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Captured By The Beast I

Page 25

by Daniella Wright

  When I looked up, Quin was gone and my own fingers were deep inside my pussy. It had only been a fantasy…


  Later that night, I managed to forget about Quin long enough to keep my fingers to myself. Now, I was dressed and ready to go. Putting on my helmet, I got on my bike and headed toward Quin’s address. He lived in the upper part of town, forcing me to drive across the city, but I didn’t mind. The night was crisp and clean. The stars were out, painting the sky in a splatter of twinkling blue lights. The moon hung overhead as a small sliver, winking at the earth.

  Finally, I slowed down. I had reached Quin’s street. Or rather cul-de-sac. I drove around the circle, letting the sounds of my motorcycle echo through the area. All the houses were grand and luxurious, with polished front lawns and large, three-section windows adorned with fancy-looking curtains. The paint on each house was pristine and well-taken care of. The doors were large with ornate knockers as their focal point.

  On my third round, I spotted the numbers 1789 on a large rock in front of a red house. This was it. I pulled into the driveway, parking in front of the three-car garage. Putting down the kickstand, I got off and wondered if I should leave my helmet on my bike or bring it inside. In the end, no matter how nice the community looked, I decided to take it with me. Helmets were expensive and I wasn’t about to let someone to steal mine.

  For a quick second, I leaned down, looking in the small side mirrors to check my hair and makeup. It wasn’t often that I was asked on a date.

  “You look beautiful.” Quin's voice came out of nowhere before his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. My heart nearly stopped, not with fright, but with the thought that this man had been watching me check myself out. I felt humiliated.

  Chapter 4

  “How long have you been out here?” I asked, quickly pushing him away once my heart jump started.

  “Since I heard your bike. I didn’t want to scare you so I didn’t say anything, but I couldn’t help myself once you took off your helmet.”

  “Well. You scared me.” I admitted, my cheeks turning red.

  “I’m sorry.” He sounded genuine. “It wasn’t my intention.” Slowly, he reached out and rubbed his thumb against the side of my cheek. “You had a little smudge.” He told me. My cheeks reddened even more. It must’ve been grease from the shop. How had I missed that? I felt even more embarrassed. “Shall we go inside?” He asked.

  I nodded, eager to be done with this awkward situation. He took my hand and the moment I felt his palm against my own, my heart rampaged. I held onto it tightly as he guided me inside. Suddenly, I didn’t feel like myself. It was like I was no longer in control of my body, following Quin without consciously thinking about it.

  “I hope you like steak.” He said as we stepped into the kitchen. I was too preoccupied with the sensation running along my arm and into my chest that I barely noticed the large living room furnished with leather sofas and a seventy-inch flat screen. Inside the kitchen, however, I was floored. It was marvelous, to say the least, equipped with stainless steel appliances and granite countertops that shone brilliantly.

  “How can you afford all of this on a trainer salary?” I asked, my eyes locked on the kitchen island with its light oak wood cabinetry and touchless faucet. “This is amazing.”

  “Maybe I have other sources of income.” He answered mysteriously as he walked over to the oven and opened it up. A plume of steam rolled out, hitting me in the face. I stepped back as he grabbed the handle of a skillet and placed it on the counter. It didn’t even occur to me that he didn’t have oven mitts on.

  “You made steak in the oven?”

  “I like to broil them once they’re cooked.” He explained. “Please. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a glass of wine?”

  “Red or white?”

  “I have both.”

  “White then. Thanks.” I walked to the table and blushed as I saw it was romantically set for two. There were candles and fancy silverware on the table. A bouquet of flowers placed inside a crystal vase. I couldn’t believe that this man had gone through so much trouble just for a date with me.

  Cautiously, I sat down, afraid that I might ruin the perfect arrangement. Seconds later, Quin appeared with two plates, setting one down in front of me. “I hope you like your steak medium rare.”

  “Yeah. That’s perfect.” I said. The steak was beautiful. It looked tender and crisp. Maybe the secret to making a perfect steak was indeed tossing it in the oven. Complimenting the steak were some fluffy-looking mashed potatoes and peas. I smiled. “This looks really good.”

  “I hope you like it.” Quin grabbed my glass and started to fill it with some Don Perignon. The champagne fizzled as bubbles escaped over the glass’ edge.

  “I thought we were having white wine, not champagne.”

  “Contrary to what most people think, champagne is a type of white wine.” He explained with an air of high class. I blushed at my mistake. “If you’d like, I can open a bottle of chardonnay instead.”

  “Oh no. Please, don’t go through the trouble. This is absolutely fine.”

  “Are you sure? It’d be no trouble at all.” He assured me, but I shook my head. I didn’t want to make him open another bottle just for me.

  “In that case. Let’s eat.” He smiled and sat down on the other side of the table. As he cut into his steak, a puddle of blood gathered at the bottom of his plate. His steak didn’t look medium-rare at all. It just seemed rare. Quickly, I cut into mine and saw that it was cooked to perfection. The outer layer was cooked all the way through and only the middle held a tinge of pink to it.

