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Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 13

by Lea Barrymire

  “Help me, Sabar. I’m so close.” Her whispered plea had him doing exactly as he’d wanted to. He moved her on his shaft to the same tempo she’d set.

  “Touch yourself. Rub that little clit of yours, Rella.”

  She cried out and shook slightly in his arms even as she snaked a hand between their bodies. He felt her fingertips for a moment on his cock as he rocked her on his shaft. The featherlight touch was enough to push him over the edge, but he gritted his teeth and hung onto his release. She needed to come first even if it killed him. He slowed his movements to help, and after only a few strokes felt her inner walls start to quake. He couldn’t hold on any longer. Pushing into her while she came around his member was excruciating, exquisite, perfect. She was so tight, gripping him like a hot, wet fist.

  She collapsed against his chest, gasping and trembling. Gods, he loved the feel of her in his arms. He smoothed a hand down her hair. “You okay?”

  Her shoulders shook, and a quiet chuckle vibrated against his chest. “You need to stop asking me that each time we come together or I’m going to think it wasn’t okay for you.”

  She leaned back, and a bright smile sat on her lips. Even as he softened inside her he could already feel the stirrings of another erection. This woman was going to be the death of him.

  “Get up, woman. We need to eat before my parents come to visit. They should be here shortly, and finding my mate impaled on my cock isn’t the way I wanted you to meet them.” He laughed at the indignation that crossed her face.

  * * * *

  “Your parents are coming, now, today? Sabar, I don’t even have proper attire to greet them. What are they going to think?” Fear, harsh and icy, gripped her mind. She’d become accustomed to him and his lack of formality already. What if his parents didn’t approve? She wasn’t wearing his medallion yet. Could they force him to let her go?

  “Are you scared? There is no need. They will love you.”

  She scrambled from his lap, torn between cleaning herself up and the kitchen. Their forgotten food lay spread on the table. Her disheveled appearance needed attention first, she decided. She turned to head back to his room. She jolted to a stop when a warm hand wrapped around her arm.

  “Look at me, Rella.” She complied instantly. “What has that look on your face? You were fine, and now you look like you’re terrified again.”

  She whispered the words, hoping they would have less force to them if said quietly. “What if they force you to give me up? I don’t wear your medallion.”

  “You are mine. I’ve signed all the paperwork. The medallion is for your benefit, not mine. You are mine.”


  “You still don’t believe it, do you? What can I do to prove it?”

  “I don’t know. Nothing I guess. I’m worried that you will realize I’m not what you really want. No one wants a flat-chested female that talks back.”

  “If you haven’t figured it out by now, I do. I want you just the way you are. I love you the way you are.”

  Rella knew she stood staring at him with big eyes. She could feel the disbelief on her face. The words had worked some of their magic, though. She could feel the prickle of tears as they rushed to spill from her eyes. He loved her. That’s what he’d said. Love her. Her. Could he love her only after three days? Did she love him? Yes.

  “You’re thinking again. I can tell by the way you frown.” He sighed. “Go get changed. Time is the only thing that will let you know I speak the truth.”

  She wanted to tell him that she loved him, too, but the words stuck in her throat. No one had ever admitted to loving her before, and the feel of soft acceptance was strangling her ability to speak. She’d change her clothes, brush her hair, and wait for the perfect time to admit her feelings as well.

  Chapter 14

  A chiming announced the arrival of Sabar’s parents. He opened the door and ushered them into his home. His mother gave him a hug before stepping back with tears in her blue eyes. Her hair, grayed at the temples, was pulled into a messy knot on the top of her head. He could tell that she’d been crying before arriving. He sighed. Emotional females.

  “So where is she?” His father’s gruff voice held a hint of humor.

  “She’ll be out in a moment.” He lowered his voice so Rella wouldn’t hear his next statements. “Her items aren’t here. She had a rough night, so please don’t do anything to make her uncomfortable.”

  “What did you do to her?” His mother scowled.

  “I didn’t do anything. It’s a long story that I only want to tell once, but I want her to hear me tell it.” He motioned to the sitting room. “Please. Have a seat and I’ll go check on her.”

  He watched his parents sit together on one of the couches before he went looking for his mate. His heart rate spiked when she wasn’t in the bedroom, but he found her when he peeked into the bathing room. She wore another of his shirts and was standing staring at her reflection. Her face was drawn and fear was etched on every inch. He shook his head at the idea that his parents were a cause for fear.

  “Rella?” When she didn’t respond he stepped closer. “Rella? They’re here. Come on. I promise it will all be fine.”

  Stricken eyes looked at him before she cleared her face. It was the same mask he’d seen on her at the ball. Blank, mild, submissive. How he hated that look. Even her body looked different, bowed. She’d been holding herself erect before, confident and beautiful. Now she looked like a beaten rag. Anger rose swiftly. What was the purpose in teaching anyone to act this way?

  “Come.” He grabbed her hand and gently tugged her from the room. He could feel her body stiffen the closer they came to the front of the house. He made a promise to himself to rid her of this fear if it was the last thing he ever did.

