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Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 15

by Lea Barrymire

  “Hmm, if that is how you will make me stop talking, perhaps I need to run at the mouth more often.” He licked his lips and grinned back at her.

  She giggled and then laughed at the look of feigned consternation he attempted. She let a squeal out when he dug his fingers into her side. Her whole body tried to evade his wandering hands, but he was too quick. “Stop it. I’m too ticklish.”

  “Come on, little girl. Let’s get something to eat and we can talk.”

  She watched him turn and head off toward the kitchen. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was. A few days before, she’d been nothing more than a slave in her father’s house. Now, she was mated to a male who wanted her opinions, wanted her to be herself, and who gave her wonderful orgasms. She giggled at her own musings and followed her mate.

  When she entered the room Sabar already had fruits on a plate and was dishing up other items at the table. He beckoned her over and patted his knee. She went to him without a single bit of concern, climbing into his lap and snuggling against his chest.

  “I love how you are starting to trust me. It makes me happy to see you smiling and laughing. You have a beautiful laugh, Rella.”

  “Thank you.” What else could she say? She’d laughed more in two days than she had in years. Her laugh was as foreign to her as it was to him.

  “Tomorrow I will have to go back to training. I usually leave just before first sunrise and will be back near midday. Sometimes I will need to leave for days at a time to protect our city.” While he spoke, he fed her small pieces of fruit from his fingers. “With Tannard gone, I will need to find another servant to stay here. Do you have a preference for a male or a female?”

  “Female is fine, but I want to do the cooking for us. I enjoy making food.”

  “Whatever you want. This is our home. The servant I get will answer to both of us. You are not a slave or servant to me, Rella.”

  She nodded, thinking through his words. She’d want someone that would be a companion to her, so definitely a female. Someone she could talk to and share chores with. An idea came to her, and she gasped. “Would you allow my sister Marena to come here? She is stuck at home with Bana and I fear for her. She’s sweet and would be a great help around the dwelling.”

  “That is a fine idea. She wasn’t part of your punishment, was she? I don’t think I can stomach having a female here that assisted in that.”

  Rella soothed him with soft strokes. She could see his anger rising. “No. She was ill and would never have allowed it. Trust me.”

  “Then it’s settled. I will arrange to have Marena brought here with your items. She’ll act as our servant until she finds a mate.”

  The idea of her sister with a mate caused her a flash of fear, but another idea started forming. What if Sabar had a friend who would treat Marena well? She smiled at him and leaned forward to place a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Do you have a friend that thinks as you do? Someone who we could introduce to Marena?”

  “Already playing the matchmaker?” He kissed her on the nose, a calculated glint in his eye. “Perhaps I know someone, but it will have to wait until the next ball.”

  Happiness surged through her. Tears threatened to spill again, but she blinked to keep them from falling. Emotions tore through her heart. “I will thank the gods every day for giving me to you. Thank you for picking me.”

  “Oh, Rella, I am the thankful one. I have waited years to find you. Always remember that, if nothing else. I waited for you, for your spunk, your mouth, your brain. You are my perfect match, my mate.”

  She leaned into him and let him capture her mouth with his, just as he’d captured her heart with his. She didn’t know how she had found her way into the graces of the gods, but she was overflowing with thankfulness. At no time in her life had she thought to find a mate who appreciated her for her.

  Before she lost herself in the embrace, she sent a prayer out for her sister and her happiness. Maybe the gods would see fit to find Marena a mate who loved her as well.



  Lea lives in Western New York with her hubby, three children, and miscellaneous critters. Before the rugrats, she lived a life of adventure, following her husband all over Europe with the US military. She’s slept in a car outside Paris, drove six hours just to see tulips in the Netherlands, and knocked ash from her shoes at Pompeii. Now she spends her time in life’s adventures at soccer games, PTA meetings and school plays.

  Lea has loved reading from a very young age, spending many sleepless nights devouring books. Science fiction and paranormal were her favorite genres to read as a teenager, and that love bled into her adult life. She started writing during a bout of insomnia, to fill time, and found it filled a creative void. Now she communes regularly with the characters in her head and tries not to laugh out loud when they say something funny.

  When Lea isn’t reading, writing or corralling kids, she enjoys watching movies and sciencey shows, or just kicking back and listening to some music.

  For all titles by Lea Barrymire, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  About the Author




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