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Page 4

by M. L. Briers

  “Ouch!” He frowned. “That’s harsh.” He didn’t move a muscle, well maybe one. His cock was twitching and it did draw my attention.

  “You left.” Did I need to say more?

  “I had something to attend too.”


  “I could tell you, but right now I don’t want you any more pissed at me than you already are.”

  Naked. Why the hell did he have to be naked? I was pissed at him, but I also wanted him.

  He moved and I jumped in place, caught in my meanderings. Caught in a barrage of sexual imagery that had left me open to surprise. I was ogling…

  “I know you’re used to discarding your one night stands, but…”

  “You’re not a one night stand.” His voice was so deep it enthralled me.

  His arms wrapped around my body and he yanked me against his. Damn, that felt good. The feel of his muscles, hard, rock solid, against my body sent my body aching for his again.

  “Don’t try to sweet talk me…” I didn’t want to hear lies. I just wanted to feel a little respect.

  He walked me to the nearest tiled wall and I squeaked at the feel of the cold tile against my back, but when his body pressed against mine, it didn’t matter anymore. I looked up into those eyes and was lost.

  “Listen to me, because I’ll only say this a trillion times if necessary.” His lips were closing in on mine.

  How could I listen to him when all I could think about was his kiss, his touch, his cock inside of me, his hands on me, and those fangs… damn, those fangs…

  “Why didn’t you feed?” That caught his attention. He looked a little taken aback by my question. That doesn’t usually happen.

  “Because I said I would feed when I made love to you.”

  “But we…”

  “Fucked. Like rampant bunnies…” He had that teasing smile and it always melted me, even if I didn’t admit to it.

  “Aren’t you… hungry?” I was curious. So damn curious of what those fangs would feel like, what his feeding would feel like that I sounded like an idiot.

  “For you- very.” He dipped his head and ran his tongue over the vein in my neck. I shivered. I couldn’t help myself… “You’re still turned off by that.”

  “Still? What? No…” Oh, that was a bone I had to pick with him…

  His fingers brushed up my inner thighs and my womb danced as my channel clenched with the need for his cock.

  It could wait. Everything else in the damn universe could wait…

  “I want you…” Vance turned me against the wall.

  I palmed the tiles and closed my eyes at the feel of his hand between my legs. The hairs of his leg chaffed against my skin as he used his knee to nudge my legs apart. Then his fingers brought my sex to life…

  “You can have me…” I’d say ‘anything you want’ but I didn’t want to seem too damn sluttish, but it was true.

  “Fuck, Marjorie. I want to make love to you like I should, but you’re just too fucking tempting…” He groaned at the feel of his cock touching my ass cheeks, pressing between them, sliding over the wet skin as I pressed back against him.

  Those fingers were magic. I was spellbound. His other hand came between my legs and he pushed two thick fingers inside of me… It didn’t compare to the feel of his cock. I needed that…

  “Say that out loud, say you need my cock…” Vance demanded and I gave in.

  “I need your cock. I need you to fuck me…”

  “Damn it, woman…”

  I felt the loss of his fingers. If he left me empty I was going to kill him. But he shifted his weight and I felt his cock press the rim of my channel and I pushed backwards onto it with a curse of just how good it felt.

  “Fuck, don’t go slow. I can’t do slow now…” I begged again. For the second time in my life I begged him for something.

  “Am I ever going to take you in a bed?” He groaned as his hips started to slap against my backside. “Am I ever going to taste you juices on my tongue and your blood… fuck, I want to taste your blood…”

  He was fucking me like there was no tomorrow and it felt so damn good that I never wanted it to end. Never wanted him to stop…


  “I’ve got you…” His lips were against my ear. His body was caging mine in, and his cock was rubbing over the good spot inside of me.

  I couldn’t have stopped my body from tensing on its way to an orgasm if I’d tried. I didn’t want to try…

  “Feed…” I begged again.

  “No…” His tone was harsher. Was he fighting the urge to do it? Sink his fangs into my vein and taste my blood on his tongue. Feed from me…

  “Stop thinking about feeding…” He demanded. I guess he was.

  “Bite. Sink your fangs into my vein and taste my blood…” I didn’t just want to tease the hell out of him. I wanted him to do it. Needed it…

  “Fuck…” He groaned as if I was impaling him with a damn stake…

  “My blood, Vance. Feed. Taste my blood on your tongue…” I need you to do it. Please do it. Fuck, Vance… I’m close…

  His hand fisted my hair and he dragged my head to one side. I felt his breath against my neck. Heard the rumble of a groan roll through him… and then the sharp sting of his fangs as they cut through my skin…



  The world stopped turning. In that one moment when he took the first taste, sucked hard against my vein, everything just seemed to freeze- except for the way my body came alive.

  I could feel everything. Every hair on his body. Everywhere his skin touched mine. The feel of his fingers against my clit was heightened beyond belief. His cock; pulling back through my channel, thrusting back to the hilt, stretching my body around his girth…

  It was the most intense, the most insanely overwhelming myriad of pure ecstasy that I had ever felt…

  Over and over, he drew on my vein. Over and over, his cock, his fingers took me higher. I think I cried out the moment that the orgasm hit me; hard and fast, exploding into every inch of my body, and it was unending.

