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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 22

by Daniel OConnell

  Kitanna smiles, and sternly says, “Yes, yes she is, and she is on our side. Let’s not forget that, and let’s not forget that she is the daughter of the one of the Earth’s greatest heroes of all-time, and she was raised by the other most decorated war hero of all-time. Are we all on the same page people?”

  Cabral notices Carla, seemingly spellbound. She curiously asks, “Carla, are you ok?”

  Ronin answers, saying, “Mistress Carla is currently preoccupied at the moment Doctor.”

  Sanchez, who has always been reluctant to give his opinion, says, “Well, no matter what we have been put through we have survived because of her. I for one have no problem working with her under the current program.”

  Benton, smiling says, “Commander, I have seen some cool players in my time, but I have never seen anyone that can adapt to whatever is thrown at them like you. You successfully handled the transformation of Ronin back to the Yorktown, and you saved my ship and yours without so much as batting an eyelash, you Commander, have shown me just how good any officer can be.”

  Sanchez smiles, as Carla finally exhales, saying, “I have scanned the quadrant for any signs of significant T-Challa activity. I have also scanned the adjacent quadrants for the next six weeks in all directions. We are safe from any sizable fleets.”

  Kitanna takes a deep breath, and says, “Carla, I need you to start telling me what you are doing before you do it. We have no idea what the Queen may have planned for you.”

  Frasier asks, “Well from what I have seen, I don’t think there is anything she has to fear, but you think differently Captain?”

  Kitanna cautiously answers, “The Queen has had direct knowledge of Carla from that Meli piece it left in Qui Shi. She knows all about Carla’s powers, maybe even better than Carla does. You can be sure that she has put things into place to attack her, hurt her, or possibly kill her.”

  Ronin states telepathically to Carla, “Mistress I have discovered in the Super Dreadnoughts data files that what Captain Kitanna has suggested may be an actual possibility.”

  Carla curious, asks telepathically, “What have you found?”

  Ronin replies, “Abe has discovered a data file on modifications done to cloned aliens with extreme telepathic abilities, and the aliens which seem to be the easiest to modify are the Condara.”

  Carla surprised, says to Ronin, “Ella’s race? She is no threat to me. Her powers are very limited by comparison.”

  Ronin replies, “It would appear that the Meli has found a way to augment their telepathic power, and that it is quite a substantial increase Mistress, on a one on one battle, this would be of no concern to you. Unfortunately, it appears that the information that Abe has uncovered shows that there are hundreds of modified Condara’s, including some that have been genetically modified with T-Challa D.N.A.”

  Mohammed noticing Carla's lack of interest in the meeting asks, “Little Flower, are you holding a private meeting?”

  Carla smiles, saying, “Tito Mohammed, I have missed you so much.”

  Ismail, having grown up with Carla for the past fifteen years interjects, “Carla, what have you been doing? I believe that is what my father asked.”

  Carla annoyed at Ismail says, “Ronin found out that what Kitanna suggested is true. They have modified hundreds of Condara’s to attack me.”

  Ismail concerned asks, “How did Ronin find this out? I ordered him not to access the T-Challa database. At least not until we can be sure there are no viruses that could attack him?”

  Ronin replies, “I have not disobeyed your orders Commander Ismail, I have been monitoring Abe’s data logs while he has been inputting the information into his holopad.”

  Frasier curious, asks, “Is that alien we have on board a threat?”

  Carla answers, “No, I have been through her mind thoroughly. She has no signs of any modifications. It is more likely that she was one of the original clones on which the others may have been created. Her memories suggest that type of scenario.”

  Kitanna says, “Ok Carla, no more trips without my permission, and I want you on the defensive. Not the offensive is that clear.”

  Carla aggravated, frowns, saying, “Yes Kitanna.”

  Benton laughs, saying, “Yeah, fat chance she’s really going to listen to you Kitanna. She’s her father’s daughter through and through.”

  Kitanna looks at Benton in disgust and turns to Carla, asking, “Carla is there any chance that you can lose your connection with the Yorktown again?”

