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A Week with a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 1] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)

Page 9

by Dani April

  “Several months went by, and I had almost forgotten about Peter. Then to my surprise, Peter came to my family’s home one night and asked to be invited inside. I recognized him at once as the patient from the hospital with the blood disease. The night that he stopped by was a particularly bad one for my family. My mother had been an illegal ever since she came to this country. She couldn’t speak English and couldn’t find a job. My three sisters are all younger than me, so they were too young to work. I made very little as a nurse’s assistant in that small town hospital, but my income was all the money my family had to live on every month and there were five of us. We were worried constantly that our mother would be deported and my sisters, being underage, would be forced to go back with her. We had no other family here in America. We had to rely on each other, and all of our friends had moved on to other parts of the country to find work when the job market became bad. On the night Peter entered my home, our landlord had just threatened to evict us and my sisters and mother had not had a meal in five days. I was failing my family, and I felt miserable.”

  Rebecca stopped and looked up at him, touched by the story of the handsome young man, with a growing awareness that it was Peter who always played the role of the hero.

  “Peter told me I had saved his life and that he liked me and found me competent. He asked me to go to work for him. That was three years ago. My family has never gone hungry since, and they now have a new home to live in. My mother has become a citizen.”

  “So Peter hired you as his private nurse?”

  “No. Peter was healthy again and didn’t need any more medical attention.”

  “Then what work do you do for him?”

  “In the brief time I worked at the hospital, I learned its ways fairly well. I go to hospitals for him and buy blood plasma and bring it back for him. I also procure blood serum and pure human blood from hospitals. I see to it that he has a large stock of all these supplies on hand all the time. My job is made easier because he can accept any blood type. I never let him down.”

  “I don’t understand…” Rebecca’s head was spinning. What she had just learned about Peter shouldn’t make any sense, and yet it was as if the pieces of the puzzle were finally starting to come together for her. “What you two are telling me can’t be true!”

  “Maybe we’re both full of shit,” Tex agreed with her. “Maybe we just wanted to have a little fun with the big-city news reporter. Why don’t you just forget we said anything?”

  “If I was feeling myself today, I would never be able to forget or let it go that easy.” She picked up her pace and moved ahead of them a few steps. “But I think I came down with a virus of some kind last night. I feel too distracted right now to think about work. I also don’t trust my own conclusions right now. Because if I followed what you just told me through to its logical conclusion, that would cause me to think that Peter is a…” She stopped herself. That word sounded too crazy. She was a respected business news reporter after all.

  “Forget it, Rebecca,” Tex told her. On one side of her was Tex, and on the other Ramos. They both reached out a hand to the small of her back. “Just concentrate on getting to feel better.”

  She liked the feel of being sandwiched between these two hunks, and she appreciated them both a great deal more as human beings after hearing their respective stories. Even if not everything they told her was true, she was sure most of it was.

  “I’m really feeling okay,” she tried to reassure them. “It’s just this fever, it makes me feel loopy. To be honest with you, I am actually feeling pretty good right now. That meal was the best meal of my life. I love the feeling of walking in the desert like this. It’s a perfectly gorgeous day out, and the two of you have been trying your best to entertain me with fantastic stories about your boss.”

  They were approaching a long one-story building. They crossed a paved road and walked onto a sidewalk running the length of the building. Rebecca noted a sign in front by the highway heralded this as the “Yucca Flat Motor Lodge.”

  Tex stopped in front of a door and took a key out of his jeans pocket. When he opened the door, he motioned inside to a small, but neatly furnished room. Rebecca hesitated and gave a suspicious look at each of her two escorts.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “My home away from home,” Tex told her. “I do some work for the lodge, and they let me keep a room here. It isn’t like they ever have full occupancy out here anyway.”

  “Sometimes we come here just to get away from the castle,” Ramos put in. “You know, after a while, the castle gets a little creepy, and we need down time from it.”

