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A very Corporate Affair Book 1 (The Corporate Series)

Page 12

by Latham, D

  "What do you think of Conniscliffe?" Arabella asked.

  "Beautiful so far, although I haven't had a chance to look around much yet. Hopefully I'll see more tomorrow."

  "The gardens are lovely this time of year. Are you shooting tomorrow?"

  "Oscar said he'd teach me. I've never tried it before."

  "I don't like shooting much, so I just watch Darius," she confided, "nobody minds if you don't join in."

  "I promised I'd try it, but if it's not for me, then at least I can say I've tried."

  I carried on making small talk with the girls until Oscar slipped his arm around my shoulders, and pecked my cheek.

  "I don't think we should wait any longer for mother, shall we head through to the dining room?" I breathed a sigh of relief that his mother wouldn't be joining us for dinner.

  It was short lived as her strident voice called out, "Oscar! I need you to call that odious friend of yours this weekend." She came sweeping into the room. My heart sank.

  "What odious friend and why?" Oscar said, frowning.

  "Podunky, or whatever his name is. The church newsletter is going to be late because of him. It's just not good enough Oscar."

  "I don't understand how Ivan has anything at all to do with the church newsletter."

  "I'll tell you during dinner. We are late getting seated as it is," she declared, as she led everyone out of the room, and into the adjacent dining room.

  The table looked magnificent dressed with silverware, crystal, and dainty floral centrepieces. The room itself was decorated in deep blue, with acres of gilding, and vast, heavily swagged curtains covering the four large windows that ran along one side. Oscar held me close, and steered me towards the far end of the table, seating me in the first chair next to the large carver at the head. Darius sidled up beside me, and after seating Arabella further down, took the chair next to me. Oscar's mother took the remaining end position down the table, so was about as far away from me as it was possible to get.

  Jones arrived to pour water and wine, and ensure everyone was ready before the first course was served.

  "You were telling me about a problem with St Augustine's newsletter mother," said Oscar.

  "Yes. I had Mrs Smith on the telephone. Apparently that dreadful man is now her employer, and he sent the most horrible woman down to the company to practically hound Mrs Smith out of her job. Well, the point is, this nasty woman ripped, positively ripped, the piece Mrs Smith was typing, out of her typewriter, and forced her to abandon it. As a result, the reverend's article on spring flowers in Derwent wood isn't ready for publication."

  "I see," said Oscar, refusing to catch my eye. I felt his foot nudging me under the table. "Could she not have done it after work?"

  His mother gave him a 'don't be stupid' look. "Of course not, Friday nights are patchwork club, besides, she's always done it at work. They have plenty of paper and a typewriter. She's terribly upset, said the woman made her cry, and totally belittled her. Ivan needs to be told, Mrs Smith is the lifeblood of that firm, they'd fall apart without her."

  "I doubt very much if Ivan would take my advice on the matter," said Oscar, trying not to smirk.

  "You may be right. Mrs Smith said that the girl that turned up was like a gangster's moll, totally took over, and said Ivan had sent her to do it. Probably sleeping with him. Women like that will do anything for money. Even said she was his lawyer! As if a man like Podunky would engage a young woman as his counsel. Ridiculous that she thought anyone would even believe her."

  I felt Darius shift in the chair next to me, and I desperately wanted to find out if he'd caught on. I glanced slyly at him, and saw him trying not to smile. Oscar's foot nudged me again, as he looked straight ahead at his mother.

  "You could always type it up mother," said Oscar, "you can use the computer in my study, it won't take long. If its urgent...." He trailed off as his mother gave him a death stare.

  "Don't be so ridiculous. That's Mrs Smith's job. Although it will delay the newsletter, and she said she won't be able to do it next week as the trollop will still be there. It's a total disaster, that's why I want you to call Ivan, and tell him how important this is."

  "Would you like me to type it up for you tomorrow morning? If Oscar shows me where his computer is, it won't take me long," I offered, prompting an incredulous look from Oscar.

  "That's very kind of you to offer," replied Lady Golding, "I suppose there are some advantages to having office experience. Are you sure you can do it?"

  "I'm sure I can. Do you have the article here?"

