Dr. Cusack's Secret Son

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Dr. Cusack's Secret Son Page 13

by Lucy Clark

  His arms tightened around her as though he sensed her need. She was everything he remembered and more, and he knew he would never get tired of the feel of her mouth against his. They fitted perfectly together—always had—and now…now they were fitting perfectly once more.

  He groaned as her mouth responded in complete synchronicity with his. She knew exactly how to get a response from him, both verbally and physically. He could feel the emotions between them spiral…spiral upwards towards the next level. They felt so right together and he couldn’t deny it. She gave him hope and that was something he hadn’t felt in an extremely long time.

  The more he deepened the kiss, the more potent the emotions became. His lips were possessive on hers, staking a claim, and there was no way she would deny him. It felt as though he wanted to mark her, to let the world know she belonged to him, and although she’d always thought of herself as an emancipated woman, she was more than willing to forgo the label if it meant he stayed by her side.

  The pressure continued to build, both of them clinging fiercely to each other as they eagerly took and gave in equal amounts. It was the way it had always been between them—equal—and even though she had this new inner strength, he couldn’t help but be attracted to it. She was still his Rachael.

  ‘Should I get excited about this?’ Declan’s voice floated over the front lawn towards them.

  Rachael broke free and tried to step out of Joe’s grasp to face her son, but Joe was taking his sweet time about releasing her.

  ‘Declan.’ She cleared her throat. ‘Sorry, darling. I didn’t hear you come out.’

  ‘I’m not surprised.’ He grinned like a Cheshire cat.

  ‘You ready to go, honey?’


  She nodded and smoothed a hand down her trousers. ‘OK. I’ll be right there.’ She turned. ‘See you tomorrow, Joe.’

  He grinned, obviously enjoying her discomfort. ‘Yes, you will, but not before ten or I’ll kick you out.’

  She smiled. It was just like him to lighten the mood, to help her to feel less self-conscious. ‘Are you sure about that? Lots of pregnant women and children are on my list.’

  A smile touched his lips and his shrug was also a little self-conscious. ‘I’ll manage.’

  And she knew he would. He always did. ‘Thanks.’ She squeezed his hand, unsure whether or not to kiss him goodbye. His smile widened and she realised he was once more reading her mind. Thankfully, he took the decision out of her hands by bending to kiss her lips, not once, not twice, but three times.

  ‘Don’t start again,’ Declan called. ‘It’s freezing.’

  Joe chuckled and released Rachael. ‘’Night, Declan.’

  ‘’Night, Joe.’ Declan’s grin was wide and teasing as she walked over to him. They both waited for Joe to drive away, waving as he did so.

  ‘Let’s get going. I’ve lost feeling in my toes and my eyelashes are starting freeze.’

  ‘And whose fault is that?’ They said goodbye to Elizabeth and drove back to the hotel. ‘Are you and my dad getting back together?’ Declan asked hopefully.

  Rachael sighed and shook her head. ‘I don’t know, Dec. We’re still attracted to each other…’

  ‘That’s a good thing, right?’

  ‘But there’s so much we need to sort out.’

  ‘Do you still love him?’


  ‘No. Come on, Mum. Do you?’

  ‘I’ve always loved Joe.’

  ‘Yeah, but, you know, not in that abstract way but the real way.’

  ‘Although I want to say I do, I’m also very confused. I’m sorry if that’s not the answer you’re looking for but it’s all I can give you. Things have happened so fast but then…’ she smiled ‘…they usually do between Joe and me.’

  The phone beside Rachael’s bed rang and she woke with a start, glancing at the clock as she picked up the receiver. Three o’clock in the morning usually meant bad news.

  ‘Rach, it’s Joe.’

  ‘Joe? What’s wrong? Are you all right?’

  ‘I’m fine. Sorry to wake you but I thought you’d like to know. I stopped in at the hospital to check on Wong. His surgery went well and he’s finally in ICU, being monitored closely. Everyone’s happy with the way the operations went but he still hasn’t regained consciousness.’

  ‘To be expected. And Rino?’

