unfavorable for him, just like he fled you in Gatestown. If he fights you in the Summoning Chamber however, he can't escape. I will have it sealed magically from outside. That means the only way he could leave, is by using one of the Gateways. Then all you need to worry about is making sure that you don't leave him time enough to activate any of them...'

  Jason slowly nods.

  `Very well. I accept. Give me the wand.'

  `Very good! Here, take it!'

  Jason takes it, and examines it.

  `It is inactive.' he says.

  `Yes. I will activate it remotely from Re'Cas, after all preparations are complete. That is the easiest way to signal to you that you can pass through the Gateway.'

  Jase nods, and Shyrn bows his head.

  `I am pleased that you've made the right decision, Jason. Good luck!'

  He waves his hand, and then vanishes.

  I turn to Jason.

  `Why did you accept? We don't need his help!'

  `This will get me to Jenathar the fastest.' he says, coldly. `If Eric Shyrn thinks to doublecross us, I can still do what I originally planned... He doesn't know what I wanted with the Summoning Chamber. He's not expecting me to use the Demon Mirror.'

  `Then I hope he betrays us. I would so much like to see both Worriil and him dead at my feet!'

  Jase looks at me in a strange way, but doesn't say anything. He turns his head towards the Gateway, and stands there with the wand in his hand. Finally, he says:

  `Remember, Flora... When I use the mirror... change into mist shape, and don't change back until I say it's safe. The mirror will turn the chamber into Hell... I know how confident you are, but don't underestimate what Hell means!'


  Summoning Chamber, City of Re'Cas, present day (1 year, 1 month, and 7 days before Twilightfall)

  He arrives. He teleports right in front of me, then he puts the rod back in his belt. Strange, that even a mage as powerful as he would bother to use a teleportation rod within the city. That Lyour uses it, I can understand. Even the others. But not Sewareld... No matter.

  `Eric? Why have you called me here?' he asks.

  `He's coming, Lord Worriil.' I tell him.


  `Jason Vogan.'

  He raises his eyebrows.

  `Indeed? Why are we here then? Why are we not at the gates of the city?'

  `He will not come through that Gateway. He will come through here.' I tell him, pointing at the Gateway which leads to the Elemental Plane of Fire.

  `Impossible!' he states, shaking his head. `How could he break through the defenses of a Summoning Gateway?'

  `He had assistance. Zack Sands.'

  `Pfeh! That little creep... So, they are both coming?'

  `No. Jason Vogan comes only accompanied by Flora E'Lyn. Sands just gave them the means to break down the door. He did not want to join them.'

  `The coward! No matter.'

  I nod to him.

  `Indeed, no matter.'

  `But why did you call me, and not a group of battlemages? Or your own men?'

  `I don't need their help. I studied Jason well. I can kill him alone, even with the woman by his side. I called you, so that you may witness Jason Vogan's execution first hand. All you need to do is watch, Lord Worriil! Soon, I will hand you the head of Jason Vogan, as you requested.'

  He looks at the Gateway, and I know exactly what's going through his mind. He steps closer, and then turns back and speaks to me.

  `Your courage and dedication are beyond admirable, Eric! You are my greatest disciple!'

  `Thank you, Lord Worriil.'

  `Please, allow me to reward you. I will relieve you of the burden of this battle, and deal with Vogan myself.'

  `But Lord Worriil...'

  `I know, it is your duty, not mine. But I wish to reward you. So please, accept!'

  I fake a troubled sigh, and slowly nod.

  `As you wish, Lord Worriil.'

  `Splendid! Now, please go and close the doors behind you. Wait outside, and make sure no-one enters.'

  I bow my head, and turn around. I walk towards the door, suppressing the smile.

  He reacted exactly as I thought he would! I knew it! I knew he could not resist, I knew that if he thinks that Jason is just a petty little worm that is easy to crush, then he will want to do it himself if he has the chance. Now all I have to do is seal the chamber, and...

  Suddenly I hear the sound of the arrival of a teleporting mage behind me, and I hear the unmistakable voice of Supreme Councilor Jenathar.

  `Sewareld! What is the meaning of this?'

  I stop, and turn around.

  `Councilor Jenathar! What brings you here?' asks Worriil.

  `It has come to my attention that Jason Vogan is on his way here. To this very chamber!'

  `Your information is correct. In a few minutes, he will be no more than a bad memory. I will see to it myself!'

  `Sewareld, you are insane! You underestimate Jason. You can't just fight him alone! Have you forgotten what he did in Gatestown?'

  `Are you implying that I am too weak to slay him?'

  `I am implying that even your power may not be sufficient to contain Jason, and prevent him fro
m unleashing his anger upon the city. For the sake of Re'Cas, you must accept my assistance in slaying him!'

  Worriil's face begins to turn red, but he replies calmly.

  `Your words imply that I do not place enough emphasis on the protection of our great city.'

  `I meant no such thing, Sewareld...'

  `Regardless, if you feel that Jason is such a great threat to the city, then let us take the ultimate safety precaution.'


  But he does it...

  He raises his hands in the air, and claps three times, with his palms glowing red.

  `Lyour! Achmor! Khargun!' he shouts. A moment later, the translucent images of the other three Supreme Councilors appear before my Master.

  `What do you want, Worriil?' demands Khargun harshly. `I am busy!'

  `Whatever you're busy with, it can wait. Jason Vogan is here.'

  `What?!' asks Lyour, and then his image disappears. A moment later, he himself teleports into the chamber.

  `Where is he?' he asks, and he stomps on the ground like only a troll can. `I will crush him, rip him apart, I will...'

  `Calm yourself, Lyour!' says Worriil. `He will soon arrive here.'

  `Here? How can he possibly enter the Summoning Chamber? There's something you forgot to mention, I think.' asks Khargun, with suspicion in his eyes.

  `He has found a way to break through one of the Summoning Gateways.'

  `That is ridiculous!'

  `Perhaps, but if not, then soon he will be here.'

  `Bah!' says Khargun, and his image vanishes. Moments later, he teleports into the chamber.

  `So be it!' he says. `But if he's not here in ten minutes, I'm leaving!'

  `Achmor?' asks Worriil from the dwarven Councilor. `Are you coming?'

  `Yes, yes, of course. Let me just pick an axe first...' he replies, and then his image vanishes. A minute later, he appears in the chamber with a huge battleaxe.

  `This should do nicely!' he says as he arrives, swinging the axe in the air.

  `Can you still wield that, Shorty?' asks Lyour. `Ain't your belly in the way?'


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