  Ronin answers, “Captain our connection with the Yorktown is fine, nonetheless, with a release of so much raw power, specifically after exhausting so much energy on our attack with the other T-Challa Dreadnought. This was well beyond Mistress Carla’s ability to control, at this point in her life to control. It will not happen again.”

  Benton curious, asks, “Do we have any idea if the T-Challa are pulling back from their outer borders yet?”

  Ismail reports, “From the information we have been able to retrieve from their communication systems, it would appear that is the case.”

  Benton looks over to Kitanna and says, “Well, we need to contact Jacks and the Paladonian’s. They need to get ready and we only have one way to do that.”

  Carla looks over to Kitanna who takes a deep breath, saying, “Ok Carla, but you’ll take me, and Gabriel with you, is that understood.”

  Carla doesn’t answer. She quickly pulls both into the psychic realm, and within the time of a single breath they are pulled to the other side of the galaxy, where she quickly pulls Tess, Gaul, Mulvey, and Jackson.

  Jackson, disoriented and annoyed complains, “Carla, you really have to find another way to do this.”

  Gaul is shocked to see his ancestor. He immediately drops to a knee, saying, “Great leader it’s true, you have returned.”

  Benton angry says, “Ok, enough already with this great leader crap, are our people ready to attack?”

  Kitanna interjects, “We have successfully pulled the majority of T-Challa ships back from their boarders, if we are going to attack, we’ll need to do it now.”

  Jackson reluctantly states, “Earth is effectively ready. We have almost everything prepared for the assault, but we need confirmation on the Rooke and Tof’s commitment.”

  Tess sighs heavily, as she answers, “We have discussed the plan with both sects. They have not responded, and to be honest Jacks. My world as well as the other sects have chosen to maintain part of our fleet at home. Just as a protective force, in case they should attempt to attack our worlds.”

  Mulvey, who has never been in the psychic realm says, “This is very odd. Are we all really here?”

  Carla begins to concentrate on the Tof and Rooke worlds. She forcibly drags in both of their world’s leaders into the meeting.

  Olaf Barook, of the Rooke’s, and Natasha Gagarin, of the Tof’s, both are disoriented and shocked.”

  Benton smiles, as he wastes no time venting his anger. He speaks, “Ok you two, let me get something straight right off the bat, I’m still alive and I’m still the leader of the all the Paladonian moons. So if I have to personally come there and kick your ignorant asses I will. Now I want one hundred percent commitment to this plan of attack or so help me, I will personally come there and knock both your moons back into the Stone Age.”

  Natasha utterly confused, and exceptionally concerned says, “I don’t know what this is, but I don’t take orders from a ghost.”

  Olaf enraged says, “This is the demon child’s trickery.”

  Carla annoyed, stares directly at both, saying, “Papa Jacks, I can make them obey if you want.”

  Tess shocked by Carla’s threat, says, “No, that is unthinkable.”

  Benton smiling agrees, adding, “Hell yeah, I like that idea.”

  Jackson calmly says, “Carla, you really need to talk to me before inviting world leaders to these conferences.”

  Jackson pauses, as he collects his thoughts and says, “Ok Natasha, Ola
f, I really don’t care if you wish to help us or not, but we need to know you’re not going to try and attack us while we attack the T-Challa.”

  Olaf callously asks, “And if we refuse, you will sick the demon child upon us?”

  Jackson smiles asking one more time, “Do I have your guarantee of non-interference or not?”

  Natasha enraged replies, “You can expect no threat, or assistance from my people, but know this Andrew Jackson. My people will never be your allies.”

  Olaf interjects, “Any opportunity of peaceful coexistence between our people will never happen, not so long as you wield that demon as a weapon.”

  Jackson smiles and says, “Then we are agreed, you will stay within your own space, and we will go and save your worlds from the T-Challa. Well, it was sure nice talking to you, have a nice day.”

  Jackson looks to Carla, and she immediately returns them to the real world.

  Gaul uncomfortable, says, “Jacks I trust you with my life, but to use Carla like this will be a major concern to my people too.”

