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Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie Novelization

Page 7

by Tracey West


  Po the Spirit Warrior

  Po opened his eyes. He was still in the Spirit Realm. But he was no jombie! He could feel a straw hat on top of his head, and he wore a long cloak. It was the outfit he always wore when he imagined himself as a legendary hero.

  “Whoa, that’s cool.”

  He jumped up and began to move his hands in graceful swishing motions. He wasn’t sure how he knew what to do—but he knew. Golden chi trailed his hand movements like ripples in the water, forming beautiful shapes. Kai stared in awe.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “I’ve been asking the same question. Am I the son of a panda? The son of a goose? A student? A teacher? Turns out I’m all of them. I am the Dragon Warrior!” Po said.

  Then the golden chi shapes came together to become a huge, glowing dragon of chi! Po was part of the dragon, at its very heart, as the golden light swirled around him. “Get it? See the giant dragon? Hah! This is awesome!”

  He waved his right arm, and the giant chi dragon waved his arm. He could control it!

  Po f lew through the air with the dragon’s wings. Sweet!

  “Get ready to feel the thunder!” he yelled, and he chomped his teeth. The dragon opened its huge mouth and chomped its teeth, too.

  “Wahoo!” Po cheered.

  Kai hurled a chain blade at Po. Snap! The dragon caught the chain in its glowing teeth and yanked Kai toward him.

  “Butt Slap!” Po yelled, naming his new move.

  He wiggled his butt and the dragon’s tail lashed out, sending Kai crashing into the f loating mountains.

  “Perhaps a bit of lunch, ’cause I’m starving.” Po slurped like he was eating noodles, and the dragon slurped in the chain blade. It evaporated inside the dragon’s glowing belly. Po happily rubbed his tummy.

  With a growl, Kai launched at Po again. Po f lew the chi dragon right toward him, and the tail struck out at Kai, sending him tumbling away. He lashed out with his remaining chain blade, but couldn’t make contact.

  “Heads up!” Po shouted. The dragon swooped down at Kai and snatched the second blade in its mouth. He f lew past a f loating chunk of rock, sending Kai smashing into it, and then another and another. Finally the dragon swallowed the blade, and it dissolved inside the golden light, just like the other one had.

  Kai glared at Po. “It took me five hundred years to take Oogway’s chi,” he said. “I’ll have yours if it takes me five hundred more!”

  “Chitty chitty chat chat. Chitchat!” Po said. Behind him, the dragon mimed along with him.

  Kai leaped at him again, but Po just smiled serenely.

  “What’s given is more powerful than what can be taken. This chi was given to me. So now I give it to you. All of it.”

  Po performed the same chi move that all his friends had done in the village when they saved him from Kai. When he pushed his hand forward, the dragon dived, shooting through Po and into Kai, overloading him with the power he wanted so very much.

  One by one, the jade amulets detached from his belt and f loated up and away. The Oogway amulet detached, and Kai desperately grasped for it.

  “No!” he cried.

  As the last of the dragon’s tail vanished into Kai’s body, there was an explosion of chi, and Kai was gone.


  Where’s Po?

  Back in the Panda Village, sunlight streamed down from the sky above. Tigress, Mr. Ping, and all of the pandas looked at the swirling peach petals in awe. In the center, they could see the jade amulets returning from the Spirit Realm.

  The first amulet appeared and transformed back into Master Shifu—normal and completely un-jaded!

  Four amulets appeared right on top of him and transformed back into Mantis, Monkey, Crane, and Viper!

  “We’re back!” Viper cheered, as they all tried to untangle themselves from the pile.

  Monkey grabbed Mantis. “Bestie!”

  “Monkey!” Mantis cried. He looked dazed. “I’m still green! It didn’t work! Oh, wait . . . that’s my normal green.”

  More jade amulets appeared, until all of the fallen masters had returned.

  All but one.

  Li rushed to the Furious Five. “What about Po?” he asked.

  “He’s not here?” asked Viper.

  They all looked around anxiously.

  “Po? Po?” Mr. Ping called. He sighed. “Why isn’t he back?”

  Po was still in the Spirit Realm. His mighty dragon of awesomeness had faded, and now he peacefully hovered in the air. The Oogway amulet f loated toward him. In a f lash of light, the amulet transformed into the spirit of Oogway. He was wreathed in a golden glow.

  “Dragon Warrior,” Oogway said.

