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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 28

by Daniel OConnell

  The helmsman gives his seat to Benton, as Sanchez asks, “What are you planning on General?”

  Benton says, “Doing what I do best, saving my buddies ass.”

  Gabe locks course to Paladonian space, and sets out full power into hyperspace.

  Ronin announces, “We are on course through restricted Paladonian space, on a direct course to the moon of the First Ones.”

  Benton says, “Ronin, there ain’t nothing restricted to me in Paladonian space.” He then asks, “Now tell me you bucket of bolts how long till we get there?”

  Ronin replies, “We are at least four days out at top speed, until we are in range to at least attempt a phase-shift.”

  Carla very curious, asks, “Uncle what is there on the moon of the First Ones that will save Mohammed?”

  Benton turn, smiling and says, “You know child there is only one person that can save him, and I know I can’t stop you from going there, but it’s not what you think.”

  Carla annoyed, asks, “Is my father there?”

  Benton sighs and says, “There is no yes or no answer Little Flower. Yes, he is there, but it’s not the real him, just a reflection of him.”

  Carla confused asks, “What is it, another one of those training crystals?”

  Benton sighs and says, “No Carla, it’s an alien that your Father calls the Flower Stone, and it has the ability to create duplicates, duplicates which live within it for all-time, and there is a duplicate of your father.”

  Abe confused asks, “Is this why you Val Arao, my father, and mother have barely aged over so many years after visiting this Flower Stone?”

  Benton sighs as he says, “It has a lot of side effects kid, and long life is one of them, but you need to know you can only enter it once. So Carla, if you do decide to go in now. You will never be able to return again.”

  Carla thinks to herself. It’s my father, but if I see him there now, I may never get the chance to talk to him again. What do I do?

  Back down in med bay, the hours pass quickly, as Cabral exits the operating room. She is exhausted, covered in blood, saying, “I can’t save him Ismail, I’m sorry, but he will pass soon.”

  Abe, who is sitting next to Ismail says, “We need to place him in a stasis chamber.”

  Cabral saddened says, “I’m sorry Abe, but even if we get him to Earth he will still die anyways. His injuries are just to sever.”

  Ismail simply asks, “We have found a way to save him Doctor while you were operating on him. Can you please stabilize him for stasis?”

  The Doctor surprised says, “You will need to hurry with the stasis chamber, I’ll do what I can to temporarily stabilize him as best I can.”



  Four days later, Ronin passes into Paladonian space as several hundred ships close to intercept the massive Super Carrier, but are shocked when they see it is Gabriel Benton, their legendary leader, who appears on the holocom, ordering them to stay clear. After a few hours, Ronin is in low orbit around the moon of the First Ones and says, “We have established fixed orbit as per your coordinates General. Regrettably, we have not received any contact from the moon.”

  Benton looks to Ismail and says, “Ok Kid, I’ll help you through the shield, but the guardian of the Flower Stone doesn’t like me too much, so I probably can’t go with you beyond the opening chamber.”

  Abe curious, asks, “I would like to go if it will be allowed?”

  Benton smiles and says, “You are a direct descendant of your father, it’s your birthright to go son.” Benton pauses, as he looks to Carla, who has pulled herself from Ronin and asks, “And what about you Little Flower, do you want to go?”

  Carla takes a deep breath and says, “I don’t know yet.”

  Benton grins, saying, “Yeah, I know it’s a tough decision to make, but it has to be yours alone to make.”

  Benton grabs his phase-shift cloak, and wraps it around himself and he says to Abe, and Ismail, “Ok kids, let’s grab that stasis chamber, and follow me.”

  A moment later, the three men push through the blue field reappearing in the receiving chamber, which so many before have appeared.

  Two men appear holding weapons and point them directly at Benton, saying, “You are not welcomed here.”

  Benton smiles and says, “Yeah, I know, you can tell the old bitch, I’m waiting here, and not to get her scales all up in a bunch.”

  Abe looks over at Benton confused, as Benton smiles as he sits down, saying, “You’ll figure it out in a minute kid.”

