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Captured By The Beast I

Page 52

by Daniella Wright

  I’m starting to lose interest, and the heat makes me sleepy when I notice Rami stand up. He sets his scepter on his golden seat and places his crown next to it. “Where are you going?”

  “My turn is coming soon. I must get down to the stables and get ready.” He takes a step closer to the cage, and before I can move away, he kisses me through the bars. His tongue slips into my mouth, and his warm saliva sends a thrilling trickle of excitement into my loins. “Wish me luck.”

  He hurries away. In an instant, my excitement revives and I watch the match with bated breath. Will he win? What will happen if he doesn’t? I’ll go to the Zerq. I don’t know anything about them. They could be dangerous, and Rami has been so nice to me. He hasn’t been as nice as Axl, but I really hope Rami wins and I go home with him instead of some strange species.

  Just then, a new rider comes out of the Rekyl door, and I recognize Itchi. Just for a second, I hope the Zerq smashes his rapist head in so I never have to see him again. I hope he dies a slow, painful death. When the two competitors charge toward each other, though, I change my mind. I wouldn’t wish this fate on my worst enemy. No one should die like this, in bloody violence. I can’t believe anyone can survive this, but I don’t want him dead, either.

  The two aliens meet and exchange blows with their clubs. I can’t watch, but I peek through my fingers at the battle. Itchi slams his opponent across the back, and the Zerq almost topples off his dordon. Itchi takes another swing and knocks him across the back of the neck. The Zerq crumples in his saddle, and Itchi moves in for the kill.

  He raises his club, but at that moment, the Zerq rallies. He thrusts up with his club and hits Itchi in the chest. Itchi doubles over with a grunt. The Zerq rises in his saddle, and with a vicious downstroke, scatters Itchi’s brains across the ground. Itchi’s body somersaults out of the saddle, and he hits the dust with a thud.

  So that’s it. That’s the end of the life of an alien scumbag. I don’t have time to mourn him. The Zerq in the stands erupt in cheers, but the trumpeters cut them off with a magnificent flourish of sound. Before the attendants even have time to haul Itchi out of the way, another rider canters onto the scene. It’s Rami!

  The Zerq who defeated Itchi freezes in the middle of his victory lap and glances over his shoulder. He spots Rami moving into position.

  A deadly hush falls over the stadium. No one moves. Very slowly, the Zerq defender rides into position facing Rami. I can’t breathe. I grasp the bars of my cage in a white-knuckle grip. I want to tear the place to pieces, to stop the fight, but I can’t move.

  Rami reins his dordon into position, and the crowd waits in excited anticipation. Then the trumpet sounds, and the two warriors kick their dordons into a dead run. They thunder toward each other, and their hooves set the whole stadium rumbling.

  The crowd explodes into wild cheering as the two fighters meet. They exchange blow for blow. The Zerq knocks Rami sideways in his saddle, and a cry of pain rips from my throat. I’m in a frenzy, but the next minute, Rami counters with a powerful parry. He throws the Zerq out of his saddle. The man hits the dirt, and Rami wheels his dordon on the fallen enemy.

  The Zerq tries to regain his feet, but Rami moves faster. He spurs his dordon directly toward the fallen Zerq. The dordon’s hooves strike the man, first in the body and then in the head. Rami reins his dordon back and forth until it tramples the man to death.

  In an instant, the stadium falls silent once again. The Zerq lies still. Rami raises his club to the crowd and lets out a deafening bellow. The Rekyl fans answer with cries and happy cheers. They wave their streamers at him and applaud as he rides around the stadium in victory. Zerq attendants drag the loser out of the arena, and I let out a sigh of relief. Rami is the winner! I don’t have to worry about going to someone else now.

  The next moment, though, another trumpet sounds. It plays another flourish like the one signaling Rami’s entrance. Rami returns to his place as another Zerq rides into the arena to face him. The Zerq wears colored streamers tied to his clothes, and a golden helmet covers his head. Bells and colored cloth decorate his dordon’s saddle fittings. This can only be the Zerq leader.

