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Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 11

by Lea Barrymire

  She glanced up and fully smiled. It took his breath away. “Would you like me to help you?”

  “Gods, yes. Come here, female, and help me peel these off.”

  He watched her pause for a moment and then she walked to him, smiling sheepishly up into his face. She slid to her knees and grasped the material next to his knees and applied pressure. She tugged and he pushed until they’d worked the fabric over his hips. He grabbed them just before they dropped to the floor as a thought struck him.

  “Rella, have you ever seen a man naked before?”

  She looked up at him from her knees, and the vision almost crippled him. He shook the image of her sucking his cock from that position from his head. He could almost feel her soft lips wrapping around his shaft, his hands buried in her silky hair.

  “No, unless you count the little boys I’ve helped watch during meetings,” she answered.

  “I don’t think they were hung like a warrior, little girl. And I can definitely promise that they weren’t aroused.”

  Her cheeks pinked again, and he swallowed a groan. Her gaze darted from his eyes to his crotch. When her shaking hand reached out and tugged gently on the edge of his pants he nearly exploded. He released the material and he watched her slowly reveal his engorged cock. Her eyes widened and she gasped quietly when he sprung free of the fabric. She glanced back up into his face, an awed look in her eyes.

  * * * *

  She couldn’t believe how big he was. Her fingers itched to grip him and see if she could wrap her hand around his girth. Uncertainty kept her hands clenching his pants. She’d seen penises in textbooks and had dreamed of what he would look like, but nothing had prepared her for the pure male perfection now inches from her face. She really wondered what he would feel like. Hot? Hard?

  “You can touch me if you want to.” His voice made her jump a little, but the deep growl gave her body a jolt of another kind. Her pussy responded with a wash of warmth, and her already tender nipples contracted. She glanced up to find him watching her with a grin and heated gaze.

  With trembling fingers, she reached out and touched the head of his cock. The whole organ twitched. She grinned and wrapped her hand around him. Soft. He felt like the smoothest fabric she’d ever felt wrapped around rock. And warm, oh so warm. Her belly fluttered when he groaned deep in his throat. She stroked her hand up and down his shaft and almost giggled at the noise he made. For once she was strong and in control, and it felt good. She loved knowing her touch made him sound like that.

  On her third stroke, he snorted and then grabbed her hand. She glanced up and found him smiling.

  “If you keep doing that, I’m going to come, and I want to be at least on the bed for that. Come, my little Rella. Let me take care of you.”

  He didn’t wait for her acceptance before he picked her up and cradled her against his chest. He was so warm against her cooled skin. She shivered and snuggled deeper into his arms. How things had changed for the better. It seemed that he wasn’t angry any longer with her, and the burning pain was just an unpleasant memory. Her need was strong, but not overwhelming. It seems that washing away the oil helped cool the arousal until it felt natural. She wanted to feel him touch her, wanted to come for him and feel the rush of pleasure through her body, but she didn’t have to have it.

  “What are you thinking about so much? Your brows are furrowed. Are you scared? I won’t hurt you.”

  “That’s not it. I know you won’t harm me.”

  “Do we need to play my question game again? When I ask you a question I expect you to answer me. I may not be completely overbearing, but I do expect you to obey me. Now, let’s try that again. What had you thinking so much?”

  She gulped. Thinking about the night before and how he’d touched her while she was strapped to that table had her blushing again. Her belly fluttering and a rush of warmth pooled in her pussy. His hands had been so gentle and he’d known just want her body needed for release. She closed her eyes and willed her body to behave. She knew they would be intimate soon, but she needed to keep the haze of arousal out of her head.

  “Rella. I won’t ask again.” Anger colored his voice. She snapped her eyes open and found him frowning down at her.

  “I was thinking about how horrible my punishment had been, but now I feel so much better.” She ducked her head down to avoid his gaze. “Then I was thinking that I’m glad the effects of the Linax oil have faded because I want to enjoy your touch without it being forced on my body.”