  She had the grace to look sheepish, "yes, the reverend photocopied it, along with the rest of the leaflet so that I could check the content."

  "Elle, it's your weekend off, you don't have to do this," said Oscar.

  "It's really no bother, and if it helps out...." I trailed off, seeing the amused look on Oscar's face.

  We were interrupted by the arrival of the soup, carried in by uniformed servers. We all began to eat. "I've never seen a gorgon disarmed so quickly," whispered Darius, "well done. Round one to you."

  Thankfully, the gorgon left me alone after that, but she just had to mention Lucinda bloody Rothschild.

  "I hear Lucinda called off her engagement to Theo Goldsmith. Did you hear about that dear?" She said to Oscar. The table went quiet.

  "Yes I did, mother, and don't go getting any ideas. The girl is hideous."

  "I'm sure I could help her improve her figure," she said, "and a Golding-Rothschild partnership would be very fruitful."

  "The answer's no. If that dreadful creature was installed here, I'd never visit again. Please refrain from discussing it again mother, besides, it's rather rude to discuss marriage when my girlfriend is sitting beside me do you not think?" I saw the anger written all over Oscar's face as he spoke. Even his mother withered slightly under his glare.

  "Oh be reasonable," she said, "it's your duty to marry well."

  "I'll marry well mother, but it won't be Lucinda Rothschild, I can tell you that now, so stop getting your hopes up."

  His mother gave up, and began to talk to Bunty about Oscar's sister's trip to Italy. I stroked Oscars leg under the table with my foot, and gave him a supportive smile.

  "Round two to Osc.The Gorgon’s not having a good night," laughed Darius. "She can't even take it out on you,‘cos she wants her stupid newsletter. Outflanked methinks."

  "Why do you think she's a lawyer? I've never met such a good strategist," Oscar said proudly, "she got me chasing around after her. I even got up early to catch her at our gym. I've never done anything like that before."

  "Oh Oscar, you must be in love," squealed Minty, clapping her hands together, "you're exhibiting all the signs." Oscar just cleared his throat, and looked embarrassed.

  The main course arrived, letting Oscar off the hook. It was minted spring lamb, which Oscar told me had come from one of the farms on the estate. It was meltingly gorgeous, served with new potatoes and steamed vegetables from the kitchen garden. A rich, full bodied red wine was served to accompany it, setting off the flavour of the lamb to perfection.

  "Are you a wine buff?" I asked Oscar.

  He nodded, "there are huge wine cellars under the castle, and I'm fairly well versed in the vintages we hold. Are you interested in wine?"

  "Only insofar as I enjoy drinking it," I said, making him smile.

  "So are you enjoying that Chateau Lafite that you're currently drinking?"

  "I had no idea," I gasped, "I knew it was refined, but that's as far as my knowledge goes."

  "Stick with me kid, I have nice wine," he teased, making me giggle. The rest of the meal passed without incident. I listened to the various conversations around the table, rather than talk too much, and possibly say the wrong thing. I envied the easy confidence of my companions, their place in the world assured from birth. I wished that I hadn't had to work so hard to fight my way out of my own birthplace, and carry the sense of inadequacy around on my shoulders.
br />   Oscar was watching as I mulled it all over in my mind. "Are you ok?" He asked.

  "Yes fine thanks. The lamb was gorgeous."

  "We have sticky toffee pudding with a glorious Beaumes de Venise. Chef always makes that particular pudding whenever Darius comes over. It's his favourite."

  Darius looked over at the mention of his name, and said "Oscar knows how to spoil me."

  The dessert was indeed fabulous, and the wine, perfect. I sat back in my seat with a contented sigh, waving away the cheese course, as I was too full.

  "I think we'll take coffee in the drawing room," Oscar instructed the butler, who nodded in reply.

  Oscar's mother stood, "I'm retiring now, enjoy the rest of your evening." People muttered their good nights to her, and she left.

  As soon as she was gone, there was a palpable sense of relief in the room. "Party time!" Declared Darius, as Oscar visibly relaxed. We all headed back to the drawing room, where cups of coffee were waiting for us. I sank into a sofa, and sipped my coffee gratefully. The wine had been fabulous, but there had been a lot of it, and I was grateful for a chance to sober up a little.

