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TORCHED (The Wild Flames #2)

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by Bella Love-Wins

  As she moved back to the bed, she pulled him toward her and began to remove his shirt. He matched her movements and went for her sweater. Soon, they were both free of their clothes and standing in each other’s arms, wearing only underwear. He took the opportunity to unclasp her bra, and allowed it to fall behind her. He caressed her face in his palm and lifted her into his arms to kiss her sensuous lips. His mouth never left hers as he lowered her onto the bed and slid beside her. He hungered for her and wanted to forget everything else. He reached down to her silk panties, gliding them off her body and tossing them across the room.

  He pulled her close, rubbing her back while she yanked on his boxers. He wiggled out of them, but kept their connection. His hardness pressed against her, urging her to invite him in. As if she’d read his mind, she lifted herself up and straddled him. Kevin couldn’t wait. He grasped her and pulled her down with a force that buried his shaft in her channel, all the way to the root.

  “God, Kevin,” she moaned, already rocking her hips.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Tara,” he whispered against her lips, biting down softly. Her body reacted to his words. He could feel her breasts hard on his chest as she rocked against his manhood.

  “Ahhh,” he groaned, lifting her slight weight to slide in and out of her. His pressure built as he braced himself for an explosive climax. As much as he wanted to come, he enjoyed it more when he could drive Tara over the edge first. “Yes, baby,” he moaned. “I want you to come for me, Tara.”

  His thrusts grew more frantic and anxious, and he felt her body stiffen as her climax released. Tara’s wild orgasmic whimpers were music to his ears. She crashed on top of him when she came, kissing him so hard it hurt. Her legs remained at his side as he continued pulling her down at the hips. It was pure joy to feel her body completely yield and become one with his. He moved deeper inside her each time, pounding in with more force.

  “Ahhh...oh God, Kevin,” she cried.

  Tara shook on top of him as he unleashed another level of her climax. Her movements were enough to send him on his own ride to ecstasy.

  “Fuck!” he shouted, welcoming the heady high as his exhaustion took hold of his body at the same time.

  He ran his fingers through her hair and sucked tenderly at her neck, as they remained locked together. Her back arched slightly as she stretched out her legs.

  “God, I needed this,” she whispered. Their lips reconnected and he held her to him. She had no idea how much he needed it, too.

  Chapter 4

  Tara opened her eyes to find moonlight shining through the window. She groaned. So much time had passed. She turned and saw Kevin staring at her, smiling. “What time is it?” she asked, stretching.

  “Nearly ten o’clock.”

  “Kevin, we’ve practically been in bed all day.” She started to pull herself up, but fell back down to the mattress. She was sore, yet found she still wanted him again. She laughed, looking back at him. “You really know how to make up for lost time.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” he replied, snickering. He pulled himself on top of her and started kissing her again. Her stomach growled, interrupting the mood. He laughed, pulling from the kiss and looking down at her. “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  She chuckled. “I’m a little bit hungry. We haven’t eaten all day.”

  They hadn’t bothered eating and while she wasn’t complaining, because she enjoyed being in his bed much more, her body reacted due to the hunger. “If you insist on eating,” he teased. “I’ll go grab us a snack.”

  Tara positioned herself on her elbows and watched him pull on some lounge pants and leave his room. Adoring his rock hard body could easily become her favorite pastime. She rolled onto her back when he left, still tingling from the feral need that had been building up inside. It was something she didn’t think she could get used to quite yet. And although she didn’t want to push Kevin when they made love, she needed him beyond words, and was glad whenever he didn’t hold back.

  As she stared at the ceiling, she couldn’t stop her thoughts from returning to Jake.

  Was he sleeping in the cold? Was he still watching them? Was he even in Washington State? She never thought of him as a vicious person. Maybe he was simply confused. She wondered if it all stemmed from his schizophrenia diagnosis.

  When Kevin returned, all thoughts of Jake vanished. He held a tray with two plates on it and her eyes widened.

  “Nice! You thought of it all,” she replied with a laugh as he set the tray down in front of her. He had brought a sandwich, chips, two slices of apple pie and a can of whipped cream.

  “What’s the whipped cream for?” she asked coyly, beaming as all the hot and heavy uses for it came to mind.

  “Um...the pie,” he said, and caught on when he saw the gleam in her eye. “You naughty, naughty girl.”

  She pressed her hand to her chest. “I was simply asking you an innocent question.”

  “Right!” He snickered. “There was nothing innocent about that question, and maybe if you play your cards right, we can come up with some more uses for it.”

  He winked at her and joined her on the bed. Instantly, Tara felt her face flush and her stomach clench, already anticipating what was to come.

  “Are your parents home?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “I don’t think so,” he replied, taking a bite of his sandwich. “Did you need to call your mom?”

  “Nope. She’ll figure I’m here with you.”

  She sprayed some whipped cream from the can onto both pieces of pie, and neither of them could help but giggle.

  “Save some of that for later,” he said with a teasing grin on his lips.

  Placing the can to the side, she quickly ate her pie. She couldn’t wait to see what he had in mind. When she finished, Kevin removed the tray from the bed. When he returned, she pulled herself up and grasped his lounge pants, slowly pulling them from his body. His raging erection showed he was ready to pick up where they’d left off. He grabbed the can of whipped cream.

