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Christmas Mail Order Angels: The complete 11 Volume Set

Page 62

by Darlene Franklin

  Suddenly a screech like she’d never heard before sounded from the rocks.

  Chapter 12

  Riley recognized that howl and it was around the bend. He and Jess spurred their horses and a woman’s scream filled the air. Nelle! Riley’s heart pounded, and he charged ahead with the gun raised and the trigger cocked.

  He rounded the out crop of rock as a flash of dark yellow leapt toward the wagon. He fired a shot as the big cat landed on Nelle, knocking her from the wagon. She landed on her back and her head hit the ground hard.

  Riley jumped from his saddle and dropped to his knees beside Nelle. Her still form sent rivers of fear flooding his body. His fingers pressed against her neck. He shouted up to Jess, “She’s got a pulse, but this gash is bad and she’s got some deep claw marks. Run ahead and get the doc.” He pulled off the bandanna around his neck and held it against Nelle’s head wound.

  “The cat’s dead.” Jess pushed the carcass off the wagon. “I’ll bring the doc to meet you.” He jumped to the ground then mounted his horse. He disappeared over the hill in a flash.

  “Pa, is that you?”

  The children. They were in the wagon. He scrambled to his feet to find Elizabeth peering over the edge of the wagon.

  “Pa, what’s wrong with Nelle? Is she dead?” Fear etched her features as she climbed down from the wagon and ran to his side.

  “She fell off the wagon when the cat pounced on her. Jesse’s gone for the doc. I have to get her in the wagon and head to town.”

  “The back’s loaded down with stuff, Pa. We picked up a lot of boxes at the store.”

  Katie’s crying now pierced his heart. What if his children had been attacked? They could have been killed. What if he hadn’t been this close to them? Nelle could be dead.

  He shook his head. Forget the what if’s and take care of the now. “Help me get some of the stuff off the wagon. We’ll leave it here and pick it up later.”

  “Yes, Pa.” She ran around to the rear of the wagon to let down the back. She hoisted herself up and picked up the largest item she could handle.

  Riley waited on the ground to take them from her. “Don’t move the food supplies. They’ll attract more wild animals. Just hand me some of the other boxes.”

  When enough of the load had been removed to make room for Nelle, Riley picked her up and laid her on the wagon bed. He covered her with the quilt. “Katie can you stay right here and hold her hand. She’ll like that.”

  Katie nodded and reached for Nelle’s hand. “It’s going to be okay, Ma. We’ll take care of you.” She patted Nelle’s hand and then bent her head to kiss it.

  Tears filled Riley’s eyes. He couldn’t lose another wife, not like this. “Elizabeth you sit up top with me and hold Davey.”

  A few minutes later they were situated and headed toward town. Next to him Elizabeth held Davey tight against her chest her cheek resting on his head. Her eyes, wide and filled with fear, looked up at Riley.

  “Pa, she was so brave. She had me pull the canvas down and cover me, and Katie and Davey. I guess she thought if the cat couldn’t see us, it wouldn’t attack us. She sat up there all by herself.”

  “That was smart of her.” Still, if he hadn’t shot the cat, it would have smelled the children and gone searching for them as well. As it was, the cat’s claws had ripped across the front of Nelle’s cloak and torn the dress beneath it. A couple of the marks looked deep, but the gash on her head concerned him more.

  “I prayed hard when we were under the canvas.” She glanced back to Nelle’s still form. “I’m glad you married her, Pa. She’s been nice to us, and I think she loves us, all of us.”

  He reached around Elizabeth’s shoulders and hugged her close. “I know she does. I hope you will too, sweetheart.”

  “I do, Pa. I do love her.” Tears streamed down her cheeks and she choked back sobs.

  Riley hugged her closer. Little Davey sat in her lap, his thumb in his mouth and his solemn blue eyes peered at him with so much trust that Riley would have fought off anything, even the grizzly he’d hunted, to protect his son. He swallowed hard. That’s exactly what Nelle was doing with that cat.

  Less than twenty minutes later, Jess returned with the doc. They must have raced from town to get here so fast, but Riley didn’t ponder that very long. He pulled up on the reins and jumped down. “Doc, I’m glad you’re here. She won’t wake up.”

