Rules of Harte (Harte Series #1)

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Rules of Harte (Harte Series #1) Page 7

by Harris, Brooke

  ‘I’m sure they do.’

  That was it? He was just going to agree. It was that simple? Eva was so confused.

  ‘They said when you get called upstairs, you know…’ Eva waited to see if he would correct her. If he would tell her they were all hideous rumours and really he was a good guy who was happily married or some other equally pathetic excuse.

  ‘You know what, exactly?’ He finally asked, after what felt like an eternity.

  ‘…you know. It’s only for one thing.’

  ‘And what’s that one thing, Ms Andrews?’

  Eva blushed, so hard, she worried she would light up the room with the glow of her face.

  ‘Sex, I guess.’

  ‘You guess?’

  ‘No. I know. You call girls from the office up here so you can have sex with them. You think because you’re rich and successful you can sleep with whoever you want.’

  ‘No,’ Mr Doe corrected her sternly. ‘I don’t think I can fuck whoever I want. I know I can.’

  Eva was appalled. She was about to reiterate her point that she was unattainable but Mr Doe didn’t offer her the opportunity.

  ‘I can have every girl I want. It doesn’t mean I want every girl…I don’t want you.’

  Eva’s shaking changed. She wasn’t shy and intimidated, now, she was furious and humiliated.

  She turned on the spot and began to walk away trying to hide her sobbing.

  ‘Don’t tell me you’re upset,’ Mr Doe said. ‘You didn’t want to be here. You made it very clear that my lifestyle disgusted you. But now that I don’t want to include you in that life, you’re not happy. It would seem there is no pleasing you, Ms Andrews. Now, since we have established what you haven’t barged into my office for, would you like to tell me what you are here for?’

  Maybe Eva wanted him to please her. Maybe she wanted him to make her come twice like he did with Shelly. Maybe she wanted him to catch her, hoist up her dress and fuck her right there on his office couch. Maybe she didn’t know what the hell she wanted.

  ‘You invited me to the Ball. You said I have to go. I thought everyone had to go, but they don’t. It’s just me.’

  ‘Ms Andrews, I can assure you, it is not just you.’

  Eva shook her head. She could hear how stupid her argument sounded. She meant it was only her who had no choice. Everyone else could choose whether or not they would go. Like Nathan. But she was denied that decision. It wasn’t fair. But she couldn’t say that. It made her sound like a spoiled five year old.

  She fished out the crumpled piece of paper from her cardigan pocket and used the light from her phone to read the print at the bottom.

  ‘There,’ she said, running her fingers across the words. ‘RSVP.’

  ‘Yes. And I’m accepting your RSVP personally. It’s a curiosity I don’t offer all my staff. Is there a problem here?’

  ‘No…it’s just…’

  ‘It’s just, you thought I invited you to the ball, I must want to fuck your brains out.’

  ‘Well…er…’ Eva was mortified. ‘Well yeah.’

  ‘There are over three hundred people invited to the ball. I can assure you, I do not want to fuck them all. It would be quite exhausting.’

  Eva laughed. Not a nervous giggle or a bid to break the silence. It was a proper laugh. She finally relaxed. Maybe with three hundred other people there, she could simply blend in somewhere at the back.

  ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed…’

  ‘What did I tell you about apologising? You’re not weak, Ms Andrews, we’ve established that. You’re possibly the first women ever to challenge me. It was actually rather hot, maybe I do want to fuck you after all.’

  Eva laughed again, slightly concerned that he wasn’t joking.

  ‘Take the parcel from Shelly. I think you’ll like it.’

  Eva nodded and stood up. She was leaving the room with much more respect for Mr Doe than she when she entered.

  ‘Oh, and one more thing,’ he called after her. ‘Do you have shoes?’

  Eva looked at her feet. It was an odd question. Of course she had shoes.

  ‘Buy a pair of god damn high heels, will you?’


