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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 20

by Daniel OConnell

  Benton smiles, saying, “Yeah, well that ain’t gonna happen kid. Not until I see your engines power up.”

  Then from the lift, Carla enters the Bridge with Ismail beside her. She says, “Tito Gabriel, we will be fine. I suggest you head out now. We still have several months ahead of us, and we have very little time to spare waiting for your ship to catch up with us every four days.”

  Benton smiles, saying, “Just like your father Little Flower, always playing the odds.”

  Carla smiles back, saying, “Tito Gabriel, I know what I have to do now, better than before, and although I still have much to learn about what I am, I now know more about who I am than I ever imagined, and foremost Tito. I am my father’s daughter.”

  Kitanna asks, “Carla we are trying to come up with a plan to get us home. Do you have an opinion?”

  Carla hovers upward above the Bridge crew as the energy crackles around her. She closes her eyes for a moment and opens them quickly as they glow bright blue. Carla concentrates, focusing on the psychic world, which she dominates all so well.

  She enters the psychic realm once again, this time pulling Kitanna, Ismail, Benton, and Mohammed, in with her. Thousands of T-Challa warriors immediately charge towards them, quickly surrounding them. Carla, simply waves her arms at the hoard and they are thrown across the plane as if they were dry leaves in the wind.

  Carla focuses on her passengers, saying, “In here I’m only just beginning to understand my true power, but no longer will I be afraid of what lies out here.”

  Carla then pulls them across the psychic plane. All the way to Earth in just a second, and in an instant she pulls into the psychic plane Andrew Jackson, Tess White, and President Mathew Quincy. Most are overwhelmed at being pulled into the psychic plane. For Jackson, who has had it done to him so often he just sighs, until he sees Gabriel, and Mohammed. Both of whom are standing before him. He yells out in joy, “Carla! How did you find them?”

  Benton reacts similarly, saying, “Yeah, right Jacks, as if she found us. Try it the other way around old man. We found them, and saved their asses too.”

  Tess humbled at seeing Benton kneels immediately and says, “Great leader, you have returned.”

  Mathew Quincy completely lost asks, “What is this? What is going on? Where am I?”

  Finally, Carla speaks, saying, “Mister President, I am the daughter of Caleb Ocoda. My name is Carla Ocoda. We are on my ship, the Ronin, and General Benton’s ship, the Celesta, some eight months from Paladonian space, but we still must travel through some of the strongest T-Challa fortifications.”

  Jackson overly concerned asks, “What is the situation of your ships? What’s your present condition?”

  Carla replies, saying, “My father said it best. I believe it went something like this. We are going with plan A.”

  Tess smiles and says, “Great leader, the Paladonian people are in complete disarray now that the blocks have been removed. We have had several incidents, as tensions have reached an all-time high.”

  Jackson concerned weighs in, saying, “We have had to put most of our fleet on the edge of Paladonian space for fear of an intrusion from some of the more radical sects.”

  Benton frowns, saying, “Can we cut it with the great leader crap please. I will deal with the Paladonian people as soon as we get within communication range, which should be in about four months.”

  Tess asks, “Mohammed, did my brother Raphael survive with you?”

  Mohammed smiles, answering, “Yes, he is with us.”

  Jackson concerned about his wife asks, “Carla do you think you can remove the Meli piece from Qui Shi?”

  Carla replies, “No Papa Jacks, it’s too dangerous from this far away, but I can, and will remove it once we return.”

  Jackson impatiently asks, “What is the earliest estimation before you will return to our area of space.”

  Carla replies, “Papa Jacks, I am just discovering the full potential of my powers, and as such I’m thinking we should use this to our advantage. With both the Earth and Paladonian forces making an aggressive move into T-Challa space. We can use this to allow us to move against their Queen and end this war now.”

  Jackson’s mouth drops as he says, “No Carla, this is not an option. . . Not yet, anyways, we need to spend more time discovering your powers. I know your father all too well to believe he wanted you to go after the Queen, especially this early in your training.”