  Benton annoyed, says, “You mean my people child. I will decide just what a concern is or what’s not. Now I want every ship we have on the border and ready to attack. They will stand side by side with the Earth fleets. Am I clear?”

  Gaul lowers his head and says, “Yes, sir.”

  Tess says, “The Whitefeather, Uari, and Valens, will also be ready sir.”

  Jackson concerned asks, “How long before the T-Challa will be a threat to you?”

  Kitanna answers, “Carla has scanned several sectors and as of now they’re no major threats nearby. We have more information on a new threat, a threat which is specifically designed to attack Carla herself.”

  Jackson thinks for a moment and says, “Kitanna, I trust you with my life, and that of my son, so it is understood I trust in your judgment on Carla's safety. Just do what is right, and come home safe.”

  Mulvey still confused asks, “Uhmm, where are we exactly?”

  Jackson smiles and says, “I’ll explain later Admiral Mulvey.”

  Carla returns everyone to his or her bodies, as she does. She immediately senses an approaching psychic presence. It is moving incredibly fast towards them.

  She says to Kitanna, “Kitty we have company moving fast.” Carla shows Benton, and Kitanna, the approaching psychic forces moving towards them.

  Kitanna concerned asks, “What are they, and how long till they’ll be on us?”

  Carla, studying the energy replies, “I don’t know what they are traveling on, but they’re at least a dozen of them coming from all directions. Psychically, they will be able to attack me within a week. Should they come all at once, I may have difficulty in fighting so many that powerful all at once. I’m thinking I should attack them now one on one.”

  Kitanna pauses and says, “Return us to Ronin, and I will decide on what to do.”

  Carla returns to Ronin, to what seems to the command staff to be only have been a few moments passing.

  Kitanna says, “Ok everyone please return to your stations, except for Carla, and Gabe, please.”

  The command staff exits Kitanna’s ready room, as she sits holding her side and says, “This baby is becoming more difficult to function with than ever before.”

  Benton says, “We need to start moving towards their homeworld now.”

  Kitanna asks, “Carla, do you know what to expect with these Condara’s?”

  Carla confidently replies, “Kitty, I’m more than capable of handling them, but you’re going to have to let me get my hands dirty. I need to see what I’m up against, and I have to do this alone.”

  Kitanna sighs, as she takes a deep breath, saying, “No, not alone Carla. I want Ella to accompany you. She at least may provide a distraction to these Condara’s.”

  Carla annoyed replies, “She may also hinder me Kitanna. I will have to spend time protecting her.”

  Kitanna firm in her resolve says, “Regardless, you will take her. Am I clear?”

  Carla, frustrated answers, “Yes, fine, I will take her, but when can I go?”

  Kitanna thinks for a moment answering, “In two days Little Flower. Until then, I want you to spend as much time as possible with that device your father left you.”

  Carla, anxious as well as frustrated replies, “Fine Kitanna, I’ll start now.”

  Ronin says to Carla telepathically, “Mistress, Abe is returning from the Super Dreadnought, he has asked to speak with you.”

  Carla exits the room as Benton turns and asks, “And you wanted to talk to me about?”

  Kitanna stretches out in her chair, as she tries to release all the tension she has built up. She replies, “We have gained all the attention of the T-Challa. The Earth and Paladonian’s will be able to take full advantage of it. However, with our present situation we may have to split up, and should that happen with these Condara’s around your crew may be at risk of being attacked. Do you have any suggestions?”

  Benton calmly states, “My deflector shields are identical to Paladin’s shields, which block psychic attacks, and I have about a hundred psychic scramblers on board, which should protect the main crew, should our shields go down. I really need Abe to fix Celesta’s automated systems just in case. So what are you thinking Kitty, are you hoping just being on this ship with Carla you’ll be safe?”

  Kitanna says, “Ronin creates his own psychic shielding as did Paladin, so we should be safe. Now, as for Abe, I’ll send him over to try and fix those automated systems.”

  Benton smiles as he recalls an event in the alternate timeline. He says, “Yeah but if your shields go down, then you are open to a psionic attack same as us. I’ll send over a few of these psionic scramblers, I’d suggest your crew start wearing them just in case.”

