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Christmas Mail Order Angels: The complete 11 Volume Set

Page 8

by Darlene Franklin

  His wife died, never seeing home again.

  “Martha was a homebody. She never complained, but she never really wanted to leave Merville. She wasn’t like you—wouldn’t have jumped on a train and traveled across the country to marry a man she’d never met.” He shook his head at the thought. “But she made me promise to send Jake back to Merville if something ever happened to me, or maybe encourage him to go back to Merville when he wanted to settle down.”

  He looked at Jake, apology written on his face. “Sorry, Jake. One more sin to add to my name. I couldn’t bear to send you back, never wanted you to leave me. Just said to find yourself a bride from Merville, like I did.”

  Jake leaned against the wall, his eyes focused on some faraway point. “I guess being a preacher was in my blood. What a tale. We’ll have to tell our children someday.” He looked at Becky. “Unless you decide to turn tail and head back to Merville yourself.” He smiled as if he doubted that was going to happen.

  Was this the time to tell him? Yes. He had waited long enough, and he needed the encouragement she could give him.

  She crossed the room and wound her arms around his neck. “Jacob Underwood, whether you stay here as Angel Vale’s merchant or preacher or whether you decide to head somewhere else, you’d better plan on taking me with you. I love you, and God finally opened my eyes to my foolishness.”

  Not caring about the witnesses, she kissed Jake on the lips.

  * * *

  Jake wrapped his arms around Becky and kissed her, not letting go until the sound of laughter and applause broke through his reverie.

  He gently pulled away, letting her go with a hug. He put a finger to his mouth. “Stay here for a moment.”

  He caught a glimpse of the audience, grinning, waiting, as if Becky and Jake were putting on a play for their benefit. Nothing about their courtship had been ordinary, so why should this part be? He went into his office and opened his safe to remove two rings: a thin gold band that Ma had worn when she had married Pa and a fancier ring with diamonds and rubies worthy of the Christmas season surrounding it. Pa’s gift to Ma after he struck it rich the first time. He’d had Alex polish and size both rings for Becky, but he still didn’t know which ring she’d prefer.

  The door opened and Jake swung around, closing his hands over the rings, hoping Becky hadn’t decided he was taking too long.

  Pa stood there. “She’d probably be more comfortable with the first ring.”

  Jake stared at it. “That’s what I thought. But she deserves so much more.”

  “She can carry off the second ring. Your mother never felt comfortable wearing it. But Becky could be either—the rich merchant’s wife or the preacher who sometimes scratches for a living.”

  Jake’s face heated. “I will always provide for my family.”

  “No offense meant. You probably have enough money stashed away to support yourselves frugally for the rest of your lives. You don’t look rich, but you always managed money well.” He paused. “Not many men from the gold fields can say the same. I’m proud of you, son.”

  Warmth rushed through Jake as he dropped the rings from one hand to the other. “I had a good teacher.” God prodded him to speak the truth. “I appreciate that. You didn’t go crazy every time you found gold. You just never stopped looking.”

  He closed his hand over the rings and looked at his father. “I never thought of it like that. I put off being a preacher partly because I want to provide for a family. I was chasing money, just like you did, all those years.” He looked his Pa straight in the eye. “I was chasing the wrong dream, and I was blaming you, when it was all my fault. Will you forgive me, Pa?”

  “Of course! Can you forgive me for being such a bad example?”

  The two men hugged, a few tears trickling from their eyes. Pa pulled back first. “Now you get out there to that young lady with the ring before you change your mind.”

  Jake looked at the rings again and the answer became clear in his mind. “Let’s go.”

  Becky had taken a seat, her cheeks pink, the men around her silent. Embarrassment seemed to have overtaken the earlier feelings of romance. Well, he could change that in a heartbeat. He crossed the room and knelt in front of her chair, chuckling as her face flared from pink to bright red.

  “Rebecca Marie Patterson, I think I loved you from the moment I received your first letter and read how you saved my letter from the fire.”

  That brought a chuckle from her as well, and they both relaxed.

  “You believed in me from the first, even after you learned it could mean not escaping church ministry. It seems that God finally straightened us both out.”

  She nodded.