  “Hmm, let me have a look. Help me up there.”

  Riley and Jess boosted him onto the wagon. He examined the wounds before opening his bag. He then pulled out a bottle of something and a white cloth. After soaking the cloth, he cleansed the wounds.

  “She’s going to need a few stitches on the head wound. The others I think will be okay. Not much blood loss as yet on the cuts, but this gash on her head is bleeding more.”

  The doctor bandaged the head wound. “Looks like she has a concussion as well. Let’s get her into town so I can examine her more carefully.”

  He peered down at Katie. “You keep holding her hand and talking to her. Can you do that?

  Katie nodded and grabbed Nelle’s hand again. The doctor backed down from the wagon and placed his hand on Riley’s arm. “I’d say she’s going to be fine, but I won’t know until I can tell more about that gash on her head. Bring her to my office and I’ll be there with everything ready to treat here when you get there.”

  “Okay, Doc, whatever you say.” Riley climbed back up on the wagon seat beside Elizabeth.

  “Is she going to be all right? She’s not going to die is she?”

  Riley wrapped his arm around his daughter’s shoulder. “She’s not going to die, sweetheart. Doc will take care of her.” And he’d pray every minute of the way to that end.


  Riley sat in the doctor’s office, his head bowed and his hands hanging between his knees. Becky had come and taken the children over to the mercantile. She’d told Riley not to worry about them. Because they were in good hands, he could concentrate on Nelle.

  He’d prayed until he had no words left, but his ma had always said God didn’t need to hear the words, He could hear the heart. He hoped that was so now because his heart ached something fierce for that feisty little woman who had won them all over to loving her.

  Doc came into the room, wiping his hands on a towel. “I’ve done all I can do. Had to shave off a bit of her hair to sew up the gash, but it won’t be that noticeable. Cleaned up the claw marks, and like I suspected, none were deep enough for stitches. They may leave little scars, but they’ll heal in a matter of time. She’s mighty lucky you were there.”

  Luck had nothing to do with it. God had put him in the right spot at the right time to take care of his family.

  “I think she’ll wake up by later this evening, but she’s not to be moved before tomorrow or even the next day. I want to make sure she doesn’t have any other brain injury.”

  “But it’s only a week until Christmas.” They couldn’t have Christmas without Nelle.

  “I’m thinking you can take her home by Thursday or Friday. That’ll give you three days ‘til Christmas. Why don’t you take your family on home and then come back in the morning. The children will be better off in their own beds tonight.”

  How could he leave Nelle here? His mind understood what the doctor was saying, but his heart didn’t want to cooperate. Finally he nodded. Best to follow doctor’s orders.

  “Thank you, Doc for taking care of her. After Ed’s grizzly attack, we thought all the wild animal dangers were past. We killed that cat, but there may be others.” He jammed his hat on his head and strode to the door. “I’ll be back early in the morning.”

  He headed straight for the mercantile to collect his family. He explained what the doctor had said and what he was going to do.

  Becky shook her head. “Look, leave Davey here with me tonight. Nelle had extra clothes in that bag she had with her. It should still be in the wagon. I can wash those two bottles she had with her and fee
d him. That way you won’t have to worry about him.”

  As much as Riley hated to leave the baby, he realized he could get more done and get it done faster with Davey here in town. If they left now, they could be most of the way home before dark.

  Becky handed him a paper bag. “Here are some sandwiches, and Henrietta made up some of her cookies that Katie loves. They’ll help the girls pass the time.”

  “Thank you, Becky. You’re a good friend. C’mon, girls. Time to go.”

  Elizabeth hugged Davey one more time. “We’ll be back tomorrow. You be a good little boy for Miss Becky.” She swiped at a tear in her eye then marched out the door.

  When they were settled in the wagon, Riley held their hands. “We’re going to pray for Nelle now, and God will take care of her. He bowed his head. “Lord, a woman we love is lying in the doctor’s office and needs Your help. We pray for her healing, so she can come home and celebrate Your Son’s birth with us. She’s been a real blessing to our house, and we love her. Take care of her tonight. Watch over us and keep us safe on our journey home. I pray in Your name, amen.