  “You really like your steak rare, huh?” I asked, cutting my steak into small, bite-size pieces, trying to keep my gestures elegant. Even though we were inside this man’s home, I felt like we were in some fancy restaurant where everyone was judging my actions.

  He nodded but didn’t otherwise answer. He just continued to eat with an obvious, insatiable hunger. He stuffed his mouth, any hint of his earlier high-class vanishing as he shoveled through his meal. It was like he hadn’t seen food in weeks. His teeth chomped down on the meat, tearing it apart. I started to lose my appetite as I watched him.

  Reaching out, I grabbed my glass, about to pick it up when the fine glass shattered under the pressure of my tight grasp. I quickly pulled my hand back. It was already bleeding as the champagne spilled over the tablecloth.

  In an instant, Quin was by my side, his hand tight around my wrist. I looked up at him, my heart racing, feeling the grasp of his fingers. “I’m so sorry –” I was going to continue apologizing when he hoisted me off my chair and yanked me toward his sink. His actions were jerky and rough and I had to stumble to keep up with him.

  “Quin. You’re hurting me!” Still, he didn’t let go.

  Chapter 5

  His eyes were dark as he held my hand under the tap. My blood swirled around the drain before finally disappearing. The water was stinging my wound. “Quin. Let go of me!” I tried to force him to release his grasp on my hand, but his grip was impossibly strong. I was growing desperate. Why was he acting this way? Why wasn’t he saying anything?

  Finally, he looked at me, but it wasn’t the same man who had caused my heart to beat so rapidly at the gym. This wasn’t the man that had ignited a fire between my legs when his strong fingers wrapped around my thigh. I gulped, peering into his now pitch-black eyes, his pupils nonexistent. I was so scared. I couldn’t even move. My veins froze over and my heart slowed down to an impossible rate. I was getting light-headed and feared I would pass out at any moment.

  “I need to take out the pieces of glass.” He finally spoke, but his voice was foreign. Where once it was thick and full of life, now it was hollow and somehow dead. I shuddered, trying to pull away, but his fingers tightened even harder around my slender wrist. Carefully he pulled out small pieces of glass. His actions were quick and precise, like that of an automaton. He no longer seemed lik
e a person.

  “Quin… please, you’re scaring me.”

  His eyes softened for a moment, the flecks of gold returning. Suddenly, he let go of my wrist. “I’m so sorry… I… I didn’t mean to…It’s just… I…” Quin’s voice regained its natural timbre, but even so, it shook as he held his head between his hands. “I can’t believe… I could’ve…” He wasn’t making any sense as he continued to babble.

  “I don’t understand…” Even through my fear, I could sense his anxiety. I reached out and touched him, but he pulled back with such force that it caught me off-guard. A plate on the counter fell to the ground, shattering to pieces.

  “Don’t come near me! I’m only going to hurt you!” His voice was hysterical as he edged away. His eyes were hazel once more, but he continued walking backward.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, finding this all too strange. “I’m really sorry I broke your glass… I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. Please, just tell me why you’re acting this way.” His eyes darted across the room. None of this made any sense. I wanted to know why he was acting this way. I couldn’t accept that he was just another crazy guy that had fallen for me. I stepped forward and touched his hand.

  He looked at me, his eyes wide and doe-like. “Quin. Please. Talk to me.” I pleaded. Inside my chest, my heart ached to see him this way. Even though I had not spent a lot of time with this man, deep down, I knew I had already developed feelings for him. And even deeper, I could feel my attraction for him growing with every minute I lingered in his presence. There was just something about him that drove me wild. Was it his soft, soul-searching eyes, or was it the musculature of his body? Or maybe even that earthy laugh of his. I didn’t know and frankly, I didn’t care. In my mind, I was still hoping for this night to end well and I wasn’t going to let that fantasy die just yet.

  “Get away from me!” He yelled, jumping back until he cornered himself.

  I stopped and frowned. Maybe he didn’t feel the same way. The thought made my heart ache like someone was slowly pressing a hot poker through my chest. I looked down, my eyes welling up with tears. I had been so optimistic that this man would be different, that he wouldn’t be like all the rest, but now, I realized I was wrong. He would break my heart just like everyone else.

  I was about to turn around and leave when he reached out and grabbed my wrist. Suddenly, he pulled me into his body. His arms wrapped around me, locking me against him. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at him. I saw the newfound lust in his eyes for a flickering moment before our lips smashed together in an earth-shattering kiss.

  His lips were rough and demanding as they danced against mine. I could feel my heartbeat quickening as his tongue forced its way into my mouth. My tongue avoided his at first before they tangled together, caressing one another until our breathing became ragged. Still, he continued to kiss me, harder and harder, until I thought my lips would bruise.

  Under my skin, instincts started to kick in. I pushed my body against his, naturally pressing my hips against his crotch. Already, there was a raging hard-on in his pants. I continued to grind against it, feeling my own arousal awaken inside of me.