  “Lay down so I can make you scream,” he ordered.

  She spread out on the bed, and already, her clit throbbed with need. She trembled when he shook the can of whipped cream and lowered it to her breasts, spraying some on each nipple. She cringed at how cold it felt, but quickly changed her mind when his lips covered one of her taut nipples and devotedly cleaning the whipped cream right off. The heat pooled between her legs, and all she could do was writhe under his attacking lips and grab hold of his head. She massaged his scalp, holding him to her chest as her eyes rolled back into her head from sheer pleasure.

  Kevin eagerly switched to the next breast, licking off the cream and devouring her. She wrapped her legs around him, searching for more contact. Her feet gently moved up and down his legs. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her again.

  “God. Please, Kevin. Come inside me,” she begged.

  The tip of his erection pressed lightly at her opening, ratcheting her need up a notch.

  Her tender breasts were cleaned in record time, and Kevin moved up beside her to plant an eager kiss on her lips. She could taste the leftover whipped cream, and graciously accepted it.

  “Taste. So. Sweet!” he mumbled, as her tongue dove into his mouth.

  She felt Kevin spread her legs out, and she groaned with sensual hunger. She wanted him so badly it almost hurt. It was time to take control. She reached around to his ass and pulled him hard so he could enter her channel in one punishing move. Even Kevin seemed pleasantly surprised by her boldness.

  He took her lead as she thrust her hips up to meet his blows, and soon, he was just as ravenous. Every moan she let out beckoned him to pound her deeper and harder, and made him so excited, he was near bursting. He grunted loudly, pushing deeper and harder the more she begged for it, until he reached her inner core.

  “Yes!” she cried out, crashing back against the pillow and screaming with desire. “Oh God...yes...yes.
..harder...fuck...ahhh...yes!” Each word was spoken with more passion and more urgency than the last.

  Her frantic hip movements drove him wild, and soon her screams took him over the edge. He groaned his release. She had reached the height of her climax just as he collapsed on top of her.

  Tara kissed his neck ever so softly, barely able to think, but brimming over with a taste of happiness that might have come straight from the heavens.


  As Tara and Kevin settled into their final week of work at the zoo, things started to calm down. Kevin received a call from his parents explaining they had to go out of town unexpectedly for his dad’s business and wouldn’t be home for up to a week. He didn’t bother telling them about Jake. He didn’t think there was any point. They were five hundred miles away and couldn’t do anything from where they were.

  The upside of their absence was that it left Tara and Kevin time to themselves. Tara grabbed some clothes from her house and brought them to his place, so they could have more alone time. They had the same work schedule for their last week, so they drove in to work together. During their off times, they were able to get more studying in. He even began to feel like they were a real couple, doing almost everything together and enjoying their time together more and more. Best of all, they had not heard a thing from Jake.

  On their final day at work, they were both in the barn working as everyone else toiled inside or with other animals. Kevin caught himself staring at Tara as she worked in her stall. She busied herself raking and appeared lost in thought. He grabbed his rake and went over to where she worked. She didn’t pay any attention to his arrival, until he grabbed a pile of hay on his rake it tossed it at her. She slowly turned around.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, playfully pushing the hay back toward him.

  “I thought you could use a little reprieve.” He laughed, raking up another pile of hay and tossing it at her.

  “ are in deep trouble, Mister,” she said, grabbing a handful of hay and tossing it over his head.

  He chuckled, dropping his rake and grabbing up a handful of hay. He tossed it at her and they proceeded to see who could look the messiest, laughing and pelting at one another, until he grabbed her into his arms. She giggled, moving closer to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and they held the moment.

  “It’s good to hear you laugh again,” he said.

  His hands hung on her hips and he slowly inched them up her shirt.

  “It’s good to hear you sounding happy, too,” she agreed. She reached up and pulled a piece of hay from his hair, throwing it to the ground.

  He moved in closer, pulling her into a kiss. They lost themselves as the kiss grew deeper, almost forgetting they were still at work until they heard the clearing of a throat. He pulled back from her, immediately dropping his hands and looking up to find their boss standing in the doorway.

  “Uh, hi Marge,” Kevin grabbed the rake and stepped away from Tara.

  “Hi, you two. I was just checking to see how things were going.” She looked back and forth between the two of them. There seemed to be more curiosity in her gaze than anger or surprise. “Do either of you need a new assignment?” She raised an eyebrow as she waited for their reply.

  “No, thanks,” he quickly blurted out. “We’re getting back to work.”

  He returned to his stall and attempted to take his mind off Marge, who still stood at the doorway.

  “Okay,” she replied, seeming unconvinced as she left the barn.

  After she was gone, Kevin looked up to see Tara’s face was bright red. “How embarrassing,” she said, with a laugh.

  He snickered, moving back to her stall. “She nearly got an eyeful,” he replied, putting his hand back up her shirt and rubbing her back. “Now, where were we?” He kissed her neck.

  “Kev,” she whispered, sounding frustrated. “We’re going to get into trouble.”