  Chapter 9

  Eva carried the large, rectangular box too high. It blocked her view and she almost fell out of the lift. Shelly had offered to help but Eva knew she would ask questions about what went on in the office and she really didn’t want to explain. They’d parted ways exchanging mutual nods and smiles, and Eva was relieved to return to the familiarity of her office floor.

  She wobbled towards her desk. Heads turned as she passed and she knew they had their suspicions about what she was doing upstairs. And returning, carrying a giant box filled with who-the-hell-knows-what. Tongues would wag. Eva walked extra slowly. It was a complete contradiction to her usual head down and hurry by approach. In that moment, with a gift from Mr Doe resting in her tiring arms, she wanted the whole office to notice her. And one person’s attention meant more than the rest of the office added together.

  She wasn’t disappointed. Mia’s expression was priceless. It almost made up for the year of shit she’d dealt Eva’s way.

  Eva placed the box on her desk and waited. She was beyond curious about its content but Eva knew Mia would appear any moment and she didn’t want to risk being mid rummage when she did. Eva waited. She waited and waited. Mia didn’t come. Finally, unable to hold herself back any longer, she tugged at the slightly tangled gold ribbon that wrapped around the box like a beautiful frame. The box stared back at her, two separate halves now waiting to be prised apart. Eva stretched her neck and tilted her head, glancing around the office. No one was looking. She blinked and took a deep breath to re-focus. One, two, three…she counted silently…open. Her hands shook as she lifted the lid and placed it neatly on the floor beside the legs of her chair. Soft, crinkled cream paper rested inside. She slowly removed layer upon layer until they revealed a delicate white mask. Eva wriggled her fingers before reaching in and picking it up. Its finely polished surface gave the impression of fine, bone -china but it was lighter than that. It was beautifully simple with two holes for eyes, and a small raised mould to allow room for a nose underneath. It was small, yet big enough to cover the whole upper half of Eva’s face. She placed it gently on her desk, conscious not to bump or scrape its elegant surface and searched through the remaining paper for a note. She didn’t find one. She didn’t understand. What was she supposed to do with it?

  As predicted, Mia finally arrived at Eva’s desk. ‘So how are you going to decorate it? she asked.

  ‘Decorate it?’

  ‘Yeah, you know, add a little sparkle or something.

  ‘I think I’ll just leave it the way it is. It’s pretty and simple.’

  ‘It’s blank.’ Mia pointed to the corner of the mask peeking out from where Eva had hurriedly tried to hide it under an open folder. ‘Blank tells us nothing.’

  ‘I don’t think it’s blank,’ Eva said. ‘Just plain, I suppose.’

  ‘Fitting,’ Mia mumbled under her breath. ‘But it’s not like Mr Doe will be interested in a plain mask.’

  Eva looked back at the mask. She doubted Mr Doe cared very much about it. Mia was probably just trying to freak her out. It was working. Unless…Oh my God…was Mia jealous? Eva quickly brushed the idea off as ridiculous. Mia had nothing to be jealous of. She was borderline perfect.

  ‘The theme is bare your soul, Eva. The mask is supposed to be a metaphor for your hidden desires, what your soul wants. Don’t you get that?’

  Of course Eva got it. It wasn’t rocket science. It was a bit weird though, she thought. Why would anyone want to wear their soul on their face? And, especially in a room full of their colleagues. Forget weird, it bordered on creepy, Eva decided. She wanted more than ever to run away and hide. Beautiful mask or not, it wasn’t enough to hide her.

  I bet yours has a picture of a hooker fucking a giant dildo, Eva wanted to sho
ut. Instead her sentence passed her lips somewhat more reserved. ‘I look forward to seeing yours, I’m sure it’s lovely.’

  Mia flicked her hair over her shoulder, exaggerated a smile, almost blinding Eva with the shine from her irritatingly white teeth and walked away.