  Benton adds in, “Yeah, he spent hundreds of years on that training device, but she’s got an idea though Jacks.”

  Benton pauses as he thinks through his thoughts. Kitanna turns towards him and asks, “You plan on sharing your plan Gabriel?”

  Benton smiles and says, “Yeah, takes me a few seconds to word this out in my head Kitty. Tess, inform the Paladonian leaders to assemble their fleets and make a surge into T-Challa controlled space. The Earth fleet will do so as well, and then we will all try to take as much space back as we can, but you’ll need to wait for a few weeks before doing this. At least until we can turn up the heat.”

  Jackson reluctantly says, “Gabe, I think I know what you’re thinking and it’s very risky. Carla is not ready yet and you could easily take on more than you can handle and without proper back up…”

  Jackson stops himself and asks Carla, “Carla I want an honest answer and not something you think I want to hear.” Jackson pauses, “How much control do you have of your powers.”

  Carla answers, “There is no way of knowing just what I can do. Not until I try Papa Jacks.”

  Benton adds in, “Jacks I’ve seen what she can do when she is at half her potential, and that’s pretty damn scary, but she has full power now with very little control. Sorry bud, it’s a crapshoot anyway you throw it out there, but we will never get a chance like this again. Besides, you know if you had let Caleb go after the Queen when we had the chance back in the day. Well, this would have been over long ago.”

  President Quincy reasonably confused asks, “What is it you’re thinking of doing?”

  Jackson answers, “Well, Mister President, Carla is a major threat to the T-Challa Empire. Currently, she is in the heart of their domain. We have intelligence reports confirming that her presence has caused the T-Challa fleets to pull hundreds, maybe thousands of ships from their borders. Those ships would normally be protecting their empire from us and with this current situation upon them. We’ll Mister President. We could easily take the advantage and start a major offensive with the Paladonian’s in support. We could easily push them back. It just depends if Carla can control her powers, and these brave warriors can continue to cause the chaos they are currently inflicting within their empire.”

  Tess says, “Jacks I don’t know if I can guarantee full Paladonian support. Most of the governments are too afraid to leave themselves defenseless, and let’s not forget about the Tof and Rooke’s fleets. They are more than capable of attacking the other worlds now that the Paladin protocols are gone, everyone is on high alert.”

  Benton growls in disgust, “Damn it, I told Caleb we should have left them in the Stone Age.”

  President Quincy concerned asks, “General Jackson even if we are able to push the T-Challa further back from our borders. How is Miss Ocoda going to be able to fend off so many ships? Is she not our biggest asset? Moreover, General Jackson, without our support, how can she hope to survive?”

  Carla answers honestly, “I know I can’t defeat them all Mister President, but then again I don’t have to. Once I have caused enough damage within the empire, they will all come to hunt me down, allowing for the attack by you and the Paladonian's. This will cause them to decide to face me, or turn and defend their borders. Making them split their forces into multiple groups just to defend their empire.”

  Mohammed says, “Carla even you can’t believe you can defeat that many ships?”

  Carla confidently replies, “I know my limitations, and I believe I can succeed in drawing in most of their fleets. However,
should we fight or run. That will be our decision, as I can outrun anything in their empire.”

  Jackson concerned finally says, “Carla, I’m placing you under direct command of Kitanna. She’ll make the decisions to run or fight. Is that understood?”

  Kitanna says, “General, sir, I have surrendered my command to Gabriel.”

  Jackson shakes his head and reluctantly says, “I’m sorry Kitanna, and to you Gabe. However, it’s been years since we have last seen you, and centuries more since you have last seen us. I’m not saying I don’t trust you old man, but I don’t know if you’re the same man I knew.”

  Benton closes his eyes for a moment. He takes a breath and says, “Its ok Jacks. I understand your thinking, but Kitanna isn’t going to be able to maintain things much longer. Not with her present pending condition.”

  Jackson, noticing Kitanna’s bump says, “Kitty, you’re pregnant?”