  He blinked back tears and kissed each girl on the forehead before climbing up in the seat. He glanced back and Elizabeth had the extra quilt ready to wrap around her and Katie.

  The goods they’d unloaded were still on the road where they had left them, but Jesse was there as well.

  “Hi, Boss. I stayed here to guard your things. Figured it’d take too long to go get another wagon and come back. Got rid of the cat, too, and I ain’t seen any signs of another one.”

  “Thank you, Jesse. I could use your help getting this stuff reloaded.”

  They had the boxes back on the wagon in short time and Riley flipped the reins to take them home.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning, Riley scrambled the eggs Elizabeth brought in and toasted bread left over from yesterday. The girls ate in silence after he prayed over the meal and asked the Lord to bless Nelle and make her well.

  He went out to hitch the wagon while Elizabeth cleaned the kitchen. When he reached the barn, he spotted two horses and riders coming up the path to the house. One of them was a woman.

  Mrs. Leman rode up to Riley. “My husband told me about the accident yesterday. I came to offer my help. Isabella wanted to come, but she needs to stay with Ed. I’ll ride into town with you and if the Doc lets Nelle come home, I’ll help you get her home and stay to help get her settled. My cook will fix a meal for you and bring it over later. We have to take care of each other out here, so don’t argue with me.”

  Although her voice was stern, the smile in her eyes spoke of her caring heart. She’d been such a big help when Miranda had passed, so he wouldn’t turn down her help now.

  “Yes, ma’am, and we appreciate your help. I’m getting the wagon hitched to go into Angel Vale now.”

  “Bronc here is going with us. He has some business in town for Mr. Leman.”

  Riley nodded to the cowboy and entered the barn to get his horse. With Bronc riding, he could send Jesse on with his men and take care of things here. He breathed a silent prayer of thanksgiving for the good people of Angel Vale.

  When they reached the doc’s office in town, the sun was shining bright, which to Riley was a good omen of things to come. Mrs. Lehman went over to the mercantile to see about Davey while Riley and the girls went into the doc’s office.

  “She’s still sleeping, but she did wake up during the night and was lucid and remembered what had happened. After I assured her that the girls were fine and that you had shot the cat, she relaxed, but the pain in her head was fierce, so I gave her something for it.”

  Relief washed over Riley and he mopped his brow with his bandanna. “Thank you, Doc. Can we stay here until she wakes up?”

  “I suppose you can, but I don’t know when that will be. I put her in our room for patients I want to keep an eye on her, so you can wait out here.”

  “That’s okay. We don’t mind. Do we, girls?”

  They both shook their heads and sat down in the chairs by the wall.

  Katie fell asleep with her head in Elizabeth’s lap. She ran her hand over her sister’s mass of tangled hair coming undone from its braids. He hadn’t had time this morning to even think about trying to comb it out. Elizabeth had tried, but Katie wouldn’t sit still. Nelle had become such an important part of their lives, and he hadn’t even realized it until now.

  Finally the doc came and said Nelle had awakened.

  Riley jumped from his chair, picked up Katie and all but ran into Nelle’s room. A large bandage covered her head, but her smile was bright as the sun shining through the window.

  She reached up her arms for Katie. “Oh my, it’s good to see you all.”

  Elizabeth sidled up the bed. “Nelle, you saved our lives, and I was so scared when I saw you on the ground.”

  Nelle reached for Elizabeth’s hand. “I’m so thankful you are all okay.” She glanced up at Riley. “Where is Davey?”

  “He’s fine. Becky has him over at her place. She kept him last night.”

  “Oh, then he was in good hands.” She turned her head and winced.

  “I know it still hurts, Mrs. Thornton, but I can’t give you any more of that medicine for a little while.”

  “Maybe we should leave her be and let her rest.” As much as Riley hated to do so, he understood the need for rest after a head injury. “When might we take her home?”

  “Tomorrow if she’s not in as much pain.”

  Another day and night without her at home. They’d just have to manage. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You get some good rest. I’ll be back later. I’m going over to check on Davey. Mrs. Leman is going to take care of things until we get you home.”