  ‘Bare your soul,’ Eva snorted, picking up the mask again. ‘Stupid theme.’

  She would have to explain about the theme to Julian and he would probably think it was stupid, and think she was stupid, and…Oh Christ Julian. She forgot all about his email. It was hours ago. He would think she was ignoring him.

  Fuck, shit, fuck. She scrolled through the tonnes of new messages in her cluttered inbox. She couldn’t find his bloody email. Maybe she could text to explain instead. She grabbed her phone from her neon-pink, fairy wings holder perched on her desk. Five missed calls and three text messages blinked at her. All from the same number; Julian’s number.

  Good morning, Gorgeous.

  The first message was just three simple words that lit Eva’s face up like a glow-in-the-dark knickers.

  I tried calling u but no reply.

  Is everything ok?

  She didn’t feel so good reading the second message.

  R u ok, Evangeline?

  I want 2 invite u 2 dinner 2nite.

  Round 8? Let me know. Julian.

  Eva was starting to panic now, it really looked like she was ignoring him. She checked the time of the last text and compared it to his last call. He hadn’t phoned again after. He was obviously bored or angry. She needed to fix the situation, fast.


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Re: Good Morning

  Date: Wed 15th July 16.20

  Hi Julian,

  I would love to join you for dinner - thanks. Where should I meet you?


  PS I wasn’t ignoring you today, it’s just been crazy busy here. The boss sprung something on me that I wasn’t prepared for.

  Evangeline Andrews


  Ignite Technologies

  Block 6

  Plaza Exchange

  Dublin 2


  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Subject: Re: Good Morning

  Date: Wed 15th July 16.22

  Hi Evangeline,

  Good to hear from you. Still playing games, I see. I’ll pick you up at seven.



  Eva wasn’t sure if she wanted to give him her address. He was still a stranger after all, and what if he turned out to be a complete freak? Oh fuck it, she’d spend half her life hiding from freaks and it was boring. Maybe she should let herself live a little. Just this once.


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Re: Good Morning

  Date: Wed 15th July 16.23

  Games? No. Really, I was busy.

  By the way, I’m in Greystones.

  36 The Lawns.

  It’s easy to find. It faces the beach.

  Eva xx

  Evangeline Andrews


  Ignite Technologies

  Block 6

  Plaza Exchange

  Dublin 2

  Shit, shit. shit…no backing out now, she thought. She really hoped she’d done the right thing.


  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Subject: Re: Good Morning

  Date: Wed 15th July 16.24

  You’re the Queen of games, Evangeline.

  Playing hard to get today. Hats off to you, you had me worried.


  PS BTW two kisses at the bottom of an email is code for I want to kiss you later. I would be more than happy to oblige.


  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Re: Good Morning

  Date: Wed 15th July 16.25

  Cheeky! What kissing code? I’ve never heard of that.

  Eva xxx

  Evangeline Andrews


  Ignite Technologies

  Block 6

  Plaza Exchange

  Dublin 2

  Eva’s fingers shook as she typed an extra kiss after her name. She hit send, and held her breath.


  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Subject: Re: Good Morning

  Date: Wed 15th July 16.26

  Three kisses… We’re at second base already! I bet there is a lot you haven’t heard of. Don’t worry, I’m a good teacher. I’ll see you at seven. I look forward to dinner and kisses.


  Julian xxx

  Eva spun her chair from side to side. She was nervous and excited, jumpy and sickly. She had no idea what just happened. Had she just flirted her way into Julian’s world? He was cocky and arrogant. But sexy and manly. Part of her wanted to grab him and slap him across the face, the other part of her wanted to push him back on her bed and fuck him until he exploded inside her. And now she was going to see him later. He was going to be right there. In person. Beside her. She would have no time to think of interesting replies to his subtle innuendos like she did with email or text. Oh shit, what had she just done? She wasn’t ready. She might never be ready.

