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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 4

by Daniel OConnell

  Ismail sighs, reluctant to allow her to go, but well aware that he has little chance to contain her and says, “Fine, but I will need to come with you.”

  Carla smiles and asks, “Really? You do remember what happened last time you went with me on a psychic trip, don’t you?”

  Ismail looks directly into Carla’s eyes, saying, “Carla if you want to go you will need to take me with you. If you try to make me ill as you did last time. Well, my Little Flower let me be clear. I will make the next few days of your training one that you will never forget.”

  Carla annoyed huffs and says, “Fine.”

  Carla goes over and sits next to Ismail. She puts her hand out, he reluctantly takes it, and within an instant, both are transported into the psychic realm. Carla looks up and says, “Ok Ismail she is over there. I have to move us pretty far, so take a deep breath because I know how it will make you sick.”

  Ismail holds Carla’s hand tightly as he is immediately pulled to the Devonshire. Once there, they can see the crew is putting on space suits and preparing to maintain what little life support they have left. Carla focuses on Kitanna and quickly pulls her into the psychic world.

  Ismail hastily asks, “Captain Meyers, what is the status of your ship, and that of the Paladonian Destroyer Williams?”

  Kitanna who is a little overwhelmed at being yanked into the psychic realm replies, “We are running out of time. We have been able to figure out that they have somehow activated the shutdown feature in all our ships. We just don’t know how.”

  Carla thinking aloud says, “I’m supposed to be able to control that Kitanna, except I just don’t know how too.”

  Ismail says, “We’re going to need to contact Val and inform him at once.”

  Carla says, “Don’t worry Kitanna, we’ll be back soon with help.”

  Kitanna replies, “Just be careful Carla. This looks and feels like a trap.”

  Carla transports Ismail and herself back to the support fighter located in the Yorktown hangar.

  Ismail opens a holocom to Abe. As soon as he responds Ismail reports, “Abe, contact Val at once, we have fresh information on what may have happened to the Devonshire and the Williams.”

  Abe curious, asks, “What have you got Commander?”

  Ismail says, “The T-Challa may have found a way to activate the shutdown commands on all our ships.”

  Abe freezes in place. He looks up to Klaus and says, “Sir, I need a direct line to my father at once.”

  Klaus very concerned replies, “Abe, use my ready room. I have to go grovel to Kalen for a while down in the hangar deck.”

  Abe uses the lift and enters Klaus’s room. He activates the emergency holochannel. After a brief few minutes, Jackson appears. He is very surprised to see his son and asks, “Abe, what are you doing on this channel?”

  Abe panicked replies, “Dad, we found out what happened to the Devonshire and the Williams, and it’s not good.”

  Jackson now concerned asks, “What is it son?”

  Abe takes a breath, and then replies, “The T-Challa could have figured out how to activate Caleb’s shutdown protocols.”

  Jackson is beyond stunned. He pauses for a moment, then says, “Son, tell Klaus to take the Yorktown, and Carla, and get her to the moon of the First Ones. I’ll get the authorizations approved at once.”

  Abe worried says, “Dad if they have that knowledge they know how to destroy us.”

  Jackson, remaining focused replies, “Son, you need to get Carla to the First Ones moon now.”

  Abe runs out to the lift and moves down to the Bridge. He runs out, chasing down Klaus at the hangar deck, who is just greeting Ambassador Kalen of the Whitefeather moon.

  Klaus puts his hand out to welcome Kalen when Abe runs down, interrupting, “Klaus we need to go to the moon of the First Ones now. It looks like the T-Challa may have figured out Caleb’s shutdown commands for all our ships.”

  Kalen and Klaus shocked both ask, “Are you sure?”

  Carla, who was listening in from the support transport pod exits and says, “Kitanna is sure it's the shutdown command.”

  Kalen is stunned at seeing Carla and yells, “What the hell is this! We were not informed the demon child was coming!”

  Carla livid at the reference from Kalen replies, “Demon child! Look jackass! You want to throw insults around just remember one thing, I can with just a simple thought make you think you’re a little princess, and then make you walk around in a dress, paint your nails and wax your legs, so think twice before you open your big mouth again jack ass!”