  ‘Not a problem with him except his clavicle needed plating, not just strapping as Zac initially thought. The external fixator’s on and I think Zac is fixing the right tib-fib fracture later today.’

  ‘Good. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.’

  ‘How’s Declan?’

  She could hear the hesitancy in his voice. ‘Snoring, actually.’ She smiled as she listened to her son.

  ‘No more nightmares?’

  ‘No. He’s out cold, which is good for him.’

  ‘I’m glad. Well, I’d better let you get to sleep.’

  ‘Is that what you’re going to do, Joe? Sleep?’


  ‘Want to talk for a while?’

  ‘And have you psychoanalyse me?’

  She chuckled. ‘I could always tell you what I’m wearing.’ There was silence, and for a moment she thought he’d hung up. ‘Joe?’

  ‘Want to give me heart failure?’ Her rich chuckle came down the line again and he groaned.

  ‘Not particularly. I like your heart beating…close to mine.’

  ‘Rachael.’ He drawled her name slowly, a warning sign. ‘I know which room you’re staying in so be careful what you say.’

  ‘I’m wearing…’ she began seductively. ‘A low-riding pair of…’ Again she paused before finishing in her normal voice. ‘Flannelette pyjamas.’

  ‘If you think that’s going to douse the flames, think again, sweetheart. You’ve now got me sitting here thinking of all the ways to get you out of those pyjamas.’

  ‘Oh.’ It was Rachael’s turn to gasp.

  ‘Yes, “oh”. Don’t play with fire, unless you plan to get burnt.’ He paused. ‘You and I were always hot stuff.’

  ‘Mmm. I have a vivid memory.’

  ‘So do I.’ He paused and dragged in a deep breath. ‘And now, my sweet Rachael, before this goes any further, I’m going to hang up the phone, go home and take a cold shower.’

  ‘Doesn’t sound like a bad idea. These pyjamas have become stifling.’

  ‘Rachael.’ Again the warning was there.

  She laughed. ‘I’ll see you in the morning and thanks for the update.’

  ‘Remember, I’ll kick you out if you show up at the clinic any time before ten.’

  Her smile intensified. ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’ She paused. ‘Thanks, Joe.’

  ‘For what?’

  ‘For being you.’


  RACHAEL did exactly as she’d been told the next morning, apart from the leisurely breakfast suggestion. They were up in time to get Declan to school, and afterwards she arranged to meet the estate agent at the apartment Declan and her parents had chosen. She liked what she saw, and as it suited her requirements she started the ball rolling—much to the delight of the estate agent.

  She called the hospital and was told by the ICU sister that Wong still hadn’t regained consciousness. The sister then transferred Rachael’s call through to the coronary care unit so she could speak to Ethel, who was happy to report that Alwyn was being transferred from the unit down to the ward.

  ‘That’s wonderful news.’

  ‘Your Dr Silvermark came around early this morning to see him. I wasn’t here and Alwyn said it was before eight o’clock, but he said Dr Silvermark was very happy with his progress.’

  ‘I’m glad. You remember to take care of yourself as well. When Alwyn is discharged, you’ll need all your strength and patience to cope with him.’

  Ethel laughed. ‘You’re right, dear. I know you are.’ They chatted for a few more minutes before Rachael ran
g off, pleased to hear of Alwyn’s progress.

  By ten o’clock she’d managed to wander around the shops and buy herself a new pair of boots and was at the practice as promised. Helen smiled as she walked in the door.

  ‘You look chipper.’

  Rachael laughed. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before, but thank you.’ She smiled politely at the patients in the waiting room and headed through to her office. Helen came in with her list. ‘How’s Joe this morning?’

  Helen grinned. ‘Up to his armpits in pregnant women—and I don’t mean literally.’

  ‘Thank goodness. Well, it was his idea I start late, but I hope it hasn’t disrupted your schedule.’

  ‘No, no. I’m glad you’ve had a relaxing morning.’ Helen hesitated. ‘You know, Joe doesn’t usually do things like that.’

  ‘What, giving his colleague a morning off?’

