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Page 23

by Beth Maria

  “I believe it was fate that you became best friends with Maisie. You were being shown the way to me, and I to you. Ever since I first met you, my heart has only ever beat for you, and it will always only ever beat for you. I knew that I would be able to call you my wife one day from the first glance, and even though we had to fight many obstacles, we got there in the end, Princess, and I wouldn’t change a thing. This was the way it was always meant to be. You and me. And that is the way I plan for it to always be, if you let me.

  Every time you step into a room, my heart stops beating at the pure perfection of you. That’s the effect you have on me. You’re eyes suck me in and hypnotize me, and I can’t think of anything better than waking up to those eyes for the rest of my life. I love you more than words can explain, Chloe. Thank you for agreeing to be my wife.”

  I carefully wipe under my eyes, being careful not to smudge my make-up. I’m speechless. He always knows how to reduce me to tears with his words- happy tears.

  “It’s your turn now, Chloe,” the vicar reminds me when I’ve stood staring at Jake for too long, not making any attempt to say my vows. And what do I say? I’ve had no time to prepare for this.

  “Well, I didn’t have any time to prepare for this, so please excuse me. Jake, you are my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate. You are it for me. I couldn’t picture myself spending my life without you in it- not being able to see your beautiful brown orbs that suck me in, not being able to see the smile that you only reserve for me, and lastly, not being able to kiss your lips that were made just for me. You are perfect to me, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Thank you for not giving up on me after everything that we’ve been through. You truly are amazing, and I cannot wait to be your wife and call you my husband.”

  Jake’s eyes are a little teary by the time I’ve finished. He leans down, giving me a kiss that melts my soul.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Everybody laughs because Jake’s already got me in an all consuming, I can’t get enough of you, kiss.

  If you had’ve asked me this time last year if I thought that I could ever be this happy, I would have told you not a chance in hell. I couldn’t see myself ever getting over the guilt that haunted me every single day, not allowing me to live my life, and dragging me down to the lowest point where I didn’t see any way back out.

  Jake Peterson may have put me there, but I didn’t understand the full story, and I never gave him the chance to explain. He also pulled me back out of my black hole, again proving to me that I can get on with my life and that he would be there with me every step of the way.

  Without him, I would probably be dead right now. Instead, I’m clean from drugs, and I have a beautiful, healthy baby boy. I have a lot to be grateful for, thanks to Jake.

  I knew that I’d love him forever as soon as I set eyes on him. It may have taken us a while to get to where we are, and we’re both still young, but I vow that for the rest of my life, I will love him. I just hope that he doesn’t break his promise to me. I have him right now, though, and that’s all that matters. I’m ready to start my future with him.

  We both have each other when we’re feeling down or are struggling, and we will never ever forget our little angel, but Jake and I both have our Freedom now- freedom from the guilt, the past, and everything in our lives that we regret. Everything happens for a reason, and I truly couldn’t be any happier with my life and how it’s turned out.

  The End

  Coming early 2015


  I stand quietly on the other side of the door, trying to not even breathe. I can’t alert him to my presence. I’m not supposed to be down here; forbidden is a better word. I’ve been told since I was old enough to understand, that the basement is out of bounds. If I am found down here, then there will be consequences. I’ve always stuck to the rules, except when I saw him come down here…

  I’ve never seen him down here before. He shouldn’t even be down here. He isn’t old enough yet. When I saw him make his way down the steps, I followed without even thinking about it. I had to make sure that he was okay, that he wasn’t in trouble. I don’t know what I’d do if he wasn’t around, and that is why people usually came down here- because they are in serious trouble.

  I watch quietly as he walks over to the side of the room, picking something out from the cabinet. I’m struggling to see, due to the fact that the lighting down here isn’t very good. It’s made to look dark, scary, and like hell, because that’s exactly what this room is. It’s hell.

  He turns around, his icy blue eyes glinting off the little bit of light in the room. The iciness of his eyes shocks me. I’ve never seen them so cold in the whole time that I’ve known him, and I’ve known him my entire life. His light brown hair is as it always is, messy like he’s just gotten out of bed. He’s the only person I know who can pull that off and make it look sexy.