  Kalen enraged says, “She is to leave at once. She is not allowed in our space.”

  Abe says, “My father says she has to go to the Flower Stone. She is the key to stopping this new attack.”

  Kalen stares intently at Carla, saying, “Never. I will not allow it.”

  Klaus sighs and states, “Do you really want to wear a pretty dress and paint your nails? Because I know for a fact Kalen, she can do it.”

  Kalen grumbles and says, “We need to contact the council at once.”

  Carla smiles as she stares back at Kalen who returns her glance with a malicious glare.

  After several minutes, everyone arrives on the Bridge. Klaus says, “Get me Tess on the holocom.”

  After a brief few moments, Tess appears, asking, “Is this new intel accurate?”

  Abe responds, stating, “Obviously my father has already contacted you and informed you Consul Tess, so I will cut right to the chase. The only way the T-Challa could have figured out how to shut down our ships is from accessing our database. We all know that no ship has ever been captured which means that someone had to send them information on our ships and our power systems. It is the only way they could figure out how to shut down our ships.”

  Klaus reluctantly states, “Abe I know you’re smarter than anyone here, but the chance of someone actually allowing our technology to fall in T-Challa hands. It’s just unfathomable.”

  Abe confidently replies, “Regardless of what you wish to believe or not believe is completely irrelevant. What I’m saying is fact. It is the only way.”

  Tess concerned says, “Klaus, I will get permission for you and Carla to go to the moon of the First Ones. Kalen, I know you don’t like this, but you will have to take them there.”

  Kalen grumbles, saying, “Fine, I will take them, but I want it on the record that I didn’t approve of this.”

  The Yorktown breaks formation and heads out at top speed to the moon of the First Ones.

  After an hour, Carla is herself pulled into the psychic plane. Where she hears the voice, which she had just discovered earlier in the week, “Hello child, where is it that you travel to in my lands?”

  Carla is stunned at being pulled into the psychic world. She asks, “How were you able to pull me in here? I have never had that happen before.”

  Then Allie appears from out of nowhere as her fluffy teddy bear avatar, saying, “Child you are powerful, so powerful, that in time you will dwarf my power, but for now you are near my realm and when close to my body my power is unrivaled. I sense you travel to the Flower Stone. I am sorry child, but I must object to this. You cannot enter the Flower Stone. Not yet.”

  Carla confused, says, “I’m told that I must enter the Stone. I’m supposed to prevent the T-Challa from conquering our people. They have the Paladin shutdown protocols, so you must allow me access.”

  Allie, who is aware of her responsibilities, more so than any other replies, “No, child, I can and will deny you access to the Stone. However, I will allow another of your crew to enter the Stone. The information needed will be given to him. I propose you send Klaus.”

  Carla annoyed states, “And if I refuse. I believe I can force you to give me access.”

  Allie remains focused replying, “Carla you can fight me and you could win, but you still cannot access the Stone. Your father has set me as the guardian of the Stone, and I say you cannot enter the Stone. No
t yet.”

  Carla aggravated asks, “Why can’t I see this Stone? Why must I wait?”

  Allie answers, “Ask your father child. You possess the device, but know this child, I’m truly sorry child, but I must prevent your access and child, I don’t want to fight you. I may hurt you and your father wanted me to teach you how to use your powers not hurt you.”

  Carla angry, asks, “You keep saying my father has told you this. How can you possibly know what my father wants? He has been gone from your people for over a thousand years?”

  Allie simply replies, “I’m sorry child. All things will be revealed in time and this is not yet the time. You will send Klaus, alone.”

  Carla is returned back to her body. She is very frustrated and annoyed and angrily announces, “I cannot go to the Flower Stone. Only Klaus can go. Allie will not let me go.”

  Abe confused asks, “Who is this Allie, and why can’t you go?”

  Carla annoyed, says, “She claims to be the guardian of the Flower Stone.”