  “Oogway?” Po asked, f lipping around to face him. “Whoa, no way! I can’t believe it! You’re extra shiny!”

  “As are you,” Oogway replied.

  “I know, right?” Po said, touching his cloak. “It’s, like, the best cape ever! When I run with it, then it looks really cool.”

  “It suits you,” Oogway said. “You’ve grown.”

  Po patted his tummy. “Yeah, I gotta lay off the panda buffet.”

  “Grown up,” Oogway corrected him. “You finally became the panda you were always meant to be. As I hoped you would when I sent the message to your father.” Oogway waved his hand, and the two of them landed gently in a boat on a golden lake below.

  Po’s eyes lit up. “You sent the universe mail! Whoa!”

  Oogway nodded. “Yes. Because the universe needed you.”

  The boat stopped at a f loating island with a peach tree on it. Po and Oogway got out of the boat.

  “The universe needed me?” Po asked.

  Oogway chuckled. “You helped save the world from Kai. That’s a pretty good start.”

  “But how did you know I could?” Po asked.

  “On the first day we met, I saw the future of kung fu . . . and the past,” Oogway replied. “I saw the panda who could unite them both. That is why I chose you, Po. Both sides of the yin and yang. And my true successor.”

  He handed Po the gnarled staff that he carried.

  “Me? I can’t take that,” said Po.

  “Just take it,” said Oogway. “I have a bigger one.”

  Slowly, Po took the staff. He stared at it for a second, and then started to twirl it like a battle staff before he settled down.

  “Now what do we do?” he asked.

  “You tell me,” Oogway replied.

  Peach blossoms began to swirl around Oogway.

  “No, Oogway, don’t go!” Po cried.

  But Oogway reappeared on a nearby tree branch.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Oogway said. “I live here.”

  Po was relieved. “Oh, right.”

  “It’s you who must decide whether to stay or go,” Oogway told him.

  “Wait . . . I can go back?” Po asked.

  “Who knows?” said Oogway. “I’ve never tried.”

  Po looked down at the staff he was holding. He used it to draw a yin-and-yang symbol in the golden water of the lake.

  “Wow,” said Po.

  Then there was a f lash of light.


  One Big Happy Family

  In the mortal realm, everyone waited, hoping for some sign of Po.

  They weren’t disappointed.

  First came the peach blossoms. They gracefully swirled down to the ground, and where the swarm of petals had all fallen, Po appeared in midair, still wearing his cape and heroic garb. The pandas gasped in awe . . .

  . . . until Po’s cool clothes disappeared and he landed on the ground with a splat!

  Mr. Ping and Li rushed to him.

  “Dads!” Po cried.

  “Don’t you go disappearing in petals ever again!” Mr. Ping scolded.

  “We . . . we thought we lost you,” Li said.

  “No. You saved me,” Po told him.

  The two fathers hugged and kissed an
d squeezed him. Tears of joy streamed down their faces.

  Po turned to the pandas.

  “You all did,” he said. “Come here!”

  All the pandas came running up, wrapping Po in a huge group hug.

  “Hugs!” shouted Big Fun as he dove in.

  Po rolled his eyes as Big Fun and the others released him.

  Shifu approached next, proud of his old student. Po bowed.

  “The student has truly become the teach—Wait, where did you get that?” Shifu asked, noticing the staff in Po’s hand.

  “Oh, this?” Po replied with a shrug. “Oogway gave it to me in the Spirit Realm.”

  Master Shifu sighed. “Of course he did.”

  Po whispered, “I think I mastered chi.”

  Master Shifu sighed even harder. “Of course you did.” And he didn’t even have to sit in a cave for thirty years!

  But then the look on Master Shifu’s face changed. “Can you . . . teach me?”

  Po smiled.

  Afterward, the pandas in the Panda Village came to the Valley of Peace. The pandas were happy to be reunited with their long-lost Po, and Mr. Ping was happy to be reunited with the new batch of panda customers he’d found for the noodle shop.

  The Jade Palace was opened for kung fu lessons to everyone. Not only did the pandas and villagers attend, but masters from far and wide came to learn the secrets of chi that Po passed on to his students.

  As for Po, he had never felt so happy: He had friends, family, and two dads who loved him.



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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

  1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020

  This Simon Spotlight paperback edition December 2015

  Kung Fu Panda 3 © 2015 DreamWorks Animation LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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  ISBN 978-1-4814-4116-2

  ISBN 978-1-4814-4117-9 (eBook)




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