  Rebecca stepped inside ahead of the two men. There were a couple of chairs and a table, and a large bed in the center of the room. The front window would have looked out onto the highway passing through the desert outside, but the curtains were closed providing for privacy. Tex shut the door behind them.

  “So when you can’t stand the eccentric world of Peter any longer, this is where you guys come to get away?”

  “It keeps us sane.”

  Rebecca knew that she should be feeling something other than what she was feeling right then. She was in a motel room with two more or less strange men. She should have been feeling self-conscious and maybe a little apprehensive. Instead, she was feeling the warm sensation of the fever take hold of her. She felt relaxed and in high spirits. She was looking forward to the possibilities of this room, and of that big bed.

  “Have a drink,” Tex told her, already going to make her one. “It’ll take the edge off.”

  “You even keep a bar in here?”

  “We need a stiff one every now and then working for Peter.”

  Tex mixed her rum and Coke in a small glass and handed it to her. Ramos had sprawled out on top of the bedclothes after kicking off his shoes. He had the TV remote in his hand and was surfing cable channels.

  “Ever notice there are no TVs or radios at the castle?” Ramos asked her.

  “I sure do.” Rebecca slipped off her shoes and sat down on the bed next to Ramos. “I’m on TV. I tend to notice things like that.”

  What was she thinking? She actually was not thinking now. The fever and the euphoria that was flooding her brain were not allowing her to think. They had destroyed all her inhibitions. At the moment, she thought all her old behavior to be rather stuck up and prudish. It was so hard to be happy in life sometimes. She thought she might as well take every chance she could for happiness. Why let a little thing like proper behavior stand in the way? And, oh God, these two men had turned her on so much this afternoon. Her pussy was already wet and swollen with desire inside her panties.

  “When I come here,” Ramos told her, “I don’t really care what I watch. I just like to see people on TV. That lets me know I’m still alive.”

  Rebecca took a sip of her drink. It tasted great. Her taste buds as well as her other senses had suddenly become super sensitive. The lunch in the diner had been fabulous. The slight breeze blowing off the desert, the loveliest feeling in the world to her, and the high blue sky above, the most beautiful sight she had seen. Now her system seemed to open to the taste of the rum and Coke, and she felt instantly relaxed. Right then at that moment, everything was right with the world of Rebecca Everheart.

  “Sounds to me like you guys are in danger of becoming as much of eccentric recluses as Peter is,” Rebecca told them.

  “You may be right about that,” Ramos agreed. “I haven’t been home to visit my mother or sisters since I moved out here. The funny thing is now I have the money to go back there anytime I want, but somehow I can never pull myself away from this place.”

  “Scoot over, Becky,” Tex said crawling into the bed alongside Rebecca. Now she had a man on each side of her on the bed.

  She closed her eyes. This was like a dream, but whether it was a good dream or a nightmare only the future would know. Anyway, she didn’t really care about that right now. She didn’t really care about anything.
Everything was just too perfect as it was.

  “What’s good on TV to watch at this time in the afternoon?” she asked. Her voice was foreign to her. It didn’t even seem to come from her lungs. Instead, it was like it was coming out of some other dimension.

  “Nothing so far,” Ramos said and kept flipping through the channels.

  Tex took her rum and Coke from her and took a sip of it himself.

  “Did you know that vampire blood is like an addictive narcotic?” Tex asked her. His question had come out of nowhere.

  She turned on the bed to face him. “You guys really want to talk about vampires? With all the things we could be talking about…or doing…”

  “I think we really should talk about it,” Ramos agreed with Tex. “You should know why it is you feel the way you do before we do anything else.”

  Rebecca fell back flat on her back and looked up at the ceiling. “You’re trying to tell me Peter is a vampire? You really expect me to believe that?”

  “I’m just saying that if you were exposed to a vampire’s body chemistry, it would act as a drug in your body,” Tex explained to her. He seemed to be speaking from experience. “When you’re first exposed to it, you won’t be thinking clearly at first. You will be experiencing an upper like you’ve never had in your life. Nothing will matter to you or bother you.”