  Kalen looks over and happily says, “Well then finally some common sense prevails. You are far too dangerous to be allowed free reign in our space demon child. The First Ones guardian is a very powerful psychic.”

  Carla, infuriated looks directly at Kalen. She yells, “Really Kalen! Do you really want this dance with me?” Carla enraged walks directly over to Kalen screaming, “One more demon child crack and I’ll make sure the beating you get this time will make miss the beating you got from Papa Jacks!”

  Klaus alarmed at Carla’s rage quickly takes control of the situation, “Carla enough! He is in command while we are in his space.”

  Kalen smugly looks over at Carla but Klaus says, “And for you Kalen. I’d suggest you learn to curb your tongue before she decides to stop warning you and just carries out her threats.”

  Carla infuriated leaves, as Ismail and Abe follow her off the Bridge.

  Ismail says, “Carla you need to learn to control your emotions. You allowed Kalen the upper hand by allowing him to see that his words can anger you. You must learn not to give your enemies any advantage over you.”

  Carla annoyed, says, “Well, Ismail, that’s a lot easier to say for you than it is for me to live with. Remember, I’m supposed to be this all evil person who destroys the universe.”

  Abe, trying to console Carla says, “That future will never happen Carla and you know it. Your father made sure of that.”

  Carla suddenly realizes something. She stops and asks, “Abe where is the device my father left?”

  Abe thinks for a moment and says, “It is in our transport.”

  Carla runs off at a blinding speed back to the transport leaving both Ismail and Abe far behind.

  Within a few minutes, she is at the transport where she sees the transport guarded. She walks past the guards and enters the transport. Carla grabs the device touching it. It activates, and the image of her father appears. She asks, “Who is Allie? And why can't I go to the Flower Stone?”

  The device spools through its systems and answer’s, “Allie is an alien being with incredible psychic power. She is to instruct you in the use of your powers. The Flower Stone is forbidden for you until later in your life. I’m sorry child, but the Flower Stone is a one-time event for you, and an event that cannot be wasted.”

  Carla emotional thinks. Damn it, stupid machines, I really wish you were here Papa.

  The machine asks, “What has transpired in the past few hours since I was deactivated?”

  Carla, surprised at the device’s awareness, asks, “You can sense the passing of time when you are off?”

  The device responds, “Yes, Carla, I can sense time passing and I have been deactivated for eight hours and forty-seven minutes.”

  Abe and Ismail finally make it to the transport. Hearing the last statement from the device Abe replies, “It looks like the T-Challa have accessed your shutdown commands of all our X’ena technology.”

  The device questions, “Have any of our ships be it Earth or Paladonian been captured since Caleb went through the time vortex?”

  Abe replies, “No, sir, none that we are aware of.”

  The device states, “Then one of you must travel to the Flower Stone and retrieve information for Carla, and unfortunately, there is only one way to prevent them from exploiting this advantage. You will need to shut down all the Paladin protocols on both the Earth and Paladonian ships.”

  Abe realizing the end-result asks, “Then the Earth ships and Paladonian ships can fire on each other?”

  The device responds, “Yes, the fragile peace that exists will be at risk.”

  Ismail takes a deep breath and says, “Either way we’ll eventually end up in a war.”

  Forty minutes later, the Yorktown finally makes it to the moon of the First Ones without incident. Klaus hears the voice of Allie speaking to him telepathically, “Klaus, you must use a phase-shifter and pass through the field. I will be waiting for you.”

  Klaus looks up surprised and says to Kalen, “I was just told to phase-shift through the field.”

  Kalen annoyed, says, “That is the guardian of the Stone. It looks like you go alone then.”

  Klaus concerned asks, “Anything I should know Kalen.”

  Kalen replies, “Nothing that could help you Klaus. No one who has gone to the Flower Stone can remember what happens to them once they have gone there.”

  Klaus sighs and asks, “Wonderful, so just how am I supposed to bring back any information if I will forget it once I leave?”

  Kalen ignorantly replies, “I hope you’re not expecting an answer from me.”

  Klaus sighs and says, “No just thinking out loud.”