  I didn’t know where I ended and he started. It felt as if our bodies were melding together. Locked as one like that; I didn’t know if I came once or a million times, but I know that he did the same.

  I could feel his seed exploding inside of me. I could hear the grunts of ecstasy that came from him. He fed through it all and I would have given my life for that feeling never to end.




  “Eat.” Vance was adamant that I wasn’t getting out of bed until I’d had something to eat and drink.

  He disappeared and I had fallen back off to sleep. He’d woken me up with one of those old people trays that was piled high with tasty goodness, and juice. I had to admit, just the smell made me ravenous.

  “I could get used to…” I bit off the rest of that statement.

  It was meant as a joke, but I didn’t want him running from the room screaming that the sky was falling. This was probably as good as it was going to get, especially now that he’d fed from me.

  “Oh ye of little faith.” He scoffed as his dark eyebrows drew down and he scolded me with one of those looks.

  “Look, Vance. Let’s just put it out there in the open between us. Throw some light on the elephant in the damn room.”

  “Enlighten me- while you eat.” Vance made easy, graceful work of sitting on the edge of the bed beside me. He looked interested in what I was about to say, but I doubt that he was.

  “You’re a one night stand kind of a guy, and I get that…”

  “Cool. Eat.” He motioned to the plate and I dug my fork into the meat and pasta and took a bite.

  Damn, that tasted good, like really good. Like it was the best thing I have ever eaten in my life good…

  “This is…” I started- while I was still supposed to be chewing.

  “Good. I heard. I’d say thank you for the compliment, but it
’s a happy by-product of my feeding from you, everything is going to feel better, taste better. Enjoy, and you’re welcome.”

  I forked in a few more mouthfuls like food was going out of style and then turned back to the matter at hand.

  “So, one night stand and us. I get it. I do. I’m going to try not to be a shitty-bitch around you, but…” I shrugged. I would try. Whether I’d succeed or not was a different matter.

  “Hmm…” He eyed me as I ate like a mad woman.

  “I mean. I’d love to do that again, you understand. It was amazing…” I shrugged again. I didn’t want to come off as needy, even thought my body still wanted him…

  “Glad to hear it.” He was teasing me again. I didn’t much care. Sure, the thought of splatting the plate of pasta in his face had crossed my mind. I was only human. But I was enjoying it and it seemed a waste…

  “So, maybe once in a while we could…?” Damn, what was I going to do every other night? Touching myself would definitely pale by comparison, and even the most rampant vibrator on the market might not live up to the hype after having been with him…

  “Do you have any damn idea how much you think of sex?” He asked and I paused with the fork stuck in my mouth. I yanked it out and chewed quickly.

  “A lot, but more when I’m around you.” There I admitted it.

  “Damn right you do. It’s been like torture keeping my distance, keeping my hands off your body and my cock in my pants.” He groaned and I stared. I think I might have blinked, but I wouldn’t wager on it.


  “You make me hornier than the worst of the little devils in hell.” He shot me a look, it was wicked sexy and very tempting.

  “I do?” I chuckled at the thought. Vance having something dangled in front of him that he couldn’t have. Ha!

  “I might just scare the hell out of you now…”

  Oh, that’s not good.

  “But- you’re not a one night stand. Have never even been considered as one. You’re the woman that I want, and will, spend forever with.”

  I know my jaw hit that damn tray, well not quite, but almost. I blinked then. Once, twice, then I couldn’t seem to make it stop.

  I wanted to speak, but I couldn’t make a sound. Stunned to silence. Me. Oh the irony of the moment.

  “You’re drooling.” Vance informed me as he reached out a finger and snapped my jaws shut. I swallowed hard and on a rush of something powerful inside my mind, I was back to me.

  “That’s not…”



  “Do tell.” He was smug. Too smug.

  “You’re a vampire.”

  “I am…” He gave me that smug, mock shocked look that he did so well and I felt a rush of heat go through me, and a little devil on my shoulder told me to hit him, hard. He shook his head.

  “No broken bones for you today. You’re not leaving this bed, so if you break you, then you will be tasting my blood to heal.”

  “I don’t think so.” That was never going to happen. While he could taste mine, whenever the hell he wanted, I had no intention of doing the same.

  “Never say never.” He looked smug again.

  “I’m mortal. You’re… not. Forever is pretty short for me but for you…”

  “When you’re ready we can change you.” He tossed that out there like it was nothing, an everyday occurrence, being offered immortality. Being offered… death.

  “You’re… joking.”


  “That’s not…”



  “Good. It wasn’t meant to be. You’re my… hmm, this is awkward. Mate. A soulmate. We have those. Soulmates. You’re mine.” He looked pretty damn serious.

  “Since when?”

  “Since you were born, presumably. We were made for each other, or you were made for me…” He waved around a hand and I wanted to reach out and snap it off. Didn’t he know this was serious? If it was true… “It’s true.”

  “When did you know?”