  Another hush falls over the crowd. Everyone watches in rapt attention when the two champions face off. I don’t have time to think about what will happen if Rami loses this match. The trumpet sounds, and the two men charge at each other with their clubs raised high.

  The other fights meant nothing compared to this. The whole crowd watches in rapt silence. This was the moment of truth. Whoever wins this match will go home in triumph―with me.

  Rami gains the upper hand first. He rains blows on his adversary and nearly drives him to the ground. He strikes the Zerq in the head, then in the abdomen, and finally a glancing blow off his shoulder. The Zerq can’t react fast enough to return the blows.

  At last, Rami brings his club up for the final blow to end the fight. He slams the Zerq hard across the back, and then in the ribs. The Zerq doubles over, and Rami hits him again for good measure. The Zerq crumples on the ground and lays still.

  The attendants move in to remove him. Rami spins his dordon around to trample the man the way he did before, but at the last second, the Zerq rears off the ground and grabs Rami by the leg.

  Rami kicks his dordon to get away, but the Zerq holds him fast. The dordon plunges away, and the Zerq yanks Rami out of the saddle. Rami’s club falls out of his hand, and before he can recover, the Zerq grapples with him in a death grip.

  Neither man can tear himself away to reach his club. Whenever one of them tries to get hold of his weapon, the other holds him back. They punch and kick and slam each other to the ground, but neither can gain the upper hand.

  In the end, Rami throws a desperate elbow to the Zerq’s face. He slams the man in the mouth. The Zerq stumbles backward, and in that moment of respite, Rami dashes sideways and grabs his club.

  He rounds on the Zerq, but his adversary sees him. The Zerq darts the other way, and both men spin around to face each other with their clubs in their hands. They both swing, and the clubs make contact in mid-air.

  The blow rocks the stadium, and a collective gasp runs through the crowd. The warriors swing, and their clubs meet again and again. They shower blows on each other, body for body, but no one can tell who is the stronger fighter. Who will win in the end?

  I can’t contain my nervous tension. This moment will determine my future on this planet. I shake the bars in agitation, and every time one of the men lands a blow, I cry out in agony. Each blow strikes my own body with a terrible thud.

  Rami swings his club at the Zerq’s head and misses. He spins around, and the Zerq takes advantage of the moment to pound him in the shoulder. Rami staggers away and drops his club. The Zerq moves in to finish him off, but Rami dives for his club. He rolls along the ground and brings up his club just in time to deflect a vicious blow aimed at his head.

  With a sweep of his leg, he knocks the Zerq off his feet. The enemy fighter lands hard on his backside. In a flash, Rami leaps to his feet. He strikes his fallen opponent before the Zerq can recover. The club comes down, and a sickening crunch resounds through the stadium.

  The crowd watches in stunned silence. The battle is over, and the Zerq lies still. Rami steps forward and brings down his club one more time, just to make sure the enemy does not rise again.

  Rami stands over his dead foe. From my place high in the stands, I see his shoulders heaving with his breath. The arm holding his club drops to his side. He’s utterly spent, but the tournament is over. He’s won! My heart leaps in my chest, as much from relief as for joy at his victory.

  Awed silence fills the stadium. Rami staggers away from the Zerq. The club dangles from his hand. He casts his eye over the crowd with a fierce glare. Then he raises his club over his head and lets out a spine-chilling roar. He faces first the Zerq spectators and roars his challenge to his people’s enemies.

  Then he faces his own people. He roars again and again. He lift
s his arms above his head in triumph. Then the Rekyl spectators explode into rapturous cheering. They dance and wave their hands back to Rami. They embrace each other and some wipe away tears. The whole stadium erupts in a frenzy of relieved tension.

  I can’t contain myself anymore. I weep and scream and laugh all at the same time, but the Rekyl cut my joy short when the same four men surround my cage and lift it off the ground. With no more ceremony, they carry me out of the stadium. No one notices me leave.

  Chapter 4

  The men carry me through empty streets. Everyone is still at the tournament. I sit back in my cage like a lamb going to slaughter. Will I ever see the outside of this planet again? I’ll be kept as a slave for the rest of my life. Liking Rami or finding him attractive won’t change that.