  “What are they going to do? Fire us? This is our last day.” He continued to kiss her neck, until she finally relaxed against him. She turned around and their lips met. “I need you so badly right now,” he mumbled.

  She parted from the kiss and reached for his hand. “I’ve got an idea,” she whispered. She led the way to the stairs to the hayloft. He couldn’t believe what they were going to do. And he couldn’t believe it was Tara’s idea.

  They reached the hayloft, hidden from sight of anyone who would enter the barn. For a few minutes it would be their secret place, and he’d cherish it.


  “We’ll have to make it quick,” Tara muttered as she leaned up against the tall stack of hay. The straw pieces pierced her back and made her itch, but she quickly forgot about it when Kevin planted a long kiss on her lips. His hands pressed into her back, securing her body against his.

  Chapter 5

  “God, I love you so much,” Tara whispered against his lips, feeling his erection already poking at her leg. He tugged at the button of her pants and pulled them down with her panties until they dropped to her ankles, and she stepped out of them.

  “Turn around,” Kevin ordered, coaxing her to face the hay.

  He spread her legs apart and bent her forward.

  “Oh God...” she whimpered, pushing back as she felt his hardness pressed up between her legs. He lifted the hair from her back and trailed kisses down the back of her neck, slowly wandering down to her shoulder blade. Just before he entered her soaking wet channel, he bit her earlobe gently, sending a wave of heat throughout her craving body.

  Kevin gripped her hips hard and launched his wild attack on her pussy. All Tara could do to not attract any unwanted attention from staff was to clamp one hand over her mouth to cover her moans. If she could have her way, she’d be screaming at the top of her lungs as he meted out powerful thrusts that could rock her into next week. Her clit throbbed, aching to be touched, so she tugged one of his hands from her hips and guided it to do what it did best. It was exactly what they both needed to unlock their desire and send them beyond the point of no return.

  “Oh. God.” He whimpered against her ear as he impaled his release into her.

  Tara tossed her head back, squealing into the hand that muted her cries of pleasure. She sighed, breathlessly panting when she slumped forward into the haystack, barely able to move. Kevin leaned forward into her back, and she could feel his heart pounding hard. His lips touched her neck, and she swore she could collapse there and then.

  If she had it her way, she would stay there for the rest of their shift, but someone could walk in at any moment.

  “Kevin...” she mumbled.

  “Hmm.” He stood and turned her to face him, leaving nothing to chance as he moved his tongue in to claim her mouth.

  “Kevin,” she groaned, pushing him away, albeit with hesitation. “I told you we had to make it quick. Marge could walk back in and we’d be caught.”

  “You’re killing me.”

  She snickered. “Better me than Marge,” she teased. “Besides, we can get together tonight and pick up where we left off.” She picked up her pants and underwear, and shook the straw off before putting them back on.

  Kevin was in the same spot, with his pants around his ankles, when she looked back at him.

  “Are you going to stay there all day?”

  He grinned. “I’m considering it.”

  “I’m not finishing your”

  “Tara? Are you in here?” She heard her name being called by Nathanial, one of the long-time employees of the zoo.

  “Shhh,” she whispered, placing a finger to her lips. She crouched down to remain unseen.

  “Tara?” She heard him call, again.

  She shot Kevin a glance and stood to her feet. “I’m up here!”

  Nathanial looked toward the hayloft. “What are you doing up there? Hiding?” His booming laughter echoed around the stall.

  “No,” she called back. “I wanted to straighten up here one last time. It was a mess.”

. Where’s Kevin?”

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  “That’s weird,” he mumbled. “Marge said he was in here with you.”

  She attempted to do her best to cover up how much she was blushing as she came down the stairs.

  “Maybe I misunderstood. Anyway, Marge would like to speak with both of you before you leave today.”

  She dropped her hand from her face.

  “Do you know why?” She hoped her voice didn’t come out shaky.

  “I haven’t got a clue, but when you find your boyfriend, tell him for me, okay? Oh, and Tara...”

  “Yes?” she asked. She still wondered what Marge wanted to discuss with them.

  “You have some hay in your hair,” he said, grinning as he walked away.

  She shook her head, reaching up and grabbing what she could feel. She looked up at Kevin and saw he could barely control his laughter.

  “This isn’t funny,” she said.

  “’s a little bit funny.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Put your pants back on. You heard him. We’re wanted in the office. Let’s get it over with.”


  Kevin and Tara sat outside Marge’s office, waiting for her to get off the phone.

  “What do you think she wants?” Tara asked.

  He turned to her. “I don’t know, but don’t let her see you’re nervous. It could be nothing.”

  “Right. Or, it could be she wants to reprimand us for making out in the barn while working. She might want to dock our pay.”

  He didn’t want to point out they should be glad she only saw them kissing. “Tara, does it really make much difference? Today’s our last day.”

  “Oh, that’s right.” She looked at him and they both laughed. “I guess I’m freaking out she’s going to yell at us for being inappropriate at work.”

  “If she does, just nod and say you understand and it’ll be over before you know it.” He leaned in and kissed her, not noticing as the door to the office opened.

  “I really seem to have bad timing with you two.”


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