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The Sound of Wind

Page 58

by Raegan Millhollin

  Chapter Fourteen - Different Styles of Playing

  When Hugo mentioned talking to the heads of the Russian and Japanese mafias to explain the situation, Mr. Hansen suggested he speak to Mr. Gideon, as Boris was an old friend of his. What a surprise, Mr. Gideon was friends with a powerful criminal. CJ was easy to convince to come along, she was incredibly excited for a fight with the Russian mob. He told her to find him when she was done in the labs. After that Hugo took the elevator to the top floor.

  Sandra was at her desk, typing, but looked up when the elevator doors opened to smile at him. “Mr. Gideon is in if you’d like to speak to him.”

  Hugo nodded, taking a deep breath. He opened the door at the end of the hallway, suddenly feeling a knot in his stomach. Mr. Gideon was at his desk, just hanging up the phone.

  He stood, smiling at Hugo, “Please, have a seat.” Hugo hesitated, but did as requested. “Mr. Hansen was kind enough to let me know why you were visiting. I told him I would be delighted to help out.” Hugo blinked, chewing on his lip. Exactly how much had Mr. Hansen told Mr. Gideon? “She may be a fraud, but attacking Madeline was unacceptable.”

  Mr. Gideon came around his desk, his expression solemn. Hugo tensed. The CEO and founder placed a hand on his shoulder and it was almost impossible to resist the urge to pull away, “I know it was difficult, but thank you for saving her.”

  Hugo stared up at Mr. Gideon, suddenly feeling the knot in his stomach unravel, the praise relaxing all of the tension in his body. He knew in the back of his mind, that this was part of Mr. Gideon’s powers, but the tension didn’t return. “I-it was nothing,” he stammered, embarrassed.

  Mr. Gideon shook his head, “No, it was a very brave thing to do,” Hugo blushed, gaze falling to the ground, “and I thank you. Helping smooth things over is the least I can do.”

  “I…” Hugo knotted his hands together, “Thank you.”

  Mr. Gideon patted his shoulder, his expression lightening, “No problem. Please come to me any time, for any reason. I’m always here to help you.” Hugo took several deep breaths, something in his chest tightening. “Just let me know when you’re ready to go.”

  Hugo nodded, quickly standing. He couldn’t look at the man, “Thank you, Mr. Gideon.” He quickly left the room and didn’t stop until he was on the elevator. Mr. Gideon had praised him, told him he was brave, and approved of what he’d done. Something his father would never do. Hugo gripped the railing in the elevator, trying not to cry.

  And then suddenly he was wondering why he cared what Mr. Gideon thought. He hated him, his approval wasn’t needed. Hugo ground his teeth together. Damn the man for manipulating him. The doors to the elevator slid open, and he began to wonder if there was a way to combat Mr. Gideon’s charm. Was it something Clem was capable of?

  It would be incredibly useful to have the telepath at the meeting, but it seemed like a bad idea to bring too many people; CJ was going to be hidden. However, if Clem came along, they would easily know if things were going poorly, or if Boris was planning revenge.

  Hugo skidded to a halt as Clem rounded the corner, almost running into him.

  The musician flashed a wide, toothy grin, “I think I can help you at the meeting. Let me show you something.” He disappeared.

  Hugo blinked several times, trying to process the sudden conversation. Clem knew about the meeting. Had he read his mind that quickly? Oh, he was offering a solution, “You can turn invisible? Why didn’t you-”

  Nope. That’s not it.

  Hugo frowned, “Did you teleport?”

  Nope. I’m inside you.

  “What?!” Hugo exclaimed, taking a quick step backwards despite the fact there was no one to move away from.

  You showed me Diane’s file. I have a lot of the same abilities she did and that was on the list, so I thought I’d try it. The man sounded smug.

  You’re saying you can jump into people. I don’t believe-

  I’ll prove it. Bark like a dog.

  I’m not going to…He was barking. Holy shit Clem, make it stop! He stopped. “Get out! Get out now!”

  Clem appeared again, that same enthusiastic smile on his face. Hugo poked his head around the corner of the hallway, no one had been drawn to the sound of bad imitation barking, but his face was still red. “Don’t ever do that again!” Hugo jabbed a finger at the older man.

  “Oh come on, you wanted a way to get me in there, and this would work. I can still read peoples’ minds, and in exchange you’ll probably give me a huge headache trying to keep up with you. I won’t make you do anything,” Clem assured him calmly, but the hint of amusement was hurting his case.

  “Oh yeah, like just now?” Hugo snapped back.

  “You wanted proof.”

  Hugo fidgeted, looking down the hallway again. He didn’t like the idea, but it didn’t feel weird and Clem already knew everything, so it wasn’t like he was going to see anything new in his head.