  Kitanna smiles, saying, “Yes, I’m in my sixth month.”

  Ismail says, “If you would like sir, I can take command should her condition worsen.”

  Jackson smiles and says, “Ok Ismail, I’m placing you as second in command, and you’re to assume command once Kitanna is no longer able to maintain command. Now for you Kitanna, I want you to get yourself and that soon to be born child, back to Earth as soon as possible.”

  Benton respectfully says, “Jacks no offense to you, but my ship is still mine to command, and I’m willing to follow you and Kitty’s lead, but I’m the leader of the Paladonian people and as such you will need me to get my people to follow this plan.”

  Jackson realizes the situation and asks, “Ok Gabe, we’ll see if we can have Carla contact them for you.” Jackson pauses a moment, then asks, “How far are you now from the T-Challa homeworld?”

  Carla is without equal within the psychic realm and as such, she can do whatever she wants. Carla instantly recreates the landscape to show an overall view of the galaxy. Carla then uses her connection to Ronin to create a flawlessly visualization of the entire star map. This amazes everyone. She shows them the overall view of the T-Challa Empire and their location within it.

  Carla focusing on everything says, “We are eight months at my top speed from our closest borders, and only two months from the homeworld of the T-Challa, which is located here.” Carla points out the system on psychically created star map.

  Carla, highlighting the locations as she speaks, “My father had wanted years ago to charge headlong into their system and destroy them, if he had, he may have succeeded, as they had no reason to build up a homeland defense, but not now. The T-Challa have reinforced themselves into a virtual impenetrable force, but by simply approaching it. We should cause the majority of their fleets to withdraw from their outer borders. They will do everything they can to prevent our advance towards their homeworld.”

  Benton looking over the star map adds, “We have at least a couple hundred ships approaching us fast. If Ronin is anything like it was in the alternate timeline, it should tear them up in just a few hours.”

  Jackson sighs and says, “Ok we’ll go with this plan for now, but be careful everyone, please, and let’s remember we are not going to attack their homeworld. We are only giving the appearance that we are, so no heroics.”

  Carla smiles as she instantly returns everyone back to his or her bodies.

  Kitanna unsettled from the experience grabs hold of the railing, saying, “Carla is there any way to make that less nauseating.”

  Sanchez, who is slightly confused asks, “Captain?”

  Ismail says, “Don’t worry about it Commander. We have made contact with Earth, and we have a new mission. We will debrief everyone shortly.”

  Frasier annoyed, asks, “And are you now in command?”

  Benton, who is still on the holocom answers, “Yes he is Captain, directly under Kitanna. So you will give him your full respect as if he were me.”

  Frasier replies, asking, “Sir, yes sir, but may I ask a question?”

  Benton smiles answering, “No you may not.”

  Kitanna says, “Commander, get Abe on the com. Let’s see how we stand on re-powering the engines. Then get everyone ready for battle. We are going to face this approaching fleet and we are going to make sure they remember us.”

  The Bridge crew cheers loudly as Kitanna turns her back, holding her side. She slowly walks to the lift.



  Abe arrives on the Bridge to see Carla and Ismail waiting for him at the lift entrance. Annoyed, Abe says, “You know this is getting real old real fast, always reading my mind to see where I am every time.”

  Carla smiles as Ismail says, “Abe, you have grown up with her doing this to you every day of your life I truly doubt you can sneeze without her saying god bless before you actually sneeze.”

  Abe shakes his head and says, “Yeah, whatever, I’m not in the mood to talk about her annoying me anyways. What do you need from me that couldn’t be asked over a holocom?”

  Ismail simply states, “We are going to Kitanna’s ready room to discuss battle preparations, and I will need the current status of everything as you see it.”

  Abe sighs and says, “Just ask Ronin. He knows.”

  Ismail replies, “I’m not asking Ronin, I’m asking you my young friend.”

  Ronin speaks telepathically, “Mistress, Abe’s heart rate, and adrenaline levels are at extremely high levels. They often seem elevated whenever he is around you, as do yours around him.”