  After a few minutes, Klaus readies himself to travel through the field. Kalen helps him with the cloak, asking, “Do you know how to use the device Klaus?”

  Klaus uncomfortably replies, “Not very well Kalen, but I have made a few successful shifts.”

  Klaus readies the cloak. He locks into the coordinates given to him by Kalen and reluctantly shifts through null space, passing through the protective field, which surrounds the moon of the First Ones. Klaus feels the resistance of the shield, and after a few moments, he reappears in the opening chamber which all who enter come too. Klaus looks all about, seeing that he is alone, he yells out, “Anyone here!”

  A moment passes, as Allie responds, “Walk to the mist quickly Klaus and don’t be frightened please.”

  Klaus sees the mist moving up through the corridor ahead. He quickly runs towards it, as he sees movement all through the mist, he pauses, as he approaches with caution, asking aloud, “Who is there?”

  Cloaked groups of humans appear from the mist guiding Klaus through the mist. Klaus notices that some of the cloaked individuals are not humans but humanoid aliens. Confused, he continues down the corridor, where he sees larger shadows and is shocked, as he recognizes the shape of a T-Challa, he yells out, “T-Challa!”

  The mist pulls back to reveal the larger room showing hundreds of humans and aliens with T-Challa amongst them. Then, as the mist pulls back even more, Klaus witnesses a towering sight in the background a massive creature.

  The T-Challa Queen, she says, “Klaus, we don’t have much time, your wife and her crew are dying. They only have less than a day’s worth of air left. Quickly now, enter the Stone.”

  Klaus in shock asks, “You’re not going to kill me?”

  The Queen simply shakes her massive head, replying, “No Klaus, but you must hurry.”

  Klaus see’s the Flower Stone in the center of the room and approaches it. He reaches for it, as the room is suddenly filled with light. Klaus is then transported into the Stone.

  After a few moments, the light dims and Klaus notices all the aliens are gone and sees Jackson and Qui Shi standing before him. Stunned, he asks, “Jacks, Qui Shi? How did you get here so fast?”

  Qui Shi surprised, replies, asking, “Klaus, you have gotten so old. Has it really been so long since we entered?

  Then a very recognizable voice is heard from behind. Caleb says, “Qui Shi, I told you time doesn’t move in here unless we want it to.”

  Klaus is in complete awe as he turns seeing Caleb. Shocked, he yells, “Caleb! You’re alive! Oh my god, Carla needs to see you now.”

  Caleb lowers his head and says, “No Klaus, she can’t see me, not yet. She, just like yourself, can only enter the Flower Stone once, and it is not her time to do so.”

  Klaus confused, says, “But Caleb, the T-Challa have found a way to activate your shutdown protocols. They have Kitanna and her crew trapped in the outer reaches of their outermost border.”

  Caleb is stunned as he asks, “Have they captured any of our ships in the past battles?”

  Klaus answers, “No Caleb, we have looked into this thoroughly.”

  Caleb lowers his head and says, “Then we have traitors amongst our people. Only with direct prolong access to our technology could they have learned of this weakness. I’m afraid I will have no choice but to remove all the Paladin protocols.”

  Jackson surprised, asks, “Won’t that mean everyone can shoot at everyone else then?”

  Paladin interrupts, saying, “All lockouts will have to be removed, the power reductions, the shutdown protocols, and the safety protocol, which prevents one and all from shooting at each other. They all must be removed permanently. This is the only way to prevent this tactical advantage from being exploited by the T-Challa.”

  Caleb sighs, saying, “Klaus, I’m sorry, but I have to download something for Carla into your head. It will allow her to remove the Paladin protocols.”

  Klaus stunned and confused by everything asks, “What the hell is going on? First, how are you all here? What is going on?”

  Caleb smiles briefly. He approaches Klaus putting his hands on his head, saying, “I’ll try and explain it with the download Klaus, but time is running short. I can’t let the T-Challa exploit this advantage.”

  Klaus aware of the imminent danger, says, “Kitanna is in danger I know I need to hurry, but Caleb, this is so confusing how can you be here?”

  Caleb smiles as downloads the information for Carla.


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