  ‘No, I mean taking on a clinic full of expectant mothers and babies. They’ve never been his style and although he’s a fantastic doctor, everyone has their sub-speciality. Family medicine isn’t Joe’s.’

  ‘Perhaps the fact he’s now a father makes a difference.’

  Helen smiled again. ‘That’s exactly what I was thinking—that and the fact I think he’s still smitten with you. He’d do anything for you.’

  ‘Not smitten,’ Rachael corrected quickly. ‘Attracted but never smitten. Anyway, I’m here now so I’d better get my list under way.’

  ‘OK.’ Helen crossed to the door then turned. ‘I don’t want you to think I’m interfering but I’ve known Joe a long time and I just wanted to say that after his American…holiday, if you can call surfing a holiday. Anyway, when he finally returned, he was different. That’s when he started getting real direction in his life and it took him quite a few years before he told me about you. The way he talked about you…’ Helen sighed romantically. ‘I’ve never heard him talk about anyone else that way before. You touched him, Rachael, and you touched him deeply. In Joe’s world, that’s a very rare thing to have happen.’

  Rachael nodded. ‘I understand. Thank you.’ She’d always hoped she’d left a lasting impression on Joe and not just one of lust. Hearing this from Helen, a woman he trusted, made her able to believe what she and Joe had felt for each other back then had indeed been the real thing. Now she had a better understanding of the man, she could see why he had backed away.

  It brought a lot of ‘what-ifs’ to her mind, and as she wasn’t the type of person to indulge in what-ifs, she forced herself to concentrate on her work. She contacted the hospital and received a positive update on Grace, glad to hear she hadn’t had another seizure during the night and was booked to have further tests later today. The neurology registrar seemed extremely confident and Rachael was glad Grace was being looked after by such a person.

  Next, she headed to the waiting room and called her first patient through. Starting work at ten o’clock meant lunchtime came around very quickly, but it was after one o’clock before Rachael ventured into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

  ‘Hi.’ Joe’s voice washed over her as he walked into the room. ‘What a morning!’

  Rachael smiled. ‘How did it go?’

  He nodded slowly. ‘Not bad, if I do say so myself. I think some of the women were a bit surprised to be seeing me, but I managed.’ He paused, then smiled. ‘There are some really cute kids in the world.’

  Rachael couldn’t help but laugh.


  ‘Nothing. Hey, any news on Wong? I called the hospital this morning but they said no change.’

  Joe shook his head. ‘No change.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  His answer was a heavy shrug.

  ‘Coffee?’ It seemed so lame to offer something so mundane when his friend was so sick.

  ‘Thanks.’ Then he paused. ‘Got any plans for lunch?’

  ‘Actually, I hadn’t thought that far.’ She glanced pointedly at her watch. ‘Besides, my afternoon clinic starts in twenty minutes.’

  With that, Joe put her coffee cup on the bench and took her hand, dragging her out of the room. ‘Where are we going?’

  ‘Back soon,’ he said to Helen as they barrelled out the door and headed down the street to a small café.


  ‘Lunch, Rach. You need to eat.’ He didn’t let go of her hand until she was seated at a table with a menu in front of her.

  ‘Is this your idea of a date? If so, your dating skills need brushing up.’

  ‘What do you want? They’re pretty fast here, but only if you don’t take all day to order.’

  ‘Be still, my beating heart.’ She glanced at the menu. ‘Club sandwich.’

  ‘Excellent.’ The waitress came over. ‘Two coffees and two club sandwiches, please.’ He smiled at the other woman as she wrote down their orders, and Rachael watched as the waitress melted. She was sure he knew the power of his smile and used it whenever it suited him. He’d probably used it on every one of the women he’d seen this morning and had had them walking out saying how wonderful that sweet Dr Silvermark was.

  When the waitress had gone, Joe looked across at Rachael. ‘So how was your morning? Did you enjoy a long, leisurely breakfast?’

  ‘No. No time. I did, however,’ she quickly continued, ‘speak to the real estate agent about the apartment Declan liked.’

  He raised his eyebrows. ‘So you’ll be moving soon?’

  ‘Hopefully some time next week.’