  “The moment I saw you. Caught the scent of your blood…”

  “That was years ago…” I pushed the tray away. I’d suddenly lost my appetite, well, not really, but I wasn’t actually sure I could swallow it down around the big damn lump in my throat.

  “Yes. I waited until you were ready.” Vance shrugged. I swallowed some more.

  “That’s really- it’s just not- I can’t get my head… seriously?” I demanded the truth. I had to know if he was just bullshitting me.

  “I swear. Stab me with a stake, I’m done…” I stabbed him with the fork. It was all I had to hand and I plead total insanity in that damned moment.

  He groaned as the prongs entered his skin.



  “Lucky for me its stainless steel and not silver.” He lifted his hand and the damn fork was still embedded in his flesh. I grimaced. I had to look away. The sound of the fork hitting the floor brought my eyes back to him.


  “Hmm.” He eyed me for a long moment. “That temper of yours never ceases to amaze me.” He scolded me. His hand was already healed.

  “No harm no foul.” I shrugged feeling guilty and yet not so much as I would have had he been human and slow to heal.

  “I’ll remember you said that.”

  “Your fangs my fork, what’s the difference?”

  “Pain and pleasure.” He had a point. “Four, and they were embedded in my hand.”

  “It’s not like I staked you.” I chuckled at the look on his face. I might have just grown another head.

  “Lucky me. I’ll know to hide all the sharp implements in future and give you a spoon to eat with.” He was back to teasing me, so it was probably all good.

  “I guess you need to punish me… no, wait.” I saw the light come on over his head, but we still had unfinished business.

  “Later…” He went to reach for me and the tray moved. He groaned, bit out a curse and swept it away. Everything hit the floor and my jaw dropped open again.

  “My pasta!” Now I wished I had a damn stake…

  “Wow, foodie.” He grabbed a hold of me and yanked me down in the bed. I didn’t object as a rush of excitement washed through me.

  “Are you going to feed again?”

  “Blood junkie.” He scolded me. “No it’s too soon. I’m not going to put my cock inside you either, you’ll be too sore.”

  “But…” He whipped the cover from my naked body and moved between my legs. With one hand on either knee; he opened me to his gaze. I felt elated, excited, and damned horny all in one mad rush.

  “I’m going to taste another part of you, and I’m going to take my damn time.” He settled; didn’t wait for my reply. Thoughts of me sucking on his cock came and went in my mind the moment that his tongue took its first swipe against my sex…

  He was as good as his word. He took the rest of the afternoon and drove me almost to the point of insanity. It wasn’t just my sex, his tongue covered every inch of my body, inside and out, including a place where no man had ever feared to tread, and it was heaven and hell all mixed up in one frustrating and gratifying haze of pleasure.




  “We need to talk and you need to eat.” Vance was back with a multitude of food that held my attention just as much as his words. I’d never been so damn hungry in my life before, and it wasn’t just for food.

  “You mean like a proper conversation about all that stuff that you threw at me earlier and then swept under the carpet in favour of other pursuits?” I gave him the smug smile. He returned it.

  “Are you bemoaning what just happened between us?”

  “There was a lot of moaning on my part. Which reminds me that I’m thirsty.” I reached for the bottle of juice…

  “Me too.” His tone had become almost husky and for a vampire that didn’t sound half bad. My fingers h
esitated at the thought of what thirsty meant for my vampire…

  “Your vampire?” Mr Smug just got more so. I snatched up the juice and wrenched the lid off.

  “Like a pet dog.” I tossed back at him and he grinned. “Fangs et all.” I added that little jibe before I demolished half of the bottle in one go. Sex with Vance definitely took it out of you.

  “But seriously…” He frowned.

  “You want to talk about this whole forever thing?” I asked and watched as his eyes turned green. I liked green. I loved black…

  “When you’re ready to turn…”

  “What if I’m never ready? What if I get old before I’m ready? You’d be my forever toyboy…” I sniggered at the thought.

  “I have a couple of centuries on you, so I could never be your toyboy.” Vance gave me that superior look that he always got when he spoke of his age. He still looked like he was in his late twenties, and he looked damned good.

  “But still…” I shrugged my shoulders. He knew what I meant; he didn’t have to be so pedantic about it.

  “You’ll still be mine.”

  “Nice words. What happens when I turn and you get tired of me?”

  “That’s never going to happen. Soulmates don’t tired of each other.” He nudged one of the plates on the tray towards me and I jumped right in.

  “What if…?” I started chewing as I thought. I knew he could read my mind so now was the perfect opportunity for that annoying trait of his to be useful.

  What if I turn and you die? That would be… annoying to say the least.

  “Speaking of which. I have a little problem.” He looked uncomfortable. He rarely looked uncomfortable.

  “Go on.”

  “There’s a vampire that wants to kill me.” He flinched, but apart from that outward show of emotion there was nothing in his voice. He could have been ordering toilet paper, a steak or telling me it was going to rain on my parade, which it just did.

  “That’s all?” I shot back at him.

  “I’ve locked down the mansion so that he can’t get to us, but unfortunately- or fortunately…” He took to wiggling his eyebrows. I had to smile even with the news of a vampire on the hunt. “That means that you’re staying here, right by my side until he’s dead.”


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