  I can’t do anything to change it now, though. Maybe I should find a way to kill myself and end my misery before my life becomes unbearable. Heaven only knows what Rami will do to me when he gets me alone. His body might damage me so I’ll never be able to function sexually again. He might infect me with some horrible disease.

  I push that thought out of my mind in a hurry. For one thing, I was never a quitter. I’ve been through some tough times in my life, and I always got through them on sheer willpower. I’ll get through this, too, and I can’t believe Rami is really a bad guy after all. Why would he ask if I was well, if he didn’t care?

  I’m sure these Rekyl know perfectly well what human women need, too. They do research on human women, so they must know Rekyl are compatible with human women. I can’t resign myself so easily to being somebody’s toy, though. I’ll fight back, no matter the consequences.

  I have plenty of time to think about what’s coming my way. The journey wherever they’re taking me takes a lot longer than the short one from my first prison to the tournament. Will it never end?

  Then I see the last buildings fall away, and the men carry me out into the countryside beyond. The same colorless desert sweeps over hills and valleys in all directions. The wind blows dust in a straight line parallel to the ground, but I don’t see any buildings or streets. The place is deserted―literally.

  Then the men march around a low hill, and I see a big building at the top. This must be Aranon’s version of a castle, except it lies low and sloping on the ground. It has no turrets or anything else sticking up into the air. From a distance, I see multiple layers of grey-brown walls all lying close to the ground to let the wind and sand blow over them.

  The men climb the hill to the building. They pass under an arch and carry me through a courtyard surrounded by high walls. The building blocks the desert heat, and the courtyard is blessedly cool and tranquil. They pass through another portico into another part of the building.

  A long, low hall stretches in either direction, and the men carry me into a large room lined all around with low benches covered in cushions. The room holds no other furniture. They set the cage down on a bench and withdraw without a word.

  I’m too freaked out to speak to them or anyone else. I keep shifting my weight back and forth in the cage. I’m stewing in an agony of anticipation and anxiety. What’s going to happen to me? How long to I have to sit here in this cage before someone comes and lets me out?

  Hours pass. I guess Rami is busy down at the stadium. I’m sure every Rekyl on the planet wants to shake his hand and tell him what a hero he is. Maybe he has state functions to perform with the defeated Zerq as well. My imagination runs wild in the silence. Not a single person comes into the room. As far as I can hear, nothing but silence fills the whole castle.

  The air changes and turns even cooler. Night must be coming. I could be in here for days before Rami comes. I lie down on the cage floor and make myself as comfortable as I can. I might as well get some sleep while I wait, but I’m too keyed up.

  I close my eyes, and I guess the exhaustion takes over. I find myself drifting through a cloudy sky. Then I’m back in the room, but I’m not in the cage anymore. Rami is standing in front of me, and I face him with a steady heart. I’m not afraid anymore what he’ll do to me.

  He surveys my body the way he did at the arena, and the bright golden honey of desire oozes from my nether fountain. My lower lips rub against each other and pulse with life. My nipples prick against my thin robe, and he admires them through the fabric. His gaze turns me on even more. I want him to touch me.

  He takes a step toward me. His hands hesitate in mid-air. Then he touches the fine fabric of my robe. He pushes the two sides apart, and my erect breasts jump out for him to see. He lays the robe on either side of their perfect orbs. The nipples point straight out at him in open invitation.

  My breath heaves in my chest and sends my breasts farther toward him. I ache for his touch. I want his mouth sucking my nipples, and his fingers exploring my forgotten recesses. How long has it been since a man touched me like that? I can’t even remember any of the players I wasted my time with on Earth. I don’t want anyone but him.

  He happily obliges by laying his two palms over my nipples. He massages them in a circle until my lips fall apart and a gasp of lusty desire escapes me. He closes his fingers around my sharp nubs, and I moan up into his face. He returns my gaze with masterful possession. He wants to drive me to my limit. He wants to see me blatantly, cravenly excited for him.

  He pushes the robe farther aside, and my naked skin lies waiting for him underneath. He runs his hand down my belly to the dark triangle between my legs. My folds open at his touch, and the sticky syrup covers his delving fingers. I arch my hips toward him to bring his fingers inside me, but he holds back. He knows what I want, but he’ll only give it to me on his own terms.