  He didn’t say anything for a long moment and curiosity got the better of her. She looked up and found him waiting, watching her with affection written clearly on his face. The moment she raised her head he dipped his, capturing her mouth in a gentle kiss. The low burn that had been churning in her guts flared. Flames of need and lust scorched every inch of her skin. With the first flick of his tongue against her lips, she gave up, letting her need dictate her actions. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth closer to hers, opening her mouth and inviting him in with a sigh.

  She didn’t realize they’d made it to the bed until he leaned over and slowly lowered her onto it. She didn’t want to relinquish her hold on him and mewed miserably when he untangled her fingers from his hair. She opened her eyes and gazed up at him, torn between admiration of his body and irritation that he’d stopped kissing her. Where she’d been warm and needy before, she was now desperate and aching. The change should have been scary, but she couldn’t think through the lust clouding her thoughts. She wanted him touching her, kissing her, in her. She needed a repeat of the prior night, his tongue flicking ceaselessly against her clit until her body exploded in sparks of release.

  “Please, Sabar. I ache,” she whispered. How much would he let her get away with before he put a stop to it?

  “Oh, I’ll take care of you, little Rella. Put your hands over your head. I want you to stay like that until I tell you otherwise. Do you think you can do that for me?”

  With a quick nod, she put her hands together and heard the unmistakable sound of her cuffs clicking together. She knew she looked panicked when she searched his face. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t know what he was planning.

  He knelt on the bed, all proud and erect, and closed the distance between their bodies. Brushing a strand of her hair away from her cheek, he bent down and nuzzled her neck. His breath whispered across her skin, raising goose bumps and sending more heat to her pussy. “Don’t worry so much. I am going to pleasure you and take away the ache, but I’m too close to my own release. If you keep touching me, I won’t make it.”

  She relaxed into the bed at his words. She wasn’t being punished. She was being restrained so he could prolong their intimacy. A warm palm stroked her stomach, moving up her side until his thumb stroked the underside of her breast. His lips nipped and kissed her neck and shoulder. Exhales tickled over her skin. His fingers circled a nipple, causing it to pucker with a twinge of erotic pain. She unconsciously arched her back, pressing her breast closer to his hand. She whimpered when he rolled and pinched the nub, pulling on it until she was straddling the line between pain and pleasure.

  When his hand slid down her body and rested over her mound, she pressed her hips up, inviting him silently to invade her folds. She needed him to touch her, needed the climax that was hovering around her lower half like a specter. She’d been so close so many times while under the influence of the Linax oil that her body seemed primed and ready to go with a single touch. Her clit throbbed and begged to be stroked. It wouldn’t take much to send her soaring.

  “I want you to come, Rella. You aren’t far from it now. Don’t fight it. Just let the sensations roll over you.”

  He didn’t give her time to respond. Two fingers slid between her swollen labia and swirled around her clit. He put slight pressure on the nub and rubbed in fast, tight circles. She cried out. His mouth sucked one of her nipples between his lips, and his tongue took up the same rhythm as his fingers. Her body tight
ened, coiling. Pain bled quickly into pleasure, and everything went white. Intense, mind-blowing pleasure coursed through every inch of her skin. Her eyes went blind, her ears deaf, her mind numb. Her skin remained sensitized, and every slight movement he made, each circle around her aching flesh, wrenched another convulsion from her, another moan from her lips.

  Coming to was a religious experience. It eclipsed all other feelings she’d ever endured. Her voice still echoed in the room, tears streamed down her cheeks, but her body was light and finally at peace. She’d forgotten what it felt like to just float within her own mind, sated and relaxed. Eyes weighted with languid relief opened slowly to find Sabar watching her with open desire. The realization that she just experienced the mother of all orgasms and he was still hard made her move. Reaching for him and pulling him to her lips was natural, normal. Licking her tongue across his was coming home, safe and tantalizing.