  My nails dug into the back of his neck as I got on my tippy toes, struggling to reach his lips. His arms tightened around me, threatening to keep me forever trapped against his body. Suddenly, he grabbed my ass in both hands. His fingers dug into my skin as he kneaded my flesh. I moaned, wiggling my ass. He pulled back his hand and smacked my left cheek, hard. I gasped, jumping up in surprise. He took the opportunity to hoist me up and drape my legs around his waist. My ankles hooked behind him. I could tell that I was already soaking wet for him and things were only starting to get fired up.

  Finally, he broke away from our kiss, a blazing gaze in his eyes. The golden specks had turned into embers as he smirked down at me. “You have no idea what you’ve started.” His grin deepened before he reached down, kissing my neck. He left behind love bites, nearly breaking through the skin before he pulled away, flashing me a smile. Only this time, instead of a row of uniform white squares, there were two large canines that stared back at me.

  Chapter 6

  “What… What are you?” I asked, my words leaving my lips before I so intended them to. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at his long, sharp teeth.

  He sighed, his eyes growing sad as his lips covered his fangs in a prominent frown. “I didn’t want you to find out. I felt so normal around you.” He whispered, still holding me against his hips. I continued to hold onto him. My fingers were cold and my legs trembled. I knew there was something wrong with this situation, but at the same time, I couldn’t shake off the carnal urges that were running through my body. Even with this sudden turn of events, Quin was still inexplicably attractive. My vivid shower-inspired fantasy came rushing back to me. I wanted him. I wanted him so badly…

  “Tell me,” I demanded, my fingers running through his hair. I didn’t want to play games anymore. “Tell me what’s going on.” My voice was strong and confident as I met his gaze. Still holding me, he left the room, leading us to the second floor where the walls were painted in a soft beige color.

  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, standing in the middle of the hallway. He sighed, expelling the air against the hollow of my neck. I shuddered, feeling a spark of excitement running up my spine. I wanted to kiss him in that moment. To take his face in my hands and take control, but I stopped myself, waiting for answers as my mind conjured up vivid fantasies. I don’t know how things changed so quickly. One moment, I was having a nice, delicious dinner, but now, I was a ball of hormones ready to pounce.

  Quin opened his eyes and kept walking without answering me. I started to get irritated. I was about to ask him again when he opened a wooden door. It creaked slowly, the light from the hallway creeping into the dark room. Shadows scuttled for safety in corners and behind large dressers. In the middle of the room, the bed was illuminated by the ray of light coming from the hall.

  Without further hesitation, Quin walked to the bed and set me down. His movements were gentle, almost loving. I felt my heart strings shoot in his direction, pulling him closer. My fingers dug into his arms as I pulled him on top of my body. I smiled up at him, cupping his cheeks in my hands. The cut from earlier had stopped bleeding by this point.

  His hips locked with mine, his cock even harder than before. I could feel it pressing against my thigh, his bulge rubbing against my crotch, begging for entrance. Teasing him, I pushed my hips into him, my back arching. I spread my legs and watched as his eyes traveled down my body, settling on between my thighs. He raised an eyebrow in intrigue before my fingers moved down, feeling a wet spot forming in my pants. My cheeks reddened when I realized he had made me so wet that I was soaking through the fabric.

  With his eyes still glued to my crotch, I moved my fingers in slow circles. I giggled, realizing he was just as aroused as I was. His eyes left my fingers now eyeing the wet spot as it grew bigger. There was undeniable lust in his eyes. Deep down, I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. Eager to get the show on the road, I wrapped my legs around his waist, making him my prisoner. “Now, are you going to tell me or do I need to fuck the answer out of you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  He looked surprised by my question before I flipped us over. My hands were on his shoulders, pinning him to the bed, my legs straddling his body. “I…” He tried to speak, but he was caught in my spell. I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, taking my time. He groaned, reaching up to speed up the process, but I pushed his hands away, pinning them above his head. At this point, my shirt was halfway undone.

  My large breasts threatened to spill out of my lacy black bra as I leaned forward, letting them dangle above his face. He looked ravenous, licking his lips before he shook his head. “I can’t…” He whispered. “I can’t do this.” He tried to shake his head again, but I kissed his lips, taking his breath away. I was too addicted to pull away as my hands roamed his body, running
down to his pants and undoing them with ease. Within seconds, his shaft was on full display, standing at attention. I pulled back, kneeling between his legs as I eyed his twitching member. I took him in my hand and started to stroke him until he was rock hard and pumping his hips into the air.

  “Why not? You seem to be enjoying it.” I questioned, a grin on my face as I leaned down, leaving behind a trail of kisses between his abs, moving closer and closer to his dick, now twitching within the confines of his pants. Slowly, I stuck my hand inside, running my fingers along his base, teasing him for a second before I gripped his thick shaft in my hand.

  “No.” He pushed me away. I landed on my back on the mattress. Seconds later, his body was hovering above mine. I could feel his dick press against my thigh once more, as if eager to break through the fabric that separated it from my eager mound. I bit my lip, peering into his fiery eyes. The desire I saw there made me shiver. “I can’t because… I’m a vampire…” He whispered, his voice husky.

  I stared at him in disbelief. “You’re kidding.” I challenged. I remembered the long canines he had flashed downstairs. Surely that had been just a figment of my imagination. Right?


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