  Ismail impatient, says, “Please, we must get my father to this Flower Stone.”

  The guards escort Abe, Ismail, and Mohammed, who is still in a portable stasis chamber built with an anti-grav drive system. They quickly pass through a long corridor, when they are engulfed in a thick mist. Ismail and Abe see movement through the mist, as they follow the two guards to the center of the chamber. Then from above and out of the darkness both are shocked to see the T-Challa Queen, who says, “Hello children, I have learned much since you have entered my sphere of influence. I see you have captured the Meli, and freed my people. I have much to reflect on, but you must hurry. The Flower Stone is waiting for you.”

  Abe and Ismail look at each other in shock as they approach the massive light in the center of the room, and within a moment, they are enveloped by the light reappearing within the Stone. Mohammed is lying lifeless, as the stasis chamber did not travel over with them. Ismail is in shock as he rushes to his father’s side he yells out, “Caleb, please if you are here! We need you now!”

  Mohammed barely conscious hears his son and opens his eyes, saying, “It is ok son, it’s my time. Caleb is gone.”

  At that exact moment, a familiar voice laughs, saying, “Yeah, right Mohammed, you have far more time than you ever wanted after this.” Caleb smiles, as he stands over the three men.

  Abe stands up and says, “So you’re the man that put all that information in me.”

  Caleb smiles, as he reaches down and places his hands on Mohammed, saying, “You must be Abraham Jackson, well you have grown a lot haven’t you son, if you will just wait a second.”

  Caleb begins to glow blue as his X’ena energy envelopes Mohammed healing all his injuries. A feat he has done so many times before.

  Mohammed stands, feeling renewed, he grabs Caleb up in his hands, holding him high in the air. He laughs, saying, “Caleb my good friend, once again I owe you my life.”

  Caleb, surprised at being picked up smiles and says, “Ok, my gigantic friend, you can put me down now.”

  Ismail, who has been silent until now says, “Why have you hidden yourself in here?”

  Caleb sees the family resemblance, saying, “Ismail is your name, if I recall correctly. I see you have grown to be a man, but for the record, I may look and act like Caleb, but I’m not entirely. This Stone creates reflections of people that pass into it, and once it does that, we are forever a part of it.”

  Another voice speaks from behind it is Qui Shi, “This is our son?” She asks.

  Abe is shocked, as he looks over, seeing his father and mother, as well as hundreds of others including, Benton, and Klaus Meyers.

  Andrew Jackson stands stunned, asking, “You are my son? My god, how is this possible? We have only been in here for a few minutes?”

  Paladin answers, “Jacks, time moves however you want it to in here. For you only a few moments may pass, but outside, almost fifteen years have passed.”

  Abe says, “Carla wanted to come, but she can only come one time. So she hasn’t made her decision to come or not.”

  Caleb pauses, and says, “The Meli is captured, I can sense it. Your knowledge is becoming part of ours, and Carla has mostly mastered her powers.”

  Ismail still upset, asks, “If you’re still alive, where are you, and why haven’t returned?”

  Mohammed embarrassed snaps, “Son, watch your place. It is not our place to ask him such questions!”

  Caleb smiles and answers, “No Mohammed, he is well within his rights to ask me. Son, if I knew I would tell you, but as to where I am and why I haven’t returned. I don’t know the answer to this, but if I were to guess, it would be that something more important is coming down the road, and I will be needed.”

  Paladin states, “Caleb it is time. They must go.”

  Caleb frowns and says, “Abe, if I may ask your permission this time. I would like you to leave a message for my daughter within you.”

  Abe bows his head and says, “Yes, sir, I would be honored.”

  Caleb transfers his message to Abe.

  Klaus asks, “I sense that I died?”

  Ismail lowers his head and replies, “Yes, Admiral, you died in our rescue attempt to save your wife, but your son and wife are doing well.”

  “My… Son?” Klaus asks dumbfounded.

  Abe answers, “Carla told me that just before you passed on that Kitanna told you she was pregnant.”