  Chapter 12

  The sweetness of her kiss and the trust she showed him by dragging him down to her was overwhelming. Sabar felt an animalistic urge to claim her, mount her like a rutting beast, but the male inside those instinctive feelings wanted to wrap her in his arms and just lay with her. With quick movements he released her cuffs and pulled her into his embrace. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent and thanking any gods listening for giving her to him. Guilt and anger still clung to his mind. He wanted to wash away the pain she had felt at the hand of his servant. Wipe away the memory of the horrible torture she’d endured. Take those moments and erase them with something so much sweeter. The soft smile she gifted him with as he pulled away from her kiss was enough to freeze the air in his lungs. How could she look at him like that after what had happened in the same room not a stone’s throw from where they lay? Was she pretending, trying to make him believe that she wasn’t aching and angry?

  “Tell me. I want to know what happened. I gave Tannard instructions to meet with you and bring you home, not make you suffer.” He ached at the pain that he glimpsed in her eyes. It echoed, dull and throbbing, in his chest. He whispered, “Please, Rella, I need to know, even if it’s so you can release the memory of it.”

  She shook her head as if she’d deny him the information but then a shaky breath skated across his skin. She snuggled deeper into his arms and then opened her lips. “I was tending my sister, who had fallen ill at the ball. Tannard arrived at my home and spoke with Bana. She agreed to handle the punishment he suggested.”

  A shiver shook her slender shoulders, and he tightened his arms, trying to impart what comfort he could while she dredged the past up. “When we arrived here, to your home, he brought me in this room and told me I couldn’t move until you returned home. I tried to behave. I tried to handle the situation and not show my pain. I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep my tears from falling.”

  “Gods, Rella. I’m not upset with you at all. Tannard will pay for his blatant disregard for my orders and for placing you in danger. This is not your fault. You were a victim in this, and yes, before you argue with me, it was a crime. You were to be brought to my home until I could ask you why you’d run from me. I didn’t sanction the treatment you received, therefore he will be punished.” His words were rough with his emotions, and he feared she would be frightened of the growl in his voice. The vision of finding her on the floor, tear streaked and whimpering, was enough to blind him with rage. Only her clinging hands kept him from storming to his servant’s room and killing him.

  Rella moved in his arms, pulling back slightly from his embrace. He struggled but gave in, allowing her a few inches. Her eyes were red-rimmed again, but her strength shone through the tears. She reached a shaking hand to him, lightly tracing his cheek. The feel of her hands touching him pulled a deep purr from his chest. He closed his eyes and let the sensation course through him, filling a lonely void he didn’t even know existed. It helped to calm his anger, soothe the beast inside that wanted to tear Tannard to pieces for daring to harm her.

  “Please, can we not talk about it any longer? I want to enjoy being in your arms for a while,” she whispered. He could feel her words fluttering across his lips. “Kiss me, Sabar, please.”

  How could he ignore such a wonderful plea? With a groan he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. He tried to keep it light, tried to keep from capturing her mouth with the fierce need that was riding his mind. When she opened her lips and her tongue flicked across his bottom lip, the hold on his control shattered. He grasped her head, spearing his fingers through her hair, and tilted her head so he could invade her mouth with his. She tasted of submissive woman.

  Small hands smoothing over the skin of his back pulled his mind back a little, giving him enough control to slow the kiss. He wanted her engaged in the experience, not just allowing him access. He teased her with his lips, tugging gently on her lower lip, nipping and soothing the bite with his tongue. Between nibbles he breathed his request against her mouth. “Kiss me. Play with me, Rella.”

  He watched her blush and wanted to touch her until her body was the same beautiful shade of pink. The glint of mischief that entered her eyes the moment before she leaned toward him brought a smile to his lips.

  * * * *

  Rella’s body was still humming from the release he’d given her. The remembered pain from the Linax oil was slowly fading, being overshadowed by the flood of desire slowly taking over her mind. She loved kissing Sabar, or being kissed by him. She could easily lose herself in the feel of his skin under her hands. She looked into his eyes and found it easy to smile at him and lean forward to capture his mouth with hers.