  Four hours later, Carla is psychically interacting with the device. She focuses all her attention into what her father has programed to train her in the use of her powers.

  Almost an hour later, Abe infuriated having waited for Carla to meet him, enters her training room and without warning, or even a moment passing, he too is pulled into the device with her.

  He is briefly stunned by the event, but is more astonished as he witnesses her fighting multiple psychic simulated opponents, each with incredible skill.

  Abe confused asks, “Hey! What the hell is this? I asked you to meet with me hours ago and instead you go off into your room playing with this?”

  Carla moves effortlessly as she fights the simulated opponents. She answers, “Kitanna is making me spend the next two days practicing. After that I can go fight one of those larger-than-life psychic warriors which the Meli augmented.”

  Abe, still annoyed at Carla says, “Yeah, I know butthead, but you know it would’ve taken you just five minutes to talk to me but as usual, you blew me off, again.”

  Carla swings her psychic blade into the simulated opponent as it approaches Abe. Carla now concerned states, “Abe, you know you could get hurt in here. You could act like you’re a little concerned.” Carla twists around as yet another simulated warrior appears. Carla, becoming more aggravated, asking, “Well, what was it you wanted to talk about?”

  Abe unconcerned says, “The Queen is aware of all your powers from my mother, but I doubt she is aware of just how really powerful you’ve become. Particularly, after I reviewed some of the data on the Celesta logs, and from what I have deciphered on the Super Dreadnoughts.” Abe pauses as he looks directly towards Carla, stating further, “When you joined yourself with the ship your own powers magnified just as the ship's power magnified. In other words, I don’t think anyone other than your father truly knew just how powerful you could be.”

  Carla, focusing on her training asks, “So you’re saying by joining with the ship, I’ll increase my powers in the same way as the ship increases its powers from me?”

  Abe replies, “Yes, it works both ways, when you attacked the T-Challa in the physical realm. You drew all the power from Ronin, and you killed that entire c
rew of that ship in a single assault. However, you took too much, and it caused our ship to revert back into the Yorktown.”

  Carla still focused on battling answers, “Ok, so convince Kitanna to let me go fight one of these modified Condara’s now so I can see what I’m up against.”

  Abe, getting annoyed, says, “That’s not what I was trying to say Carla. Geezus girl, you never really listen to me. Anyways, these Condara’s are victims of the Meli too. Maybe you can save them instead of killing them.”

  Carla stops for a moment in confusion, asking, “And just how the hell am I supposed to do…” Carla is suddenly knocked down by another psychic opponent and is dazed. Abe, who is standing calmly by smiles at Carla as the creature charges directly at him. He nonchalantly sits down, saying, “That’s not my job Carla, it’s yours, mine was to tell you that you have choices.”

  Carla is panicked as she watches the simulated attacker's charge directly at Abe, who is just sittings there smiling. Carla immediately reacts, striking the charging simulation away from Abe just mere inches from him. Carla becomes enraged, screaming in frustration, “Abe! These things can hurt you! Why don’t you even react?”

  Abe still, smiling says, “Because I know you won’t let anything hurt me.”

  Carla, now utterly infuriated at Abe’s careless abandon arrogance releases a massive psychic blast, destroying all the opponents in simulation. This in turn causes Caleb’s image to appear. It notices Abraham, saying, “Hello Abe, I see you have found ways to push our Little Flower’s buttons.”

  Abe, studying the image asks, “You are preprogrammed for virtually every type of scenario. Is that not right?”

  The image of Caleb replies, “Yes Abe. Just like Templar or Caviler, I have trillions of subroutines, as well as thousands upon thousands of preprogrammed recordings of Caleb. What is it you are looking for?”

  Abe states, “The Queen has created and modified Condaras to attack Carla. Is there any way she can remove the Meli control without killing them?”

  The image asks, “In what way has the Condara’s been modified? My data concludes that a Meli piece cannot do anything other than spy on an individual. You’ll need to discover in what way the Condara’s have been modified, and Abe, you must understand that sometimes killing something can be its only release.”


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