  “So my dearest Becky, I love you with all my heart. I know you will be a wonderful pastor’s wife, but I would marry you if you were Mary Magdalene. In front of all these witnesses—”

  This time they had the sense to keep quiet.

  “—I ask you to be my wife. My lover, my helpmate, my partner in ministry, the mother of any children God sends our way.” He opened his hand with the diamond and ruby ring. He would use the other ring at the wedding ceremony. “If you will accept, will you wear this ring, which was my mother’s wedding ring, as a symbol of that promise? Until we marry—” He glanced around the room. “As soon as Preacher Reed can fit us in with all the other couples getting married at Christmas.”

  With her right hand over her heart, she held out her left hand while he slipped on the ring.

  “It fits perfectly,” she said. “You must have had Mr. Vaughan fix it, you thoughtful man.” Leaning forward, where her lips were less than an inch from his, she said, “My answer is—yes!” They kissed again, a quick caress, a meeting of the eyes that there would be many more.

  “I’m extra glad that the ruby is your birthstone. Alex told me that, when he worked on it.”

  She glanced over Jake’s shoulder at his father. “Maybe God had me in mind as well when you bought this ring for your wife. It’s beautiful.”

  “I’m sure He did.” Lee’s smile was rather sad.

  “To the preacher and his bride.” Matt lifted a bottle of orange phosphate in salute.

  “Hear, hear.”

  They walked out the door to the men’s cheers, the ring announcing their changed status to everyone who saw them.


  Less than a week had passed since Jake’s proposal—a whirlwind week. Not much planning needed to go into the wedding. Becky had her wedding dress, which she had set aside and never worn since her arrival in Angel Vale.

  When Sophia saw the dress, she refused to let Becky wear it. Instead, she and several of the other groups had spent the week sewing. Jake had long since sold out of bridal white fabric. In a gesture of sacrifice and friendship, the ladies who had purchased the Christmas plaid donated it for her dress. They created a red and green beribboned dress, kept simple at her insistence. Such a sacrifice should not be worn only once.

  On Saturday morning, she had her final fitting. Although no one had informed her, she believed a bridal shower was also planned, in spite of her protests. Snowflakes had begun swirling down from the sky when several of the married brides arrived at the mill house. As soon as she opened the door, delicious aromas wafted from the kitchen, followed by a gaggle of giggles.

  Most of the original eleven brides had gathered. The table groaned with cakes and cookies and pies. “We probably shouldn’t, with all the wedding cakes we’ll be eating this next week,” Henrietta said.

  Feminine tittering circled the room.

  “But what’s a party without food?”

  “I said no party. . .” Becky started.

  “You’re not the only bride. It’s time we celebrated—eleven couples happily matched. Thanks to you and Jake,” Phoebe said.

  “And Matt and Sophia,” Becky said. “It was his idea.”

  Sophia smiled and gave a small curtsy.

  “So why didn’t you tell me? I didn’t have a chance to
get anything for any of you.”

  The women shook their heads. Sophia said, “We know how hard it was for you to decide to become the pastor’s wife, to be the one we turn to with our troubles—”

  “—even though we were already coming to you,” Henrietta interrupted.

  “So this is one party where you have no responsibility except to enjoy.”

  Plates were filled, gifts and cards exchanged. So many gifts changed hands that day. She and Jake received fruitcakes, tea towels, and even a painting from the seacoast of Maine which brought tears to her eyes.

  “Before you try on your dress, we have one more gift for you. We couldn’t have done it without your class. We’ve all learned so much this month,” Phoebe said. “Your turn, Sophia.”

  Sophia stood, as authoritative as she had been the first time Becky had met her. “They seemed to think I should write this, since Matthew writes the newspaper.” She cleared her throat.

  “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than the rubies on her fingers.”

  Becky covered her ring with her hand.

  “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value in that incredible store of his.

  “She will bring him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She selects goods for the store and works with eager hands. She is like the trains, knowing how to get supplies from afar.

  “She already gets up while it is still night. She will provide food for her family and portions for the guests who visit.

  “She will consider the needs of the family, the church, and the town and will buy what is needed, out of her household budget,

  “She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.

  “She sees that her ministry is helpful. Her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the needle and thread. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

  “When it snows—as it does in Wyoming, as we saw this week—she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in warm wool.”