  Carla smiles as she answers Ronin, “I know Ronnie, I have always known he cares for me, and I care for him. We have spent our entire lives together.”

  Ismail watches as both stare intently at each other. He smiles, saying, “Let’s get going you two.”

  The three head up to Kitanna’s ready room where Frasier, Sanchez, and with the holoimages of Benton, and Mohammed, all wait for the three to seat themselves.

  Kitanna begins, asking, “Abe, what is the status of Ronin and the Celesta.”

  Abe looks down at his personal holopad replying, “The Celesta is repaired up to what I can repair. They’re a few systems I just can’t figure out yet, but with a crew, it will operate. Now for Ronin, we have sub light engines working, but we don’t have hyperdrive at full power yet. We are still having issues with some of the secondary systems, but gratefully our shields and weapons are at power levels that we have never had before.”

  Benton, concerned asks, “Abe, we have at least two hundred if not four hundred ships that will be here within the hour. Just how long till you can get hyperdrive up?”

  Abe bluntly replies, “It’s not up to me, it’s up to Ronin.”

  Ronin replies, “We have sixty-eight minutes until hyperdrive is at full power. However, all other systems are operating at ninety percent and still increasing.”

  Abe looks down at his holopad and says, “Ronin I’m showing we are at full strength now.”

  Ronin replies, “I’d have to say your calculations are incorrect Master Abraham.”

  Abe glares upward in disdain, as he hastily looks back down at his holopad.

  Carla becomes bored with the conversation. She decides to scan the sector to see if she can locate the T-Challa. Within a moment, thousands upon thousands of T-Challa warriors surround her again. She smirks, as she quickly waves her hand and they are scattered once more like leaves in the wind.

  She starts to locate the approaching fleet, discovering several ships closing quickly. She tries to gather as much information as possible from the T-Challa as they approach.

  After just a few moments, she is able to take control of one the T-Challa commander’s mind and access the ship's logs, discovering the size and location of the fleet. She then forces the T-Challa to clear all the records of what he had just done and to fall asleep.

  Carla returns in what in real time was only a matter of seconds. She says, “They’re three hundred and eleven Heavy class Cruisers closing fast, but they have one hundred
and sixty Medium Cruisers moving out to our flanks. Their mission is to lay mines and prevent our escape.”

  Ismail annoyed, says in anger, “Carla that was foolish, the T-Challa will know you were there and they could adjust their plans.”

  Carla confidently answers, “No Ismail, they won’t, the T-Challa that I took over is asleep, and he will never wake up. Not unless I decide to wake up him.”

  Benton leans back and says, “Over three hundred ships. That’s a lot of firepower.”

  Carla asks Ronin telepathically, “Ronnie, can you make what I saw visible on the holoscreen?” Ronin creates the images Carla saw, showing the T-Challa fleet and its approach. Ronin says telepathically to Carla, “Mistress, we can do anything together. You just need to take the time to understand us.”

  Frasier, looking over the approaching fleet says, “We should dispatch all our fighters over here.” Frasier points to the location on the holoscreen. He continues, “This way we can allow us an avenue of escape, should the battle become too much for us to handle.”

  Sanchez says, “These Medium class cruisers should be easy enough for our fighters to disable or destroy.”

  Kitanna says, “No gentlemen, we are not heading that way. We are going through this fleet and directly into the heart of the T-Challa Empire.”

  Both Sanchez and Frasier look at each other and say, “What?”

  Ismail says, “Ronin is near full power, and it should be more than a match for this test. We have a new mission, which is to make the T-Challa pull back in as many ships as possible from our borders. This will allow the Earth and Paladonian fleets a chance to make a massive assault deep into T-Challa controlled space.”

  Frasier confused asks, “We have barely been able to hold our own. Just how powerful do you think this ship is now?”

  Benton smiles and says, “Captain Frasier trust me when I say this, you ain’t seen anything like what this Little Flower can unleash, and with her and Ronin at full power I can only imagine the devastation she will wreak on them.”


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