  “Ah, there you go,” the smile spread.

  “Are you reading my mind?” Hugo snapped.

  Clem just shrugged, “Pffft. I didn't have to, you’re expression was pretty obvious.”

  Hugo’s face went red again, “Alright, alright. CJ should be on her way soon. Let’s just go.”

  Clem disappeared, Aye, aye, Captain!

  The lights flickered and soon after that CJ rose out of the floor crackling. She solidified, “I’m ready!”

  Hugo nodded, “Alright, let’s go.”

  Mr. Gideon was still in his office. “Everyone ready?” He asked, a calm smile on his face.

  Hugo and CJ nodded, then CJ sparked up and Mr. Gideon opened a portal a little ways away from the gates of a large estate. There were two guards at the entrance. CJ jumped across the portal and into the ground. Hugo followed Mr. Gideon through.

  “Hello, we’re here to see Boris,” The CEO announced pleasantly once they reached the guards.

  “Right, Mr. Gideon. We’ll have to search you both first.”

  Mr. Gideon spread his arms, “Of course.”

  Once the ritual was complete, they were escorted by one of the guards into the building and led to a room with a long, but simple table, and a bunch of old movie posters on the walls. “Have a seat, Boris will be with you shortly.”

  Nice place, Clem offered quietly in the background, The guard thinks you guys are going to try something. Are you going to try something? There was curious amusement coloring the question.

  Not if we don’t have to.

  A pudgy older man with thinning, dull brown hair entered the room with a wiry man with graying hair. “Alex, it’s been a long time!” The brown-haired man exclaimed, clasping Mr. Gideon’s hand across the table. Then he turned his attention to Hugo, his smile never wavering, “And you are?”

  “This is Hugo, Boris. The young man I emailed you about earlier.”

  “Yes, of course,” Boris said dryly, then he motioned towards the man standing quietly next to him, “This here is Anthony, my advisor.”

  Interesting, he can, uh, how should I put this? See sin, I guess is how he describes it. It basically amounts to seeing that you’ve killed people. But his ability goes beyond that. He can make you relive those experiences. He’s Boris’ insurance in case this conversation goes poorly. Boris thinks you might be here to kill him.

  “Thanks for seeing us, Boris,” everyone sat down at the table, “especially under such circumstances,” Mr. Gideon said solemnly.

  “Of course. These things need to be discussed,” Boris returned blandly.

  “So how have you been, Boris?”

  “Well, well. And I see things have been going profitably for Gideon Enterprises as well.”

  Mr. Gideon smiled without seeming like he was being smug, “Let’s get to business then, shall we?" He paused politely for the possibility of dissension before he continued, "We are sorry for the loss of your uncle. However, as detailed in the email, he was going after one of my former employees and this young man was j
ust looking out for her.”

  Boris raised an eyebrow, “And what shall you do to recoup my loss?”

  “Do?” Mr. Gideon intoned, his smile never wavering, “We don’t need to do anything, this was merely defense.

  Hah! Boris is about to shit himself. It’s really too bad you can’t hear this, it’s hilarious.

  Clem, this isn’t funny.

  And why is that?

  Hugo opened his mouth and then realized he was about to speak and shut it again. He didn’t know where Mr. Gideon was going with this, but he was sounding a little antagonistic.

  “So you’re saying I don’t deserve restitution for what your friend over there has done?” Boris asked, an edge to his voice.

  “Boris, we both know you didn’t like Gregori anyway. He was so fixated on exposing us and that benefits no one, now does it?” Mr. Gideon said with deep regret.

  Boris laughed, loud, “Dammit, you’re right.”

  Oh now he’s pissed. He was really hoping to get a favor or something out of this.

  Hugo sent a sidelong glance to Mr. Gideon. The man just smiled more. “But that doesn’t mean we’re unwilling to give you something to show for your loss. And I understand money means nothing to a man of your talents, so a favor. Hugo here, at a later date, will protect something of your choosing. Does that sound fair?”

  Both Boris and Hugo raised their eyebrows, eyes meeting. Heh. He thinks you can’t do anything. That you got lucky with Gregori. Boris glanced at his advisor, who gave a slight nod and that was the end of it.

  “Sounds good. It’ll be a pleasure working with you, Hugo. We’ll be in touch.” Boris stood, so everyone else followed suit, “It was good seeing you Alex. Anthony will show you out,” and then the head of the Russian mob left. The advisor led them out, silent the entire time.

  At the gates Mr. Gideon opened the portal. A spark of electricity jumped through into his office. He turned towards Hugo, placing a hand on his shoulder, “Don’t worry. He won’t ask you to do anything you’re not capable of doing.”


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