  Klaus confused asks, “There is so much to absorb. Will I see my son?”

  Caleb places his hand on Klaus’s shoulder, saying, “He will know to come here to see his father, when he is ready.”

  Just then the light grows to blinding levels as Caleb says, “Take care my friends. We will meet again.”

  After a few moments, the three men awake outside the massive Flower Stone. There they see dozens of different aliens around, including several T-Challa. The Queen says, “Well, I have quite the quandary here. If I don’t erase your minds people will know we are here, but with the Meli now imprisoned we no longer have any reason to hide. It would appear that it is time for the First Ones to become a part of the Paladonian people.” With that statement, the Queen sends out the signal to lower the blue shield, which has surrounded the moon of the First Ones for eons. The shield is similar to the X’ena shield in appearance only. This shield does not need hours to lower itself. The shield can rise and drop in mere moments.

  On board Ronin, the crew sits in total astonishment as the moon finally drops its shield revealing its desolated surface, and hundreds of domed cities. Carla stands next to Sanchez, as she looks down and says, “Oh boy, this can’t be good.”

  Within a moment after that, the image of the T-Challa Queen appears to all the ships and people of the Paladonian moons she speaks, “My people, we are the First Ones, and yes, some of us are T-Challa, as well as humans, and many other aliens, but we are your brothers and family. We are all victims of the Meli, and we are now free. For the child of Caleb has captured the Meli. We are all finally free.”

  Sanchez looks shocked, as he looks down at the tactical monitor and says, “Yeah, I don’t think the Paladonian's are ready to welcome them with open arms. I’m picking up multiple ships approaching with charged weapons and raised shields.”

  Carla sighs and says, “Fine then, I will educate them quickly.” Carla concentrates as she merges with Ronin and enters the psychic realm where she is greeted by Allie, who says, “Hello child.”

  Carla somewhat preoccupied replies, “I think I know who you are now. You’re another T-Challa Queen.”

  Allie changes her appearance from the cute furry animal to the T-Challa Queen, who says, “Yes child, and since you have defeated the Meli there is no reason to remain hidden any longer.”

  Carla concerned says, “Yeah, and you think everyone is just going to accept you as their old friend. Hell Allie, your people destroyed half the galaxy.”

  Allie replies, “Your Father saved me, and everyone else on this moon as each and every one of us are victims of the Meli. Now it’s time that we take our place amongst the universe, once again.”

  Carla sighs and says, “Yeah, well, you have hundreds of Paladonian ships heading towards you, and they’re not coming to say hello and welcome you to the neighborhood.”

  Allie smiles replying, “This moon is more than capable of defending itself. We still hold artifacts from the alternate future, but we do not wish to harm anyone.”

  Carla sighs and says, “Ok, well you better prepare to defend yourself. I’ll go talk to the locals.” With that, Carla manifests herself to appear on all the Bridges of each ship approaching. She is grabbed in her psychic armor, as she speaks to the command crews of each ship, saying, “I am Carla Ocoda, daughter of Caleb Ocoda. I am the protector of the peace that my father wanted. If any of you attempt to disrupt that peace they will have to do so through me, and let me be clear. I do not share my father’s patience.”

  Carla returns to Ronin where Benton Mohammed Ismail and Abe are waiting.

  Abe, wondering sarcastically asks, “So did you try and talk to them?”

  Carla smiles and says, “I expressed my concern for their continued safety.”

  Frasier, who is on the Bridge says, “Yeah, well, there are Rooke and Tof’s out there, and they don’t really play well with others, or respond very well to threats.”

  Benton sighs and says, “I never liked the Rooke, and the Tof’s are too looney.” He pauses, and then continues, saying, “Get me on a holochannel.”

  Sanchez, realizing the severity of the situation says, “If we’re gonna do something. I suggest we better hurry because we still have dozens of ships closing fast.”

  Ismail, getting the signal from his communication officer says, “Ok General you’re live.”

  Benton speaks, “This is General Gabriel Benton. I am ordering all ships to stand down. Failure to comply will result in direct retribution.”