  Stepping into the sitting room was like dragging an animal into a cage. She resisted with every ounce of her body. He wrapped his arms around her, placing her back to his chest before introducing her to his parents. He could see the understanding and compassion on his mother’s face the moment he started speaking.

  “Mother. Father. This is Rella. My mate. Rella, this is my mother, Padma, and my father, Sojur.”

  “My dear, why all the fear? We won’t bite, I promise.” Padma’s quiet words did nothing to release the tension vibrating from Rella. He could almost feel the tension in the air, like a shimmer of energy around her body.

  “Why don’t you sit with her and tell us about how you met and the story from last night.” His father spoke softly, but there was an edge of tension to his words.

  Sabar slid backward until he found a chair. Slowly he turned Rella in his arms and sat with her across his lap. He wanted to laugh because it was the same position he’d found them in just a short time before, but he didn’t feel like laughing. Not with her shaking with fear on his lap.

  “I was one of the males selected for Rella’s initiation ceremony. She was beautiful and open. I wanted her.” He nudged her and felt a slight change in her body. “I decided that I wanted to claim her then, so I spent all morning yesterday petitioning the magistrate for the right to take her as a mate. He agreed, but she still needed to attend the ball. I’m so glad they made me wait. Seeing her in the ball outfit was well worth it all.”

  His father chuckled, and Sabar felt Rella lean into him, softening against his chest. He sighed with relief and kept telling his story.

  “We spent some time at the ball getting to know each other.” He barely caught the scoff from the woman on his lap, but from the amused look his father gave him, she must be making some sort of face. With a grin, he squeezed the warm feminine bundle in his arms, and aimed the next words at her. “What did you say, Rella? Hmm, something to add?”

  * * * *

  Sure we got to know each other, with me restrained to the table and naked. She bit the inside of her mouth to keep the words from flying from her mouth. Keeping her attitude in check took every ounce of control she had. The view of Sabar’s parents that sh
e could see through her hair left her with conflicting thoughts. They both seemed nice. His father kept winking at her, and his mother looked so sweet. Were they really nice or were they playing a part for her benefit? What possible reason would they have, though, to be nice to her if they didn’t want to be? Sabar was their son. Therefore, they didn’t need to make him happy.

  She came back to the conversation when she heard her name again on Sabar’s lips. “Rella seemed to think that her sister’s welfare was more important than getting my medallion, so that is why she is still not wearing it and why she is still wearing the band from the ball.”

  Her muscles froze in terror. Why would he tell his parents that part? Was he trying to get them to hate her? Perhaps he really didn’t want to keep her after all. She peeked through her hair again and caught his father laughing silently. How did he find it entertaining? Unless they’d finally determined her punishment and he laughed with mirth. Icy tendrils of fear wound around her heart. That had to be it. Sabar had admitted that the Linax oil wasn’t his idea, so his parents had come to witness her punishment for running.

  “Stop. Rella. Listen to me.”

  She jerked at the growl rumbling under her back. She hadn’t done anything. Why was he telling her to stop? She peeked up into Sabar’s face, and she flinched from the irritation clearly evident on his eyes. She’d done something wrong, obviously.

  “I’m sorry, Master.” She mumbled the words, trying to pour every bit of submission she could muster into her words.

  “You don’t even know what I’m angry over, yet you say you’re sorry? Rella look at me.”

  She glanced up again, schooling her features into her blankest mask.

  “Stop hiding from me. You were thinking again while I was explaining things to my parents. I don’t know how to get through your thick head. You aren’t going to be punished. You did nothing wrong. Well, I would have liked to know that you were leaving to tend your sister, but other than that you are not in trouble. Stop waiting for me to beat you.” His voice lowered and his hand rubbed soothing circles on her back. “You are giving me a complex, little girl. Am I truly that frightening?”

  She shook her head before she could think about it. No, he didn’t really frighten her. The situation scared her to death.

  “Talk to me.” She tried to turn her head and gauge the look from his parents, but Sabar had captured her chin. “No, talk to me. They aren’t in charge of you, I am. Look in my eyes and tell me what is going on in that pretty little head of yours.”

  She wanted to shake her head, refuse to speak. It was safer not to voice her thoughts. He wanted her to say what was on her mind. He’d said so repeatedly. She drew in a deep breath. “I don’t know why you are telling them all of this. They’ll hate me and want me punished. I disobeyed you the minute you let me out of your sight. How can explaining that to your parents be a good thing?”

  The grin that spread across his lips made her smile back in response. She couldn’t help it. He looked like a boy in a sweets shop. “There’s my girl. So, what should we discuss with them?”

  Rella was at a loss. She didn’t know what to say to his parents. She’d barely been allowed to speak to her own. Her mind worked through different topics, but in the end she came up with a blank and shrugged, whispering. “I don’t know.”

  “So, perhaps you can trust me to talk with my parents if you can’t think of anything to say?”

  She swallowed a giggle. Okay, girlie, you’ve found a good one, and he isn’t out to hurt you. Relax. With a deep breath she finally loosened her muscles and melted against his chest.

  “Good. Now, where was I. Oh, yes. This is where you come in, father. I sent Tannard to collect Rella. I gave him clear directions to not harm her and not to punish her. He took it upon himself to have her rubbed down in Linax oil.”