  His lips were warm when she touched hers to them. She’d opened to his insistent ministrations earlier, but now that he was giving her freedom to kiss him she wanted to savor it. She’d been too afraid the night before at the ball, but there was no fear now. It had either been completely burned from her with her ordeal or she truly trusted him.

  She slid her tongue along the seam of his mouth, feeling the slight change in texture of the skin, feeling the twitch of muscles as he smiled. He tasted like spices, no, like spiced wine. Dark, rich, heady. He parted his lips, and she stroked into his mouth. His teeth were hard and warm, his tongue a wet slickness against hers. The moan that rumbled against her lips tore an answering sigh from her.

  Heat started gathering in her belly again, and she was almost giddy with the knowledge that another orgasm was building. She pulled away from kissing him to stare into his eyes. They’d darkened to black pools of need. She knew that look now and felt the answered need in her pussy as she flooded with moisture. They’d been skittering around consummating their mating. She knew he didn’t want to frighten her, but she was ready. The ache between her thighs was a heavy reminder of what she wanted. She pulled her courage together and let a deep breath flow across her lips.

  “I ache to have you inside me.” She watched his face, watched emotions flicker in his eyes. She could feel his cock tucked against her belly, hard and hot. It wasn’t desire he was going to deny. She closed her eyes to hide from him and whispered, “Please.”

  A surprised squeak slipped from her when she was flipped to her back. Her eyes shot open to find Sabar over her, watching her. Need was clear in his face. She slid her legs open, allowing his naked hips to rest fully against hers. She went to touch him, but in a quick move, her wrists were pinned above her head in his hand.

  “You will allow me to do this my way, little girl. Do you understand?” Feral domination flowed through every growled word. She nodded quickly. The switch from worried man to warrior was quick but it didn’t frighten her. He wasn’t going to harm her. “Reach your hands up. I’m securing them again. If you’re a good girl, I might not restrain your legs.”

  She scrambled to obey, aching to feel his touch. The roughness of his voice made her throb with need. Every word seemed to stroke down her belly and collected with heavy warmth in her pussy. She stretched her hands over her head and heard the quiet click of her restraints as they
attached to the bed frame. She wondered absently if he’d make her wear the cuffs all the time or if he’d expect her to learn to follow his orders. The thought of wearing them every day so he could take her whenever and wherever he wanted caused another gush of hot wetness to coat her cunt.

  “You’re thinking again, sweetness. Look at me.”

  She followed his order and found him staring at her with a mixture of concern and need in his eyes. She smiled and laughed when he grinned back.

  She wished she could wrap her arms around him and hug the worry away. Instead she leaned her head against his arm and kissed him while she nodded. She wasn’t afraid of him hurting her, but she didn’t think her words would take the worry from his brow. Before he could deny them the promised passion, she gave his arm a quick nip and before he could pull back she flicked the spot with her tongue.

  She watched with wide eyes as he bent down and captured her mouth in a devastating plundering. It wasn’t a kiss as much as it was a claiming. He swept through with his tongue, branding hers with his taste and the feel of his teeth clashing against hers. Time stopped as he marked her with his mouth. When he finally released her, she was gasping for breath and completely muddled.

  The rough texture of his fingers as they moved over her breasts pulled a moan from her lips. Her nipples, sensitive already, responded by pebbling against his palm. The hot desire to have his lips wrapped around it was enough that she thrashed her head. She whimpered as his mouth seared her skin, licking and teasing from her collar bone to the tender flesh between her breasts. Could she beg? Should she? In the end she didn’t need to. Sabar twirled her nub with his tongue and then sucked it between his hot lips. She cried out at the feeling and tried to arch her back. More. She just wanted, needed, craved more.

  Slowly her mind slipped to a primal place. No longer were there words for her to think or say. It was all feeling. Sensations flooded her body, flowing in languid streams to her throbbing clit. Every lick, suck, nibble sent her need higher. Her body knew want it wanted, and she communicated that in the most basic way she could by opening her legs to him and whimpering simple words, simple thoughts.


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