  ‘You okay, Eva?’ Nathan asked, pushing his chair back until it was level with hers. Eva jerked her mouse instinctively to hide her emails.

  ‘Yeah I’m fine.’

  ‘You look a little pale. Are you ill?’

  Eva looked at Nathan’s kind eyes. He was genuinely concerned. He rummaged in his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of water. ‘Here, maybe this will help.’

  Eva gulped large mouthfuls. She had a headache. A burning pounding that hurt her brain. Between Julian’s proposition, the stupid bare-your-soul mask and Nathan’s being in-your-face nice, she was completely overwhelmed.

  ‘I…I…I’ve got to go. I’m sorry. I can’t do tonight now. I really am so sorry.’

  Eva stood up and flung the mask into her bag, no longer caring about its delicate exterior. Tell Mia I’m not well, okay?’

  Nathan nodded and shook his head at the same time. ‘You sure you’re okay?’

  ‘I will be once I get out of here. Will you just tell her please?’

  ‘Yeah. Yes of course.‘

  Eva grabbed her coat and rushed towards the door. She needed the sanctuary of her own home.

  ‘I hope you’re feeling better soon,’ Nathan added. Eva didn’t reply. She was already on the street in her mind.

  Chapter 10

  Eva cursed Julian as she tried on yet another outfit. She didn’t like it. She pulled it roughly off and flung it on her bed where it rested with all the other clothes she hadn’t liked either. Eva took a break from freaking out over her wardrobe to text Nathan. She felt compelled to apologise for running off. She explained about her headache and asked to reschedule their coffee - again. He was, as always, very understanding. Telling her to get some rest and he would see her soon.

  She tried to take his advice and climbed into bed with a hot chocolate. She was hoping to relax for an hour or two but every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Julian’s face staring back at her. She wanted to hate him for causing her the worst headache of her life. She wanted to hate him for making her feel skittish and forcing her to lie to Nathan. She wanted to hate him for making her doubt everything about her dress sense, her common sense, any sense. She just wanted to hate him…but she didn’t. Finally she put back on the dress she had worn all day. If it had turned heads that
morning, maybe adding the pair of ridiculously high heels she dragged out from underneath her bed, coupled with a hideously-uncomfortable-but-works-wonders push-up bra would turn Julian’s head.

  Eva gave herself a quick once over in the mirror, completely taken aback by her own appearance. She actually thought she looked attractive. Her hair fell softly around her shoulders and her make-up was subtle and flawless. The nervous glow in her cheeks gave her an air of sensuality. She was, for once in her life, confident and calm. Of course when the doorbell rang that calmness quickly unravelled and sickly nerves took hold.

  She hit the release button for the main doors downstairs and waited. The knock on her apartment door moments later was gentle but she still jumped. She paced the hall three times before finally reaching for the latch. The warm glow in her cheeks had increased to a hot, fiery red and a flutter danced in her stomach like thunder clouds colliding.

  The door began to quiver gently as the person on the other side knocked louder. He was growing impatient, Eva knew. The knocks stopped and in their place, an enticing voice called her name. Eva’s cheeks burnt now. What was she doing? He was a perfect stranger. Perfect in every sense of the word. Stop, Eva warned herself. She shouldn’t be thinking like that. This was a business arrangement. She needed to be professional. Yes, that was the right attitude. Eva pulled her shoulders up, rolled them back and let them go; exhaling deeply as her body relaxed. Just do it, she told herself. Don’t think, just do it.

  She pulled the door back to find a large bouquet of red roses waiting, their beautiful bright colour begging to be touched. Their long, thorny, green steams highlighted the suited torso waiting behind them. A dark, navy suit jacket was left open to reveal a crisp white shirt. The cotton tightly hugged a broad, slim chest. Eva’s heart raced and her breath became tiny, fragile pants. His dark, tightly cut hair matched his walnut eyes and his chiselled jaw was emphasised by a delicious grin. He was beautiful and sexy, and here.


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