  ‘Terrific.’ He paused, then leaned forward a little. ‘Tell me what you bought this morning.’

  ‘What makes you think I bought something?’

  He laughed. ‘When you were eighteen years old, you certainly knew how to shop. Still have your shoe fetish?’

  ‘What woman doesn’t?’

  ‘Exactly. So what did you buy?’

  Rachael shook her head. ‘I shouldn’t be amazed you know me so well,’ she mumbled, and he chuckled. ‘Boots. OK? I bought a pair of boots.’

  ‘Flats or heels?’

  ‘Flats.’ She smiled.

  ‘Leather or suede?’

  Her smile increased. ‘Leather.’

  ‘Black or…’ He thought for a moment. ‘Red?’

  She laughed. ‘I love it when you talk shopping. Black, but the red ones looked good, too.’

  ‘I don’t even want to ask how much they cost.’

  ‘They’ll last me a long time.’

  ‘That means they were expensive.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  He raised his eyebrows and grinned like the cat who’d got the cream. ‘I know you. Remember?’

  ‘Don’t you find it amazing just how much information we’ve retained about each other?’

  He sobered instantly. ‘No.’

  They sat there looking at each other, absorbing each other. It was as though, for that moment, only the two of them existed. It wasn’t the first time it had happened and it wouldn’t be the last.

  One of the waitresses dropped something, startling Rachael and breaking the bond. She sat up straighter in her chair, feeling a little self-conscious just sitting there staring at Joe in the middle of a coffee shop. Then again, he’d been staring back at her.

  ‘What are you going to do at the end of next week?’

  ‘Hopefully, move into my new apartment.’

  ‘I don’t mean that. I mean about work.’

  ‘Oh. Work.’ She paused. ‘Why?’

  ‘I’m having the papers drawn up to make you a permanent doctor in the clinic.’


  ‘I’m offering you a partnership.’

  Rachael was speechless. She sat and stared at Joe as though he’d just grown another head. ‘What?’ she finally managed again. ‘Joe, you can’t just do that.’ She frowned at him. How dared he do this to her? Just when she’d started to relax and feel as though she had some control over her life, he sprang this on her.

  ‘Why not? I own the practice.’ />
  ‘What about Alison? She leaves to have a baby and you penalise her by giving her job, permanently, to someone else.’

  ‘Alison is more than welcome to come back once she’s finished maternity leave. She doesn’t want to be a partner in a practice, especially now she’s starting her family, and she only wants to work part time so, you see, there is more than enough room for you.’

  ‘And what if I want to have more children and work part time? What then?’ She’d meant her words to stun him and she wasn’t disappointed. Colour began to drain from his face and he clenched his jaw.

  ‘Is that what you want? I thought you were past all that.’

  ‘Why? Because Declan’s a teenager?’ Rachael folded her arms across her chest once more.

  ‘There’d be a very large gap in their ages.’

  ‘Obviously, and there’s nothing I can do to change that. Still, I believe you at least need to consider that before you offer me a partnership.’

  ‘Do you expect me to put conditions on it?’

  ‘Well, if I were to get pregnant and wanted to work part time, I wouldn’t want you to accuse me of not holding up my end of the agreement.’ The waitress brought their food and this time Joe had no melting smiles to dish out. Instead, he sat there and glared at Rachael. ‘Besides,’ she continued as she reached for the sugar, ‘partnerships cost money, and I don’t think I’m quite ready to invest in one right now.’ She smiled politely at him as she stirred her coffee.

  ‘Who are you going to have these children with?’

  She took a sip of her drink. ‘I beg your pardon? I don’t believe you—as my employer—have any right to be discussing my private life.’

  ‘Rachael.’ He growled her name and leaned a little closer. ‘Declan is my son.’

  ‘Yes, he’s mine, too. We established all this a few days ago. Remember?’

  ‘You’re being facetious.’

  ‘Yes, I am. My point is, I think you need to give your idea a little more thought.’

  ‘You don’t want to work with me,’ he stated with a scowl. He glanced at her, then looked away. He was angry but beneath that anger she’d seen the pain.


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