  Ramos let his hand rest on her knee. She did nothing to get him off. “Vampire blood acts as a powerful aphrodisiac,” he told her. “It stimulates all of your senses and your desires. Consumption of vampire blood allows for very intense sexual experience. Unfortunately, it gives you an almost constant and rather uncomfortable, urgent need to have sex. When I was first exposed to it, all I could think about for a month was pussy. I could never get rid of my hard-on.”

  Now Rebecca turned to Ramos. “When you were first exposed to vampire blood,” she repeated his comment back to him.

  Tex tapped her on the shoulder and brought her back around to face him. “I was exposed to it also, Becky. I’m making super good money out here. But that first month I blew it all in a whorehouse, and even then I still couldn’t get enough pussy.”

  “After you’ve had it in your system for a while, it gets easier to control your urges,” Ramos assured her. She looked down at his crotch and saw the bulge from a huge erection. “But the strong desire is still there. That never goes away.”

  “You’re telling me Peter is a vampire, and you have both drank his blood?” Rebecca asked them. This should have horrified her, but the way her mind was functioning now, she only found what they had to tell her of mild interest. She was more interested in the evident hard-ons tenting their jeans. Tex was sporting a good one on the other side of her now as well.

  “Peter is a vampire, Becky,” Tex told her point blank.

  “He let us drink his blood,” Ramos said.

  Tex was stroking her shoulder now as if to try and keep her calm. But she was still fine with everything. She liked the feeling of his palm brushing along her shoulder.

  “Those nightmares you’ve had the last two nights…” Ramos prodded her memory.

  “They weren’t nightmares, Becky,” Tex said.

  “They were real.” Ramos placed his hand on her other shoulder. “When he kissed you, his saliva gave you a mild dosage of the narcotic. Then last night he bit you, and his saliva mixed with your blood.”

  Tex touched her neck. The place where he touched felt very sensitive and somewhat sore. “You’ve only had a mild exposure so far. But your exposure has been enough to…”

  “Make me horny as hell,” she finished for him.


  “So it’s true then? Peter is a vampire?”


  “Right now I really don’t care.” She took Tex in her arms and kissed his lips. Her hand reached down to Ramos’s jeans and felt along the bulge protruding from his groin. “I’ll deal with Peter tonight when the sun goes down. Right now I have to deal with you guys first…”

  “You taste good,” Tex told her, returning her kiss and bringing her shirt out from the waist of her pants.

  “So do you,” she responded and then turned to Ramos. “How about you?” Her mouth locked with Ramos’s lips. The younger man had found the zipper of her pants and was lowering it. She reached down to help him.

  Tex’s hands were roaming freely under her shirt. He cupped her breasts over her bra and then worked a hand around back in search of the clasp. The bra unhooked for him and began to slide down her shoulders. His fingers worked underneath the soft fabric and brought her overly sensitive nipples to life. She cried out at the contact.

  “I want to fuck both you guys so bad right now!” She was gasping for breath as she kissed across the smooth skin and perfect bone structure of Ramos’s face. Tex was kissing along the back of her neck. His breath on her skin sent electric charges through her nerve endings. ”Get naked for me, guys,” she commanded them. “I want to see what I’m dealing with here.”

  The men obeyed her. Ramos reached over his head, bringing his shirt up and off his chest in one sure motion. Tex gave her breasts a last squeeze in his palms then unbuttoned his shirt, ripping off the final two buttons in his haste.

  Her pants, already undone by Ramos, fell past her knees as she sat up on the bed to assist her lovers in undressing for her. She flexed one arm, allowing her shirt and bra strap to fall down to her wrist where she was able to maneuver the arm to freedom. With her other arm, she reached over to Tex. He was unzipping his jeans for her. She reached inside his jeans and under the waist of his jock shorts. Beneath, his cock was blazing with heat. There was so much of him. The muscle in her palm was as hard as steel. He was thick. She could barely wrap her fingers around his girth.