  "Jones, we need champagne please," yelled Oscar. Within five minutes, Jones wheeled in a trolley containing ice buckets of champagne and crystal glasses. He opened two of the bottles expertly, and poured ten glasses.

  "Will that be all for tonight sir?"

  "Yes, thank you," said Oscar, as he wandered over to a cabinet, and switched on some music. As Amy Winehouse sang about going back to black, a couple of the girls got up to dance. Darius grabbed my hand and pulled me up to join in. He didn't have Oscar's easy grace, but we had fun. Oscar was dancing with Minty, and if I hadn't been busy concentrating on staying upright in my heels, I would have loved to be able to sit and just watch him in feminine carnal appreciation. He had shed his jacket and tie, and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. In my slightly inebriated state of mind, he looked extremely yummy.

  Chapter 12

  We danced until around midnight, changing partners with every song. We also polished off another four bottles of champagne. As people began to sit down, I decided to join them. I had only sipped my champagne, but still felt a touch light headed. Oscar sat down next to me and slipped his arm around my shoulder before pressing a wet kiss to my cheek.

  "You tired baby?" He inquired.

  "No, I'm having a good time. My feet are a bit sore though, I've been wearing heels since six this morning."

  "Do you think you could keep them on a little longer? They're very, erm, nice," he said, gazing at my shoes with longing.

  "Just for you," I said, batting my lashes at him, "as long as I stay sitting down."

  The others joined us on the sofas, and Oscar turned the music down.

  "I've never seen Oscar like this," declared Minty, who seemed to have no brain to mouth filter, "he's totally in love. I can tell." Oscar just hugged me a bit tighter, and planted another kiss on my nose. He was clearly tipsy, and was behaving like an enthusiastic

  Labrador, rather than the uptight and buttoned up businessman I was used to. I decided I liked drunk and soppy Oscar.

  "Forgot to tell you, my study is two doors along from the garden room, next to the kitchen. You always wake up before me, so best I tell you now." Oscar rambled on, trying to describe where to find paper and the printer in his home office.

  "Party game time," called out Hartey, who I'd found out earlier, had got his nickname from his surname of Spencer-Harte. "I suggest charades if you're not all too pissed."

  "Way too pissed," groaned Darius, "how about truth or dare?"

  Minty clapped her hands and squealed, "I love that game."

  Oscar got up and rummaged around in a drawer before returning with a dice."First six is the first up, second six is the questioner," he said, handing the dice to me. I rolled it, and it landed on two. The next person rolled, and it went around until it reached Oscar, who threw the first six. The dice carried on until it reached my turn. I threw the second six.

  "So Oscar, truth or dare?" I asked, smirking at him.


  "Ok, what's your full title and name?"

  He took a deep breath, "Lord Oscar Algernon Harold Maximilien Golding, Lord of the manor of Derwent, and Knight of the Garter." He blushed as I sniggered.

  "Harold? What on earth made them call you that?"

  "I gather it's a family name. They all are, and it's a big, Jewish family."

  The dice continued, Darius threw the next six."Truth or dare Elle?" I weighed up my options. I didn't know the types of dares they did, but I also didn't want any probing questions. I decided to go with questions, fairly confident of my ability to deflect anything I didn't want to answer.

  "Truth please."

  Darius stared at me for a moment, a devious look in his eye, "are you wearing stockings or tights?"

  That was easy, "stockings." The men all groaned. The dice continued. Minty got the next six, and Darius chose to perform a dare.

  "I dare you to kiss Oscar on the lips," she grinned. Darius pulled a face.

  "I'm not paying a forfeit, so brace yourself Golding," he said as he grabbed Oscar's face, and planted a big wet kiss on his lips. Both men made a big show of pulling faces and scrubbing their lips.

  "You're a shit kisser Cavendish."

  "You have bad breath Golding, otherwise I'd have snogged you properly."

  "What's the forfeit?" I asked.

  "If you choose to forfeit, the punishment is decided by the host, in tonight's case, Osc," replied Darius, raising his eyebrows in mock horror, "and he's a sadistic bugger."

  The game carried on for a few more rounds until it was again Oscar's turn, with Minty as the questioner.

  "Dare," chose Oscar.