  The growl from Sabar was drowned out by the gasps from his parents. His anger was evident in the clenched muscles under her cheek. She stroked his chest, trying to soothe him. His anger made her feel better. At least someone found her treatment appalling. A knot in her chest unwound. He cared. He cared enough to be angered by her treatment. Tears prickled her eyes. Other than Marena and Lena, she hadn’t had anyone really care about her in so long. She pressed her face tighter to his chest and breathed in his scent.

  “Shh, we’re not angry at you.” His crooning words finally broke through her thoughts. His face was drawn, and a frown pulled his brows together. Hesitantly she reached up and smoothed her thumb over the wrinkles.

  “I didn’t think you were angry with me. I was just coming to the understanding that you truly do care for me.” She could hear the wonder in her own voice, but he wanted her to speak her thoughts. There was no way she was going to let him think that her tears were from fear.

  A thrill fluttered in her stomach when he bent down and captured her lips with his. The kiss wasn’t light or comforting. It was an assault on her senses. His hands held her head, strong and sure palms cradled her face, holding her exactly where he wanted her. His tongue didn’t wait for her to open. He speared into her mouth, taking what he wanted, branding her mouth with his. Heavy breaths mingled in her lungs as she gasped and tried to suck air through her nose. She fisted his shirt and pulled him closer to her and tried to turn on his lap so she could straddle his thighs.

  * * * *

  Someone cleared their throat, and Sabar reared back from the mauling he’d been undertaking. A blush crept up his neck. He’d completely forgotten that his parents, his mother sat not an arm’s length from him. He tried to hide the grin but was obviously unsuccessful when his father laughed loudly.

  “Son, you have picked well. I’m quite impressed with your mate. Now, before you have her naked on the floor, let us discuss Tannard and his punishment. I would assume that is why we are here?”

  “I’m afraid I will kill him, Father. If I take him into the yard, I will flay his skin from his bones for what he did to her. She knelt for most of yesterday covered in that horrible oil. By the time I came home she was so far gone that she didn’t know what was happening. I had to carry her into the bathing room while she screamed in pain.” The memory came fast and hard, digging painfully into his heart. He wanted to taste the blood of the man that had inflicted such horrible torture on Rella.

  “May I speak with him? I’d like to know why he disobeyed your orders before I take him for punishment. Perhaps he needs to be taken in front of the magistrate, but perhaps not.”

  “Fine. But he will at least get whipped, Father. I refuse to allow anything less for what he did.”

  “Understood. Where is he?”

  “Tannard, come out here,” he shouted. With Rella firmly perched on his lap, Sabar felt strong enough to have Tannard come out of his room. Her soft body molded intimately to his kept him from attacking the other male. Just seeing him creeping into the room was enough to send rage coursing through Sabar’s body.

  Before Sabar could explode, his father spoke. “You will explain your behavior, Tannard. You’ve been with my family for years. What do you have to say as to why you harmed my son’s mate?”

  “Master. I would beg your forgiveness for harming the girl. It was not my intention to cause her any lasting pain.” The sniveling servant bowed.

  “Shut up.” Sabar growled and felt Rella’s tiny hand moving in circles on his chest. Stay calm and don’t frighten her. He tried to focus on her hand, her body. He tried to steer his anger and keep it under control.

  “Why did you have her prepared with Linax oil? Did Sabar instruct you to have her oiled?” His mother’s voice was sharp with her anger. “I just don’t understand why you would think that was appropriate behavior.”

  “I thought to have her prepared for her punishment. She’d run from him at the ball, had ignored his instructions. Those actions warranted swift and hard action. When Master instructed me to just collect her, I found his recommendations too lax.”

  Pure rage flashed red behind Sabar’s
eyes. “What do you mean my recommendations were too lax? Am I not the master of this house? Were you not instructed to follow my wishes in all things when you were given to me?”

  “You break tradition too often. It’s a disgrace to the warrior race to allow a female to get away with anything, let alone running from you. In the old days, she would have been punished in public, scarred for her insolence and then made to apologize to you, your parents and anyone else she wronged.”

  “The old ways are barbaric and you know that those laws were rescinded years ago.”

  Tannard bowed his head, whispering, “They shouldn’t have been. Females should be kept in their place and pain is the best method.”

  His own servant, a man who had been with him for years, had taken it upon himself to punish Rella based on archaic rules? Sabar’s body vibrated with pent-up anger. Adrenaline surged, bunching his muscles and speeding his breathing. Battle rage was going to take over, and he would kill Tannard unless he could be removed and fast. Gritting his teeth, he forced words from his lips. “I’ve heard enough. Father. I want him removed and punished. I never want him to look, speak, or even think about Rella. If I see him near her again, I will kill him.”

  “Fine idea, son. Tannard, you will remove yourself from this home and wait in our vehicle outside. We will be visiting the magistrate and having your punishment dealt with publicly. I’m suggesting you be coated in Linax oil for some time so you can fully appreciate the severity of what you did to my son’s mate.” Rage colored his father’s words.


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