  Sanchez sighs and says, “Yeah, well, looks like the Rooke and Tof’s are still coming, and they are now powering up nuclear weapons.”

  Then over the com system, Gaul appears announcing, “This is Gaul, leader of the Bentonians we will be rendering assistance to the Earth ship, and to our greatest leader. Any attack on them or the moon of the First One’s will be looked upon as an attack on us.”

  A few moments later, another com channel opens, it is the leader of the Valens, who announces, “I am Consul Valentine, and we too will support the great leader.”

  Shortly after, Tess, and Kalen, make similar statements as well as Marianne of the Uari.

  Sanchez says, “Even with all that support, we still have over two hundred Rooke and Tof’s warships fast approaching, and any support will still take too long to help. We are all alone until then.”

  Ismail angry yells, “Captain Frasier! Launch your fighters, Sanchez power up all weapons! Let’s move this ship on an intercept course!”

  Abe looks to Carla and says, “Carla, I know this isn’t a good time, but your father left a message in me for you.”

  Carla touches Abe and she is overwhelmed with the download. She is pulled into her psychic world where she sees her father who says, “Hello Little Flower. I understand you want to save the one time you can see me inside the Flower Stone, and I do understand, but I need you to know something. If I haven’t revealed myself, there are only a few reasons. One I have passed on, which I don’t feel has happened. The other is that an unknown threat may yet appear which I may be needed, but whatever the reason. It is up to you to make the right decisions, and know this my daughter, I believe in you.”

  Carla, upset at seeing her father becomes overwhelmed. She once again maximizes her power and enters the psychic plane. She uses her power to its full potential, as she is overwhelmed with the emotion of seeing her father yet again. She appears on the lead ship and speaks to the Captain, saying, “You will stop now, or I will have no choice but to stop you.”

  The Captain of the ship smiles and says, “My crew is all equipped with psychic shields. You are no threat.”

  Carla’s eyes glow blue as she sends out a psychic bolt striking the Captain, and sending him reeling against the back bulkhead destroying his psychic shield. Carla says, “Stand down now.”

  The Captain shocked stands, saying, “You can’t do that to everyone.”

  Carla concentrates using all the power she has, sending out a massive psychic wave that screa
ms out through the approaching fleet, overloading thousands of psychic shields. The effect weakens Carla for a moment, as most of the crewmembers all realize they are no longer protected against psychic attacks. Carla says, “This is your last warning. Stand down now, or I will have no choice but to make you fire on each other.”

  Carla exhausted, returns to Ronin. She reappears from the deck and collapses, saying, “Ok, if they don’t stand down, I’ll have no choice but to kill them all.”

  Mohammed concerned asks, “Little Flower, are you sure this is right?”

  Carla stands, saying, “It’s not a choice that I'm taking lightly.”

  Sanchez noticing something says, “We have an incoming holocom from the surface of the moon.”

  The T-Challa Queen appears with several humans around her, as well as many other aliens, saying, “We are aware of the tension created by our disclosure. Nevertheless, let it be known that this moon possesses technology from the future timeline, and we will use that knowledge to defend our people. If the Rooke and Tof’s fleets do not stand down, then we will stop them.”

  Ronin says, “I am picking up massive energy readings from the planet surface.”

  Benton eyes go wide as he says, “Oh damn, get us out of here now, I’ve seen that before.”

  Ismail alarmed yells, “Sanchez! Hit hyperspace now!”

  Sanchez signals the helm, and Ronin jumps into hyperspace clearing the moon in a moment. Just as a wave of energy streaks out from the surface and hits, the two fleets. Stripping them of all power, as the energy waves overloads their conduits and destroys their power cores.

  Abe stunned says, “Holy cow! That was unbelievable how did they do it?”

  Benton smiles, saying, “Funny kid, you created that weapon in the alternate timeline.”

  Abe shakes his head, asking, “How did I live three thousand years?”

  Benton, smiling says, “Kid, let’s just say your future is something that has a lot of potential.”


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