  "I dare you to tell Elle that you love her," said Minty.

  Oscar turned to me, and quickly said, "I love you," before turning back to Minty, "ok? Next person." Hmm, he didn't mean it then.

  It carried on. Eventually it was my turn to perform a truth or dare. "Dare please." I said to Thomas who was my questioner this time.

  "I dare you to get your tits out," he leered with a lewd look on his face. All the men looked at me expectantly, apart from Oscar who was frowning.

  I laughed, "I'm sorry boys, but my girls are for Oscar's eyes only, so I'm going to throw myself at his mercy and declare a forfeit." Thomas looked disappointed, while Oscar had a carnal expression.

  "And with that ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna bid you all goodnight, and make this naughty girl pay her forfeit. In. Full." I squealed as he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder before carrying me to his room, caveman style.

  When we got to his bedroom, he set me down gently, and went over to lock the door. I stood still, watching him as he moved around the room turning on the bedside lamps, before switching off the main light. He kicked off his shoes and socks before removing his trousers and undoing his shirt. I didn't move as he perched on the side of the bed and raked his eyes over me.

  "I want you to slowly lift up your dress, and pull down your knickers just enough to flash me. I just want a glimpse, nothing more."

  I edged the hem of my dress up slowly, running my fingers over my thighs as I went. Aroused by his suggestion, and what it would lead to, I squeezed my thighs together as my dress inched upwards. His breathing hitched as I uncovered the tops of my stockings.

  When my dress was lifted to my waist, I took the front of my black lace knickers, and edged them down, showing myself to him. I was already hot and slick, turned on by his sexy appreciation. After a moment, I pulled my knickers back up, and smoothed the front of my dress back down. My clit was throbbing and twitching in anticipation of what he was going to do next.

  He silently beckoned me over, and bent me over his lap. I could feel his steely erection pressing against my tummy. "Your forfeit, is to spend all night as my personal sex slave. I shall tie you to the bed, and I will fuck you whenever and however I want for the next eight hours
. Is that clear?"

  "Yes Oscar."

  "You will address me as Sir tonight. Is that clear?"

  "Yes sir."

  He slowly pulled my dress up, to expose my lace clad behind. He pulled my knickers down exquisitely slowly before running his warm hands repeatedly over my buttocks. His fingers dipped down to my clit, and he teased me for a while before returning to my backside. "You're soaked. Tell me Elle, are you wet for me, or did the thought of all those men seeing your naked breasts turn you on?"

  "Only you sir," I replied, wondering if he was into spanking. It certainly wasn't my thing.

  "Good girl. Now, I want you to go to the bathroom and afterwards, take your knickers off. Only your knickers. Understand?"

  "Yes sir." He stood me upright, and I went to the bathroom quickly, leaving my knickers in there. When I returned, Oscar was leaning back against the pillows, naked, lazily stroking his cock.

  "Stand there, and pull your dress up." I did has he asked, exposing myself to him. "Now pull your pussy lips apart, and show me your clit." As I did his bidding, my clitoris twitched, and throbbed with arousal. He stared intently, "do you like to be looked at?"

  "Only by you," I replied, hyper aware of my throbbing clit, and rock hard nipples. I was desperate to be fucked, but also desperate to continue this sensual torment.

  "Take off your dress, and bra. Leave just your stockings and shoes on." Oscar ordered. I pulled the dress over my head, and unclasped my bra, sliding it slowly down my arms. My nipples stood to attention, as hard as bullets.

  "Turn around, and stand with your feet apart." I did as he asked. "Good girl, now bend over and touch the floor. I want to see your wet cunt from behind."

  I could see him through my legs, stroking himself as his eyes bored into me. I began to ache to have him inside me, pounding me to orgasm. "I think you want me to fuck you. Your cunt is practically dripping. I think being watched turns you on." His voice was low, very sexy, and extremely authoritative.

  "Please Oscar." I'm not above begging. I could see him speed his strokes, one hand caressing his body as the other rubbed the head of his cock, before moving to pump the shaft. I watched as he approached his climax. His hand pumping faster and faster, until he groaned as semen oozed from the tip of his engorged cock. It was the most erotic sight I'd ever seen.


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