  She smiled and nodded as she hugged Katie. “You be a good girl for your pa. Ask Miss Becky if she’ll brush your hair. I wish I’d been there to do it.”

  Katie hugged Nelle. “I do too, Ma. I miss you. Get all better and come home.”

  “I will, sweetie, I will.”

  Riley picked up Katie and Elizabeth said her goodbyes. Soon as he had the girls situated at the mercantile, he’d be back.


  Nelle lay on the bed, her head throbbing, but the pain didn’t matter. Riley had kissed her. On the forehead maybe, but it was the first sign of affection he’d ever shown. Her heart filled to overflowing with gratefulness to God for giving her that moment.

  Christmas would be extra special this year. She had a family, and she had a wonderful surprise for Riley. From the look in his eyes, he’d appreciate the gift of herself even more than she had imagined.

  All the other plans she’d made for the holiday may have to be put on hold, but whatever they did would be enough. Riley said earlier he planned to cut down a tree and bring it in to decorate. She hoped he still would. A tree would lift her spirits even more. She and the girls had worked on paper snowflakes, stars, bells, and angels all week. Elizabeth had even unpacked the nativity scene her mother had used.

  Nelle sighed, happiness filling her heart and soul to the brim. Christmas couldn’t come soon enough.


  When Riley returned a little later, Nelle reminded him of his promise to have a tree for Christmas. That was one task he could take care of this afternoon. She’d also told him she had wrapping paper for the gifts in one of the bags from the store. Wrapping gifts wasn’t his best accomplishment, but Elizabeth could do it. Maybe Mrs. Leman would be willing to help with that.

  He returned to the place Becky was living until her wedding. The sight of Davey toddling around the room made him laugh with love and joy for his son.

  Katie’s arms encircled him. “Pa, look. Mrs. Leman brushed my hair. See my bow?”

  “Yes, my little punkin, you look real pretty.” He mouthed a thank you toward the rancher’s wife.

  He picked up Davey and snuggled him. “How would you girls like to decorate a tree?”

  They clapped their hands and K
atie danced on her tip-toes. “I take that as a yes, so we’re going to find one this afternoon on our way home. We’ll come back tomorrow and take Nelle home. Won’t she be surprised to see a pretty tree all decorated and ready for Christmas?”

  Mrs. Leman grinned and wrapped an arm around Elizabeth. “You and I can wrap some of those gifts you took home and put them under the tree. You can help me fix dinner, too.”

  Everything was coming together. This would be a good Christmas. Maybe his blessing for Christmas this year would be a wife and not a housekeeper and nanny.

  Chapter 14

  Christmas Eve arrived with a hint of snow in the air. Nelle was home with strict orders not to do any heavy lifting or chores for another week. Riley didn’t mind that because she was home and that was what counted.

  Mrs. Leman had helped Elizabeth with most of the gifts which now sat under the tree, but she’d saved the special ones for Nelle to do. He peeked into kitchen now where she sat with wrapping paper, ribbon and boxes. Mrs. Leman had taken Katie and Elizabeth to her house for a party she had for all the children in town. There may not be many now, but with the new families starting up, that would change in the years to come.

  Heat flushed his face. The idea of having children with Nelle was a pleasant one, but he feared what happened to Miranda might happen again. The Lord would have to help him get over that fear.

  Riley spun on his heel and sprinted from the house. Best to get out of here now and get busy with taking care of business. At the barn door, he stopped and looked up. “Miranda, you’ll always have a place in my heart, but Nelle has come into our family, and I find I have enough love for her, too. I think you would like her, and she’ll take good care of our children. I think God sent her to us, and we sure needed her. Keep watching over us, and we’ll never let the girls forget you.”

  He remembered the locket he had for Elizabeth. He had a piece of lace from one of Miranda’s gowns. He’d put it into the locket to always remind his daughter of her mother. Nelle was right, Elizabeth was growing up. In a few months she’d be fourteen, and as pretty as she was, it wouldn’t take long for the boys to begin noticing her. Maybe they could send her away to school where she’d have the opportunity not only to learn, but also to meet more people. He’d have to think on that one and talk it over with Nelle.


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