  He spreads the lubricating cocktail over my flaming flesh, and I pant and whine for more. He watches my reactions, and his attentions grow more insistent, more compelling. I can’t withstand his touch. I’m rising to the heights of climax faster than I can imagine.

  In an instant, I fall into contortions of mesmerizing rapture. He holds me up with one hand while he titillates me with the other. His fingers explore every erogenous zone and bring my fluids brimming forth. I can’t hold back. He owns me. He wants to give me pleasure, and I feel more pleasure at his touch than I can ever imagine.

  At his leisure, he brings me against his body. His clothes vanish in the blink of an eye, and I’m suddenly aware of his monstrous appendage protruding at me with its cyclops eye locked on my verdant slit. Gravity tows me toward him, but the endless waves of orgasmic rapture never stop.

  His member slides between my legs. The pain of his intrusion splits me in half, but the next minute, I’m cantering over fields and plains and deserts on a bucking steed of throbbing flesh. Its ridges send powerful contractions through my being. My muscles ripple along its length, and it strikes deep to the center of my body.

  I undulate back and forth, but his hands and arms guide me so I never fall. My very cells cry out for completion with his rock hard slab. I want nothing more than to feel those endless pounding thrusts. My fountain pours forth a river of fragrant perfume to kiss his wicked snake. He destroys my carefully constructed facade of detachment, and I swallow him whole with my waiting mouth.

  He holds me against him with both hands, and whiplike tentacles emerge from his back. They surround me on every side. I hear them crack and hiss through the air. They’re coming to take me, but I don’t care.

  They surround me and fill me. I’m one with him. I’m complete. He gazes into my eyes. I can’t tear my eyes away from his face. We’re fated to be together. He senses the same thing.

  His nostrils flare. He smells me from there. His lips curl back in a feral snarl. He’s an animal, and I’m his prey. His thing pulses inside me, and every pulse showers iridescent rainbow sparks from my center out to the tips of my limbs. Sparks flash before my eyes. I’m in heaven. I’m losing consciousness, and I’m attaining nirvana all at the same time.

  I hang limp in his arms. I’ve climaxed so many times I can’t move my body to rid
e his stroking rhythm anymore. Oh, I want to ride it. I want to ride it forever, but I’m finished. He holds me tighter and doesn’t stop. My channel produces more juicy nectar to lubricate his shaft. My body knows what it wants, even if I can’t keep up.

  Then his face takes on a hard, determined cast. He grits his teeth and pumps faster. He sweats over me, and suddenly, his tool explodes. It injects his spunky love potion into my cavern. He milks the last drops on my quivering vulva, and he closes me in his arms in a last, beatific embrace.

  I rest in my cage in a hazy half-world of dreams. I wait for him to come and take me through the bars. I crave his dominance and his wicked attentions. I’m stretched on tenterhooks of anticipation at seeing him again. When will he come and put me out of my misery?

  Voices echo down the hall outside and startle me awake. I hear men and women, all talking and laughing in high excitement. So they’re coming back from the tournament at last. I’m glad and terrified at the same time. I’m still wet from my dream. I want Rami to come and seal my fate, but at the same time, I hope he never comes. I can’t stand this waiting, but my mind jumps at every horrible phantom I can think of.

  Finally, the door opens. Voices clang on my ears at close range, and I recognize Axl’s voice. He must be talking to Rami, probably wishing him a pleasant evening with his prize. Women’s voices drift down the hall and away.

  Then the door closes. It lets out an ominous click, and silence envelopes the room. I freeze in my cage. I should shout threats and curses now, but I don’t. I wait to see what he does first.

  Then Rami walks around in front of the cage. He still wears the same pants he had on at the arena, with no shirt or shoes. He scans me up and down for a moment. I stare out at him, but I can’t move. Can he see what I’ve just been dreaming about? Can he see my wet slit between my legs? “How are you?”

  I swallow hard. My throat aches from unquenchable thirst. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” I’m his slave. I’m his captive. I’m all his.


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