  Sophia continued her paraphrase of Proverbs 31, ending with “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

  Becky sat, stunned and embarrassed.

  Sophia laid aside the pages. “Becky, we wanted to gift you with these words. We have seen all these qualities in you for years. You were the heart of Seaside Community Church. Your decision to come with us was their loss, and our gain. You struggled with your calling, but we are all the richer for your decision to marry Jake.”

  “And now—who wants to see the bride?”

  * * *

  Snow continued throughout Saturday and overnight, leaving snow piled high around town. The congregation was sparse, but Becky and Jake were too excited to care. During the service, Preacher Reed grilled Jake on Biblical and theological questions for almost an hour. Name the books of the Bible. Quote a dozen verses. Explain the plan of salvation. Those questions half the congregation could answer. His mind raced forward to the afternoon, to their wedding.

  Preacher Reed dug deeper with his questions, asking Jake to explain the different views on the second coming of Christ, and to announce—and give the reasons for—his own personal belief. Churches had split over less, and Becky prayed as he navigated the difficult waters.

  Reed managed to ask questions using words even Becky had never heard—and her father had taught her a lot. Jake sweated and said he didn’t know a few times. He asked for additional explanation a few times.

  As Preacher Reed had threatened, it was a very thorough examination for ordination indeed.

  At last Preacher Reed finished. His stern look quickly turned to a smile. “I failed to tell you that I used to teach theology. And you, young man, passed with a love for the Lord and your knowledge of His Word. And you managed it on your wedding day.”

  Becky sagged with relief. As soon as the ordination finished, Sophia whipped Becky to the newspaper office for a private place to dress for the wedding. She helped Becky into her Christmas plaid dress and carefully spun her hair into coils and wisps of curls tied with ribbons. Time fled by. At last Sophia said, “It’s time. Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” Becky could wait no longer. With Matt at her side to give her away and Sophia as her matron of honor, they crossed the street and waited for the signal to enter.

  The door opened. The congregation sang “Amazing Grace.” Sophia entered, but all Becky could see was Jake—her Jake—waiting for her at the back of the store. Her foot crossed the threshold—to God’s plan. Her future.

  Her lover’s dream.


  Darlene Franklin’s greatest claim to fame is that she writes full-time from a nursing home. She lives in Oklahoma, near her son and his family, and continues her interests in playing the piano and singing, books, good fellowship, and reality TV in addition to writing. She is an active member of Oklahoma City Christian Fiction Writers, American Christian Fiction Writers, and the Christian Authors Network. She has written over forty books and has written more than 250 devotionals. Her historical fiction ranges from the Revolutionary War to World War II, from Texas to Vermont. You can find Darlene online elsewhere at , and


  Upcoming books:

  The Reformed Cowboy in The Cowboy’s Bride Collection, Barbour, 2016

  The Face of Mary in A Texas Christmas, September 1, 2015,


  Gunfight at Grace Gulch

  A String of Murders

  Paint Me a Murder


  Maple Notch Brides

  Prodigal Patriot,

  Bridge to Love,

  Love’s Raid,

  Maple Notch Dreams

  Hidden Dreams,

  Golden Dreams,

  Homefront Dreams,

  Maple Notch Days

  Saving Felicity,

  Small-Town Bachelor,

  Miss Bliss and the Bear in Preacher Brides,

  Priceless Pearl in Homestead Brides,


  Romanian Rhapsodies,


  Knight Music,

  Colorado Melodies,

  Love’s Raid in New England Romance Collection,

  It Is Well With my Soul,

  Calico Brides,

  Angel in Disguise in Texas Brides,

  Merry Christmas, With Love in Postmark: Christmas,

  A Bride’s Rogue in Roma, Texas,

  Pride’s Fall,


  Lone Star Trail,

  A Ranger’s Trail,

  First Christmas in Christmas at Barncastle Inn,

  Face of Mary in A Woodland Christmas,

  Beacon of Love,

  Seaside Romance,


  A Reader’s Journey through Matthew


  Christmas Visitors,

  My Candy Valentine,

  Love’s Glory,

  An Apple for Christmas,

  Christmas Gold


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