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The Enlightenment: Book 2 The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Series Prequel to Luna Rising)

Page 16

by Sara Snow

  "Right now, Cyrus isn’t thinking about his safety." Theanos shook his head as we waited for a signal for Cyrus.

  "He won’t do Skye much good if he gets hurt trying to save her," I mumbled. Moments later, the door to the house opened and Cyrus called us forward. "What the hell was that?" I asked.

  Ignoring me, he turned and walked back into the house. "Do you feel her?" he asked Theanos. "Are you sure you feel her here?"

  "Yes. When Saleem added her hair to the spell, it created a link of sorts. I know she's here."

  "Unfortunately, there is nothing here," I said, bending down and picking up the broken leg of a chair. "No one has been here in a very long time."

  Broken furniture was scattered on the ground, along with vines that had snuck in through the cracked windows and were now running across the floors and up the walls. Theanos held his hand out as he turned in a circle. I stood up, spotting a door just across the room, but as I stepped forward, a loud creak came from under my foot.

  All three of us froze, and I took my foot off the old rug I had stepped on. Theanos walked forward, his hand still outstretched. His lips pulled up into a smile as he bent down and pulled the rug away, revealing a hidden door.

  "There it is." He held onto a piece of rope attached to the door and pulled it up while Cyrus waited, his hands out in case of an attack, fire dancing on his fingertips.

  But nothing jumped out at us, except for a horrible smell that had me stepping away, fast. "Goddess, what's that smell?"

  "Death," Theanos replied as he jumped into the hole in the ground. Cyrus followed, a ball of fire appearing in both of his hands, and went in after him.

  We landed in a room that was dark and damp. "It's a dungeon," I whispered as we looked around at the burnt-out torches lining the walls. "Theanos?"

  "Follow me, come on." His wings lit up, providing more light as we turned left and then right. We came to a point with two entrances and then turned right again.

  The tunnels we were walking through were dark and cramped, forcing us to walk in single file. The torches on the rocky walls were out, but judging from the smoke I could see rising from one of them, they’d been blown out recently. I clenched my fists, hoping we weren’t too late.

  The more we walked, the stronger the smell of blood became—and the more I worried. Maybe they had realized we’d used a spell to locate Skye and quickly changed location.

  "Damn it," I growled under my breath as we found a corridor with cells on both sides. I wiggled my nose as I walked forward and looked into the cell Cyrus and Theanos were staring into.

  My hand flew to my mouth at what I saw before me. I turned away, my jaw clenching, but the horror I’d viewed had already imprinted itself in my brain. Mangled bodies were scattered on the floor of the cell. It looked as if a wild animal had gotten loose and ripped everyone to shreds.

  I looked in another cell and found that while there were no bodies, the floor was stained with blood.

  "What the hell happened here?"

  "I feel her behind there," Theanos said, pointing to a door at the end of the dungeon.

  Cyrus wasted no time moving toward the door, his hands clenched at his sides. No doubt he had been looking through the bodies on the ground, searching for Skye or Ms. Clementine, but I couldn't handle seeing the gruesome state of the bodies.

  If I’d made it into the Werewolf Guard, I would have had to face things like this, and if I became a bounty hunter, I probably would then too. But my mind just hadn't hardened itself against such sights just yet. The Guards examination had been brutal and gory, but nothing like this.

  Cyrus's body turned to smoke as he neared the door, and I watched as he passed right through it. Theanos and I stood still, ready to act at any moment. I strained my ears to listen for any sound coming from behind the door, but there was nothing. The more seconds that ticked by, the more anxious I grew.

  Was Skye here? Deep down, I knew the answer. This place was abandoned. But had they had taken her with them . . . or were she and Ms. Clementine dead? I swallowed hard.

  "Come on, Cyrus," I growled under my breath.

  I walked along with Theanos, our anxiety finally pushing us forward when black smoke seeped through the door and Cyrus materialized before us once more. My tense shoulders relaxed, but I was suddenly overcome with a sadness so strong, it felt like my chest was caving in and squeezing my heart. Cyrus's eyes were red, not from his demon, but from tears he was desperately trying to hold back.

  He held his hand up, and I looked away, my eyes squeezing shut. "No, no! She can't be!"

  Cyrus's heartbeat sounded like horses galloping in my ears. He stepped back, falling against the door hard. He looked the way I felt—terrified and lost. Because hanging from his clenched fist were Skye's black curls, attached to a chunk of her flesh.

  “Where is she?” I cried. “That’s just—that’s just her fle—Where is the rest of her? And where is Ms. Clementine?”

  Cyrus shook his head, his body visibly shaking. “Their bodies aren’t here.”

  The Bloodmoon Wars Continues…

  Read about the forbidden romance that started it all…

  The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Prequel Series to Luna Rising)

  The Revolution: Book 3 The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Series Prequel to Luna Rising)

  Why is forbidden love so intoxicating?

  Vampires and werewolves do NOT mix,


  But Will and I can’t stay away from each other.

  How could I have fallen for a man I’ll never get to be with?

  To make matters worse, supernaturals and humans are vanishing…

  And the number of disappearances are growing.

  How did I get dragged into that you might be wondering?

  My best friend was taken and even her SCENT vanished from the world.

  The only question now is,

  …will I find her

  ...before she turns up dead?

  Also By Sara Snow

  The Luna Rising Universe

  The Bloodmoon Wars (A Paranormal Shifter Series Prequel to Luna Rising)

  The Awakening (Book 1)

  The Enlightenment (Book 2)

  The Revolution(Book 3)

  The Renaissance (Book 4)

  The Dawn (Book 5)

  Luna Rising Series (A Paranormal Shifter Series)

  Luna Rising Prequel (Free Download)

  Luna Rising (Book 1)

  Luna Captured (Book 2)

  Luna Conflicted (Book 3)

  Luna Darkness (Book 4)

  Luna Chosen (Book 5)

  The Destine Universe

  Destine Academy Series (A Magical Academy Series)

  Destine Academy Books 1-10 Boxed Set

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  About the Author

  Sara Snow was born and raised in Texas, then transplanted to Washington, D.C. after high school. She was inspired to write a paranormal shifter series when she got her new puppy, a fierce yet lovable Yorkshire Terrier named Loki. When not eagerly working on her next book, Sara loves to geek out at Marvel movies, play games with her family and friends, and travel around the world. No matter where she is or what she is doing, she can rarely be found without a book in her hand.

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