  She heard herself growling like an animal as Ramos enfolded her face in his hands and leaned in for another demanding kiss. One of her painfully erect nipples had come free of her clothing. The younger man kissed his way down her chest and took it between his lips, nipping it with his teeth and sending shudders of unbearable sensation through her body.

  She let go of Tex’s erection so she could free her other arm from her shirt and bra. She stood up off the bed. She tripped on her pants now bunched around her ankles. She lowered her shirt down past her waist and high stepped out of her pants, her bra fall harmlessly off her body and to the carpet at her feet.

  Clad only in her panties, she helped the two men finish undressing. Tex’s thick cock fell out of his jeans and pressed against her belly as his hands resumed their administration to her body. His nude body was radiating heat. His muscles were hard, his hands rough.

  She pulled Ramos’s jeans down his legs for him. His cock was as long as Tex’s was wide. It was every bit as stiff. The engorged muscle took on a life of its own when it popped out of his briefs. The cock slapped her face as it sprang to life in the open air of the motel room.

  She pushed the younger man down into a sitting position on the bed and knelt between his outstretched knees. She had a favor to return for the pleasure he had brought her pussy yesterday. She slurped his erection into her mouth. Her tongue danced over the swollen head. Her tongue tasted the first white drop of pre-cum she had milked from his loins.

  She closed her eyes and deep throated him. His swollen hood plunged deep down her throat. She held her gag reflex back and listened in satisfaction as he groaned above her. His moans grew so deep and desperate she got confused as to whether she brought him pleasure or pain. One hand cupped his balls, the other his swollen base. She had never enjoyed sucking off a man as much.

  Tex was busy behind her. He reached beneath the elastic of her panties. She wiggled her hips to make his job easier for him, but she did not allow Ramos’s swollen cock to leave her mouth. Tex lowered her soaking wet panties down her thighs, uncovering her pussy to the warm air of the room. He helped her to bend first one knee and then the next. She felt the cotton fabric slide by her ankles. Then it was removed, and she was as naked as her tw
o lovers.

  Tex pushed her down by her shoulders. This forced Ramos’s cock to plumb new depths in her throat. She bobbed her head and pursed her lips and could taste more of his seed spilling from his tip.

  Tex’s enormous cockhead glided along her pussy lips from behind. The hardened muscle pushed back her clit and sent a thrill down her that resulted in the first orgasm rippling her body. Her love canal was wet and eagerly awaiting his penetration.

  Her pussy lips were spread wide as he slipped his cock up inside of her. Her moans of pleasure were muffled by Ramos’s cock sliding up and down her throat. Now she started to gag on the cock as it rubbed past her tonsils. Tears came to her eyes, and a second and much stronger orgasm was desperately building from the muscles of her widespread pussy lips.

  Tex spanked her buttocks as he aggressively fucked her. She could hear the slaps of his palm hitting her flesh reverberate within the small room. She had never been spanked during love before. The sensation of his palm striking her butt cheeks was adding to the strength of the out-of-control climax that was overtaking her.

  She removed Ramos’s cock from her mouth and took a grateful gasp of air. Tex showed her no mercy and kept pounding her pussy with his cock and slapping her bottom with his sure palms. She lowered her head, folding Ramos’s long cock back along his flat abs. Not wanting to let up on the pleasure she gave to the younger man she licked along his tightly packed balls and took one of them in her mouth, using her teeth ever so lightly on his sack.

  Just before she was able to achieve the climax that she knew would have been the strongest of her life, Tex stopped fucking her. His hands ceased their pleasurable punishment of her buttocks. She heard a wet, squishy noise as his cock started to withdraw for her pussy. Then she felt emptiness in her body as he withdrew from her completely. Her pussy was weeping for him to return.

  She let Ramos’s ball fall from her mouth. She was nearly ready to beg Tex to continue.

  “What the hell are you doing, Tex?” she called over her shoulder. “You need to get back here and finish what you started.” She knew her voice had a pleading tone. She didn’t care. All she wanted was to feel his cock probing between her pussy lips again.


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