  An ooof pulls me out of my thoughts, bringing me back to the matter at hand. My eyes widen, nearly falling out of their sockets at the scene in front of me. I spot the shiny silver metal lying in the palm of his hand, being turned over and inspected. I couldn’t mistake it even if I tried. I sleep with one of them under my pillow, though I’ve never had to use it, and I plan to keep it that way. Seeing the guy who has always looked out for me, who I didn’t think had an evil bone in his body, holding a gun sends shivers down my spine, and a gasp threatens to spill out of my mouth. I quickly swallow it back down. I need to keep myself hidden. If anybody finds out that I’m down here… I dread to think about what would happen.

  “Do you know why you’re here?” His husky baritone bounces off the stone walls, drifting out of the door I’m hiding behind.

  Someone only whimpers in reply.

  “I said- do you know why you’re here?” he repeats, his voice a strong command any person in their right mind wouldn’t dismiss. It’s not even directed at me, but I can feel my legs starting to shake of their own accord from the fear coursing through my body.

  “Y-y-yes,” a man replies weakly, his voice void of any emotion. He knows that he’s in for.

  “Good. Now I’ve been told to get rid of you. You’re a liability, Phil.” A loud bang rings through my ear, causing me to scream involuntarily. I freeze, realizing what I’ve just done, but it’s too late. He’s spotted me.

  I turn to leave when an arm grabs me, halting my step. I turn to meet the icy blue eyes of Phoenix James; the guy who I’ve been in love with for as long as I can remember, and the guy who I will never be able to look at the same again because he’s a murderer. He’s just like the rest of them, when he always promised me he wouldn’t.

  Anger takes over me. My eyes go cold, staring him down. “Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of. Me.” I pronounce every word, hoping he hears the disgust in my voice.

  “Em…” Phoenix whispers quietly, his eyes going downcast in shame.

  I pull my arm from his grip and run. I run straight to my room, not once looking back at the guy who crushed me the moment he pulled the trigger. He let me down just like everyone else. He was all I had left, my only bit of sanity. Now I’m all on my own, trying to find a way to get out of the dark pits of hell that they call my life.


  To my son, Callum. Even though you are only two years old, you are part of the reason I am trying to make my dream come true. I love you so much little man. You are mummy’s world.

  To my mum, Toni. Thank you for everything that you have ever done for me, I am truly grateful. Without your love and support, I don’t think I would have ever achieved what I have.

  To Liam Murray. Again you have been a huge support whilst writing Freedom. You have helped me with promotional ideas and been there for me everyday putting up with me telling you my ranking. You are always as excited as me, so thank you!

  To my lovely editor, Kendra. I’m glad I met you on this wonderful journey that I’m taking part in. You are not only my editor, you’ve become a frie
nd. Thank you for working with me and for doing a fabulous job. You are amazing!

  To my beta readers. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to day activities to read Freedom and let me know what you think about it. Without you, Freedom wouldn’t be what it is today.

  To Michelle Louise. You lady, are the best! You make me wonderful teasers and give me advice about things that I’m not sure about. The sweet words you’ve had to say about my writing make not my day, but my year. I’m glad I met you <3

  To Sprinkles On Top Studios. Again you have produced a gorgeous cover to grace the front of my novel. I cannot wait to see what other masterpieces you provide for me!

  To my readers. Thank you to everybody who has read Alive. I love all of you for supporting me in my journey which is just starting off. Without you lot, Freedom wouldn’t be possible, so thank you.

  And last but not least, to my lovely street team. You are all amazing, helping to pimp out Alive AND Freedom. Your help is paying off and I thank you for that. I don’t think I could ever repay you all for what you do for me, so thank you!

  About the Author

  Beth Maria is a mother and writer who has written her debut novel Alive and is just about to publish Freedom book two in The Mended Heart Series.

  She lives in England UK, with her two year old son. When she isn’t doing her motherly duties, you can find her attached to her laptop or on the odd occasion, watching a film.

  Her inspirations are Kirsty Moseley, Kelly Elliott, Tijan and Jillian Dodd.

  Beth Maria loves listening to The Wanted, reading a good old book in bed or wherever is comfortable and loves checking pictures of sexy men. All for inspiration of course!

  Find me on Facebook and Twitter:

  Table of Contents


  Table of contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Coming Soon


  About the author




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